Dear brothers of pain!
I want to complete my point by sharing my recent experience with a second orgasm almost without problem.
Here is 1 simple breathing exercice i practice to unspasm my diaphragm:
1) Inhale 4 seconds. Exhale 4 seconds. 2/3 minutes several times a day.
What helps a lot is to massage deeply my stomach with oil, after coming, together with this breathing technic.
I tried creatine also, before ? sexercices ? and I practice more regular sport activities.
I also have to inform that I started to take anti acid medecines. It appeared that my digestion pb was causing a lot of troubles (heart, breathing...) especially when I laid down to sleep.
So in conclusion, I invite you to check your diaphragm and google solutions if you need to unspasm it.
Good luck to you guys!
Here is a translation of what a spasmed diaphragm can cause, that may interest you, from: when the diaphragm is spasmed (blow to the solar plexus, fall on the back, back "blocked" ...), it disrupts digestive, energetic and respiratory activities and consequently, cardiac and cerebral (feeling of oppression, anxiety, anguish). This relationship is reciprocal: anxiety (competition), anxiety, digestive disorders, breathing difficulties ... can spasm the diaphragm, to the detriment of the body's functioning and performance.
Being cold can also spasm the diaphragm.
To disassociate the diaphragm is interesting for the sportsman as for the sedentary person, at the same time for energetic reasons but also for mental reasons. The first phase of this learning process usually consists of feeling with the hands the swelling of the belly on inhalation and its slackening on exhalation. The lying position is the most suitable. The second phase consists of pressing the diaphragm under the ribs with the fingers and massaging it when exhaling. The difficulty consists in keeping the abdomen relaxed.
The most trained ones eventually manage to generate heat flows by abdominal breathing in any situation (sitting, lying down, standing even when exposed to the cold, moving or even moving around).
Another technique concerns people who have received a blow to the solar plexus (combat sports, rugby...). After having put them in a sitting position, standing behind them, it is a matter of pulling their arms upwards to help them breathe in, then massaging them from the clavicles to the upper right to force the exhalation.
In addition, when performing exercises to strengthen the abdominal chamber, exhalation will cause the diaphragm to contract, which, by raising the diaphragm, will release any pressure that may be exerted on the pelvic floor. ?
Testut, L. & Latarjet, A. (1948). Trait? d'anatomie humaine. Tome 1 : Ost?ologie, arthrologie, myologie. 9th edition.
Ziane, R. & Richardeau, J-P. (2010). La respiration abdominale : Les arts martiaux, sources d'inspiration. In Sport, sant? et pr?paration physique. Editions Amphora. laid down to sleep.