I've got a special thing to show you all that BluesBrother and I have completed: https://pois.wufoo.com/forms/your-pois-history/
Thanks for preparing the survey. I didn't fill it up yet because I am waiting for a final validation of it.
As I didn't complete the survey I could not go passed the first page. Just to say I don't know if there are more pages. But, to be honest, I was not convinced by the questions on this first page. Most of them were related to the way we have an orgasm (alone, with a partner, etc). For me, there is absolutely no difference, so I tend to think that it's a "mistake" to focus our attention on this. But maybe I am wrong.
I think an important goal of the survey would be to find the "greatest common divisor" between us. In order to do that we have to ask the "poiser" to list everything that he noticed to be abnormal with him (for instance I talked once of my slow heart beat) and then let the other poisers confirm if they also have this abnormality. Of course this would require some kind of "dynamic survey" in the sense that the number of questions may increase in time, which requires that "poisers" that already completed the form come again and complete the questions that were added in the meantime.
I am just thinking out loud. Sorry if it's not very intelligible, and probably not implementable :-)
[edit: I removed the last sentence of my original message, which made no sense (published by mistake)]