For researchers that are looking at blood markers, my results are in, the measurements permitted by insurance. I argued about Thyroid (let me have Free T3 at least) and Lipid measurements (particle size, particle count etc) importance of those numbers and without them it not being a complete picture, but sadly couldn't succeed.
TSH: 1.94 UIU/mL, T4: 1.24 ng/dL
Cholesterol: 194 mg/dL, Triglycerides: 38 mg/dL, LDL-C: 100 mg/dL, HDL-C: 87 mg/dL
Hba1c: 5.4% (i.e. 108mg/dL average glucose), Vit D: 32 ng/mL, ESR: 5 mm/hr
Total Iron binding capacity: 372 ug/dL
Iron saturation: 21%
Ferritin: 77 ng/mL
Iron: 77 ug/dL
Transferrin: 278 mg/dL
WBC: 5.3 K/UL
RBC: 5.32 M/UL
Hemoglobin: 14.4 gm/dL
Hematocrit: 43.5%
MCV: 82 fl, MCH: 27 pg, MCHC: 33 gm/dL
RDW: 14 %
Platelet count: 247 K/UL
MPV: 10.6 (report does not indicate units, though says: normal range= 6.5 to 12)
PMN%: 62.7
Lymphocyte%: 28.3
Monocyte%: 7.8
Eosinophil%: .8
Basophil%: .4
PMN Absolute: 3.3 (Polymorphonuclear leukocytes) K/uL
Lymphocyte Absolute: 1.49 K/uL
Monocyte Absolute: .41 K/uL
Eosinophil Absolute: .04 K/uL
Basophil Absolute: .02 K/ul
Uric acid: 5 mg/dL
Antibody test results are all 0.2 where less than '1 Al' is Negative. I dont understand at moment, what these antibody tests are saying.
Are all negative for: (Chromatin DNP, Ribosomal, SS-A IGG, SS-A AB, SS-B IGG, SS-B IGG, SMRNP, SMRNP AB, SCL 70 IGG, SCL 70 AB, J01 IGG, JO1 IGG AB, Centromere B AB, SM IGG, SM IGG AB, RNP IGG, RNP AB, DNA AB, DNA Antibody double-stranded, Ribosomal P, Centromere B, ANA)
IMP: Wondering if someone can evaluate/critique my personal conclusions. (Fyi: blood was drawn hours after daily 2-3 o's, though keep in mind I'm a recovered pois'er. I stopped all supplements 24-48 prior).
1. I seem to have a low inflammation state (Ref: WBC, ESR).
2. Hemoglobin in my Red blood cells is low borderline (Ref: MCH, MCHC). This concerns me since I take a daily iron supplement at my own advice/peril.
3. So we know from wikepedia that Hemoglobin contains Iron + NO + Sulfur Proteins. But my Iron levels seem normal. Does that mean, NO or Thiol/Sulfur proteins could be low? I need to figure this stuff out, why I cant survive without Iron.
4. Overall immune system is towards suppressed but still normal (Ref: various immune components, WBC, etc)
5. I have Innate dominance (Neutrophils, Macrophages, Dendritic cells are dominating the scene, while ironically Mast cells have been sidelined
, totally un-expected or maybe the supplements which I occasionally take have been controlling the Mast cells? Or maybe I'm nuts to be simplifying all this (basophil -> mast cell etc, but I am thinking it should be fair to do it.
6. My adaptive immune components, humoral-cellular is normal though on lower side.
7. Neutrophil / Lymphocyte differential is normal.
8. Not diabetic, but I have either Insulin Resistance or lack of Insulin, or I dont know what. The anomaly is, I am normal weight, very low visceral fat. (h1abc = 5.4 i.e. 108 glucose average). I started measuring my glucose recently. My fasting glucose is around 115, max 120 I measured so far. That is high. My post-meal glucose has a significantly delayed peak (its like everything works slow in me). Max I have measured has been 145. // If you all know your glucose vitals and feel comfortable please share. I think, my aberrant glucose could be a consequence of chronic high cortisol for prolonged periods, rather than traditional variables (insulin). Since I'm skinny, so I dont think my insulin can be high. And I know I have this constant fear of doom happening.
9. Triglycerides / HDL is atypically low, keeping in view LDL is normal-high. (I wish I could find particle size and count which would tell if this LDL is harmless or beneficial).
10. Vit D is ok, though normal-low