
Does your POIS fit the non-cumulative or the cumulative type (both are explained in the text)?

cumulative type
8 (61.5%)
non-cumulative type
5 (38.5%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Author Topic: Different types of POIS (based on the duration of the recovery process)  (Read 9086 times)


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Due a small discussion with a member at this forum about the recovery duration of our POIS, I decided to open this thread. After comparing the duration of my POIS-episode with his, we concluded that two types of POIS can be distinguished based on the recovery process in terms of time. We distinguish the following two types:

The non-cumulative type

In this case POIS always lasts a fixed number of days/nights, independent of the number of orgasms reached at day 0. In principle, having 1 orgasm or 5 orgasms at the first day wouldn’t matter. However, having an orgasm at the second day (may) expand the duration (resets the timer).

The cumulative type

In this case, the duration of a POIS-episode is affected by the number of orgasms reached on day 0. By example, 1 orgasm might result in 48 hours (2 days) of illness. Two orgasm might result in 96 (4 days) of illness.

If a lot of members answer the following questions, the results might yield some interesting insight. This information can be combined with the information Quantum gathered here:
If all members and especially those that are mentioned in the thread, fill in the survey or at least the poll it would be appreciated.

1 )   Does your POIS fit the non-cumulative or the cumulative type (both are explained above)?

2 )   Have you developed POIS at a later age or did it start at the age of puberty (after the first orgasm)?

3 )   Does POIS kick in directly at/after the moment of reaching orgasm? If not, how long does it take before it kicks in (try to be precise).

4 )   How long does your POIS-episode (after having 1 orgasm) last? Answer as precise as possible, please.

5 )   Is the duration of a POIS-episode (after having 1 orgasm) always the same? Do you know in advance on which day or time you will be fully recovered?

6 )   Is the duration of the POIS-episode the same after experiencing a nocturnal emission as the duration after masturbation/sex?

Example answers: 

3 days/nights. The remainder of day 0, day 1 completely,  day 2 completely. At day 3 I wake up fine.

48 hours

7 )   Do your symptoms (at the end of the POIS-episode) typically vanish during night's sleep (which means that you wake up fine) or do they vanish during the day (afternoon/evening) while being awake?

8 )   How does a second orgasm at the next day (day 1) effect the duration of the POIS-episode? Is this duration just expanded by being ill another day?

9 )   Do your symptoms get worse after having multiple orgasms (on the same day)?

If you answered the cumulative type at question 1, answer question 10. Otherwise, skip question 10 and continue with question 11.

10)   How long does your POIS-episode last after having a second orgasm at the same day? How long does it last after having a third (and maybe a forth) orgasm at the same day?

11)   Did you find a method that shortens (or affects) the length of the duration of the POIS episode? Explain the method and also state by how much time the duration is shortened/lengthened.

12)   Are your symptoms mainly cognitive (brain fog, weak memory, etc.) or physical (pain, flu-like symptoms, etc.)?

13)   Did you find a method that improves the symptoms (in terms of severity)? Explain the method.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 07:02:44 AM by julius »


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I am non cumulative type. Although some suplementation which was helpful for some memeber can increase my Pois duration, up to 3 or 4 days.
But usually it's like 48 hours flat. With clearly defined phases.

2) I can not be sure, I notticed symtoms like 3, 4 or maybe even 5 years after I started to masturbate and to have O. Maybe stymptoms were present from beggining, just milder. But I am really not sure.

3) yes right after, but it's linear, at 1st I feel more or less fine after release, but I instantly nottice common POIS headache and in the next maybe half an hour symtoms are built and I am in POIS mode.

4) as I mentioned 48h is typical pattern.

5) again 48h is so far minimal duration I expirienced. With good diet, excercise, and very slow dose of taurine I can make pois be
bit less severe, but for example, bedore my last POIS I took some zinc, magmesium, b3(niacin) , B6 ginko biloba, L tyrosin, L phenylanine,  choline, insitol, L Glutamine and vitamin C, all in one promotional supplement I got, they said it's raise immune system. Although I had very bad exiriences with most of things in it, I decided risk and give a shot. My POIS lasted 4 days,
 out of 4 ..1st and 2nd were not that bad actually, but 3 was really bad, I felt ok, but I was completly disfunctional in everyday life situations. 4 day was better then the 3rd, but I felt so shy and unsociable. I am outgoing person when not in POIS, so this was not me 3rd and 4th day. Strangly after I recovered I felt very motivated and life goals oriented. Which is rather strange.

5) yea, I know all phases of my POIS :) Like I said with good diet, regular  workout and some taurin rhese phases can be less pronounced, I might get alsmost functionak after 36 hours maybe, but duration will still be the same.

6) well, I do feel more satisfied after sex, and it affects my mood during POIS symptoms are the same I guess.

7) not sure that I understood question, but wanish up anyway, when awake it such a pleasent expirience.

8) Here we go again, new 48h Pois cycle..

9) no, I just feel more exhausted and more in the POIS mood, random symtoms can became less sever or even disapear, becsuse I I fell like brain is more off after any new orgasm.

10) same, only problem I notticed few years ago was that if I have a lot of Os often I might fell in some POIS depression where I am not sure am i in POIS or not, which sucks and reflects a lot on everyday life. But it just coukd be due suplemation which ai was trying at that time. So take this with a grain of salt.

11) NO :( So far, mostly fails and horible side effects. I seem.quite sensitive on pretty normal and heath necessary minerals, like Magnesium or Zinc, what else to say. It sucks

12) I don't expirience physical symptoms, except tierdness, weakness and headache.

13) So far diet, NO Sugars, I avoid fruits as well. Since for me sugars from fruits are no any different then processed ones. I feel ADHD symptoms after each, and since I quit both I became much calmer and docused person. I also expirience emotioms mich better then before. It imlroved my POIS symptoms a lot, but my POIS is still enough bad to make me disfunctional, jit nkt I feel like I am more dunctional 1st then 2nd day, it used to be the opposite before diet change.
Small dose of taurine, literally I just open capsule and take small pinch. It cuts a lot of minor symptoms, I feel calmer, more inteligent, self confident, goal motivated and outgoing during Pois, 2nd feel very low energy, I ahough I feel somewhat ok earlier then usual, but it's far from being good suplement for my POIS, since it is not masive relief, POIS mood is still there, it
makes me sleepy and tierd, cause me nightmares and if I take it and don't have O will feel some strange depersionalisation up to 2 days after.

Wow, this was exausting :) But there you go
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 08:41:36 PM by Spartak »
no sugar diet helps me a tiny bit, also makes my mind much calmer in general. Sugar is definitely something my body does not handle well. Also I noticed that other inflammations like a hangover are better since I quit sugar. I avoid sweet fruits as well.


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Thank you, Spartak. You answers are clear. I think you understood question 7 correctly. I want to know whether your POIS vanishes during sleep (overnight) or during the day while you are awake. I changed the question in order to make it more clear. In your case I understood that if you orgasm around 15:00 (3:00 PM) at Monday, your POIS will vanish around 15:00 (3:00 PM) at Wednesday. Thanks again and I hope that more members will follow your example.


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Yes, exactly :)
I hope so as well
no sugar diet helps me a tiny bit, also makes my mind much calmer in general. Sugar is definitely something my body does not handle well. Also I noticed that other inflammations like a hangover are better since I quit sugar. I avoid sweet fruits as well.


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Hi Julius,

Like said in the previous thread, my symptoms appears in a dealy of 3 to 6 hours, and do not build up slowly during this few hours of delay.  I am POIS free for a few hours after ejaculation, till POIS kick in. At first, it appears rapidly but not to 100% full blast POIS ( this, and all the following info, refering to what happens when I do not use my pre-pack, as you may have guessed) .  I usually hit that max POIS severity within 24hrs after ejaculation, and than symptoms slowly subsides.   Sleeping doesn't have any particular effect, so, I may get up with remaining POIS symptoms if my "time" is not done, and then, I may become POIS free in the afternoon, for example.  I have found through the years, that if I do moderate sport on day 2 of my POIS, I may put an end to the remaining POIS symptoms ( but that does not work on day 1, when I am very, very exhausted and intolerant to any exercise). As you may have read on the forum, I have a kind of "mini-POIS" after physical exercise, so my POIS is more in relation with sport/exercise than with sleep ( like it is in your case).

Having a second ejaculation is out of question ofr me.  My symptoms always end up more severe, and POIS lasts longer.  It's clearly cumulative, in my case.    Some members have opposite results, but not me.   the cumulative effect is not direclty proportionnal, like 1 ejaculation = 2 days of POIS 2 ejaculaitons = 4 days, and so on.  It is more like 2 ejaculations will be 3 days, with more severe symptoms than when only 1 ejaculation.  But as anything POIS, it is not always that clear, I may have 3 days of POIS with one single ejaculation, and, in general, there will be some unnoticed symptoms for more that 2 to 3 days.  For example, if 5 days after ejaculation,  I undergo very demanding activities for the physical, I will notice more fatigue than if no recent ejaculation.

I have not found any method that plays on the onset delay.  However, I have noted that, if I eat refined sugars after ejaculation, before onset, my symptoms will be more severe.  It often happens that I feel hunger after ejaculation, so I have to eat something healthy, and avoid any junk food and refined sugars.

By "vanished in the day", I think you mean that my POIS symptoms disappeared during daytime, so yes, this happens for me.   It does not have to be after a sleep period, like I have explained earlier.  It can be after sport, that has happened often  Sometime, in day 2, I can have a 20 mins nap if I have 10% to 20% remaining POIS, and deeply relax, and the remaining symptoms will go ( but not always).   If I have some symptoms in the evening, like when POIS will soon end, I will wake up POIS-free for sure, but more because my "time" is done than because I went through a full sleep cycle.

In this cumulative type, it seems that I "earn" some "bad POIS points" each time I ejaculate, and that I have a definite number of those "points" I can get rid per hour, if this makes any sense to you.  The more "points" I cumulate, the more ill I feel, and the longer it will take to recover completely of POIS ( not unlike the cumulative effects of punches in the face...hehehe).

You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1.msg10259#msg10259


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Thank you, Spartak. You answers are clear. I think you understood question 7 correctly. I want to know whether your POIS vanishes during sleep (overnight) or during the day while you are awake. I changed the question in order to make it more clear. In your case I understood that if you orgasm around 15:00 (3:00 PM) at Monday, your POIS will vanish around 15:00 (3:00 PM) at Wednesday. Thanks again and I hope that more members will follow your example.

i have discovered recently that my pois is lighter during daytime recovery


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Hi Julius,

Like said in the previous thread, my symptoms appears in a dealy of 3 to 6 hours, and do not build up slowly during this few hours of delay.  I am POIS free for a few hours after ejaculation, till POIS kick in. At first, it appears rapidly but not to 100% full blast POIS ( this, and all the following info, refering to what happens when I do not use my pre-pack, as you may have guessed) .  I usually hit that max POIS severity within 24hrs after ejaculation, and than symptoms slowly subsides.   Sleeping doesn't have any particular effect, so, I may get up with remaining POIS symptoms if my "time" is not done, and then, I may become POIS free in the afternoon, for example.  I have found through the years, that if I do moderate sport on day 2 of my POIS, I may put an end to the remaining POIS symptoms ( but that does not work on day 1, when I am very, very exhausted and intolerant to any exercise). As you may have read on the forum, I have a kind of "mini-POIS" after physical exercise, so my POIS is more in relation with sport/exercise than with sleep ( like it is in your case).

Having a second ejaculation is out of question ofr me.  My symptoms always end up more severe, and POIS lasts longer.  It's clearly cumulative, in my case.    Some members have opposite results, but not me.   the cumulative effect is not direclty proportionnal, like 1 ejaculation = 2 days of POIS 2 ejaculaitons = 4 days, and so on.  It is more like 2 ejaculations will be 3 days, with more severe symptoms than when only 1 ejaculation.  But as anything POIS, it is not always that clear, I may have 3 days of POIS with one single ejaculation, and, in general, there will be some unnoticed symptoms for more that 2 to 3 days.  For example, if 5 days after ejaculation,  I undergo very demanding activities for the physical, I will notice more fatigue than if no recent ejaculation.

I have not found any method that plays on the onset delay.  However, I have noted that, if I eat refined sugars after ejaculation, before onset, my symptoms will be more severe.  It often happens that I feel hunger after ejaculation, so I have to eat something healthy, and avoid any junk food and refined sugars.

By "vanished in the day", I think you mean that my POIS symptoms disappeared during daytime, so yes, this happens for me.   It does not have to be after a sleep period, like I have explained earlier.  It can be after sport, that has happened often  Sometime, in day 2, I can have a 20 mins nap if I have 10% to 20% remaining POIS, and deeply relax, and the remaining symptoms will go ( but not always).   If I have some symptoms in the evening, like when POIS will soon end, I will wake up POIS-free for sure, but more because my "time" is done than because I went through a full sleep cycle.

In this cumulative type, it seems that I "earn" some "bad POIS points" each time I ejaculate, and that I have a definite number of those "points" I can get rid per hour, if this makes any sense to you.  The more "points" I cumulate, the more ill I feel, and the longer it will take to recover completely of POIS ( not unlike the cumulative effects of punches in the face...hehehe).

Thank you again, Quantum. Your explanation with the points is a good way to look at it. A possible explanation for this the difference in potential when it comes to processing those “bad points”. This means, that in the cumulative case, the body already works at (almost) 100% of its potential after the first ejaculation. In the non-cumulative type, the body works at a lower percentage of its potential. If you see it that way, the distinction between the two types becomes unnecessary.  But if this is the case, the cases when the POIS “becomes” cumulative after multiple orgasms must also exist. Something like this:

1 orgasm => 2 days.
2 orgasms (at the same day) => 2 days
3 orgasms (at the same day) => 3 days

Next time, I will masturbate 20 times (for scientific purposes), in order to find out (just kidding). We will just wait. Maybe someone can confirm it. 

Furthermore, I see that you and Spartak both have to avoid sugars to avoid worse symptoms. I am not sensitive to sugars I think. Otherwise, I would have known.  But I will pay attention to it next time.


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i have discovered recently that my pois is lighter during daytime recovery

Hey mike_sweden,

Do you mean that you feel better during daytime? Can you explain more about that. If you would fill out the survey it would be appreciated. I will also post my answers as soon as possible.


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1 )   Does your POIS fit the non-cumulative or the cumulative type (both are explained above)?

Non-cumulative type: multiple orgasms on the same day do not result in longer POIS-episodes.

2 )   Have you developed POIS at a later age or did it start at the age of puberty (after the first orgasm)?

I have had POIS since my first ejaculation.

3 )   Does POIS kick in directly at/after the moment of reaching orgasm? If not, how long does it take before it kicks in (try to be precise).

POIS kicks in directly at the moment of reaching orgasm.

4 )   How long does your POIS-episode (after having 1 orgasm) last? Answer as precise as possible, please.

The POIS-episode lasts 3 nights.

5 )   Is the duration of a POIS-episode (after having 1 orgasm) always the same? Do you know in advance on which day or time you will be fully recovered?

Yes, POIS always follows the same pattern in terms of duration (which is 3 nights).

6 )   Is the duration of the POIS-episode the same after experiencing a nocturnal emission as the duration after masturbation/sex?

No! I don’t get POIS when a NE occurs.

7 )   Do your symptoms (at the end of the POIS-episode) typically vanish during night's sleep (which means that you wake up fine) or do they vanish during the day (afternoon/evening) while being awake?

The symptoms vanish during night sleep and never during the day.

8 )   How does a second orgasm at the next day (day 1) effect the duration of the POIS-episode? Is this duration just expanded by being ill another day?

Orgasm(s) at the next day just reset the counter. The duration depends on the moment of the last orgasm (3 nights from then).

9 )   Do your symptoms get worse after having multiple orgasms (on the same day)?

Not really, I only get more tired which is normal.

If you answered the cumulative type at question 1, answer question 10. Otherwise, skip question 10 and continue with question 11.

10)   How long does your POIS-episode last after having a second orgasm at the same day? How long does it last after having a third (and maybe a forth) orgasm at the same day?


11)   Did you find a method that shortens (or affects) the length of the duration of the POIS episode? Explain the method and also state by how much time the duration is shortened/lengthened.

No (the only thing I tried is taking 10mg of Loratadine after ejaculation which didn't work). 

12)   Are your symptoms mainly cognitive (brain fog, weak memory, etc.) or physical (pain, flu-like symptoms, etc.)?

My symptoms are mainly cognitive. The main symptoms at this moment are lack of concentration, bad memory, incoherent speech, depression and brain fog.

13)   Did you find a method that improves the symptoms (in terms of severity)? Explain the method.

Over time, the symptoms have become less severe on their own. The main symptoms at this moment are lack of concentration, bad memory, incoherent speech, depression and brain fog. Nothing hurts physically. In the past I would get a dull headache and feel pressure at both sides of my head (around the ears).

The most promising thing is Niacin, I think. Maybe I will try it someday. For now, abstaining from any sexual activity is what works best.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 04:10:20 PM by julius »


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Spartak mentioned something about the phases of POIS that are clearly defined. He explained these phases in an earlier post:

POIS duration is 2 days( never less(and even with relief methods there is clear distiction between 1st and 2nd day symptoms,with some relief methods I tried it went really bj Anhedonia ad and last more,and after some I developed strange symptoms).

1st day is really bad,withou relief methods I can hardly speak,fatigue,weak,headache,mostly in bed,disconected
2nd day more borring then fatigue like,mind is clearer ,but more sensitive ,since my emotions are comming back I feel wrong emotions and stilk can't feek pleasure as I will norally feel due sensitive mind I can't handle thoughts.
Both are quite anxious in differente ways,and in both I feel depersonalised.

I really hope that more people fill out the survey. I want at least 5 more.