Author Topic: my experience with pois  (Read 6420 times)


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my experience with pois
« on: May 17, 2011, 08:10:35 AM »
i have been suffering from pois since puberty, im 20 now. i had it so bad that when orgasm i would be nearly mentally retarded, very short or no attention span, a really awfull sick feeling, brain fog, fatigue, just a overall feeling of crapp. i seen doctors and phyciatrists but they dident help, so i had to be my own docter study and experiment. i can tell you ive found out alot, i understand what causes the feeling of crappyness, fatigue brain fog, but did you guys notice that once you nocturnal emission, that colours and overal life gets is duller, feelings emotions are less. but when you get to a far day without orgasm or arousil, you feel great and colours get brighter the world comes alive around you. i dont know if everyone has that problem also, but thats how it is for me.

i was a paper boy spending so much time outside in the sun, one day i picked up centrum protegra/ energize/ 5 hour energy shot. i took them all then went to do papers, i started feeling better outside, once i came inside i urinated and i noticed white chalky stuff coming out of my urine, as soon as it did i felt even better. i was on a very far day without orgasm also. but i kept with the same routine and suplements and used them before orgasm, once orgasm i felt a pop inside my head and that white chalky stuff came out all at once i felt major relief. i thought i was cured but!!!!

the chalky stuff comes out daily for me, after i have dairy products or wey cassien protien.VITAMIN D takes it out, and relief, so i take high doses of vitamin d after i eat. also brain fog goes once chalky stuff is out.

i get fatigue after i workout, it is very horrible fatigue where i cant even get up, about 19 hours after workout. a feeling of pressure in the brain? and once thats gone fatigue goes away.

5htp suplementing also gets me majorly fatigued.

but as i reach a far day without orgasm, it seems all these problems go away, the chalky stuff stops coming out as if the body actually uses it , fatigue goes away after workouts, and just colours get brighter and you feel so much energy and so alive, you get bliss feelings, feelings of well bieng.

so yes i stay away from dairy eggs still. sleeping is very hard also, anyone notice they cant get drowsy? i dunno. i cant get drowsy at all i can stay up for days n days.

so really my only problem is anhedonia, just i dont feel good, symptoms of pois are all gone like brain fog feeling of crappieness, all the major problems of pois. but since i treat that, i just have a problem with feeling emotions, pleasure, motivation , mood, sleep, feelings of well bieng, low energy , the world is just dull and i cant feel anything. but once i get further without orgy feelings emotions come back they get stronger and stronger, pleasure motivation i can actually cry and feel things, sleep and everything, im just normall again.
so i dont know if you guys have the same problem or even noticed that, since i know how crappy i felt before treatment, but think about it i want to know.

i thought the problem was dopamine, ive been on dopamingeric medicine, motivation gets better and pleasure in stuff increases, music comes more alive, but still things i lack , like higher memories , feeling of well bieng, joy, emotions and more. i know this is nuerological , but wondering what goes wrong, what disrupts it when arousil or orgy.

im sorta tying this to serotonin tho, working out increases serotonin, could explain fatigue, 5htp causing unimaginable fatigue? and the feelings i get after a long time without orgy explains serotonins functions. it could be a blocked pathway since nuerotransmiters go to different parts of the brain, thus explaining pois sufferers have different symptoms. so i know the white chalky stuff comes out of my head, cause i can feel it when  it does come out, anti-inflamatory drugs help people with pois so, maybe it is inflamation, maybe it is a protienintolerence once orgy. is there a persecuer or something that we a re lacking, that has to biuld up for days for us to get enough and then after orgy using it up. exapmle SAMe, something that the body perduces. some chemical , example melatonin also works as a anioxident , it easily passes the blood brain barrier it can pertect from free radicals nuerotransmision . i imagine if serotonin isent working properly, it cant convert into melatonin. just serotonin explains , it makes more sence than any other monimine nuerotransmitter. i dont have a clue what role serotonin plays in protien synthesis, or what it has to do with protiens or maybe pois is a very very bad case of depression, how they say depression can cause muscle cramps n stuff. very low levels of serotonin?                       anyway i cant see inside the body i cannot do studies like that, it is a real liecenced doctors job . but my knowlegment of nuerotransmission , it all makes sence to me, ive done all blood tests and they are all normal. not deficent in any vitamin or hormone. no alergies exept dairy. only duriing pois. it makes me wonder if wey or cassien protien are in play here, because like i was sayin before, im not completely sure but isent wey and cassien non essential protiens? meaning the body has enough of them the body can make it on its own. are they very important, why do they make me feel like crapp after eating them.? dairy n eggs. 


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Re: my experience with pois
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2011, 08:51:01 AM »
Hi Understandingpois,

Good to see you here.

That's a long post there! Covers almost everything. :D

Could you summarize your treatment below. Just a sort of point form of your procedure by itself, so it doesn't get all mixed in with all the other stuff?

I've also had the same experience with the chalky pee. Usually happens during a particularly difficult session, but when I have it, I almost immediately feel better.
But there are several reasons that this can happen, so make a clear point form description of just your procedure so the process is clearer

Thank you.
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: my experience with pois
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2011, 09:18:04 AM »
  im simply sayin, about the chalky stuff,   that is what makes you feel crappy,  brain fog mental symptoms.

get it out you feel better.   vitamin d does this for me.

when i eat this chalky stuff builds up, it gets worse everytime i eat unless i can get it out.  ecspecially dairy and eggs.

and when you are on a far day without orgasm, your body seems to use this chalky stuff instead of letting it clogg up .

someone needs to get a urine sample haha. because my guess is that chalky stuff is the answer to all of pois .

why the chalky stuff what is it? what is its role in the body? ya know. maybe it is just histamine,? maybe that explains why there is more of it after eating, but maybe it is protien haha.

really i just dont think the same things will help for other people as they did for me, unless the same fluke happend to them 2.
that pop in my head,  there is no hurt in trying these supplements: and routines:

Centrum protegra multivitamin....

energize.... the all day energy and calorie burning pill

energy shot.......

alot of sunshine daily.               and or try vitamin d.

but all i use is vitamin d, no other supplement gets the chalky stuff out for me.

But i havent found a cure, ive found treatment, absolute relief.



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Re: my experience with pois
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 03:59:39 PM »
i have a milk lactose/casein intolerance...
i only eat soy things instead and it only improved the nausea /digestive matters...
Brain fog 90%  + tired all the time ,sport intolerance, fast heartbeat, colon inflammation