Author Topic: Defsync rant #2 <-- had enough yet?  (Read 3285 times)


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Defsync rant #2 <-- had enough yet?
« on: April 10, 2015, 12:37:53 AM »
1) why isnt everyone an expert on countering orgasm during sex? you would think after years of forum discussion we would be. alright well its time to crawl out from under my rock and tell you all what i know about quasi-legal drugs, that greatly reduce  ejaculation. I will not mention the illegal ones because I dont feel like discrediting myself just yet, not too mention the dangers with illegal drugs that do this is that in this day and age, so much REALLY BAD SHIT is cut into the illegal stuff (street drugs and research chemicals ordered on line) that the risk of damaging internal organs is insanely high. Even "male enhancment" pills sold in truck stops and pharmacies (like Waldreens) have been known to be cut with unlisted ingredients that can fatally interact with certain medications. I'd also like to point out that my lifelong experimentation with illegal substances in order to find something that would halt orgasming entirely while allowing one to have sex with a girl, has permanently damaged me and cut my life expectancy at least by 1/3. Which is sad considering in present day you can never be guaranteed pure stuff of any kind, so why did I ever bother in the first place (POIS can make you crazy desperate):

dapoxetine - not approved in the u.s yet. can be ordered thru overseas pharmacies. while it is technically illegal, overseas pharmacies in India specifically have a very good track record at producing pure pills without being cut with anything

tramadol - prescribed in the U.S. for mild to medium pain. most doctors will not prescribe it for PE related conditions, so be weary of asking for it specifically for this reason

2) it dawns on me why so little research is able to be done on rare diseases: travel expenses for the average person are not attainable. side note: pharmacoms will pay vast amounts of money for research study groups, and knowing the nature of human psychology i dont see how this cant affect someone's "research given responses" in said studies.

to this end i propose someone call that Hilton hotel near Rutgers, ask to speak to the manager, and see if a group discount cant be made in honor of furthering important ground-breaking research in what could greatly expand our general understanding of how the mind works

3) i think its worth researching GABA deficiency as a potential cause of POIS. ive only recently discovered a legally sold drug called phenibut, that has COMPLETELY cured my insomnia, where other super potent sleep meds have only had mediocre results. I have not had an orgasm to see if phenibut works at countering POIS related symptoms, but like Lyrica it acts mainly on GABA receptors. side note on phenibut: one odd but potentially frightening side effect is insanely horrifying and vivid nightmares. I think this is most likely contributed by a life where very dark things have occurred (mine has many), but man Ive never had nightmares so intense as after Ive been taking phenibut. Just a slight word of caution.

I am not willing to test out having an orgasm on phenibut to see if this would work in combating POIS cognitive dysfunction. I do not tell you the following lightly... last time i had a night with PEs, two to be exact, I nearly killed myself. Only after losing a pint of blood did I change my mind. Fine, I'm a weak minded person. I dont care. This occurred before I discovered phenibut. And let me tell you, after an 8 year long fight with chronic insomnia, with the most effective sleep med (and still only mediocre in effectiveness) also an anti-psychotic that results in cognitive fogginess for nearly the whole day after waking, I was just about willing to through in the towel. Funny how random timing works.... two weeks later after that incident I was able to try phenibut and holy shit was I floored that after 8 years of trying to combat insomnia, a condition that contributed half to my wanting to die (the other POIS), here was the answer I had been searching for all along. I have been sleeping like a gd baby anytime I want now. And now I am full of regret I didnt discover this F*CKING YEARS AGO, with doctors who should all be f*cking shot thanks to being pharmacom whores who dont recommend good non-prescription drug remedies (this is my rant, i can say what i want).

I wouldnt hate on anyone who killed themselves over POIS. This shit is utterly terrifying, and our society has little in the way of real life support for this. And who could understand what you are going through? There is nothing like it. And nothing like a man trying to combat unintentional NEs at night the longer one goes without orgasming. The human body is designed to relieve itself more and more the longer you go without.

To that end Im going to tell you about another drug, besides seroquel (which causes that day long brain f*cked fogginess), that can be taken (in a manner that would never be approved of by a doctor) that completely wipes out ones libido, though only for a short time (seroquel will do so for a day, even at low dosages of 25mg).

ambien - prescribed for sleep. however, take it while awake and it can have massive benefits in pain suppression AND libido suppression. I have no idea if it works for prolonging ejaculation during sex, and I wouldnt even know how to test that out because all desire to do anything sexual is completely wiped out in me. However, this is one drug that is potentially dangerous in a couple ways, so approach with extreme caution:

mix it with alcohol, even a couple drinks, and you can completely black out memory wise and do things that are batsh*t crazy without even knowing you did them. do not ever, under any circumstances, take this drug if you are going to drink or have had a drink. in many cases even without alcohol, taking this, then staying awake, has resulted in sleep-walking like effects where people have even got into a car and driven themselves off a cliff (hence why doctors would never ever approve taking this than staying awake)

in some (like me) it can severely depress your appetite, to where it is nearly impossible to eat food. Maybe great in someone trying to lose weight by in-taking less calories, not so great in someone like me who's appetite is nearly zero to begin with, and needs to eat constantly or my muscles start doing weird rigid stiff that make life hellish (maybe i have that stiffness disorder on some level, interesting reading up on that, never heard of it before Stef).

4) its complete utter bullsh*t this country has made prostitution illegal. we have a condition where having sex specifically with someone where you need to control how rigorous your partner is, is nearly impossible through conventional means (first you gotta find a girl that will have sex with you but after you orgasm wouldnt mind you not talking to them for a week at least, then someone who on top of that may not get to enjoy it at all because you cant have them being rigorous during sex in order to keep you from orgasming, etc etc). Not too mention it would probably cut the incidents of rape in this country in half. just like its complete bs there has been any counter productive measures from Rutgers in regards to male-masturbation (which is absolutely necessary for our research study.) I could blame christianity, which I believe was at the heart of these failings at one point in our society, but I just think the paranoia has carried through to American society in general, regardless of religious idealism.

5) basic neurochem panels (to include GABA) should be done on everyone in the research study group that hasnt had orgasms for at least 2 weeks, then the same panel should be done on those people after they've had orgasms. Costs per person look like they'd be about $300-400 for 2 panels. I do now know if there is enough money in the grant to do this, but i think its imperative to do it to at least 3 people.

6) all of us should sign up to have our bodies donated to a willing research group that could perform biopsies on our brains in order to further POIS research. wouldnt it be great to have our endocrine system ripped apart to check for strange phenomenon? of course right now no one would know what to look for really. And I wouldnt be of any help because my brains been raped by hundreds of brain-f*cking chemicals over my adult lifespan.

7) in addition to a video series, I think a well written short book would be a massive seller, and increase public knowledge about the horrors of POIS. The prologue should include "because POIS demonstrates how the massive gap in medical knowledge of how the brain works".

8) im probably over any suicidal tendencies after discovering the holy grail of insomnia cures, but in case i do die unexpectedly  please feel free to use all of my posts here and from the Naked Scientists forum to create a case example of how POIS is f*cking horrifying (especially in a world where it didnt think it existed until 2010) and the result of said horror can result in suicidal tendencies. ive given this forum info to a very close friend of mine that will post on it if I do pass from this mortal world.

9) ancient chinese wisemen clued in to "not having an orgasm can increase mental cognition". Stunning that thousands of years later we still dont understand this mechanism of action in POIS, let alone normal people.

Thankfully Im so tired (this is really a new thing for me, I cant even tell you how exciting it is) Im about to fall asleep at the keyboard. I think I covered everything I could possibly cover in just 2 rants, so you probably wont be seeing another one in a very long time, if ever.

Peace and hair grease.


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Re: Defsync rant #2 <-- had enough yet?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2015, 08:29:31 PM »
Just to let you know someone read your post :)

And yes, I totally agree with a bunch of your observations there. Terrifying is an accurate description of POIS, what other illness can take an otherwise joyful activity and basically cripple you for no good reason for 7-14 days at a time.

For that entire first week when the symptoms kick in, its like there is no hope. We pump ourselves with various vitamins and drugs and pills, but they only seem to prevent POIS or lessen an oncoming episode when taken BEFORE ejaculation. Treatment of an ongoing episode of POIS seems to be a dead end. Lately I've felt like most of the solutions I've tried simply delayed my symptoms, and found I was in serious POIS a few days later.


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Re: Defsync rant #2 <-- had enough yet?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2015, 11:19:13 AM »
Hi Defsync,

Sertraline makes an important difference to my love life. A low dose of Zoloft (Sertraline) once a day for a couple of weeks makes me able to delay orgasm for basically as long as I want.This might not be a desired effect for everybody! And Sertraline is a prescription medication to combat depression (SSRI), so you would want to consult your doctor.

67% of men on sertraline experienced ejaculation difficulties vs. 18% before the treatment[58] (or 61% vs. 0% according to another paper).