Author Topic: Fat and nutrient absorption  (Read 7189 times)


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Fat and nutrient absorption
« on: August 31, 2013, 05:32:50 PM »
Hi guys,

One thing i noticed lately is the positive effect i get when I supplement an extra tablespoon or two each day of olive oil, or some extra butter in my meals (basically adding a bit more fat to my diet with meals).  Yesterday i also started taking the olive oil in the morning with my daily multivitamin.

Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are mostly FAT SOLUBLE so we can talk all day long about which vitamins work best but if youre not ABSORBING them properly, then you won't get the full benefit.

I feel a whole lot more relaxed and balanced, as if my nerves are calmed and I just feel much better overall.  My skin looks great, it is glowing and clear.


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2013, 12:45:02 AM »
Hi, I quote the excellent post of curedone2013 :

Hi guys, I am new to this forum. I really think I am on to something here. It is very different from what I have believed before regarding my symptoms.
I wanted to share my struggle and recent success with fighting POIS. From my experience with it, I believe that POIS is a form of a lipid disorder that leads to the other downstream effects we all have experienced.
I have been struggling with the effects of this syndrome for about 7 years until the last few weeks. Previously after ejaculation, within 1/2 hour I would start feeling brain fog, really tired, sore eyes, complete lack of focus/retention of anything new, general sickness, complete lack of sex drive, muscle weakness, and soreness in my joints which increased for about 2 days and then would begin to subside and I would feel normal again after about 6 days.
These symptoms began during my undergraduate years and I'm now in my doctorate to become a health care professional. These symptoms have basically ruined my life especially when it come to trying to treat patients on days where I can't even remember how to do basic things I have learned because of the disorder.
I recently started drinking olive oil, increased the amount of fat in my diet, and take fenugreek and I noticed that I would feel a LOT better. Then it made me start thinking about why that may be. I know that one thing that I changed around the time I began feeling POIS symptoms 7 years ago was that, I completely eliminate most fats from my diet. I would not eat anything fried or heavy/ etc. After sometime, I realized that when I would eat something fatty, I would get headaches and it would exacerbate my symptoms if I had recently ejaculated. Therefore as a result, I would continue to completely avoid fats/ oily food. So as to propose a mechanism of action for the disorder, I know a lot about physiological science but this explanation to me doesn't make sure sense for now but its what I believe from what I have experienced. I believe that after ejaculation, something is happening with our lipids. Perhaps they are being used as an energy source for the ejaculation and if the lipid levels are too low, our bodies are getting the energy sources from somewhere else that it is not suppose to be. Maybe proteins and as a result your body is breaking down specific proteins for energy that it shouldn't be so our bodies ellicit an antibody mediate response against our own proteins which leads to the symptoms that seem like an autoimmune disease. I find that when I increased the amount of oils/ lipids in my body via eating a higher fat diet, drinking olive oil, and fenugreek my symptoms seem like they are going to come on but then are COMPLETELY GONE WITHIN A FEW HOURS!!! Within the last 2-3 weeks, I haven't felt more than 10% of the original POIS symtoms at any time. I have had sex probably 20 times during that time period because it has been almost a decade since I could enjoy sex and not feel my impending doom afterwards. I never in my life to say this after all the doctors I have seen who didn't know what to tell me. In addition, I have been taking a test booster (Kiazen PM) but I don't know if that has anything to do with the results, I was just taking that for my loss of libido/ low test symptoms from the POIS. Guys, I really hope this is something that will help everyone. If you guys could try this and let me know, that will be great. I am almost in tears while writing this post because POIS has ruined a large period of time in my life that I will never get back. Now, I have been having sex and feeling great for almost 3 weeks now. I will provide an update on how I feel in a couple weeks and let you know if anything has changed. I hope this can be a new beginning for everyone.

I really like the lipid absorbtion disorder theory because I'm skinny. And olive oil refers to testosterone.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 12:51:18 AM by b_jim »
Taurine = Anti-Pois

over it

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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2013, 01:24:38 AM »
So fatty foods were making his POIS worse, now they are curing him. Or did I read this wrong?
If he found the solution to POIS after 7 years with this lipid theory, why has he not followed up the original post?
I don't get any results from olive leaf extract, olive oil, or fenugreek.
I've been 72 kilo's, now I'm 95 Kilo's, and my symptoms have remained exactly the same.


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2013, 10:38:53 AM »
Probably this doesnt work for everyone.But it sure deservers a try for any willing person here!After all olive oil is easy to find in every house.But do you guys notice any sickness after driniking a spoor or two of oil ? The last time i tried made my stomach sick all day..


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 12:26:22 AM »
So fatty foods were making his POIS worse, now they are curing him. Or did I read this wrong?
If he found the solution to POIS after 7 years with this lipid theory, why has he not followed up the original post?
I don't get any results from olive leaf extract, olive oil, or fenugreek.
I've been 72 kilo's, now I'm 95 Kilo's, and my symptoms have remained exactly the same.

No he says he has an improvement with more fats especially olive oil.
When he reduced fats in his diet the symptoms started. Then he tought that fats were the culprit and decided to reduce more fats consumption, increasing symptoms.

Kurtosis posted a comment about this post and made a link with acethylcholine, not easy for me :

And last one, I found another Pois sufferer improving his symptoms with vitamin D.

Lipids, olive oil testosterone and vitamin D have some links.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 01:03:26 AM by b_jim »
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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 02:43:36 PM »
I don't know how many of you have seen Lorenzo's Oil (the movie), but its about a boy who has a mysterious illness involving the central nervous system and adrenal glands.  Basically his fatty Myelin sheath nerve axons in his brain were eroded away which causes all kinds of havoc in the body and if left untreated can lead to total vegetative state.  I think Multiple Sclerosis has some similarities.

Olive oil (or more precisely a specific combination of olive oil and rapeseed or canola oil I think) was found to be the main treatment.

While I don't think we have either of these two illnesses, I do think we may have some kind of Myelin sheath damage, either from stress, anxiety, depression, too much ejaculation, diet or exercise, or some other external cause in our lives.  In the past few days as I have upped my fat (olive oil) intake, I have noticed a dramatic calming effect on my nerves and overall mindset.

To me it almost feels like perhaps the Myelin sheath is the culprit, and everytime we have an ejaculation, it erodes a bit of our Myelin Sheath, but if we can build the axon sheath back up to healthier levels then an ejaculation would not have such a noticeable effect at all.  (I think normal post-ejaculation feeling should be temporary tiredness that can even cause you to go to sleep, but you should wake feeling energized and normal again).


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 05:36:11 PM »
I also want to mention that with the added olive oil while taking my multivitamin and Green Drink, i feel a big boost in confidence.  I can hold eye contact much easier and women especially can sense it.


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2013, 01:56:46 PM »
I don't know how many of you have seen Lorenzo's Oil (the movie), but its about a boy who has a mysterious illness involving the central nervous system and adrenal glands.  Basically his fatty Myelin sheath nerve axons in his brain were eroded away which causes all kinds of havoc in the body and if left untreated can lead to total vegetative state.  I think Multiple Sclerosis has some similarities.

Olive oil (or more precisely a specific combination of olive oil and rapeseed or canola oil I think) was found to be the main treatment.

While I don't think we have either of these two illnesses, I do think we may have some kind of Myelin sheath damage, either from stress, anxiety, depression, too much ejaculation, diet or exercise, or some other external cause in our lives.  In the past few days as I have upped my fat (olive oil) intake, I have noticed a dramatic calming effect on my nerves and overall mindset.

To me it almost feels like perhaps the Myelin sheath is the culprit, and everytime we have an ejaculation, it erodes a bit of our Myelin Sheath, but if we can build the axon sheath back up to healthier levels then an ejaculation would not have such a noticeable effect at all.  (I think normal post-ejaculation feeling should be temporary tiredness that can even cause you to go to sleep, but you should wake feeling energized and normal again).


It's great to hear that you're feeling better! 

There's no way to tell if the olive oil is what's making you feel better...but olive oil is supposed to have anti-inflammatory qualities, and might also be making vitamins more easily absorbed by your body.  It sounds like you've found a healthy and safe combination that is apparently making you feel better. Good for you -- I hope this has lasting effects!

For your and everyone's sake, the oil extracts mentioned in "Lorenzo's Oil" are specific only to this child's very rare and very horrible disease, adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). This is an inherited disorder in which the body cannot break down a substance known as "very long fatty acids." The oil can prevent the symptoms -- but only in some ALD children (and it is still not known which children with ALD might benefit).  However, it must be started prior to the symptoms developing.  Once those neurodegenerative symptoms start -- they are unstoppable because the damage has occurred.

FYI -- Dr. Hugo Moser was the world's expert on ALD, and was very involved in Lorenzo's case.  He became a close family friend and advisor to Lorenzo Odone's parents, and did the painstaking work of studying the oil combination -- when no other scientist wanted to do the research.  He later led the fight to have newborn blood screening for ALD to be undertaken in all babies in the US. 

Unfortunately, Dr. Moser died prematurely from pancreatic cancer, rendering him unable to take his research to the next level (clinical trials).  Also, he never saw his legislation enacted.  It has still not been enacted, although his wife, Anne -- also a scientist -- continues to push for this legislation, as do others. Dr. Moser was conducting his research at the Kennedy-Krieger Center (affiliated with Johns Hopkins Medical Center) when he became ill.

Hugo Moser, MD, was an esteemed and very much loved member of NORD's Medical Advisory Committee!

He personified the type of researchers who have always been -- and continue to be -- members of NORD's MAC.   



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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2013, 05:11:05 PM »

you're absolutely right, I have no idea whether the olive oil is whats making me feel better.  I actually personally theorize that the olive oil is assisting with the nutrient absorption in a big way, so it may be some other vitamin or mineral at work here.  Really difficult to know.

But since I am a very skinny guy and very sensitive to lots of things (as I presume many others on this forum are), the best way I have to describe the feeling is sort of like the Myelin sheath getting eroded after an ejaculation, and something is helping to build it back up for me right now and insulate it.

I have had pretty good success with my MATRIX METHOD in the other thread but I continue to improve all the time it seems.  I've been on a very positive path lately and just trying to document every little thing that I keep adding or modifying with my daily regimen.


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2013, 11:38:21 AM »
So i finally masturbated and i have to say, it almost felt like a new experience for me.  I think with what is likely better absorption of nutrients, my penis felt way different, it felt sort of desensitized but at the same time more sensitive.  It felt good.  My load looked a lot healthier, instead of being a little stringy/chunky it was more like a creamy pudding.

I awoke today and felt a tiny bit of tiredness but overall pretty good.  I don't feel overly depressed or any other classic POIS symptoms.

I really think there's something to this fat and nutrient absorption thing.  It probably has more to do with some vitamin or mineral deficiency that I can't pinpoint.


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2013, 07:46:28 AM »
So i finally masturbated and i have to say, it almost felt like a new experience for me.  I think with what is likely better absorption of nutrients, my penis felt way different, it felt sort of desensitized but at the same time more sensitive.  It felt good.  My load looked a lot healthier, instead of being a little stringy/chunky it was more like a creamy pudding.

I awoke today and felt a tiny bit of tiredness but overall pretty good.  I don't feel overly depressed or any other classic POIS symptoms.

I really think there's something to this fat and nutrient absorption thing.  It probably has more to do with some vitamin or mineral deficiency that I can't pinpoint.

Might I politely suggest that some of your descriptions of your one on one (with your self) sexual experiences might be a little inappropriate or (too much info) on a short post in which one of the contributors is a respected female.

No offence intended.

Perhaps I am just too "old school" or just too old !
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 07:48:11 AM by Colm »


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2013, 09:13:54 AM »
I worked out during 2 days. The weather was sunny. I'm tired, pain in muscles and i didn't sleep very well. Strangely, I 've no Pois symptoms today even after meal. Vitamin D ?  I don't know.

One detail i forgot is i ate salmon at lunch. Not the fist i noticed this thing.
The problem of fats absorbtion is linked to vitamin D synthetized with fats during sunny hours.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 02:57:11 PM by b_jim »
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2013, 10:57:05 AM »
I worked out during 2 days. The weather was sunny. I'm tired, pain in muscles and i didn't sleep very well. Strangely, I 've no Pois symptoms today even after meal. Vitamin D ?  I don't know.

Well sun and clear weather always help me. Air pressure changes and humidity levels have an affect.

We all have to move to a sunny climate.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Fat and nutrient absorption
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2013, 12:36:24 PM »
Its going to be much harder now on autumn and soon winter.Mostly moisture has a very bad impact on me.I cannot avoid it..Luckier the Australians :D