Greetings fellow POIS sufferers, it's great to have finally found a community who understands the symptoms of this condition. The best thing I do for symptoms is rub some lugols iodine on my nuts after orgasm and days following. This is the lugols solution I use as it was recommended by the yahoo iodine group, it's supposed to be very high quality [Commercial Link Deleteted - Daveman]. Be careful though, the first time I did it I put too much and it burned like crazy and left a scab. Now I put mix the solution with grape seed oil and water it down a little and there's no more burning or scabs. This remedy along with fenugreek, niacin, NAC, relora, and acetylcarnitine (for cognitive issues) relives the symptoms to a great extent. I also take the lugols internally with selenium (you need the selenium if you take it internally or you could develop thyroid issuses) and before bed I paint my temples and inbetween my eyebrows (third eye) with it, which helps relieve the famous POIS headache.