Author Topic: Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?  (Read 8525 times)


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Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:47:32 PM »
What is Fibromyalgia?  You can get a lot of information about it on Wikipedia

I would like to highlight the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. They are:
Symptoms of fibromyalgia fluctuate according to physical activity, stress, time of the day, and weather. Because fibromyalgia affects the ligaments, muscles, and tendons, it can occur throughout the body.  The more sensitive parts of the body include the:

back of the head
between shoulder blades
front sides of neck
inner knees
outer elbows
sides of hips
top of shoulders
upper chest
upper hips
Other symptoms
Additional symptoms can change in intensity throughout the course of the syndrome.  These symptoms may appear, then disappear, only to reappear later.  Many other symptoms observed in fibromyalgia patients include:

cognitive and memory difficulties
pelvic pain

Sleep disorders are closely linked with fibromyalgia:  patients report being tired after sleeping, although they believe they are getting adequate rest.  Additionally, sleep apnea (short, temporary pauses of breathing during sleep) and restless leg syndrome (a sensation that creates an irresistible urge to move the body)have also been linked with fibromyalgia

Read more: Fibromyalgia Symptoms

A lot of POISers suffer from Pain in the neck or the head after Orgasm. and Almost all of them suffer from anxiety, cognitive difficulties and Depression.
on the personal side, I have been to a specialist who diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. I told him about all my symptoms, but I didnt mention they are only there after Orgasm to see if I will get any response different from the usual " You are stressed "

I searched through the internet a lot about Fibromyalgia and I recently found a topic titled " Fibromyaglia induced by orgasm "
Look :

There are a lot of interesting cases in this topic, For example:
"His sexual exhaustion symptom (Post-Sex Stress Trauma Disorder or PSSTD): tiredness, loss strength, no motivation, moodiness, irritation, eye inflammatory pressure, neck and shoulder tightness, brain fog, no concentration, bad flatulence, allergy Itchy or runny nose, low back pain, tailbone ache, premature ejaculation, watery ejaculation, hot flushes and insomnia (andropause/ male menopause symptoms),  no libido and going limp immediately "

in the same topic, they also said :
"General causes of Fibromyalgia: ageing, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/testicular/ovarian exhaustion, drug abuse, major surgery, trauma, chronic over-use of tissues, tissue fatigue, chronic nutrient deficiency, androgen hormone deficiency, stress, blood congestion, excessive epinephrine / cortisol / prolactin release, excessive sex (over-masturbation and excessive orgasm), inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production,  deficiency of prostaglandin E1 and E3 release, sleeping disorder, insufficient melatonin release.... "

Bad news is that Fibromyalgia is a syndrome as well. But the FDA approved Lyrica(pregabalin) as a treatment for it. I'm considering trying it soon, I will keep you updated.

POIS is my worst enemy


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Re: Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 05:01:44 PM »
Let us know how everything is going...Best luck and prayers


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Re: Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2014, 05:59:19 PM »
Let us know how everything is going...Best luck and prayers

Thank you.  :)
I'm still trying it along with another drug. I will take my time and not rush into publish anything till I make sure It is not poor judgement on my side caused by POIS  ???. Also, I'm starting to think that I have both Fibromyaglia and POIS, so This drug effects might be tricky since I don't not what disease it is actually working on.
However, my experience with Pregabalin and the other drug might carry good news.
I will let you know soon.  ;)
POIS is my worst enemy


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Re: Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2014, 10:45:24 AM »
I posted the results of using pregabalin and the other drugs in another section.

If you are interested, check it out here
POIS is my worst enemy


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Re: Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2014, 01:58:47 AM »
Fibro is an diagnosis by exclusion. I wouodn't think it it related even if we share some of the same symptoms. Half of all fibro people are plainly miss diagnosed because their doctors arent smart enough or are too lazy to run all the proper testing. For example via skin biopsy half of all fibro patients were found to actually have sensory neuropathies which can be cause by a lot of things
POIS sufferer for over 3 decades. Has progressively gotten worse over the years and I became completely disabled around 2011. My case of POIS is very severe.


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Re: Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2020, 07:57:57 PM »
Fibromyalgia is associated with mast cell activation disease. Sexual activity ----> mast cell activation ---> Fibromyalgia. I also get these type of symptoms from hot weather conditions, like getting wrecked without much or any pain. It's difficult to maintain posture because it feels like parts of the body lose its firmness.


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Re: Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2020, 06:37:25 AM »
When i  started virus theory, and suggested antivirals drugs approach, this man is
cured from POIS an he is no longer active on the forum.

And i think also that is connected to mcas.


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Re: Is POIS a kind of Fibromyalgia related to Orgasm?
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2020, 02:21:14 PM »
Or POIS could be a neural network disorder related to Fibro/CFS.