There are many lists of POIS pre-packs in this forum but I can't find any good compilation of
post-packs - measures to take right after an orgasm to minimize POIS effects. At best there are some suggestions in Quantums POIS Types Chart at
Here will be a list of action that members has reported to work. It might be a good idea to be prepaired and put the list on the fridge! Once it has happened, your brain fog might stop you from remember what to do, and some things seems to be important to do within the first two minutes after O. I have only remembered seeing many of theese things in the forum, but I need help to find the references.
DIRECTLY AFTER, WITHIN TWO MINUTESQuantums pre-packAspirine (Iwillbeatthis)
Ibuprofen, 400 mg, with lots of water (Quantums POIS Types Chart)
Coconut oil (2-6 table spoons) (antiinflammatory, works for me)
Get body contact with your partner. This releases anti-inflammatory hormones like oxytocin (me)
Paracetamol 500 mg (user Prospero, Iwillbeatthis)
FIRST DAY MEASURES (OR MORNING AFTER)B Complex, active forms (user
Magnesium (user berlin1984)
Garlic, fenugreek, niacin, & matcha green tea, in combination with gluten free diet (user warrioronthetrot)
L-Theanine (user berlin1984)
Ashwagandha extract (user berlin1984)
Rosea Rhodiola extract (user berlin1984)
Tribulus Terestris (user berlin1984)
Passion Flower extract (user berlin1984)
Calcium 600mg/Vit D 800IU, Vitamin C 500mg, Magnesium 500mg, Vitamin B1 250 mg, Aside from that I also take or do: Master amino acid pattern, Vegan nutritional shake, Fish Oil, Probiotics, Intermittent fasting (
Coffee (user Hopeoneday sais "good quality coffee after meal, effect last 6-7 hours", not recommended by user Iwillbeatthis)
Cold showers
Ginger tea
Garlic (me)
Salt (me)
Raising blood pressure to normal 120/80 (me, I think its the salt that does it. Please do the blood pressure poll here:
High intensity training
Avoid intensive brain activity, take walks, rest. Don't participate in social activities, don't read books/listening to music/watching movies (works for me to minimize inflammation inpact)
Hug your parnter often and pet an animal (releases oxytocin to compensate inflammatory hormones)
Coconut oil (I use it in everything, smoothies, coocking. Seems to be very anti-inflammatory in enought amounts - 2-6 table spoons a day)
Curcumine 103 mg (Curcuma longa 500 mg) + black pepper (user Prospero)
SECOND DAY MEASURESAvoid intensive brain activity, take walks, rest
Colloidal silver (me, 0,5 dl three times a day between meals for the acne, keep in mouth 1 minute before swallow, continue to forth/fifth day)
DURING THE WHOLE POIS PERIODIntermittent fasting - only eating food between 10 am to about 4 pm (works for me to lower inflammation in intestines and better recover during sleep).
Water fast / juice fast (relieves inflammation in the intestines and leaky gut)
Digestive aide if your not fasting (HCL, enzymes)
Fenugreek (Quantums POIS Types Chart)
Salt (Himalyan/Sea salt) increases blood pressure (only for those who have low blood pressure)
Ginkgo (Quantum)
Turmeric, cucumin, ginger, garlic
Magnesium (Quantum)
Drink alot of water (works for me)
Vitamin C (works for me)
Coconut oil (antiinflammatory, use it in everything, smoothies, coocking)
Blood thinners (MSM,
water, turmeric, ginger, vitamin E, ginko, grape seed extract)
CBD oil
Avoid sedentary lifestyle (stop inflammatory substances from accumulate in tissues). Get a step-meter and be sure to walk at least 5 000 steps each day or do 100 jumps three times a day with a skipping rope. Get your circulation going right after waking up in the morning. If you do office work, set an egg timer on 30 minutes interval
the whole day and do some moving when it rings.
Avoiding heavy food - meat, gas-producing vegetables (works fo me)
Stimulate testosterone to compensate inflammatory hormones and stop tissue breakdown and dryness. See thread "How to increase testosterone naturally" here: and massage your face gently (or take showers) in warm water regluary to stimulate blood circulation and avoid acne. (works for me, but dont do it the first day as it might push inflammatory sustances into the tissues)
Optimize your sleep (me, user Prospero, Iwillbeatthis) (there should be a separate thread about this)
Perrin technique- lymphatic drainge, brain detox (user Iwillbeatthis)
Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) (user Iwillbeatthis)
Milk thistle for gastro issues or nausea (Iwillbeatthis)
Sam-E (User Iwillbeatthis takes those twice a day)
TMG (User Iwillbeatthis takes those twice a day)
Folate (User Iwillbeatthis takes those twice a day)
Omega-3 (EPA 400 mg, DHA 200 mg) (me, user Prospero)
Skip physical exercise during POIS period. (user Prospero)
Showers, whether cold or warm (user Prospero).