It´s certainly a vicious circle! BUT, we´ve spent too much time disproving the psycho-somatic theory.
POIS is very stressful, and so it has to have it's psychological consequences. But we have to consider the cause first.
I give Habibous case as an example:
He went to one of the top in POIS, Dr. Goldmeier in England. He showed positive for semen alergy AND was diagnosed as havein Chronic fatigue Syndrome as a result of POIS. This example is valid, becasue ut shows that if you try to treat the CFS without solving the POIS, you'll never cure it. POIS causes an imbalance AND depletion of crucial elements in our system, again refer to the B6 deficiency thread've said before, that it MAY be useful to look at cures for depression (as a side treatment): 1) one could have a natural tendancy toward depression ON TOP of POIS, 2) the stress of POIS can lead to depression as a by-product. But if you don't resolve the POIS problem, the depression will ust keep coming back and comeing back and coming back.......
Calling it psychosomatic is just sweeping it under the carpet, and you'll be back here again in three weeks saying, "I tried the psychi-somatic approach, and I'm worse than ever".
It's better to agree, "Yes, POIS makes my depressions worse, and should look at alleviating them until there's a more definitive solution", or "Yes, my POIS makes me ache all over and drives me into a hole", but I can look at allleviating these symptoms meantime.
And the cure is close, and Niacin too seems to provide a good deal of relief while we are waiting for the definitive cure. And more than relief, nicain seems to be pointing right at a more in depth explanation for why we feel like we feel in POIS.