Author Topic: Pancreas and steroids  (Read 3358 times)


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Pancreas and steroids
« on: June 08, 2014, 12:00:26 PM »
This is a try of translation of the scientific study : Steroid hormones and pancreas: a new paradigm.
I made the transaltion from spanish language so it's very bad :/

Why ? Each time I eat sugar during my Pois, I have symptoms.
We have a study showing the effect of sugar on testosterone (75g of glucose = -25% of testosterone) but the molecule is unknown.
Pancreas is linked to steroid hormones.

[Steroid hormones and pancreas: a new paradigm].


The relation between steroid hormones and pancreatic function has been poorly discussed and not very well understood. In general, there is a lack of recognition among the scientific community about the importance of steroids in pancreatic function (current paradigm). In the present article we present basic, as well as clinic and epidemiologic data that demonstrate steroid synthesis and steroid biotransformation by pancreatic tissue, how exocrine and endocrine functions are modulated by steroids, the gender specific frequency and behavior of some tumors and the use of synthetic steroids and steroid action antagonists as therapeutic agents. With the available information it is possible to establish that: 1. Pancreatic tissue synthesize and transform steroid hormones. 2. Pancreatic tissue respond to steroid hormones and express steroid specific receptor molecules. 3. Some endocrine functions such as insulin synthesis and release are modulated by steroids. 4. Tumor growth is modulated by steroids and anti-steroid drugs. This set of data creates a new paradigm for the holistic study of pancreas and opens new research fields. The application of this new paradigm might result in an increase in the knowledge of pancreatic physiology, in the design of new and better diagnostic methods and eventually in the design of more effective medical treatments for the pancreatic cancers.

For many years, scientific research has
contributed to the understanding of the involvement of
steroid hormones in the regulation mechanisms,
growth and differentiation of tissues and their functions
tion in organs sexual dimorphism. hormones
Steroids are also involved in the story-na
disease and malignant tumors among cultural em-
problematic, cancer of the prostate, mammary gland
and endometrial cancer, but also have documented effects
States in the unconventional associated tissues
the effects of these hormones in the case of
certain tumors of the brain and skin.2 3 However, the re-
tion of steroid hormones in the pancreas
been little explored and is not generally given
there is a significant relationship between their role and is
endogenous or exogenous steroids (current paradigm). in
We present a series of experimental evidence
mental and epidemiological connecting a ma-
clearly the effect of sex steroid hormones

THE steroid hormones

In mammals, there are three main endocrine organs that specialize in the production
steroid hormones: bark
adrenals, ovaries and testes. Du-
during pregnancy, the placenta is considered as a further source for the synthesis of esteroides.4
The ability of specialized cells of the
steroid biosynthesis is determined by the pre-
presence and activity of the encoded enzyme complexes
two specific gene expression in a tissue. Level
expression of each enzyme varies
three characteristics:
1. Tissue cellular expression and / or is determined
anything for differences in embryogenic stage
tion cell;

. Expression and / or anything that is determined during the embryogenic stage of differentiation of the cells of the cellular tissue;
 2. Expression of base in the absence of any type of hormonal stimulation, and
3 The expression regulation by hormonal signals

Each of these characteristics is the
elements of different control functionality
Cholesterol molecule (C-27) are synthesized
all steroid hormones, specific cells
SAE tissues can synthesize cholesterol
novo from acetate, or can mobilize a program
Round intracellular cholesterol, lipoproteins or import
plasma proteins; Approximately 80% of cellular cholesterol
derived from circulating lipoproteins.

The cholesterol is synthesized pregnenolo
na, the first substance and a precursor of steroid
All molecules endogenous steroids. processes
is powered by three different enzymes, but
A protein catalyzes the reaction is complete. this
enzyme protein is the same in all tissues
steroids form, is located in the membrane
mitochondrial inner and are known

Once the synthesis of steroid hormones started
of the final products depends on the difference of
enzymes which are expressed in the specific tissue, for-
m?ndose and four major classes of steroids
of known: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids,
androgens and estrogens (Figure 1)

Biosynthetic pathway have been described
predominantly in the adrenal, ovaries,
testis and placenta, and tissues which have
the ability to transform any cla-cholesterol
steroid hormone is known that fabrics are
The mechanism of diffusion of this hormone-
steroids member depends on the speed
of blood flow and the rate of dissociation of
transported by the plasma and the intracellular receptor,
and the permeability of the membrane to each
a esteroides.8

Steroids in the pancreas

In the early 80's, was first described
once in the pancreatic tissue from various species, in-
concluded humans, the joint action of certain
enzymes that are involved in the biotransformation
tion of steroid hormones. The first-
description of the activity of biotransformation
steroids was the demonstration of the activity of the
5-a-reductase enzyme that converts testosterone
on the 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone metabolite more
androgenic activity than its predecessor and
a direct relationship with prostatic hyperplasia.
Communication that followed the descriptions
conversion of androgens to estrogens
the action of the enzyme aromatase and 17-beta-hi-
droxiesteroide dehydrogenase, and 3-beta-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase, oxidoreductases that convert
androgens and also estr?genos.9-11 in 1991, is
Studies using a dynamic model of the system-
Erase perfusion in vivo canine pancreas is
biotransformation of steroids demonstrated. In these
experiments, it was found that the perfused through arteries
Testosterone radioactive tritium (3H-3H-5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone and three radioactive metabolites 3H-estradiol biotransformation of mind-
testosterone. This finding is important because
it showed the activity of the enzyme 5-a-reductase,
17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and completion
jo enzyme delta-3-beta-hydroxy-isomer
his, whose enzymes have been described in organs and
tissues conventionally considered esteroidog?ni-
cos none of which activity reports were
gasket in the data indicated that p?ncreas.12
existed biotransformation of steroids
in pancreatic tissue, but the fundamental question
which had not been solved: the fact of the ability of the pancreas
tion of steroid hormones synthesized from
Cholesterol? The affirmative answer was given by the de-
demonstration that the isolated mitochondria of the pancreas
canine, incubated in the presence of cholesterol synthesized
zan pregnenolone, and that this synthesis was sensitive
glutethimide inhibition. The kinetics of synthesis
and inhibition followed the same classic pattern reporting
state gland mitochondria obtained supra-
rrenales. Using molecular biology techniques
Products found transcription of cytochrome P450scc mo, being thus established that genetically
the spirit of the pancreas express the enzymes necessary
for the synthesis and the transformation of the steroid hormones
and that of these enzymes are activas.13

Effects of steroid hormones in the pancreas

Steroid hormones regulate certain
Activities secretion of the pancreas. In the function
exocrine was demonstrated that in the rat model
gonadectomizadas, there is a decrease in the graph-
zymogen zero and thus a marked decrease
tion of secretory function in pancre?tica.14
endocrine, progesterone stimulates proliferation
alpha and beta cells and induces the secretion of insu-
lina.15 The effects of androgens on the function-
d?crina also been studied in relation
with the synthesis and release of insulin. In models
gonadectomizadas experimental male rats
(To suppress endogenous testosterone production
na) and animals and substituted gonadectomized
with pharmacological doses of androgen, it has been demonstrated
shown that testosterone regulates the ex-
gene promoter insulin pressure and RNA
Messenger, and a trophic effect on EC-
pancre?ticas.16 cells, 17 the same trophic effect of
androgens observed in some experimental models
mental carcinogenesis where testosterone pro-

[... cancer of pancreas ]

The pancreas is an organ that:

Synthesize and transform steroid hormones.
 Expressing specific receptors for these substances.

Some features such as the synthesis and release
ration of insulin can be modulated by
the action of gonadal steroids
Tumor growth can be induced or brake

by the action of steroids, anti-steroids.

This new paradigm of the relationship of the pancreas
steroid hormones with several open fields
research. This approach should be followed
looking for new and better methods of diag-
Early diagnosis, non-invasive markers
tumor growth or shrinkage and medical treatments
cos that will improve the quality of life of those who suffer
these models padecimientosSiguiendo think Kuhn, the
paradigm shift to each other, through a re-
solution does not occur because the new paradigm
best meet the issues that the old paradigm.
Occurs rather because the old theory
shows increasingly incapable of solving the problems
more that are submitted and the scientific community
abandons the other. Revolutions happen because
realization or new paradigm presents new ways
See more things, creating new methods
analysis and new problems that engage

« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 01:54:21 AM by b_jim »
Taurine = Anti-Pois