This is about the third or fourth, time, but I am hardly getting a flush anymore.
This weekend, I had eaten about 1:30 pm and nothing thereafter until "doing the deed at about 9:00 PM. So lots of fasting!
I'm wondering if the capsules weaken with time. I know that left out in the air they lose their capacity. I keep them sealed in the container, but I've had 100 capsules for over 3 months now, so maybe they lose strength after a while.
BUT, I did notice that I was completely protected this time, even though I didn't get the flush.
I took 300 mg (not all at once, but over an hour's period. My wife said my face was red but I didn't feel anything. I DID feel the niacin in the system, but not the flush.
So I said the hell with it, and went ahead anyways. So far (I'm in day 3) and I've been practically POIS free, just like the old days when I got a good flush.
I'm only taking it once a week at most, maybe once every 10 days sometimes. It seems that about two times ago, I took it in the morning and got a light flush with 100mg. So it seems that later inthe day it takes more.