Lets try to get some informations when the POIS gets very very bad, it could be intresting.
I had two bad POIS-episodes.
First 2009, i had some ketokonazole prescribed, took it for 2 weeks and felt ok, after that i had an orgasm because i was very horny. It was so fucking horrible, it was like the worst flu with fever, wihich i dont normally have whlist POIS. I was getting better about 1 month, than i had O again. Bang, fever, the worst nasal congestion and 1 month in bed.
The second bad episode: i got flu vaccine in october. Suprisingli i felt VERY GOOD like never before for the first two weeks. I felt somewhat euphoric. But the problem was i get some swollen lymph nodes from the flu shot, which couldnt shrink... i think because of recurring POIS. I spoke with a doctor in January and he gave me isoprinosine. The problem, i began to take it whilst in POIS. After 1 PILL my lymph nodes get smaller but i felt such DYSPHORIC that I couldnt sit and had to walk. I think i didnt sleep about a week. I got better about 2 Months after that.
Has somebody a explanation?