List all of your injuries, POIS or no relation, just list em...
Most of mine are sports related but they may be from whatever...
Mine are as follows:
1) Broken femur at the hip joint
2) Bruised tail bone
3) Broken nose/deviated septum
4) Bone brush on the left ankle
5) Torn cartridge in right knee
6) Broke right ring finger
7) Tendonitis in the right elbow

Tendonitis in the left wrist
9) Car pole tunnel syndrome in both hands
10) 2 concussions from a baseball and car crash
11) Missing tooth (knocked out)
12) Left foot run over by a car (bone bruise on ankle)
13) Torn left hamstring
14) Nebulous back problems from all of the above
15) Injured back form scuba diving
16) Broken right ankle hiking (running through the woods off a cliff)
17) Numerous ear infections from years of boggy boarding and swimming
18) Hypothermia twice (once scuba in cold water and once working outside in 10 degree weather for 6hrs)
19) Numerous bruises and scrapes (cannot count)
20 Hurt my back lifting weights (non specific just hurts)
I am and always have been exceedingly physically active but sometimes willing to take risks. And I think an adrenalin junkie from POIS or regardless of. I wonder what of this contributes to POIS or is the cause of besides my high fevers and sexual past.
I have done everything from scuba, soccer, baseball, basketball, mtbiking, swimming, competitive running to any and all wreck-less random sporting activities you may be able to think of with the exception of skating because I have shit balance. How about you guys? Injury prone? Or is it POIS?
I don't know but I am willing to guess and say thins mixed with my health history has added to and caused POIS.
list em...