POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => Hormonal Causes and Treatments => Topic started by: Ccconfucius on April 26, 2011, 07:11:23 PM

Title: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ccconfucius on April 26, 2011, 07:11:23 PM
This where all the treatments tried will be listed so when forum gets much bigger new people can zone in to what helps.
Each successful treatment  will have a  short paragraph about it and also how many people and the names of the people that it was sucessfull with.
There will also be a list of treatments that werent successful so people can see what not to try. This list will also contain short paragraph and who tried it.
I will like this Topic to be permanently in one of the Top three so it will be easy to find.

These section is not for discussions it is just for adding treatments.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ccconfucius on April 26, 2011, 07:21:41 PM
                                                              Helpful Treatments


To date, six members reported significant improvements in symptoms by using testosterone . As discussed earlier, low plasma testosterone levels lead to symptoms similar to those of POIS. It is also a vital component in sperm production. Administration methods tried include, patch, creams, gels, and injection. Patches may be the most effective because they mimic the body's natural release of testosterone by slowing introducing the substance into the bloodstream. Injection causes testosterone levels to spike, which could potentially yield no improvement in symptoms.

The strongest theory is connected to Dr. Marcel Wandinger's recent Immunogenic Pathogensis theory. Testosterone supplementation in hypogonadal males was found to suppress cytokines, which is a signal carrier that activates the immune system. It may be conceivable that testosterone is indirectly suppressing the immune system and thus reducing symptoms as reported by the aforementioned six members. Although there is still little theoretical backing for patches, this treatment is rapidly gaining attention and enthusiasm among forum members.

Members: Demografx, EDS(nsf),  Green(nsf), animus(nsf)
Dosage: 15mg androderm patch, daily.


Progesterone called the master hormone because every other hormones in the body can be derieved from it. It is also known to be important in reducing inflammatory reactions.  It is thought that one reason pregnant women have high progesterone is to keep theiir body from refusing the new fetus, also women who have allergies notice their allergies reduce during pregnancy. Thie latter is how a patient found out a way to reduce his pois mystery.  During his wife pregnancy he notice his pois symptoms dissapeared this pushed him to do reasearch and he notice progesterone is one of the hormones that increases exponentially during pois.  He tried progesterone in the form of noriethisterone and noticed his symptoms reduce considerably.

"Just an update, I'm continuing to have sucess with progesterone. I've experiemented and have found a correlation where the more progesterone I take the better I feel after O. I've never like giving figures like a percentage cured, but to scale the results 15mg equals about a 90% cure. I need to injest at least 1.5 hours before activity and no longer than 12 hours before, based on limited testing"

Dosage; 5-15 mg  about 1.5 hrs before orgasm but no longer than 12 hrs. ccconfucius noticed that subsequent orgasm on progesterone worsens pois symptoms.

Members: Limjuice.

Bjim's NSF treatment summary, http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg201517#msg201517
Google website treatment summary, 
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: chen1995 on June 05, 2012, 09:31:46 PM

Has anyone who believes his sympotoms have a hormal imblance cause ever considered visiting Dr.Dexter(according to wiki, he is the one who introduced the Hormal imblance hpothesis) in UK?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: tantalus on June 27, 2012, 09:00:38 AM
hello dear people

I like to invite you to read my post at the progesterone topic.

Also I would verry apreciate your curiosity to read my general introduction as a newwbie in the pois forurum , here

at the topic  'That familia Feel' and at the naked ones site .

greetings  dutchy
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on June 30, 2012, 08:59:30 PM

What is *more* important than curing your POIS?


How about making "POIS Cured!" the Feature Presentation instead of

Skip the movie and click here instead. (http://www.rarediseases.org/about/support/research-donations/fg_base_view_p3)

Put your lucky$10 or - multiples of $10 - or even better yet, deduct the same $amount monthly...and...automatically! (NORD does all the heavy lifting of debiting your account for you monthly) to work on your POIS cure instead!

Trust me, you'll feel great.

I did.


Skip the movie and click here instead. (http://www.rarediseases.org/about/support/research-donations/fg_base_view_p3)

Or click here to read more about The POIS Medical Fund (http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=125.0)
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: himanshu on September 22, 2013, 04:10:23 AM
This where all the treatments tried will be listed so when forum gets much bigger new people can zone in to what helps.
Each successful treatment  will have a  short paragraph about it and also how many people and the names of the people that it was sucessfull with.
There will also be a list of treatments that werent successful so people can see what not to try. This list will also contain short paragraph and who tried it.
I will like this Topic to be permanently in one of the Top three so it will be easy to find.

These section is not for discussions it is just for adding treatments.
hi guys.. im a doctor ..jst like u i have sufferred from pois for past 4 years.. i have lost very gud career opportuniti​es,friends and even gud grades because of this...to cure it i tried nicotine..d​idnt work then i tried ginko biloba..did​nt work...then i tried norethreste​rone...it wrked a littlle bt i was not sure about the right dosage..i starded with higher doses..taki​ng 200mg perday it used to decrease the symptops but they would cm back again...fin​ally i have found a regime that works here it is.....take 10mg of norethreste​rone within minutes of orgasm...th​en keep urself on a mainatainan​ce dose of 5 mg every 2 to 3 hrs for 2 days...for those who have cognitive dysfunction during pois like me...u will feel way better...be​lieve me..my theory is that we jst have to prevent the sharp fall in progesteron​e levels afet aorgasm...i​f the brain does not fall short of progesteron​e supply....n​othng happens..:D:D:D
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on September 22, 2013, 08:35:30 AM
If one is not a doctor, what is the best way to get the right perscriptions for this and have someone control the usage (response etc.). Is there a specialtist that would be best to see who would control this properly?

Thanks for your input.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: amsterdam on December 10, 2015, 03:37:59 AM
why here so much not recent info . why no pois medication summary of  2014 /2015 . This is al much much to old info. Does the poiscenter stil exist as active?
This is a verry important tread, so why not refrehened by the mailn administartors.  Please do your responsability towards those that come fresh here on the forum.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Quantum on June 19, 2020, 07:45:33 PM
This thread being inactive for many years now, you can still browse this older info, but know that you can access fresher information here , in the POIS Types Chart :

 http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448 (http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448)

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: POISed2cure on March 22, 2022, 06:23:43 PM
Has anyone else tried this doctors suggestion with results?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: POISed2cure on March 28, 2022, 05:47:35 AM
I tried Norethresterone as you said just to test. 10 mg 30 minutes before orgasm, and 5 mg straight after. Nothing. No improvement. In 3rd day of of quite heavy POIS now and just took another 5 mg to see if there is any effect at all while in POIS as you mentioned cognitive benefits.

Will report back, though I doubt it will do anything. Thanks anyhow. Running out of options.

This where all the treatments tried will be listed so when forum gets much bigger new people can zone in to what helps.
Each successful treatment  will have a  short paragraph about it and also how many people and the names of the people that it was sucessfull with.
There will also be a list of treatments that werent successful so people can see what not to try. This list will also contain short paragraph and who tried it.
I will like this Topic to be permanently in one of the Top three so it will be easy to find.

These section is not for discussions it is just for adding treatments.
hi guys.. im a doctor ..jst like u i have sufferred from pois for past 4 years.. i have lost very gud career opportuniti​es,friends and even gud grades because of this...to cure it i tried nicotine..d​idnt work then i tried ginko biloba..did​nt work...then i tried norethreste​rone...it wrked a littlle bt i was not sure about the right dosage..i starded with higher doses..taki​ng 200mg perday it used to decrease the symptops but they would cm back again...fin​ally i have found a regime that works here it is.....take 10mg of norethreste​rone within minutes of orgasm...th​en keep urself on a mainatainan​ce dose of 5 mg every 2 to 3 hrs for 2 days...for those who have cognitive dysfunction during pois like me...u will feel way better...be​lieve me..my theory is that we jst have to prevent the sharp fall in progesteron​e levels afet aorgasm...i​f the brain does not fall short of progesteron​e supply....n​othng happens..:D:D:D
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: POISed2cure on March 29, 2022, 09:23:15 AM
Nope, Norethresterone had zero effect on me.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: stodman on November 18, 2023, 03:33:42 AM

Anyone read this article/tried fexofenadine?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Quantum on November 18, 2023, 03:12:13 PM
https://www.insider.com/man-flu-symptoms-after-sex-post-orgasmic-illness-syndrome-2022-10 (https://www.insider.com/man-flu-symptoms-after-sex-post-orgasmic-illness-syndrome-2022-10)

Anyone read this article/tried fexofenadine?
Hi, stodman :)
I have just read the article, and this result with fexofenadine ( Allegra) is in line with what other members here have found with various antihistamines, similar to Allegra.  You can see more details at #8 entry in my POIS Types Chart, at https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448

Just like any method in the chart, not everybody will respond to treatment with antihistamines.  But these are usually OTC drugs easy to get access to, and do not have major contra-indications, so they are quite easy to try.  You can read in the chart mentioned above the usual way antihistamines are taken for POIS symptom prevention.  It usually involves taking it at least 30 minutes before release.

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: sartre02 on October 02, 2024, 12:44:43 PM
TRT HELPED ME AND I had good levels prior