Author Topic: The romanian that has POIS  (Read 5395 times)


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The romanian that has POIS
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:22:15 PM »
I have just created my account-this is going to be the begining of a beautiful friendship(Casablanca)-and before I begin my confession I need you to understand that I AM NOT A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER and I will commit grammatical errors.I have followed you guys(especially kurtosis) over the last half of year and basically given up searching for answers and solutions on the internet and decided to get involved in this problem.
Curently I have a severe brain fog and I will try to make things as short as possible because of the great energy(what is left of it) that I am consuming to find the right words.It seems as though I know you for a long time,like you are my friends that I have never met and maybe the formulation of the message will seem peculiar.But basically my whole existence in 2014 is shaped and build on an infected core that I cannot get rid off.It's called POIS.

I will resume my symptoms using the following words(almost like a doomed cliche)-severe brain fog after O.(you see,I already know the drill as on how to phrase the term).During our collaboration I will,of course,leak more info regarding the symptoms,but now this is not relevant.
I have a chaotic supplement diet against POIS(well,against my stomach and my ex-girlfriend ulcer maybe).

huperzine A-100mg
pramiracetam 600mg
krill oil 500mg
B-complex 100mg with all the B-vitamins and folic acid,inositol.(from Solaray)
bacopa monnieri 500mg
ginkgo biloba 80mg
niacin 100 mg

Now you may ask:well,why is this chaotic?Because I take when I need and what I need.The "core" so to speak of the treatment is of course pramiracetam prescribed by my psychiatrist.Because of my ulcerus and bacteria called helicobacter pylori I was almost driven crazy and started being a nihilist(that poor Nietzsche).So I immediately had to take,prescribed by my psychiatrist,zoloft 150mg per day,alprazolam 0,5mg and olanzapine 0,175 mg-this particular dosage I am taking for more than 1 year.

Before dropping the conclusions,bear in mind I tried to compose this message with as much info as possible using as few words as possible(I cannot concentrate and think deeply enough to write like Albert Camus or James Joyce when I am on POIS).A lot of information is missing and it will be my job to fulfil the blank spots-but not today,not today dear reader...

For the grand final,I kept something that will make my case special unfortunately.You know that sport that has the highest corelation with abstract-spatial intelligence(IQ-so to speak simply).Yeah,that miserable activity named chess that is always reminding me how stupid and fogged I am on POIS-that memento that says:"you are still dull".Well,I am a chess player that has POIS and also a student(20 years old) at the University of Psychology in my country;I want to become a psychologist and an university professor;I read books,I like to speak fluently and proper like a professional...but,but, POIS.
The questions are:

1.Can Someone with this syndrome pursue this intellectual life successfully?

2.What other treatments(herbs,supplements,nootropics) are the most efficient?

Just imagine me after an O trying to calculate variations and think about how Kasparov managed to beat Deep Blue,the computer which could calculate 3 million moves per second.Just imagine chess in a relationship with POIS.Should I already bring Isaac Asimov?

I will not be albe to re-read what I have wrote,need to sleep and hope tomorrow I can train at chess and live something called "life".


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2014, 08:35:55 PM »
Welcome, karenin!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2014, 11:46:33 PM »
Heyy karenin!

We're so glad you're here. First, DON'T WORRY about your English! It's perfect, and what matters most is the heart or essence of what you wanna say, not the syntax.

That's very cool you're a chess player. I play chess too (sometimes), but I'm not a pro like you.

I'll try to answer your questions. Maybe some others will give some more helpful answers.

1) I think he or she could if he really wanted to, and it would be even easier for him without POIS.

2) Not very many supplements help me, but some of us are seeing good results from olive leaf extract, taurine, fenugreek, and of course niacin (which you take).

Get some good sleep (that helps me a lot)! Don't worry. Once you're cured I bet you could beat Deep Blue, Watson and maybe even Kasparov too on a regular basis.


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2014, 01:08:53 PM »
Heyy karenin!

We're so glad you're here. First, DON'T WORRY about your English! It's perfect, and what matters most is the heart or essence of what you wanna say, not the syntax.

That's very cool you're a chess player. I play chess too (sometimes), but I'm not a pro like you.

I'll try to answer your questions. Maybe some others will give some more helpful answers.

1) I think he or she could if he really wanted to, and it would be even easier for him without POIS.

2) Not very many supplements help me, but some of us are seeing good results from olive leaf extract, taurine, fenugreek, and of course niacin (which you take).

Get some good sleep (that helps me a lot)! Don't worry. Once you're cured I bet you could beat Deep Blue, Watson and maybe even Kasparov too on a regular basis.
Thank you for the response.
"Once you're cured I bet you could beat Deep Blue, Watson and maybe even Kasparov too on a regular basis."-very interesting metaphor and also something based on which someone can resign.Living in the eastern part of Europe and in an undeveloped country like Romania(world three type of country)has put the stamp over our way of thinking(take the universal exemples of Dostoievski,Tolstoi,Gogol,writers from Russia that created abyssal novels based on the world they were sorounded by).In my country,psychiatrists,urologists,pills,medical treatment,open-minded people are not even close to what USA and the western countries provide.So hoping for a cure,that may or may not be discovered,is something out of the question.I might have chess tournaments soon,lectures at my University,social and intellectual challenging environments that I have to cope with.What am I going to say to myself:"Just think of that cure,even though your life is a disaster!".
So basically what you said with the metaphor that I quoted earlier is:"you will be able to play chess at a high level ONLY when a cure is found".IF that is the case,then I should find a building to jump from(although in my country the tall buildings have been destroyed by the most harmless earthquake).
Putting the joke aside,what really puzzles me is whether a POISer can actually perform at the highest level and have excellent results;and I am afraid I'll have to ask the members on this forum(that have mentally challeging jobs) to enlighten me.
In the ending I would like to say I started taking Celebrex 100mg and pramiracetam 600 mg  one tablet each when I am in the pois state.Those are now the main medicines+ginkgo biloba,huperzine A b complex-100(if needed) but they don't represent the first choice,rather maybe something that comes if the pra and cele don't work good enough.
Also,I must say I was allergic since childhood to cat fur, dust,pollen and something else I don't remeber.So for more than 10 years I have taken aerius and singulair(don't know if those are the brand names in America)and lately(3 years) my allergologist said I should switch to a vaccine for dust(since the allergological test showed that I am still allergic only to dust).So I am doing immunotherapy for a while.
So,based on my allergic susceptibility I decided to go next tuesday to my allergologist to speak about Claritin,Benadryl,Olive Leaf and Omega 3 and my POIS symptoms and decide if I should follow an immunotherapy.
The neurological cause doesn't seem to be the chase in my situation and maybe I have better luck with the allergic cause idea.
I had lengthened the ending too much,but one last thing:DO you think alprazolam,sertraline,and olanzapine that I take for 2 years can cause,due to sedative effects and who knows what other effects,symptoms like the ones in POIS and maybe I should just slowly get rid of those pills?I already started to do that,with the acceptance of my psychiatrist of course.He said that I should start lowering the dose taking into account the fact that I have 2 years on this medication.(which is a strong one:150 mg of sertraline daily)


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2014, 06:23:03 PM »
I had lengthened the ending too much,but one last thing:DO you think alprazolam,sertraline,and olanzapine that I take for 2 years can cause,due to sedative effects and who knows what other effects,symptoms like the ones in POIS and maybe I should just slowly get rid of those pills?I already started to do that,with the acceptance of my psychiatrist of course.He said that I should start lowering the dose taking into account the fact that I have 2 years on this medication.(which is a strong one:150 mg of sertraline daily)

It looks like you're directing that question @ me. I'm unfamiliar with those drugs, so I don't know the answer to your question, sorry! Listen to your psychiatrist if that's what he told you. Taking any drug for an extended period of time has the potential to cause problems I would imagine.

Now, about the other stuff you wrote. I don't understand why hoping for a cure is "out of the question" for you. I really don't think it is! Once a cured is found (very optimistic!), you'll get to benefit from it just like all of us. Living in Romania has nothing to do with it. And if for some reason you have to travel somewhere else like the US, then you can always do that too. Bottom line: if there's a universal cure, EVERYONE will eventually use it. Prancer, out.


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2014, 10:29:37 PM »
I had lengthened the ending too much,but one last thing:DO you think alprazolam,sertraline,and olanzapine that I take for 2 years can cause,due to sedative effects and who knows what other effects,symptoms like the ones in POIS and maybe I should just slowly get rid of those pills?I already started to do that,with the acceptance of my psychiatrist of course.He said that I should start lowering the dose taking into account the fact that I have 2 years on this medication.(which is a strong one:150 mg of sertraline daily)

It looks like you're directing that question @ me. I'm unfamiliar with those drugs, so I don't know the answer to your question, sorry! Listen to your psychiatrist if that's what he told you. Taking any drug for an extended period of time has the potential to cause problems I would imagine.

Now, about the other stuff you wrote. I don't understand why hoping for a cure is "out of the question" for you. I really don't think it is! Once a cured is found (very optimistic!), you'll get to benefit from it just like all of us. Living in Romania has nothing to do with it. And if for some reason you have to travel somewhere else like the US, then you can always do that too. Bottom line: if there's a universal cure, EVERYONE will eventually use it. Prancer, out.

Prancer -- those are wise words about karenin's statement that his living in Romania would prevent him from getting access to a cure for POIS, once it's discovered.

Karenin,  when the cure, or at least a real treatment for POIS is discovered -- one that will potentially help ALL men with POIS --  your living in Romania will not present a barrier. As Prancer stated perfectly, "Bottom line: if there's a universal cure, EVERYONE will eventually use it."

I don't know what your profession is, but regardless, there are several men on this forum with very intellectually-challenging jobs, in various fields. There are engineers here, IT experts, a nurse working on his Master's thesis, at least one attorney, and some successful businessman who also have families and travel frequently for their work -- the list goes on and on. This group is filled with intelligent men from around the world.

Having a chronic condition when there's no treatment (yet) obviously makes everything more challenging, but several men have been able to manage their careers successfully.

Try to focus on the amazing news that a scientific research study is about to begin.



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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2014, 04:52:32 PM »
I have just created my account-this is going to be the begining of a beautiful friendship(Casablanca)-and before I begin my confession I need you to understand that I AM NOT A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER and I will commit grammatical errors.I have followed you guys(especially kurtosis) over the last half of year and basically given up searching for answers and solutions on the internet and decided to get involved in this problem.
Curently I have a severe brain fog and I will try to make things as short as possible because of the great energy(what is left of it) that I am consuming to find the right words.It seems as though I know you for a long time,like you are my friends that I have never met and maybe the formulation of the message will seem peculiar.But basically my whole existence in 2014 is shaped and build on an infected core that I cannot get rid off.It's called POIS.

I will resume my symptoms using the following words(almost like a doomed cliche)-severe brain fog after O.(you see,I already know the drill as on how to phrase the term).During our collaboration I will,of course,leak more info regarding the symptoms,but now this is not relevant.
I have a chaotic supplement diet against POIS(well,against my stomach and my ex-girlfriend ulcer maybe).

huperzine A-100mg
pramiracetam 600mg
krill oil 500mg
B-complex 100mg with all the B-vitamins and folic acid,inositol.(from Solaray)
bacopa monnieri 500mg
ginkgo biloba 80mg
niacin 100 mg

Now you may ask:well,why is this chaotic?Because I take when I need and what I need.The "core" so to speak of the treatment is of course pramiracetam prescribed by my psychiatrist.Because of my ulcerus and bacteria called helicobacter pylori I was almost driven crazy and started being a nihilist(that poor Nietzsche).So I immediately had to take,prescribed by my psychiatrist,zoloft 150mg per day,alprazolam 0,5mg and olanzapine 0,175 mg-this particular dosage I am taking for more than 1 year.

Before dropping the conclusions,bear in mind I tried to compose this message with as much info as possible using as few words as possible(I cannot concentrate and think deeply enough to write like Albert Camus or James Joyce when I am on POIS).A lot of information is missing and it will be my job to fulfil the blank spots-but not today,not today dear reader...

For the grand final,I kept something that will make my case special unfortunately.You know that sport that has the highest corelation with abstract-spatial intelligence(IQ-so to speak simply).Yeah,that miserable activity named chess that is always reminding me how stupid and fogged I am on POIS-that memento that says:"you are still dull".Well,I am a chess player that has POIS and also a student(20 years old) at the University of Psychology in my country;I want to become a psychologist and an university professor;I read books,I like to speak fluently and proper like a professional...but,but, POIS.
The questions are:

1.Can Someone with this syndrome pursue this intellectual life successfully?

2.What other treatments(herbs,supplements,nootropics) are the most efficient?

Just imagine me after an O trying to calculate variations and think about how Kasparov managed to beat Deep Blue,the computer which could calculate 3 million moves per second.Just imagine chess in a relationship with POIS.Should I already bring Isaac Asimov?

I will not be albe to re-read what I have wrote,need to sleep and hope tomorrow I can train at chess and live something called "life".

Hi karenin or perhaps salam is the right word
i m from france but originaly to marocco
there re a lot of guys from north africa who have the pois
is it work for you huperzine A ?
36 years old, very strong physical symptoms past my 33 years,
symp psycho, neuro and physical


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2014, 01:10:54 PM »
My name is not related to anything that has to do with "salam".
First of all,before answering to your question about huperzine I will state this:"I don't know if I have POIS or it's the depression,anxiety,somatic problems that have an impact on my cognition mostly.My psychiatrist,that knows about POIS,doesn't think I have that.I heard some people on this forum that had mistaken the problem and gave bad feed-back regarding their treatment...but here is what I noticed:

Huperzine A,the only contributions:better focus and longer attention span.-150mg for me

Better or at least the same effect I had with Ginkgo Biloba.-I take 240mg

Bacopa Monnieri has an impact on the speech fluency but not on recalling or attention.-

Piracetam in decent dosages(2.4g) boost also a bit the verbal fluency and recalling of words and also better focus.

Pramiracetam has a high impact(600mg of it) on the ability to study more and be more concentrated.The tiredness installs at later times than without pramiracetam.

kurtosis said in a PUBLIC post that he has a friend at whom huperzine works very well,his friend(or family member-can't recall exactly)having a challenging job.

P.S.My doctor said that every person that has ONLYcognitive impairment can have the same results(or even better if he acknowledges how important having the brain is) as a normal person.The problem is with the persons that have physical problems...


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2014, 06:09:19 AM »
If You don't have pois
i don't konw what's you re doing here .....
You have many symptoms after an orgasm, food  ect ok
you don't have, well good luck with your psychiatrist
36 years old, very strong physical symptoms past my 33 years,
symp psycho, neuro and physical


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2014, 02:00:43 PM »
I may have bigger sympthoms  then you...The thing is I have a history of psychosomatic disorders starting with nausea and vomiting...I had ulcerus and I felt sick but after I had cured the ulcerus I still had immense nausea so I went to a psychiatrist who prescribed some medication and now I don't have sort of problems regarding my stomach.
So,you sir may have POIS and that's the reason your boudings between ideas are nonexistent.
Second,being a student at the Psychology University in my country and experiencing myself psychosomatic problems,I can surely state(even if you want to accept it or not) that many of the members here don't have POIS.The psychological ramifications of somatic problems are enormous-my psychiatrist had cases of people being paralyzed or experiencing intense numbness in one of the arms without having any physical trauma.Which goes to say how somatic-like can our mental problems appear to be.
Now sir,you're in check...move the king somewhere. :-j


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Re: The romanian that has POIS
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2014, 02:09:04 PM »
 I'll stick with the syndrome because I have the same sympthoms(even worse than most of the members) and as soon as I find out it's not POIS(hope for that result-having some hormones tests right now)I'll leave you all to deal with your problems.

One thing that I noticed that can raise a question in my mind is:"Why did my condition get a lot lot lot worse after discovering POIS and this site?Before that,this thing with the ejaculation didn't bother me.Had a girlfriend at the age of 14 till 18 and I was mega fresh after O.After that,I start asking myself if masturbation or sex can make you more stupid-searched on the internet and hooopppp POIS...And now I have problems in all the domains I interact with people.