Hi everyone,
Great news! A few days ago, I have been told by POISse, that he had discovered that a new article by a French Research team from La Sorbonne University in Paris is available, as corrected test paper - the final publication is expected to be in around 6 months. Here are the links I have received from POISse:
Bonjour ? tous,
Je suis tomb? sur une ?tude r?alis?e par des chercheurs fran?ais et qui date du mois d'avril 2017:
L'?tude est payante mais je pense l'acheter pour voir ce qu'elle contient. L'?quipe de chercheur est relativement renomm?e et on peut donc s'attendre ? quelque chose de consistant m?me s'il faut ?tre prudent.
Le GREEN est un groupe de recherche clinique en neuro-urologie:
Bonne soir?e,
In the last few days, I have exchanged a few e-mails with Professor Gerard Amarenco, MD, from the GREEN ( Group of Clinical Research in Neuro-Urology ), who is a renowned neurologist. First, I have sent him the link for our grant with NORD, and he seemed interested to make a proposal.
He also gave me a preliminar pubmed link, already defined for the upcoming publication of their case study article :
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28431830 . He added that when it will be published, in the medical journal "Progès en Urologie", in about 6 months, it will be freely accessible to everybody.
Even before knowing about the NORD grant, his research group had plans for a study on how the Autonomous Nervous System behaves in POIS, compared to a reference group ( he mentioned it would be half a day of non-invasive tests , and then, from the data obtained, try to figure out possible therapeutic approaches ) . I had already told him that our members would be glad to participate in any project they would have on POIS. So, he told me that they would surely need our group to find enough subjects for their study, considering that our syndrome is rare.
So, it seems to me that, even if the GREEN / GRC-01 research team is not selected for the NORD grant, they intend to do a study on POIS.
That is great news !!! First, that a new POIS article will be out soon, and, also, that an internationally known neurologist and his specialized neuro-urology research team is interested in POIS research !