I agree Going Less Crazy.
I think there is at least one neurotransmitter involved in Pois : dopamine, acethylcholine, maybe serotnonin. And there is someting else. Maybe testosterone/other hormone, maybe tyroid hormone like trh.
Today I'm on Day 2 and my energy slowly goes back. I took yesterday 2 times fava beans (l-dopa). Does it improve my congnitive symptomes ? Hard to say. I have few tremors.
I have this morning muscular pain and weakness.
I have eat some sugar and I feel this strange fever which is linked to insuline and high glycemic food in Pois.
Each time I have this feeling to lost something with ejaculation and the "regeneration" need 100% of my pancreas activity. And if I give more job with sugar to my pancreas, I have this fever and my Pois is longer.
When my pancreas has finished its "regeneration job" I can eat sugar.
What is written in italics is not scientific, just a feeling.