Convinced me that I should be populating my gut with quality probiotics at the least
I am taking probiotics supplementation every day - 20B a day, with mixed strains of both bifidus and lactobacillus, both being complementary in their site of action in the guts - and it has been good for me, and it is good for general health. It improves absorption of nutriments, it is good for regularity in bowel movements, it prevents bloating and gas ( in particular if you eat much sugar and have a sub-optimal, methane-producing flora that will produce much gas by digesting those sugars ), it helps strengthen the immune system, and science is currently finding that our flora may are far more influence than we use to think ( as the list submitted by Bluesbrother reflects... for example, there are very serious studies that found improvement in depression by supplementing a specific strain of probiotics !)
Personally, I prefer taking quality probiotics supplementation than be filled with , hmmm.... sorry, i'd rather say, than to receive a fecal transplant ;-)))))) But if I had a bad case of clostridium difficile, I would consider it if antibiotic resistance to clindamycine and even vancomycine would happen. Fidamoxicin / Bificid is out of price.... but than, is FMT cheaper ? I would see, I really have no idea of the price of this new procedure.
As a side note, not all is understood yet in fecal transplant. I have read a review, a few months ago, about a mother that had a C. difficile problem, and have received FMT from her daughter. The mother was cured, but have always been lean, and became overweight after the FMT, while eating the same diet.... her daughter was overweight. Will there be "fecal banks" in the future, with the health profile and characteristics of the "fecal donors", as in sperm banks? Hmmm... Who would like to invest with me in the first ever fecal bank? The IFB ( International Fecal Bank) ... sounds good, doesn't it? ... the profits would finance POIS research, of course....