Hi FB, and everyone,
I have watched the video, and this new CRISPR technology, that makes gene editing affordable, will sure have an important role in the future of health cares.
For it to be useful in POIS, a defective gene or some rare combinations of SNPs would have to be identified.
I suppose that, if a POISer would have his personal genome test done, and know their SNPs ( see more about single nucleotide polymorphism
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-nucleotide_polymorphism - basically, they are minor variants in your DNA code, and we all have some ), then some of these SNPs could be corrected or change, and then, by trial and errors, some SNPs related to POIS could be identified. We are not there yet, but this technology will become more and more accessible, and some private clinics of gene editing will open in a not so far future, and this will be possible. In how many years ? I don't know, but I think in 10 years from now, those kind of clinics will start to open, and those who has the money and will want to correct some disease like diabetes or else, for which the SNPs to change will be known, that will be possible. And those clinics will be open to do some work for you, and certain SNPs, like some related to the immune response, if you can pay for this work, and of course, if you sign the papers that they are not liable for any unpredictable results on your health after gene editing has been done