I gave up this treatment.
I found no advance in nearly 18 months. Nothing, absolutely nothing.
I won't go again just to pay for a treatment that just makes me feel sick, giving me a kind of "voluntary" POIS.
I'm tired... I'm sorry guys. This is not working for me and I shall try to live with this nightmare.
You can reach me in my e-mail i case you need information or something else.
[Stef's reply to JP below]
Hi JP and Everyone!
First of all -- to all of you -- you have received more than just a few applications for your POIS grant!!! I'm not in a position to judge them, and am not allowed to say exactly how many, from whom, etc. (This is the general request of all researchers applying for any grant, and has become a very a strong guideline at NORD). But -- these applications are SERIOUS!! That I can comfortably tell you without breaking any of the rules.
You've got
experienced researchers who want to understand POIS!! They're willing to do the work -- they actually WANT to do the work!! The dedication comes right through their applications, loud and clear.
(But that's all I can say -- better quit while I'm ahead!)
Second -- JP, don't let this experience leave you feeling hopeless or down-trodden. Don't be sorry about anything! Yes, you are going to have to "live with this nightmare," a little longer. (It really is quite a nightmare!!!!)
But POIS will be understood -- and the answers/treatment will follow -- perhaps very quickly. (Honestly -- I just do not think you're going to be waiting long.)
Try to keep remembering -- at this moment, no one knows what POIS is! You're all on the way to finding out through your research grant, but right now -- there's no answer -- nothing!
Dr. Waldinger, who put POIS on the map, without question would agree. No one knows what POIS is.
(I know -- I sound like a broken record!)
Without ever having communicated with Dr. Waldinger -- he is a scientist, and would agree -- there has been no sound, scientific research. He has a hypothesis that POIS is an allergic condition -- which may or may not be on track.
(FYI -- I write this with complete, total respect for Dr. Waldinger and his team!)
Without funding, there's no research -- and with no research, there are no answers. It's just that simple.
And now you've got the funding for the research.

There has never before been funding for POIS research -- do you all realize this??!!!! So many of you men on this and the other forum donated what you could -- and with the constant encouragement of demografx and Daveman -- you all pulled together and did it! Demo and Daveman never gave up on encouraging everyone -- and they both walked the walk, also!
(I think demo has amassed a secret stash of animated gifs -- just for POIS donations!)
The question, "What is POIS" -- will likely be answered very soon.
So, JP -- and everyone -- stay strong -- and believe in your strength. Do not give up seeking treatments to tide you over until the true answers are discovered.
Please just be safe and careful while finding ways to get yourselves through this misery.
The answers are around the corner!