Author Topic: All possible causes for POIS  (Read 1277 times)


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All possible causes for POIS
« on: January 17, 2024, 07:27:54 AM »
Hello, I'd like to share some info I gathered from years and years from my experience and reading from other users online.

I am not sure if its the right category to post it and my apology for my writing (english isnt my native language).

These are the possible causes for POIS or a mixed combinations.

Note, that it should be taken with a grain of salt since I am not a doctor/expert nor my findings are exact, at best they are theories by trial and error.

1. Vitamin/Mineral or any other deficiency.

The problem is that most of times POIS is triggered by "ejaculation" and any kind of deficiency is lasting regardless of abstaining or not , usually deficiencies are "fixed" by larger doses and very little is actually lost in ejaculation since most of it its liquid in the prostate ,very little sperm and minerals.

Since I used to donate blood I should have similar simptoms due to "loss of nutrients" but it isnt, the trigger is always "ejaculation" and the symptoms start to fade with abstinence.

I also did some vit/min blood tests which showed normal ranges.
Mg,Na,K,Ca, P,Vit.D

Also from reading other's users posts ,suppliments hardly changed anything, Niacin and VitC is on my list for testing.

2.Hormonal or tumours in the brain or thyroid.

For hormone issues it can be detected by blood tests TSH ,FT3 , FT4,anti-TPO and free testosterone and maybe ACTH.

An ultrasound for the thyroid and MRI for brain , while it seems to make sense , the problem is that even abstaining shouldnt fix cancers/tumours in these organs.

Prolactin seems to come up in disscusions but its also detected via tumours (pitury gland , hypothalamus ) so either way it shouldnt return to base just by abstiance , it requires like tumours medication and therapy.


Either overworking or overlapping of certain neurotransmitters or supressing either of them.

I havent done any tests I can remember but from I understand neurotransmitters ,we should also be having symptoms just by being "overexcited" by something (not just sex or anticipation of something sex related) , dopamine, serotonin also has highs and lows by everyday things like winning the lottery ,getting a raise , brand new car, new found fame , new partner or getting locked up or traumatic event etc , usually anything that plays with highs and lows should have the same symptoms of POIS.

The only one I cant be sure of it are oxytocin since its involved more so in sex , also NO (nitric oxide) is also brought up while its not a neurotransmitter I've seen people mentioned it ,since its a gas it seems more related to already existing circulation problems/issues with blood vessels.
Will try to test for catecholamine for adrenaline and noradrenaline.


This should be diagnonesd by ANA test (antinuclear antibody) and test  such as C-reactive protein, Anti-Ro/SSA ,Anti-La/SSB Antibodies  however this will find mostly ongoing diseases like Lupus, Sjogren's, Scleroderma, RA(arthritis) which are constant regardless of ejaculation or not , still its worth knowing if you already have an existing illness.

The ones that stand out because they are triggerd , Immunoglobulins most knows ones such as IgG, IgM, IgA and the others Ige,IGd, each can have a different trigger from allergy to viruses.

Its also worth knowing about histamine either in blood or dao (Diamine oxidase)

Allergy to semen

Havent tested for this, so I cant say but its seems more rare then the other illness and can be mistaken for something else.

6.Gastro /Gut health

This seems to be related with POIs since most of immunity is in the gut ,causing autoimmune flares /triggers

Manly the focus would be the small intestine which is the hardest to diagnose, some of the problems could be overgrowth of bad bacteria , histamine problems or enzymes in the small intestine.

Any of them has in impact of your immune system and since POIS is flu like , "feeling under the weather" "joint problems" "loss of energy and strenght".

What comes to mind are SIBO , DAO (Diamine oxidase)

I myself have gastritis and IBS , will test for histamine and a complete virus/bacteria panel , in the future.

7.Infections either viral, bacterial or parasitic /fungi

Infections of the digestive system :

Bacteria :
Campylobacter spp. (C. jejuni/C. coli/C. upsaliensis)
Clostridium difficile (toxina A/B)
Plesiomonas shigelloides
Salmonella spp.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Vibrio vulnificus
Vibrio cholerae
Yersinia enterocolitica
E. coli enteroagregativ (EAEC)
E. coli enteropatogen (EPEC)
E. coli enterotoxigen (ETEC) lt/st
E. coli producator de toxina Shiga (STEC) stx1/stx2
E. coli producator de toxina Shiga (STEC) O157:H7
E. coli enteroinvaziv (EIEC)/Shigella
Adenovirus F 40/41
Norovirus GI
Norovirus GII
Rotavirus A
Sapovirus (GI, GII, GIV, GV)

Parasites :
Cryptosporidium spp.
Cyclospora cayetanensis
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia lamblia
Blastocystis hominis

I myself have chronic sinusitis and take enzymes to break down food better especially for fat or fatty foods.

Aslo (O) always seemed a tiny bit high (nothing too bad) just along the range of small infections, usually meant for upper respiratory infections.

Infections/cancer of the bladder,prostate ,tract, seminal vesicle,ducts ,vas deferens and testicles.

The journey from the testicles to the tip of the penis is a long one , like a submarine with doors closing and opening  , if they dont open and close properly then bacteria etc can spread and infect the system.

I myself done and found issues in the both baldder and prostate ,inflamations and abnormalities formed.

This was diagnosed by ultrasound of the lower region.
From time to time urine and sediments tests show a little off but not to extreme,along with Aslo.

I know its still a theory but it seems to come down to either small intestinal problems mix/or the reproductive and urinary tract based on my findings.

As you know (taken from wiki )  "sperm passes through the ejaculatory ducts and mixes with fluids from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands to form the semen" (the end result)

Its worth doing a spermogram and spermculture, the contaminated sperm could trigger immune responses.

Also did a complete blood count with hematocrit and nothing out of range , anemia shouldnt be an issue but will try a bone marrow examination since both immunity and sexual functions are connected to it ,not to mention the rest of the body (hehe)

I would also consider doing a test for immunoglobulins after one day of fasting (only water) to sort out other inflamation (gut) , if there is a immune response when seminal fluid is made or existing bacteria meeting with sperm via improper opening/closing/ cleanining of the duct

This doesnt mean evey POIS is the same but just to paint a larger picture , my reasoning is that POIS is triggered by sexual stimulation and an existing abnormality in the reproductive system /urinary and the immune cells respond to it , now if your gut also has issues then the worse the response will be.

Just my two cents , hope to hear opinions and if you agree with this ,after all we all want to get better.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2024, 09:13:11 AM by Mr.Badger »


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Re: All possible causes for POIS
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2024, 09:51:48 PM »
why you didn't mentioned HERPES class of Viruses in 7th number section, I hypothesis as Herpes causes Pois