Recently (6months ago) I came off all psychotropics because they seemed to be exacerbating my POIS symptoms, by numbing me out and making me lethargic. It helped tremendously.
For the last two weeks I have been treating my POIS like an injury instead of an illness and the mindset has helped me use effective methods of treating and coping.
1) I have been icing the region between my genitalia and anus with an ice-pad (not a pack- it is too hard).
a) It has reduced inflammation in the region and helped with even what seems to be migraine like symptoms.
2) I have been eating a gluten-free/high niacin diet. (peanuts, green beans, mushrooms, steak, chicken, liver, broccoli are all high niacin foods among others)
a) Irritable bowel symptoms and indigestion, plus overall energy has improved tremendously.
3) I have been lifting very light weights in short measured amounts
a) Helps with almost everything
4) I have been going for short runs (1-3mi no more!).
a) the runs help w/ mental symptoms a lot but ease the physical pain too
b) do not go too far or you may exhast yourself (I am an athlete and used to run 6mi or more). I have found moderation and measured prolonged energy burst work way better than over-expending.
5) Regular stretching
a) helps muscle/joint pain
6) Breathing exercises
a) calm the asthma/panic like symptoms
7) Orgasms only once per wk or every two wks if you can (I have a very high sex drive and this is hard)
a) a must. But be careful w/ impotence because you may run into more problems in my experience.
b) Do one thing a day that is sexual but not highly arousing (not masturbation). It will help cull the urges and deal w/ symptoms from a healthy psychological viewpoint. ex(flirtations behavior, experiment w/ alternative sexual practices besides orgasmic or highly arousing ones; within reason and that will not inflame you more)
Stay busy and Social!
a) I don't know about you but I have the tendency to become a recluse when symptoms act up. You must stay busy w/ your social life or make one, it will help even if you think you cannot.
9) Using the anti-inflammatory as needed.
a) I prefer to lay down when I take them. And mostly take them for the first two days after an O.
10) Don't stay sitting on hard surfaces or in car for too long.
a) I find it inflames me tremendously
11) Stay away from comp/tv screens for extended periods of time if you can, given your job.
a) they give me migraines and everyone's tolerance is diff. My limit is a half hr to 45 mins.
12) Regular sleep with a set routine.
a) I go to bed early and get up early 10PM to 5AM or8 on some days.
13) Do not ever masturbate or have sex for an extend period of time
a) you wanna talk about bad inflammation..
14) Don't OCD over how uncomfortable or painful symptoms are
a) Just do things to make them better and move on with my day.
15) Try to plan happy things you want to do
a) This is very hard for me but it does wk.
16) Stay Positive!
I hope this was helpful. If not, I do not mean to affront or offend anyone. These things can be hard as hell and I know how tough it is, I'm still learning and trying. This is just what I have been doing and it has been helping a lot during bad flair-up.
Please feel free to ask questions or give feed-back.
This routine is wking better than anything I have tried