I am wery good remeber that i was tick bited in testicle at age 11-12 yust in time
where my sexuality is exploding.
All my life while i was groving i have some strange symptomps like- fatigue
and muscule fasciculations , tirednes weakenes etc...
In age 17 -18 a am remeber episode of pain in testicle and prostate erea , that pain was so hard like somebody is sticke nedle in prostate...
I rember in that time that my body is inpaired , espesualy legs weakenas and imaprment like my lower pat of body is numb , and later my arms weakenes an all body etc...
I started fight with this condition by positive aditude and exercise, and have peridos of 2-3 monnths to 6 moonths where i suscesifuly be healed from these conditions, but muscule fasciculation always came back and all adher afull symptomps of dizine veakenes etc...
I slovly realase that is coming always after i was sexualy active.
And i realase that sexual activity so damage my body and nerve and i feel consecvenses for moonths later.
I realase that something " ataced my nerves" that they cant work propery and became so super oversenzibile that i was in big problem with breathing , walking ,eny movment evan liying at bad was problem because nereve sesubility.
When my body move(when i move my spine in laying position i get chest muscule cramp and pelvis floor muscule cramp so hard that close my bronhial tube and geting heart paliplation atack then. Severe vasoconstriction in body, dificuliti to svaloving choking etc, i mean evrything for what i must use muscule is problem and so sensitive reaction of body.
Almoust allways when i tryed resarch my symptomps it lead me to NEURITIS and nerve neuropathy and posible posible couses of bacteriall (lyme diases), and varius virall infections...
Sings and symptomps is almost all there..
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripheral_neuropathyThis all lead me to hypotese i maybe get some patogen in genital erea cousedbited by tick, and body have autoimune reaction when these patogen is realesed.
I was so devastated when i so that lyme deses cant be dianosed afer 20 year is pased from bite etc...( i mean , how can bacteria hide bihand the tree a cant be seen under microscope? etc..)
Does eny one of you remeber tick bite is testicle?