Author Topic: Bad breath after orgasm  (Read 4282 times)


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Bad breath after orgasm
« on: September 09, 2014, 10:54:25 AM »
I have bad breath after orgasm. Is it normal to have bad breath after orgasm ? Is there anyone else who have bad breath after orgasm


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Re: Bad breath after orgasm
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2014, 02:10:11 PM »
I have bad breath after orgasm. Is it normal to have bad breath after orgasm ? Is there anyone else who have bad breath after orgasm

This may be a product of POIS. I find the day after an O my breath is atrocious.
37 yo M- POIS for 25yrs (since age 12). Chronic POIS- always there

Tried desensitization for 1.5yrs & was unsuccessful (POIS worse at 1/1000)

 Exercising- (running/weights/situps) Low sugar diet. Supplements- limited success.Meds- Oxcarbazepine/Buspar (past-Depakote10yrs)


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Re: Bad breath after orgasm
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2014, 02:07:42 PM »
bad beath would confirm the problem of vagus nerve , bad breath is produced because of poor parasympathetic system activity hence poor digestion and poor enzyme activity so what happens is that even our livers are supplied by vagus nerve , and when there is poor function of vagus nerve the metabolism of liver is no longer well , Aoutonomi dysfunction , heart problem (pounding pulse ) cuz of reduced parasympathetic , diarrhea and constipation :(parasympathetic ) , intolerance to food :poor digestion which lead to leakyy gut  and hence immune dysfunction and food intolerance it is one etiology whivh leads to the whole pathway of symptoms
POIS of 10 yrs now