Except from a temporary improvement in januari/februari the gut-situation was becoming much worse for me this year (2022), untill I tryed a TCM bonebroth last week. I've been recommended this one from my chinese doctor during many years, but I haven't been so dedicated to the soup until now. I told him that I could not eat meat and that the soup was probably full of histamines. But he ensured me that this soup would not give me ANY reactions at all and if I had any reactions it would be from anything else that I ate. That was 100% sure he said. Remembering that he use to have right and he has done miracles with his patiens, I gave it a new try, without eating the meat first, but then eating alot of the meat just the next day because I was so damn hungry and it tastes so well.
And just like that, all symptoms was 90% better in 1-2 days! before it took 1-2 weeks to have the skin reaction (excema/rosacea) to calm down but now it went from bad too almost gone in 1-2 days! I havn't had an O yet, but the headache, muscle pain etcetera is almost gone! BUT! When I eat something else between the bone broth, some symptoms comes back again in smaller amount (muscle pains, neck pains, head ache). But when I get back to the broth the symptoms goes away again in a short time (hours)! Its probably catalysed by doing more and longer walks also (15 000 steps a day according to my pedo-meter). Thats keeps the circulation going and helps the ingredients from the soup to circulate in the blood system.
This bone broth seems to be making wonders, although i have just tryed it for about a week. Have to try it longer to be sure. Just before I had been loosing weight again to the lowest levels so far, and I was excluding one vegetable after the other untill I was afraid that I could not eat anything soon. Extreemely leaky gut I thought! Meat was out of the question and I had to follow anti-histamin/anti-fodmap/anti-lectine lists like a nerd. I just had sallad, cuecumber, millet, coconut milk for many weeks! And I could become ill for a week by just having one little piece of dark chocholate or a cup of coffee.
Now I'm eating chicken and lamb (just the first day on the lamb though) soup like crazy! How strange is that? No "weaning on" either, just on the soup right away! Well I've heard that chicken soup is very anti-inflammatory. This soups is though a mixture of chicken (or lamb), jujube-, goji- and longan (dragom eye) berries, sea salt, garlic, ginger and walnuts (walnuts gave me horrible reactions two weeks ago, but not when boiled in the soup!). I have a strong feeling that those ingredients works together to make this effect and the chineese doctor sais that this becomes a medicine when boiled together, and a food at the same time.
This is the reciepe:Put all ingredients below in a BIG saucepan and simmer for three (3) hours (not heavy boil). Drink how much you want during the day. Dont leave in fridge for more than three days.
Reciep updated 2022-06-20- 4-5 liter water (not important exactly how much, it should cover all the content though)
- One whole chicken (with bones, preferably ecological), chicken drumdstick or lamb meet with bones.
- 8 dryed jujube berries (chinese red dates), cut in half
- 10 dryed Longan berries (dragon eye)
- 10 dryed Lotus flower berries
- 20 goji berries
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 8 corn of white pepper smashed. I skipped this because I'm sensitive to spices. But maybe it could work anyway.
- 5 cm ginger (preferably it should be pounded/smashed, but I cut mine in thin discs)
- 6 walnuts, preferable cracked from whole nuts with peel
- 0,5-1 teaspoon sea salt
- 4 table spoons of clear distilled alcohole, about 40% like vodka. Put it in the last 20 minutes of the simmer. I havnt put this in the soup yet though, and still it works
OBS! If you have hight blood pressure you should take the half dose of white pepper, alcohole, ginger and garlic. You will probably have to visit a chineese shop to find some of the berries.
My own additional supplements (per day): 1-3 gram Vitamin C (for collagen production), 2-4 capules Omega 3 (against inflammation), prebiotic supplements, aloe vera juice.
I took all those supplements before too, so thats not what makes the diffrence.
TheoryMy chinese doctor is very concerned about my weight loss and says that I'm eating the wrong foods. The vegetables (salat, millet, coconut milk, vegetable soup etcetera) is not giving my organs enought energy. The problem (including POIS) is the lack of energy and vitamins (he probably means minerals as well and all nutrients: collagen, glucosamin, amino acids etcetera) and this soup is an "energy rocket" that improves the circulation and organs according to traditional chineese medicine. The POIS symptoms is also a sign of lack of enery (partly because of loosing too much semen during a long time and not having enought energy to compensate, because of stress etcetera, leaky gut). This TCM bone broth with its ingredients seems to remove my gut inflammation almost completely and instantly and perhaps heals the open junctions in the longer run.
My stommach is not bloated when only eating this bone broth, so I belive the bloating is caused by a temporarly food-inflammation! I will probably have to eat this every day for a long time before my intestines are so healed that I can eat normal foods again. But now I already feel great! Except from when going back to the othet foods. I don't know excatly what foods are worst but I have a hard time not to cheat with some banana, fruits, bread, coffee, chocolate, millet, coconut yoghurt. The SIBO bacteria must still be at the wrong place in the small intestine because I get a horrible gas reaction when I eat ripe bananas (I try to eat then green, that helps a bit). I might have to work with the SIBO bacteria more aggresive in the future.