POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions > General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS
The Taurine laboratory
This topic is made to try to answer to this question : can taurine cure Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome ?
Defsync :
--- Quote ---Hello peoples.
I have returned with a small bit of useful info.
I have found a new regiment thats really helped me stave off unwanted nocturnal emissions.
I consume one Monster Energy Java drink a day. Thats it. Now how does this work? Not sure why this particular energy drink is so potent, but it seems to noticeably "desensitize" one as well as lower the sexual urge. I used to use dream control and take a muscle relaxer etc etc. For whatever reason though drinkin one of those Monster Java energy drinks a day has made avoiding NE's so much easier. Im not gonna even begin to dissect the reason, I just know that it works fairly well. Also relieves minor aches and pains, this particular brand of energy drink, so might be helpful for those who have O'ed as well? Anyways, fight the good fight. Im out. Peace
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Prancer :
--- Quote --- When I drink an energy drink, I feel much better cognitively and am able to focus a lot better. I don't know if it's the taurine, caffeine, or both.
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vonstermommy :
--- Quote --- My husband is now using [taurine supplement, 1000mg per cap]three times a day and is doing well!
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Jim :
The fish effect.
Some years ago, we made a family meal. You know how it goes, we cook too much and the days after we finish wha is left.
So during 3 days I ate lot of fresh salmon (very good, I love fish especially fresh salmon).
The day after I have ejaculation.... and no Pois Symptoms. Luck ? Maybe or maybe not.
Since I tried to find what is the secret of fish. Vitamin D ? Omega-3 and DHA ? Vitamin B6, B12,B3 .... ? Iodine ? Astaxhanthin ? I tried all these supplement one by one wit more or less success. But maybe the secret may be another element : Taurine.
Since 15 days I ate fish every days and I have just started taurine supplement some days ago.
Important note : lost of Pois sufferers have tried fish oils. . Very good because fish oils are rich in DHA (sperm is rich in DHA), vitamin D and help with depression. BUT fish oils are poor in Taurine, that's why fish could be much more effectve.
Testimony about fish and Pois :
"For Men Health " from :
--- Quote ---I have the same problem after extended ejaculation. My feet amd lowered legs would be so tired and it would take two days to recover ( with 5-6 hour sleep ). I think it is due over-ejaculation. Man doesn't feel that tired if only the liquid sperm is forced out. You'll be fine if not letting the thick part of the sperms also coming out right after the liquid one. I recalled reading or hearing long time ago that the sperms are coming from marrow inside your bones. So it makes sense using up your sperms too fast will give a tremendous stress on your bones to recreate marrow. I remembered for a few times in the past before stopping by to have sex with my wife-to-be girl friend, I would stop by a Japanese restaurant, Yoshinoya, and finished a small rice bowl with cabbage, pumking slices, bitter soy sauce, and cooked fish. It's kind of miracle that I didn't experience that so tired feet and legs after going home because of eating these foods. There must be some ingredients from these foods that cancelled this sympton I used to feel before. Unfortunately, Yoshinoya no longer offers this food in their nowadays menu. If you can't find the right kind of foods or drinks or supplements to help it out, I would suggest to not over ejaculate. Stop when the first ejaculation of mainly liquid sperm is out. Your sex desire will recover in a couple of hours for some or longer for older men. That means you still can have more than one sex session per day if you know how to control what to come out of your penis.
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Taurine in food :
fish standard : 90 mg per 100g of dry product
capelin : 143
salmon : 130
mussels : 665
mackerel : 207
pork leaver : 90
oysters : 70
beaf standard : 35
yoghurt : 3.3
energy drink : 400 to 1000 (Red Bxxx) per can
According to a scientific french document : a normal omnivore man eat 125 mg of taurine a day. Much less for a vegetarian. The rest is synthetised by body (brain, liver, and testies if what I read is correct).
My supplement is 500mg and I took 1 cap a day. 4 times the normal dose, 50% of the most famous energy drinks can. I never took energy drinks.
Abusing taurine is a bad idea but it seems a dose between 500mg and 1000mg is very safe, except if allergy or something like that.
First test for me today.
First test is still delicate because the placebo effect is maximum. Each time you have the feeling to have the lethal weapon against Pois. So the real efficiency or uselessness of taurine will be conclued in the next months or next years.
First test seems fantastic. Two ejaculations today and few symptoms. Few muscle tremors, few muscular pain. Cognition and general energy seems better. I have taken sugar to trigger Pois symptoms. I have the feeling to controle my glycemia for the first time since 21 years.
It seems I have less muscles fasciculations . I even have a strange feeling that taurine may help to controle premature ejaculation?!. We'll see. Placebo ro not, time will say!
Cool, keep it up! Unfortunately taurine makes me very nervous and jittery, like most isolated amino acids
--- Quote from: Nightingale on August 15, 2014, 09:54:24 AM ---Cool, keep it up! Unfortunately taurine makes me very nervous and jittery, like most isolated amino acids
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the same it happens to me
Great ! We pray and wish you the best B_jim
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