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Just to clarify, after having spoken to the admin, my thoughts and experiences are mine and mine alone.  I will not be expecting anyone to experiment on my behalf to test any of my methods.  I will be keeping this thread for now just to my own observations.  If anyone wishes to use my methods for themselves, feel free, but please do not feel any obligation whatsoever.  I also do not take responsibility for any effects it might have on your life, good or bad.


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Had my second ejaculation using this new method.  I actually had to cum a second time about a half hour later because i was feeling so good.

When I woke up, I did feel a little bit of expected fatigue, as one might expect from ejaculating twice.  However, this was far outweighed by how good I felt in general.  The point is, we need to cultivate our VIBRATION OF ABUNDANCE feeling.  This requires letting go of life so that we can finally embrace it.  It is a holistic, broad, way of life.  A mindset.  A state of being. 

I believe that we are men who are so out of touch with our natural masculinity and abundance that we are trapped in a cycle of stress/anxiety (which we mistakenly perceive as "normal") and post-ejaculation relaxation and clarity of thought (which we mistakenly perceive as fatigue, depression, brain fog, etc).  Being masculine does not mean you have to act like a "tough" guy, and feel like you're trying to be aggressive and authoritarian.  On the contrary, being masculine is about relaxing, letting go, and allowing your natural male mind to open up and think instead of worry.

It has everything to do with the Law of Attraction and Abundance Theory.

I am extremely optimistic, even more now, that I am on the right track to never feeling any fatigue or bad POIS type symptoms ever again.  I think with each orgasm now, since I am mentally conceptualizing it in the correct way, that my body is able to retain its proper balance while I continue to nourish my body.


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Had another ejaculation last night.  It's actually pretty tough for me to get in the right mood where I feel I am fully relaxed enough and in the correct mindset.  Even when I seem relaxed, my penis wants to flex and tense up, and I can tell that an orgasm in that mindset would be a setback, not a good thing.  

I am getting more comfortable with my real ""POIS" self nowadays, but I can tell that I have a long road ahead of me.  What used to feel like fatigue and sickly depressed symptoms to me, I now realize that is actually my body and mind's default state, I just need to keep giving it more nutrients and getting out more and exercising while in that state.  Orgasms should be gentle.  And the feeling of living normally feels like a comfortable heaviness.  It's extremely pleasant.

Again, it's about being gentle with ourselves and ACCEPTING that state as our normal self.  It's been so long for me that I barely even recognize my real self anymore.  But the feeling of reconnecting with myself is so incredible.  It feels like strength, and power, and relaxed, breadth of thought.  I see now that regaining control over life only comes when it mentally feels like I am LETTING GO of control.  Weird, but that's how it feels.  

« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 06:26:47 PM by traderwithpois »


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Last night I had another ejaculation.  I'm getting less afraid of negative symptoms following ejaculation because I am feeling more and more confident that this is the right path I am on, and that more good things will come in the future (hardcore positive mindset).  I remember last night again it took me a while to find the right mindset and body "feeling" before I had an ejaculation.  But once I did, my body felt a very comfortable sense of heaviness, stability, security, strength, and abundance.  So I knew that an orgasm in that state would only lead to good things.  My erection actually felt amazing, and I really liked the feeling more than in a long time.  When I woke up, I initially felt what seemed to be some fatigue.  But it's amazing that as I got up, showered, had breakfast, etc.  I have begun to feel really energized and giving off a tremendous vibe of positivity and abundance.  I feel masculine, but I feel gentle.  With each ejaculation now, in the right mindset, I feel that I am letting go of more and more life stress which is allowing me to nourish my real self which I neglected for a long time.

Riding the wave of life for the first time in a long while........

Going less Crazy

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Re: BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF -- *fingers crossed*
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2013, 02:11:39 AM »

My world is opening up again and I'm realizing how far down I sank in life.  It's depression, it's anxiety, it's an imbalance of brain chemicals, it's a lack of love.  It's a general lack of important nutrients in the body and brain.  It is ALL of the above, caused by an incorrect negative mindset which chokes off real growth-- growth in career, love life, and physical.  The solution is far simpler, but also the most difficult to finally realize, than anyone wants to admit.  It's not a magic pill or shot of niacin that will cure most of us for good.  We need to change how we are perceiving and responding to the world around us.  It is mental, but it becomes physical in everything we do as a result of that.  If you still can't see what I'm talking about, then I suggest you still aren't smelling the roses enough.  Breathe deep.  Get outside of your head.  Have empathy for others and try to see things the way others around you see them, instead of ONLY focusing on your own problems.  Easier said than done, I know.

The opposite of being "gentle" with yourself is to be rough, small minded, negative, and feel the weight of the world.  I read on this forum a while back someone mentioned how they originally tried to "bull through" the POIS, only to have it get even worse.  I had the same experience.  When I used to hear people say things like "be confident", "be a man", "be tough", etc., I was completely misunderstanding how to apply those concepts.  My reaction was to "try" harder, to be rougher with myself and others, to care less... and I was totally shocked when all of that only made things worse over time.  The solution, I think, is what you least expect.  It is to get more comfortable with yourself.  People often say "get out of your comfort zone", to which I reply "No, get INTO your comfort zone".  The solution is to make relaxation and more self indulgent behavior your permanent state to bring the locus of control back to ourselves, which allows us as men to develop our inner strength more and then give back to society and empathize with others etc.  Getting in touch with your feminine side, in a way, can also help you get in touch with your real masculine side.  And when you do that, the positive energy flows, and growth resumes.  

Hey trader.  I try to spend 99.99% of my time not thinking about POIS.  Trying to be happy.  Living my life.  This is why I barely log in to this website.  I try not to dwell on anything.  Sometimes I even forget that I have this problem!  When I first came down with this issue I was a very happy person.  I was about to get a girlfriend right out of high school.  I could say I was a very nice, calm and spontaneous person who could joke and take a joke about anything and everything.  Than one day... KaBoOM!!!, hit by the POIS train and haven't felt the same since.  Now can you tell me what has caused that?  A negative mindset?  I don't think so.  I was having everything in my life go as planned and was happier than ever... and than the guy operating the POIS train stuck his hand out, grabbed me and tossed me into one of his seats that we all (or most) of us are in.  I've been riding this POIS train ever since and am waiting for it to stop so I can get off.  I believe you can only think yourself so far off of this train, but in the end you are still one of its daydreaming passengers.  Their is a real problem here unless you truly don't have POIS.  Just as in any other allergy, my body turning red, itching, headaches, mental anguish, what have you... it is a physical reaction within our bodies.  It has nothing to do with our own thinking.  Sure we can make it better by not dwelling on it all the time.  But the pain is real... everything that is going on is something that you cannot think away.  I cannot think my skin redness to go away, only time can do that... until the next orgasm.  This is why I have to take medication like OLE to help me along the way.

I understand your view of "thinking" better to make yourself better, but, having dealt with this for so many years I cannot simply tell my immune system or whatever it is to stop reacting to this orgasm the way it is.  I have literally been down that path and the results are still the same, still POIS if I don't take any preventative measures.

But if it is working for you, than you should continue doing it.  If you believe it is helping you than I hope you continue to feel better.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 02:16:00 AM by Going less Crazy »
My POIS managed with Diet (@ diet that 100% manages my pois)Believe my POIS stems from inflammation in the gut. O = neuro POIS from inflammation from the gut

supps: microdose zyrtec if needed for food sens. ibuprofen for infl. as needed. Melatonin as needed. Big Pinch Black cumin  seeds once daily


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Re: BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF -- *fingers crossed*
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2013, 12:33:58 PM »
Hey trader.  I try to spend 99.99% of my time not thinking about POIS.  Trying to be happy.  Living my life.  This is why I barely log in to this website.  I try not to dwell on anything.  Sometimes I even forget that I have this problem!  When I first came down with this issue I was a very happy person.  I was about to get a girlfriend right out of high school.  I could say I was a very nice, calm and spontaneous person who could joke and take a joke about anything and everything.  Than one day... KaBoOM!!!, hit by the POIS train and haven't felt the same since.  Now can you tell me what has caused that?  A negative mindset?  I don't think so.  I was having everything in my life go as planned and was happier than ever... and than the guy operating the POIS train stuck his hand out, grabbed me and tossed me into one of his seats that we all (or most) of us are in.  I've been riding this POIS train ever since and am waiting for it to stop so I can get off.  I believe you can only think yourself so far off of this train, but in the end you are still one of its daydreaming passengers.  Their is a real problem here unless you truly don't have POIS.  Just as in any other allergy, my body turning red, itching, headaches, mental anguish, what have you... it is a physical reaction within our bodies.  It has nothing to do with our own thinking.  Sure we can make it better by not dwelling on it all the time.  But the pain is real... everything that is going on is something that you cannot think away.  I cannot think my skin redness to go away, only time can do that... until the next orgasm.  This is why I have to take medication like OLE to help me along the way.

I understand your view of "thinking" better to make yourself better, but, having dealt with this for so many years I cannot simply tell my immune system or whatever it is to stop reacting to this orgasm the way it is.  I have literally been down that path and the results are still the same, still POIS if I don't take any preventative measures.

But if it is working for you, than you should continue doing it.  If you believe it is helping you than I hope you continue to feel better.

Hey Going less Crazy,

Thanks for the response.  I have to be careful here, since I know admin does not want me recommending treatments or using members as guinea pigs.  So I will simply respond to your post by just comparing your experience to what I have been discovering about myself, and try to point out some similarities and observations, etc.  if you think it might have some effect on your life, you are obviously free to do whatever you want, but don't feel any obligation to start testing anything out.  I am not and cannot be responsible for anything you do on your own.  And I want to remain a member in good standing on this site because I think I have good things to offer, even if they only help just one person out there.

Having said all of that......

For me, a couple of years ago my therapist discovered a pattern of perfectionist thinking which was really the start of my downfall some years ago.  I wanted to get the perfect grades in school, I wanted to have the perfect internships and jobs lined up, I wanted to one day have the perfect girlfriend, I wanted to have the perfect muscular body.  I wanted EVERYTHING to be perfect.  When that happens, your life essentially becomes the opposite of perfection-- it starts to suck, because the harder you try, the more you see how you aren't meeting your perfect expectations, and the cycle continues into a perpetual state of misery, disappointment, and self hatred at your perceived failures.

You mention that you were "having everything in my life go as planned".  That's exactly how I felt too.  The problem is, life never goes as planned, and the best way to live is to have as few plans as possible, so that you're always living in the present.  The way I have begun breaking this cycle of perfectionism is to start being OK with things not always being perfect.  It was slow going at first for me, but it picks up momentum after a while.  The more I accept things being imperfect, the more I start to want to just improve them so things go from "sucky" to "a little less sucky", then from "a little less sucky" to "OK" and before long they become good, and sometimes even GREAT.  Good, and Great, are so much better and more satisfying than "PERFECT".  Trust me on this one.

Again, this is what has been working for me.  I can't speak for you, nor am I asking you to experiment on yourself unless you choose to on your own, but I have a feeling that my concept of this holds some truth that may apply to others as well.

You mention that you try not to think about POIS 99.9% of the time.  You say you are "trying" to be happy instead.  You "try" not to dwell.  It sounds to me like you are doing what I did, which was avoiding the problem.  For me, this was exactly the root of problem!  It was tough to see it from the outside always looking in, but the solution for me seems to be to STOP TRYING TO BE HAPPY, and JUST BE HAPPY.  That doesn't mean stress yourself further and ignore the "POIS".  For me it meant the opposite-- do something I hadn't done before, which was to accept and embrace my POIS self, and finally be OK with feeling imperfect.  One good exercise I've found to help myself embrace my "POIS" self is to remind myself of all the GOOD things I have going for me, like a good loving family, and I'm not a cripple in a wheelchair, etc. even if they're not easy to see at first.  Again, I stopped TRYING, and started BEING.  Big difference.  To quote Morpheus...

"Morpheus: Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

You mention that the "pain is real".  I don't doubt that at all.  Some of my pain was/is real too.  Everyone's body responds to stress, anxiety, and depression a little differently, but it definitely can lead to REAL, PHYSICAL problems.  My problems became primarily digestive in nature.  Acid reflux, anxiety burping, etc.  I am still on medication for the reflux. When you are not gentle with your body long-term and not gentle with how you walk around the world all the time, and your mind is worrying too much 24/7, then yes, your body will eventually start to break down and medication is the only thing short term that can try to treat the symptoms and allow you to get some degree of control on things.  But for me, I finally realized that only a shift in mindset, letting go of the worry surrounding all of this, would truly turn my life around and begin healing my body from the inside out.

And, my body is not healing overnight either.  It's been a PROCESS.  Once the mind is thinking in healthier patterns, each day a bit more, then the body follows suit over time.  To quote THE MATRIX again, when Neo wakes up after failing the building jump, and his mouth is bloody...

Neo: I thought it wasn't real
Morpheus: Your mind makes it real
Neo: If you're killed in the matrix, you die here?
Morpheus: The body cannot live without the mind

Like cornelius, some of my symptoms were accurate but misdiagnosed, while others are simply misattributed to "POIS".  For instance, a depressed person might suffer from chronic fatigue, which could be resulting from a physical depletion of body resources.  But it could also be the case that a large part of that fatigue is mental.  The person has the physical ABILITY to get out of bed, they just don't "feel" like it.  

Brain fog, on the other hand, is something I firmly believe is a grossly misunderstood concept on this forum.  I really believe nowadays that what we have always referred to as "brain fog" and "poor concentration" really is your NATURAL, NORMAL mind and thought.  Once I Accepted that, and accepted the perceived imperfection of it, and relaxed and got comfortable and just TRUSTED myself that it is my real thinking, then my world began to open up more and more.

It's tough to describe to someone how to OPEN your MIND, how to FREE your mind.  A girl helped me out in this department.  When I finally felt some real love in my life, for the first time in a long while,  I was able to fully relax and let my mind do what it's intended to do-- think, not worry.

Hope this helps, and again, I am not telling you to try any of this on your own unless you want to, I'm just sharing my experience and trying to explain what I discovered and compare it to what you have told me.  
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 12:57:32 PM by traderwithpois »


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Trader, there was only one Neo!

We are not super human, nor is POIS a psychosomatic "Matrix" that can be broken with enhanced consciousness.

Many people have died, imagining that they can cure depression through amateur trans-personal psychology.

IT'S a PHYSICAL CONDITION. We can try to dodge bullets, and maybe succeed for a week, a month, maybe even a few,
but there is only one Neo.

We are going for research, there are highly experienced medical professionals with good proposals to resolve the POIS problem
as a PHYSICAL problem.

There are thousands of sites on the WEB that offer "Matrix" type solutions for life in general. It's not a bad practice, but it is NOT going to resolve

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Trader, there was only one Neo!

We are not super human, nor is POIS a psychosomatic "Matrix" that can be broken with enhanced consciousness.

Many people have died, imagining that they can cure depression through amateur trans-personal psychology.

IT'S a PHYSICAL CONDITION. We can try to dodge bullets, and maybe succeed for a week, a month, maybe even a few,
but there is only one Neo.

We are going for research, there are highly experienced medical professionals with good proposals to resolve the POIS problem
as a PHYSICAL problem.

There are thousands of sites on the WEB that offer "Matrix" type solutions for life in general. It's not a bad practice, but it is NOT going to resolve

Daveman, I SO wish you could see what I see.  It's so simple when you finally realize it, but I know it's not easy to finally get there.  Reading your reply, I nearly cried because I recognize the same faulty thinking I used to suffer. from.  Hearing you keep trying to deny it or be skeptical confirms to me that your mind is still CLOSED  and not truly OPEN, which is the heart of the problem, even if you think you are being positive and practical.  There is a difference between Trying to Be Positive versus a Truly OPEN mind that does not Resist.  I'm not saying you have to BELIEVE my theory ultimately.  On the contrary, I'm just saying the problem is RESISTING-- resisting life, ideas, growth, and our real selves.  This is the heart of the whole problem itself!!!  The solution is to ACCEPT.  Let the fear and doubt go.  I am more convinced than ever that I have found the solution for me and also that it could help others.  I do NOT deny that its a real, physical problem.  What I'm saying is, unhealthy thought patterns led to the physical symptoms, but if you treat only the symptoms (physical) you will have only temporary or limited success.  You must treat both, symptoms and source of symptoms, but it stems from the mind.   its a process, but the mind will heal.  I feel and see it everyday.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 08:21:23 AM by traderwithpois »


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Then explain how I'm feeling so AWESOME lately after years of POIS, as a result of months of a truly open mind beginning to heal virtually all of my perceived POIS symptoms?  =D  You can poo poo and reject it all you want... but the results remain :)  I have conquered POIS and I want you to as well.

You're not listening to what I'm saying.  I agree there are physical SYMPTOMS, but they all stem from the mental and will be solved long term by the mental as well.   Realize that as long as you keep telling yourself definitively that the cause is purely physical, then you will ALWAYS be stuck in it as far as I'm concerned, for THAT very reason.  I'm not telling you what to do, I'm telling you what I believe as it relates to my theory.  Do with it what you choose.

To quote Morpheus:

"As long as the Matrix exists the human race will never be free.""

It's ironic that the very way in which you are dismissive of it stemming from the mental, is actually also the best demonstration of what you are suffering from:   a CLOSED mind.  It doesn't FEEL like a closed, negaive mind to you at the moment.  It didn't to me either at first, because I had spent YEARS dwelling in my closed mind, thinking I knew just about everything there was to know.  Google the difference between Fixated mindset and Growth mindset.  I'm not criticizing you, I'm telling you what I discovered and why it is working for me.  An open mind means HUMILITY, empathy, clarity of thought, ability to learn new things, etc.  Only when you finally GIVE UP and relax and make that GIVING UP your default state will the good stuff come.  The illness we POIS people have suffered from is TRYING TOO HARD AT LIFE.  No different than when you try too hard at trying to get a GIRL in your life.  it's when you give up and don't notice or care about her anymore, that she finally is attracted to you.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 11:59:06 AM by traderwithpois »


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10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Trader, there was only one Neo!

We are not super human, nor is POIS a psychosomatic "Matrix" that can be broken with enhanced consciousness.

Many people have died, imagining that they can cure depression through amateur trans-personal psychology.

IT'S a PHYSICAL CONDITION. We can try to dodge bullets, and maybe succeed for a week, a month, maybe even a few,
but there is only one Neo.

We are going for research, there are highly experienced medical professionals with good proposals to resolve the POIS problem
as a PHYSICAL problem.

There are thousands of sites on the WEB that offer "Matrix" type solutions for life in general. It's not a bad practice, but it is NOT going to resolve

Daveman, I SO wish you could see what I see.  It's so simple when you finally realize it, but I know it's not easy to finally get there.  Reading your reply, I nearly cried because I recognize the same faulty thinking I used to suffer. from.  Hearing you keep trying to deny it or be skeptical confirms to me that your mind is still CLOSED  and not truly OPEN, which is the heart of the problem, even if you think you are being positive and practical.  There is a difference between Trying to Be Positive versus a Truly OPEN mind that does not Resist.  I'm not saying you have to BELIEVE my theory ultimately.  On the contrary, I'm just saying the problem is RESISTING-- resisting life, ideas, growth, and our real selves.  This is the heart of the whole problem itself!!!  The solution is to ACCEPT.  Let the fear and doubt go.  I am more convinced than ever that I have found the solution for me and also that it could help others.  I do NOT deny that its a real, physical problem.  What I'm saying is, unhealthy thought patterns led to the physical symptoms, but if you treat only the symptoms (physical) you will have only temporary or limited success.  You must treat both, symptoms and source of symptoms, but it stems from the mind.   its a process, but the mind will heal.  I feel and see it everyday.

Trader, I sure wish you could see what I see!!


You are a "born again" thinker, and you have all the same symptoms that they [born-again whatever's] have. It becomes the new wonder solution for everything. You had lived a very stressful life, and found a new paradigm, that has set you free. I know the process is very subtle and deep, it needs a break in the mindset, but your situation in not the same as ours, and I even doubt that you have POIS. For sure you feel better, you fixed a different problem, but believe that it is the same as ours.

We will find a "cure" through research here , faster than any one of our members will find it on the WEB in any one of these new "born-again" theaters.

I suppose you imagine that this same approach can fix all depression too! NOT!

There are other venues for your approach. This isn't one of them.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Trader, I sure wish you could see what I see!!


You are a "born again" thinker, and you have all the same symptoms that they [born-again whatever's] have. It becomes the new wonder solution for everything. You had lived a very stressful life, and found a new paradigm, that has set you free. I know the process is very subtle and deep, it needs a break in the mindset, but your situation in not the same as ours, and I even doubt that you have POIS. For sure you feel better, you fixed a different problem, but believe that it is the same as ours.

We will find a "cure" through research here , faster than any one of our members will find it on the WEB in any one of these new "born-again" theaters.

I suppose you imagine that this same approach can fix all depression too! NOT!

There are other venues for your approach. This isn't one of them.


First, let me just say, I am grateful for this community, and I want to stay here.  The last thing I want is for anyone to ban me, etc.  I am sure you can see, my only intention here is not to start a fight, but only to communicate what is working for me, in hopes that others may benefit.  I am also grateful for you, and your extensive efforts here.

I am NOT suggesting that I have the only solution.  I am also not suggesting that anyone stop further research.  In fact, nothing would make me happier than to see more discussion in general, of what I'm talking about, of what you're talking about, of what everyone is concerned about.  We all know it's a issue that simply doesn't get enough attention, but we all know lots of men have dealt, or still deal with it worldwide.

Now, onto a couple things you mentioned...

Re: me being a "born again" thinker-- there may be some truth to this!  I have suffered from a highly negative, vicious spiral in life, with POIS playing a huge part in this.  I am about a year and a half into my recovery, with significant progress having been made in the past 6 months.  But really, I don't have any special paradigm, just an open mind and positive outlook nowadays which continues to expand. When I started posting on these forums a couple years ago, I was still in a very negative mindset.   I continue to be amazed by just how negative it really was, even though I DIDN'T REALIZE HOW CLOSED AND NEGATIVE IT WAS.  I was trying to CONTROL everything in my life!  I even wanted to control my POIS!!  It's a path to ruin!  The only way to gain any kind of control, on life and on "POIS" is to start being OK with NOT HAVING CONTROL over stuff!  it's a scary step to take!  It requires faith, and doing away with fear, and doubt.  I had to finally just stand up and face the fear, and let go.

I firmly believe I have suffered from POIS.  I've stated it before and I'll state it again.  I have had all the classic symptoms-- fatigue, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, acne, anxiety, depression, inability to really do much at all, digestive issues like acid reflux and burping, memory problems, nasal irritation.  Ejaculation became a stress release for me, after which I felt relieved but drained, and then the next day would be rendered virtually useless, only to try my hardest to push through it again until I felt the nutrients and semen built up in my body again.  So yes, I HAVE suffered from real POIS.

To be honest, there's a reason that cognitive therapy works so well with most people suffering from depression.  because depressed people have faulty patterns of thinking.  In extreme cases, where people are suicidal, etc, usually what happens is the person needs some extreme measures taken, like antidepressants or other medication or shock therapy etc etc, and then they reel the person back into traditional therapy and hopefully back into normal living.  The point is, ultimately the goal is to get the person to a point where they can start shifting mental patterns of thinking from negative to positive.  It takes time.  It's a PROCESS.  but once it gets going, there's really no limit when a person is feeling good, and feeling healthy.  The effect of a strong, positive mindset has incredible healing qualities on the body, often difficult for doctors to explain.  And likewise a negative mindset often has effects on the body that are difficult to explain and diagnose.  Look into fibromyalgia as an example of another "mysterious" disease that people swear is real, but a lot of doctors still doubt it.

The bottom line:  According to me, if we change our mindset to a healthier, less perfectionist, more humble, more epathetic, more open way of life, and let go of the death grip we've all had on life, I think bit by bit, day by day, more people here will see improvement.  Physical symptoms still need to be treated in the short term (of course), but listen to CORNELIUS, and please listen to what I am saying.  It is POWERFUL SHIT.

trader out.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 03:14:57 PM by traderwithpois »


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please keep on posting, I think you can help a lot of people here.
Few days before you started this tread I finished my niacin jar, but I wanted to have an orgasm anyways.
So I made an experiment. I let pois in without any resistance and listened to it.
I suddenly felt all my frustrations, failures, anxieties, fears, voices of people judging me, ... etc.
It's kind I've seen my entire life in a moment. I almost burst in tears.
At the same time I accepted myself as much I could and let all of those things go.
Suddenly, all the symptoms that were in disappeared in a  moment and I was poisfree all the day long and the days after.
In that state of lucidity I understood that I was using the orgasm to bury all those feelings and with them my true self with all my limits.
Since then I'm trying to orgasm when I feel it is the right moment to and not to avoid depression or stress.
Then, a couple of days after, your thread appeared and it sounded as a confirmation to the result of my experiment.

I started thinking about my true self since I read the cornelius post the first time. So even if niacin was helping me I started listening to my body and mind any time I was having an orgasm.So I arrived to this point thought a process.
I'm not completely poisfree now and this emotional approach is not the only one that I'm using. I'm also taking care of the physical side of this illness with other approaches the I will describe later.

But at the moment I just want to express my wish to keep on reading traders ' posts because they are helping me further in this process.
Just consider the matrix method as good as niacin or fenugreek or any other method posted in this forum


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please keep on posting, I think you can help a lot of people here.
Few days before you started this tread I finished my niacin jar, but I wanted to have an orgasm anyways.
So I made an experiment. I let pois in without any resistance and listened to it.
I suddenly felt all my frustrations, failures, anxieties, fears, voices of people judging me, ... etc.
It's kind I've seen my entire life in a moment. I almost burst in tears.
At the same time I accepted myself as much I could and let all of those things go.
Suddenly, all the symptoms that were in disappeared in a  moment and I was poisfree all the day long and the days after.
In that state of lucidity I understood that I was using the orgasm to bury all those feelings and with them my true self with all my limits.
Since then I'm trying to orgasm when I feel it is the right moment to and not to avoid depression or stress.
Then, a couple of days after, your thread appeared and it sounded as a confirmation to the result of my experiment.

I started thinking about my true self since I read the cornelius post the first time. So even if niacin was helping me I started listening to my body and mind any time I was having an orgasm.So I arrived to this point thought a process.
I'm not completely poisfree now and this emotional approach is not the only one that I'm using. I'm also taking care of the physical side of this illness with other approaches the I will describe later.

But at the moment I just want to express my wish to keep on reading traders ' posts because they are helping me further in this process.
Just consider the matrix method as good as niacin or fenugreek or any other method posted in this forum


Reading your post made me so happy for you, man.  That is exactly how I have been feeling more and more lately.  Just LETTING IT ALL IN.  Letting in the love.  Letting in life.  Letting in whatever I've been resisting.  And yes, when I have been doing it lately, I sometimes cry as well.  It's healthy.  For me it's like I'm reconnecting with myself and realizing how long it's been.  The trick for me has been learning to let go of the past, to forgive myself for my perceived failures and accept who I am today, flaws included.  A therapist can help, too.

I have noticed that the more I let it all in with this mindset, each day I start to improve my life, my mindset makes me want to live healthier, care for myself more, be more gentle with myself, and improve my surroundings.  There will always be things I don't like or that don't feel perfect to me, but each day I can work to change a bit more and improve a bit more.  The mindset makes begins to mold and repair your body, reality and lifestyle more and more.  It keeps getting better for me each day.

I have also noticed that if you have an orgasm in this healthier state, more good things will come.  So for me, just trying to stay in this healthier mind and body state as much as possible throughout each day, seems to be working.

Again, I do not want you to feel that I am telling you what to do.  This is just my experience and only you know your body best.  I am not responsible for anything you do on your own.

Thanks again for sharing.


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please keep on posting, I think you can help a lot of people here.
Few days before you started this tread I finished my niacin jar, but I wanted to have an orgasm anyways.
So I made an experiment. I let pois in without any resistance and listened to it.
I suddenly felt all my frustrations, failures, anxieties, fears, voices of people judging me, ... etc.
It's kind I've seen my entire life in a moment. I almost burst in tears.
At the same time I accepted myself as much I could and let all of those things go.
Suddenly, all the symptoms that were in disappeared in a  moment and I was poisfree all the day long and the days after.
In that state of lucidity I understood that I was using the orgasm to bury all those feelings and with them my true self with all my limits.
Since then I'm trying to orgasm when I feel it is the right moment to and not to avoid depression or stress.
Then, a couple of days after, your thread appeared and it sounded as a confirmation to the result of my experiment.

I started thinking about my true self since I read the cornelius post the first time. So even if niacin was helping me I started listening to my body and mind any time I was having an orgasm.So I arrived to this point thought a process.
I'm not completely poisfree now and this emotional approach is not the only one that I'm using. I'm also taking care of the physical side of this illness with other approaches the I will describe later.

But at the moment I just want to express my wish to keep on reading traders ' posts because they are helping me further in this process.
Just consider the matrix method as good as niacin or fenugreek or any other method posted in this forum

So you're going to quit your niacin?

Listen you're an adult. Do what you will, but don't kid yourself. It's summer now, POIS is always lighter in summer. Give yourself a few more months, straining your psyche to keep an unnatural balance in Oz. It's not normal, to have to hypnotize yourself into believing you are better.

As I said, if you want meditation, or new wave, or zen to "cure your POIS", there are thousands of sites where you can find all the help you need.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Hi All!

The psychiatric/psycho-sexual etiology of POIS is probably still alive and well in the medical community.

For the record, NORD did not receive any study applications that have anxiety/generalized anxiety-disorder, schizo-affective disorder, ADHD, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc., as a study focus.

Trader and his matrix method may be helpful for those of you whose POIS actually isn't POIS (i.e. if it is purely an obsessive/emotional/psychiatric/stress-induced condition).

If going-with-the-flow --> embracing your true selves, resisting resistance, "letting in the love"-- and "letting in life" -- do not help you -- don't be discouraged!

Trader and his new-found method may be helpful for those of you who don't actually have POIS -- those of you who might have OCD or some other psychiatric disturbance as the real, underlying condition. But even if that is the case, psychiatric intervention is warranted. Medications for these psychiatric disorders might be required.

Just try to take it all with a grain of salt. If the "letting in the love" method works -- great!  If not -- you've lost nothing in the process. At least it does not involve drugs.

Never doubt yourselves for a moment.  YOU know what's right for you."



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This thread is unlocked for the moment.

We welcome any method that may help to alleviate symptoms, but WILL NOT TOLERATE any posting whether it be on this topic or niacin or any other that proposes that:
1) POIS is "all in the head"
2) Their solution is "The Cure" and the solution for everybody.
3) Or preaches and insists that their view is the only view and anyone who doesn't believe, they just don't get it.

Morpheus's quote about "being in a dream, but not knowing it and thinking that the dream is real", is a New Age concept that has been around recently since several years before the Matrix movies began. Before that it has been an ancient concept with over 2000 years of history. The concept is a cousin or "family member" to the whole concept of "reincarnation".

I appreciate that Trader has found a way to used the concept to convey a very complex mechanism, one that has even been used by some specialists to control pain in cancer patients.

It's powerful, but very complex. It's could probably be explained well enough that a small percentage of our people could benefit for "pain relief" or general symptom relief. But requires intense practice.

But it is a  technique for symptomatic relief, and NOT a cure, and certainly doesn't mean that the cause of POIS is stress. Just about everyone on the world would have POIS at that rate.
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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But it is a  technique for symptomatic relief, and NOT a cure, and certainly doesn't mean that the cause of POIS is stress.

I think Daveman is correct,especially in this statement.This method has helped me a lot too and i didnt discover it from Trader or any other person.I just realise that i dont need to stress myself so much and accept my condition but that doesnt mean this is a cure for POIS or that everything is in our head.Of course it does relieve and lessens the intensity of the symptoms but except for this POIS is a real syndrome with real symptoms and i'm 1000% sure.There are people here who suffer from this disease for decades you cant just believe that its all in their heads.


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Glad this post is re-open.

I think it's a mistake to oppose mental and physical ; They work together as a whole ; allopathic medecine unfortunately doesn't recognize that.

The fact is several people got better without any magik pills just by working with the mental and maybe all of us got tricked by some kind of placebo does mean something and ignore it will just pospone our understanding of all this.

As you mentioned Daveman, mental is a powerful thing very probably related to very severe disease.It's not new age to think that potentially mind can help people to deal with cancer ; my personal opinion is we also can put our body(organic) in trouble by using our mind in the wrong way.

Remember that medecine is always evolving...we don't know much right now..especially when it's related to brain...most of neurologist will admit that the more they do research, the most they realized that there is so much left to discover...

We have obviously some kind of problem with neurotransmitters...but right now there is no possibility to monitor or regulate them(expect with drugs wich will never solve any problem)...What we have left is our own capacity to rebalance everything...I don't know if its a long term solution but surely, we should not ignore it


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Glad this post is re-open.

I think it's a mistake to oppose mental and physical ; They work together as a whole ; allopathic medecine unfortunately doesn't recognize that.

The fact is several people got better without any magik pills just by working with the mental and maybe all of us got tricked by some kind of placebo does mean something and ignore it will just pospone our understanding of all this.

As you mentioned Daveman, mental is a powerful thing very probably related to very severe disease.It's not new age to think that potentially mind can help people to deal with cancer ; my personal opinion is we also can put our body(organic) in trouble by using our mind in the wrong way.

Remember that medecine is always evolving...we don't know much right now..especially when it's related to brain...most of neurologist will admit that the more they do research, the most they realized that there is so much left to discover...

We have obviously some kind of problem with neurotransmitters...but right now there is no possibility to monitor or regulate them(expect with drugs wich will never solve any problem)...What we have left is our own capacity to rebalance everything...I don't know if its a long term solution but surely, we should not ignore it

I understand what you are saying about not having to depend on medicines. When it is possible it is the best route. There are some very good alternate treatments AND natural plant extract medicines.

However schizophrenics need medicines, diabetics need medicine and many other NEED medicines. Their body is "broken", and no amount of mental or psychological effort will restore it. Sure we have heard of some who can control body chemistry by "tuning in to it", a sort of biofeedback. But if the body's system is "broken", no amount of tuning in can help.

Children and family members DIE when western practice is denied for religious or personal "beliefs".

We have a physical problem. Our body is broken.

This thread is authorized, because we can see where it could help some with symptoms. But it is ONLY authorized for this, and we don't propose nor will accept proposals that say that this method can cure POIS, or that POIS is produced as a result of stress or even deep mental trauma.

I have worked on sites, even participated as a mystic in a couple of transpersonal psychology conventions in parallel with local psychologists. And I have seen too many people resort to suicide because they believed they could stop their medication.

Using deep consciousness awareness is  a very complicated field. An average person will take 2 to 5 yrs to learn to master it, many are not capable.
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!