What you mentioned about the 4-6 hours between ejaculation and the occurrence of the illness is very interesting indeed. Can you elaborate more on that? Do these symptoms build up gradually during these hours? Were you able to influence the length of this time interval in the past, before you started using your “pre-pack”? What if you have a second release over 1 hour. Does the POIS kick in sooner? Does it last longer? Have your POIS ever vanished over day? Or always after waking up in the morning?
Hi Julius,
My delay is longer than the average, if you consider the data published by Waldinger in the 45 Dutch subjects study ( the average was about 30 mins, but the longest was like 2 days after ejaculation). In the recent Korean case report (
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2050116118300199 ), they suggest that the rapid onset is from one type of hypersensitivity, and the delayed symptoms are from another type of hypersensitivity reaction, so that allergy cannot explain all of POIS symptoms. This would explain, they suggest, why subject with no allergy-related symptoms can still have POIS ( and that is what we see here, not every body has itching, sneezing, red eyes,....). Type IV hypersensitivity reactions, for example, ar typically delayed (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_IV_hypersensitivity ). Waldinger, in one of his articles on POIS, also stated that there could be both Type I and Type IV hypersensitivity at play in POIS.
My symptoms do not build up slowly during this few hours of delay. I am POIS free, till POIS kick in. At first, it appears rapidly but not to 100% full blast POIS ( this, and all the following info, refering to what happens when I do not use my pre-pack, as you may have guessed) . I usually hit that max POIS severity within 24hrs after ejaculation, and than symptoms slowly subsides. Sleeping doesn't have any particular effect, so, I may get up with remaining POIS symptoms if my "time" is not done, and then, I may become POIS free in the afternoon, for example. I have found through the years, that if I do moderate sport on day 2 of my POIS, I may put an end to the remaining POIS symptoms ( but that does not work on day 1, when I am very, very exhausted and intolerant to any exercise). As you may have read on the forum, I have a kind of "mini-POIS" after physical exercise, so my POIS is more in relation with sport/exercise than with sleep ( like it is in your case).
Having a second ejaculation is out of question ofr me. My symptoms always end up more severe, and POIS lasts longer. It's clearly cumulative, in my case. Some members have opposite results, but not me.
I have not found any method that plays on the onset delay. However, I have noted that, if I eat refined sugars after ejaculation, before onset, my symptoms will be more severe. It often happens that I feel hunger after ejaculation, so I have to eat something healthy, and avoid any junk food and refined sugars.
By "vanished in the day", I think you mean that my POIS symptoms disappeared during daytime, so yes, this happens for me. It does not have to be after a sleep period, like I have explained earlier. IT can be after sport, that has happened often Sometime, in day 2, I can have a 20 mins nap if I have 10% to 20% remaining POIS, and deeply relax, and the remaining symptoms will go ( but not always). If I have some symptoms in the evening, like when POIS will soon end, I will wake up POIS-free for sure, but more because my "time" is done than because I went through a full sleep cycle.
I hope this will feed your reflections.
I am glad you found the thread about sleep deprivation, it seems in relation with your experience.
About the video you link to ( the castration solution), it is member Animus, from here, so you can find past posts on the forum about this. However, he didn't post on the forum for about 6 years, so it is not possible to know if he is still POIS-free. However, you will see that, in his case, he had a painful mass on one of his testes, so that was also a reason for the surgery he went through. You can also find clear mentions on the forum that vasectomy has no effect on POIS, so removing the testes is not to consider for POIS relief. Other parts of the uro-genital system, like the bulbo-urethral glands, or seminal glands,, or even the prostate, could be "suspects", but the testes are not on the suspects list. Keep in mind that it could be one that is the culprit for one case, and another for another POIS case, this being supported, for example, that some members has symptoms form pre-cum, and some not, so nothing is clear in that matter, so any "removal" surgery would based on a wild guess, because there is no sufficient knowledge of POIS at this point.