I just recently went a month without self ejaculation, something i have not be able to do in the last 6 years because of the availability of porn. I usually last a week and orgasm multitude of times. I decided recently to move out of my parents house, where between the whole family there are about 15 internet enabled devices, to my own apartment where i dont have internet. I am downgrading my phone from a smartphone ( at first i was using filter program but i just figured out an unfixable way around the filter) to a non internet accessible flip phone. I now access the internet at libraries,hospitals and the university in my city. I still have a laptop but on my laptop i have a application called Netnanny to filter out adult material. I had to block all the websites i go to for adult stuff and websites i can use to by pass program. If sometimes in the future for whatever reason i cant find a filter that works i will destroy my laptops internet card and just rely on library laptops for the internet.