Oh just thought of this: for the ADHD, ask your doctor about Intuniv. It's a norepinephrine-reducing med that happens to affect attention. It does this by working like an alpha-blocker, keeping norepinephrine in check
It is indicated for teenagers, but your doc might be open to prescribing it to you. I had issues with memory on it that probably had to do with my antipsychotic interfering, but I had major benefits in terms of social anxiety and edginess in general. They have used it to improve sleep in people with PTSD, and that's exactly the benefit I got. Plus, it's not a stimulant!
I found out it was not for me rather quickly though, and it is expensive. If your doc puts you on it, ask for just a week's worth of starting dose. If there are no problems, just call him/her and ask for more!