well i emailed her.
so if she gets a zillion emails about cancer thats not spam, but if she gets what, ten or twenty about something specific non-cancer related thats bombing? i guess im lost in the math here =)
Technically SPAM is unsolicited bulk Email. Most often, those who do it mail in bulk indiscriminately.
So technically we wouldn't be SPAMing. But the keyword is Unsolicited, and a receiver sees it as SPAM becasue he/she doesn't know or see that it is not bulk and indiscriminate.
These people, because they are "famous", receive a lot of unsolicited EMail. They hope their fame of course would attract desired contacts, but, as is the case with most exposed internet media, they attract 10 to 1 spamm compared to the desired contacts.
Often, these people are also very busy, and so they develop screening methods to filter out the "unsolicited". Some of those are SPAM filters.
But if it is not filtered and somehow gets by, it has to compete with 100's or more other EMails.
Trying to do do business on a daily basis without spending hours filtering EMails means that most will get missed or whized over.
Anything sent, needs to have JUST the right content in the title and as few words as possible int the body of the message. Each word counts and should be directed at attracting the interest of the reader.
"Please help us", for instance is dropped faster than it can be read.
Also we have found that people who are investigating a specialty like this are MOST interested in the specialty. The desease itself or whatever. If there's anything at all in what we may be suggesting that could "dirty" their project. They avoid it.
We are in POIS. What if someone comes to us with some sexually deviate endeavor (I don't know, as an example) that has similar neurochemical malfunctions, and wants us to get involved to help them.
We're probably not interested. We're interested in POIS.