Hi Jacob, and welcome to the forum,
there are just a few doctors in the world who know about POIS, and with whom you won't have to explain what POIS is, because they know about it, and have even published one or more article about it. So, it is no surprise that your urologist is clueless about POIS.
I have started to put up a list of those "POIS doctors", see at
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2575.msg22338#msg22338 . We hope to see this list getting longer in the coming years.
But as explained in this other thread, there is no recognized treatment they have to offer you, for now.
And, forget about desensitization. Even Dr Marcel Waldinger, the one who created this treatment, had stopped using it. In his last article about POIS, Dr Waldinger stopped to talk of POIS as an allergy, and now describe it as an auto-immune problem. Auto-immune illnesses are not treated
with desens, and that's part of why, I think, that he put it aside.
Moreover, a Chinese study demonstrated that even men that do not have POIS can have a reaction at prick test with their own semen, showing that these prick tests are not a valid tool for diagnosis of POIS.
For now, you can take a look at some methods that have been shown beneficial for members, and discussed this with your current physician, to see which one would be appropriate for you to try - see at