POIS Life Style => The Down Side => Topic started by: haidcat on August 12, 2012, 12:40:04 PM

Title: Visual problems?
Post by: haidcat on August 12, 2012, 12:40:04 PM
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to see if any of you guys have visual problems along with your POIS? During an episode I tend to get more blurry vision, visual snow(kind of like static on tv, I usually see the static in all white rooms or in the dark), and I also have palinopsia(where ur brain registers afterimages for too long. Does anyone get any of these visual disturbances during an episode?
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: kurtosis on August 12, 2012, 01:00:00 PM
double vision & blurry vision.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: charam on October 20, 2012, 04:36:21 PM
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to see if any of you guys have visual problems along with your POIS? During an episode I tend to get more blurry vision, visual snow(kind of like static on tv, I usually see the static in all white rooms or in the dark), and I also have palinopsia(where ur brain registers afterimages for too long. Does anyone get any of these visual disturbances during an episode?

Me too , I had visual snow , also like fog ... but is it really POIS symptom ?  ???

it is very very scare me .... because I have CRVO on my left eye ... now 50% vision  :-\ 
So I really frighten about visual problem of POIS ... any idea ? :(

P.S. : thanks for your very very good forum ... I really confused about my problem and now i know i have POIS ...
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: icefloe on January 14, 2014, 12:01:29 PM
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: FloppyBanana on January 14, 2014, 12:31:16 PM
yes. I get visual disturbances and sensitivity to bright light. For reference Dr Dexter mentions light sensitivity in his POIS medical paper.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Prancer on January 14, 2014, 02:06:11 PM
Sensitive to bright light. When I first developed POIS, I think I had some visual "snow" like what charam was describing, but I don't seem to have that now. I wear contacts sometimes for nearsightedness/myopia, meaning I can see excellent close up, but not far away. But that's extremely common and I've had that before POIS, so I can't completely blame it on POIS.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Colm on January 15, 2014, 03:54:38 PM
I also have extreme sensitivity to Sunlight for over 30 years, with my version of POIS.

I was diagnosed by a consultant dermatologist maybe 20 yrs back, with "Photo" aggravated seborhaeic dermatitis. Basically, a few seconds exposure to direct sun on affected areas causes a flare up. Creams and avoidance of sun has helped a lot over the years, but I avoid direct and bright sunlight with determination, as it has a very negative effect on my mood also (extremely so during 3/4 day POIS hangover).

I also underwent a series of light de-sensitisation treatments about 15 years back (under the care of same consultant) which improved things a bit more. Basically, I had to take some (special) prescribed tablets and then stand in a machine once per week for 4 wks or so, to get exposed to certain UV lights to then desensitise me. It did a help a good bit also, but I still have to avoid direct sun and over wear sun glasses. A pain in the ass for my family and for me (wearing baseball caps always in Summer) and as I loved the sun as a kid.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: demografx on January 15, 2014, 08:58:28 PM
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: POISrival on January 21, 2014, 09:15:41 AM
1- sometimes, I feel Severe pressure in my eyes that I think it is going to pop out (First time I experienced that, I went to the ophthalmic clinic thinking I had glaucoma)
2- My eyes become very sensitive to light.
3- My eyes accommodate very slowly to things (When you move from near to far Objects and Vice versa)
4- Sometimes, I get blurry vision
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Suppertime on March 09, 2014, 01:27:07 AM
I too have sensitivity to bright lights and blurry vision, although I don't need glasses to see properly.

I had surgery when I was young to correct the angle of my eyes, so maybe that had something to do with it rather than POIS.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: devastated on March 22, 2014, 08:58:32 AM
Got visual snow ever since 8 years old (I'm 39 now)
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Scary sheep on May 13, 2014, 04:20:38 PM
Interestingly, one of the first symptoms I get is sticky eyelids, then the visual snow comes along. Within seconds of O, blinking actually takes a kind of effort, and when I do blink, I get a sort of blurriness in my vision that I have to blink a few times to clear.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: sameer7777 on May 14, 2014, 04:44:29 AM
blurry vision problem
cant see people inside car .... its too dark ....
and cannot wear my sunglasses feels like vomitting ......
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: ozmoses on July 08, 2014, 08:13:23 PM
I have droopy eyes/dark circles and a more inexpressive affect for several days after orgasm.  Frankly, over the past 30 years, I'm 42, I don't recall taking more than 4 days off from masturbation or sex more than 10 times.  I've only recently learned about POIS and think it may be a main cause of my depression, social anxiety, irritability, brain fog, CFS, etc. 
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: deskmoret on July 12, 2014, 07:00:35 AM
I have sometimes thought that my eyes have become smaller. ??? Maybe I was just looking in the mirror without my glasses on.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Defsync on August 13, 2014, 09:28:30 PM
what the fuzzle.....

why yes, actually. I have a constant static in my vision 100% of the time.

Thanks for asking.

My doctor labeled it "visual migraines".
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Nightingale on August 13, 2014, 09:35:15 PM
I have droopy eyes/dark circles and a more inexpressive affect for several days after orgasm.  Frankly, over the past 30 years, I'm 42, I don't recall taking more than 4 days off from masturbation or sex more than 10 times.  I've only recently learned about POIS and think it may be a main cause of my depression, social anxiety, irritability, brain fog, CFS, etc.

I was harassed by a boss at one of my old jobs to "quite smoking pot so much" because he assumed my very baggy, dark lower eyelids were a result of marijuana smoking... Frustrating.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: G-man on August 14, 2014, 11:06:16 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of us have visual snow or static vision to some degree. I remember having visual disturbances at night when I was as young as five years old
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: devastated on August 25, 2014, 01:05:22 PM

1- sometimes, I feel Severe pressure in my eyes that I think it is going to pop out (First time I experienced that, I went to the ophthalmic clinic thinking I had glaucoma)
2- My eyes become very sensitive to light.
3- My eyes accommodate very slowly to things (When you move from near to far Objects and Vice versa)
4- Sometimes, I get blurry vision
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Mishlen on September 22, 2014, 06:55:33 AM
During my pois i feel eye pressure and pain in eyes, unable to see as accurately as normally. Artificial lights are flickering in my eyes which feels unpleasant. Some visual snow or something like i think, and more floaters or somehow vision catches the floaters easier, and i am also seeing a black dot, dunno what is it. A very bright line/dot moving across my vision (like a thunderbolt but moves slowly). Dry eyes. An optician enquired if i had any allergies cause interior of my lids were reddish.
Title: Visual Blurred
Post by: Enix on May 11, 2021, 11:16:36 AM

I am a 40 year old french man, and like all of you, I have POIS since 15 years...

My brain fog can be cured with vitamin B6 and magnesium, after a few hours I recover all my mental faculties.

My main problem is my Visual Blurred and photosensitivity / pain  :-\

I have these symptoms for a week ...

Also, I have two  autoimmune diseases, Graves and Vitiligo

Do you have solutions for blurred vision?
Title: Re: Visual Blurred
Post by: demografx on May 11, 2021, 07:41:35 PM

I am a 40 year old french man, and like all of you, I have POIS since 15 years...

My brain fog can be cured with vitamin B6 and magnesium, after a few hours I recover all my mental faculties.

My main problem is my Visual Blurred and photosensitivity / pain  :-\

I have these symptoms for a week ...

Also, I have two  autoimmune diseases, Graves and Vitiligo

Do you have solutions for blurred vision?

I also have blurred vision, both
in-and-out-of-POIS. Seeing an ophthalmologist, who put me through some minor in-office tests, and said I need cataract surgery. Will do it.
Title: Re: Visual Blurred
Post by: Progecitor on May 12, 2021, 09:08:36 AM

I am a 40 year old french man, and like all of you, I have POIS since 15 years...

My brain fog can be cured with vitamin B6 and magnesium, after a few hours I recover all my mental faculties.

My main problem is my Visual Blurred and photosensitivity / pain  :-\

I have these symptoms for a week ...

Also, I have two  autoimmune diseases, Graves and Vitiligo

Do you have solutions for blurred vision?

You may try MACA capsules [600 mg] or saffron tea [5-20 stigmas into warm water], although they work on all my other symptoms as well. I haven't tested them specifically for photosensitivety, but saffron clears up the blurriness in 1-2 hours, while MACA does so around 2 hours after its consumption. Also check if they are not contraindicated in your other problems.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Enix on May 19, 2021, 03:21:09 PM

I am a 40 year old french man, and like all of you, I have POIS since 15 years...

My brain fog can be cured with vitamin B6 and magnesium, after a few hours I recover all my mental faculties.

My main problem is my Visual Blurred and photosensitivity / pain  :-\

I have these symptoms for a week ...

Also, I have two  autoimmune diseases, Graves and Vitiligo

Do you have solutions for blurred vision?

You may try MACA capsules [600 mg] or saffron tea [5-20 stigmas into warm water], although they work on all my other symptoms as well. I haven't tested them specifically for photosensitivety, but saffron clears up the blurriness in 1-2 hours, while MACA does so around 2 hours after its consumption. Also check if they are not contraindicated in your other problems.

Yes, I tried saffron, it removes 90% of my brain fog, the only problem that remains is visual blur and photosensitivity.
The only thing that works for my eyes is cortisone (prednisone)
2.5mg before the orgasm and 2.5mg after.
Then 2.5mg a day for 2 days....
But I am afraid for the long term of the side effects  :-\

Natural anti-inflammatories do not work (Turmeric/Romarin/Ginger)
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Progecitor on May 20, 2021, 02:35:57 PM

I am a 40 year old french man, and like all of you, I have POIS since 15 years...

My brain fog can be cured with vitamin B6 and magnesium, after a few hours I recover all my mental faculties.

My main problem is my Visual Blurred and photosensitivity / pain  :-\

I have these symptoms for a week ...

Also, I have two  autoimmune diseases, Graves and Vitiligo

Do you have solutions for blurred vision?

You may try MACA capsules [600 mg] or saffron tea [5-20 stigmas into warm water], although they work on all my other symptoms as well. I haven't tested them specifically for photosensitivety, but saffron clears up the blurriness in 1-2 hours, while MACA does so around 2 hours after its consumption. Also check if they are not contraindicated in your other problems.

Yes, I tried saffron, it removes 90% of my brain fog, the only problem that remains is visual blur and photosensitivity.
The only thing that works for my eyes is cortisone (prednisone)
2.5mg before the orgasm and 2.5mg after.
Then 2.5mg a day for 2 days....
But I am afraid for the long term of the side effects  :-\

Natural anti-inflammatories do not work (Turmeric/Romarin/Ginger)

I am just glad that saffron also works for you. I have discovered most of the things that work for me only recently, so I haven't really tested them thoroughly, especially against some less prevalent symptoms like photophobia. It is one of my less bothersome symptom, which of course doesn't mean I haven't had some really serious cases as well. Photophobia usually only occurs in the mornings, but it tends to subside as the day goes on. Mind fog also has a similar trend, but it can occur even in the evenings.
What I realized is that some food may have a profound negative effect on photophobia. Pickled cabbage and apricot are far the worst. When I was in acute POIS and also ate them in the next morning there were times I practically couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't watch a laptop screen with the light dimmed to the lowest setting without pain in the eyes and tears uncontrollably flowing. Needless to say the eyes were quite bloodshot as well. I also detail other items on my food list.
Photophobia and blurred vision are also symptoms of Graves' ophthalmopathy so it is possibly not entirely a POIS problem, but rather an additive issue.
Don't you have any symptoms out of POIS?
By the way do you also sneeze a lot when you try to force your eyes open when you just can't?
Although I realize that closing the eyelids may be more difficult for you.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: berlin1984 on May 20, 2021, 02:57:27 PM
My photophobia used to be very bad (I needed sunglasses), but nowadays is not anymore, I hardly notice it.
Can it be that something in my supplementation that fixes it for me but not for others?
(Zinc? Quercetin? Vitamin C?)
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Journey on May 21, 2021, 05:07:26 AM
So there is a name for registering afterimages for too long - palinopsia, I always had it but did not know if it's normal and if there is a name for it
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Progecitor on March 10, 2022, 03:40:49 PM
I have already posted about this, but I think it deserves further emphasis. Anyone with photophobia should really try resveratrol. Just take one 250 mg capsule before going to sleep and in the morning you will see the difference.
Photophobia is a general symptom for me. I have it every morning when I get up to a lesser or greater degree and it takes a few minutes to get accustomed even to internal light. Of course it gets worse again when I go out and there is sunshine or snow.
I took my last capsules while I was infected with omicron and every morning the photophobia was absent. It also worked earlier when I was testing it. It felt amazing when I set out to work and did not feel like a vampire exposed to the Sun.
I am quite sure that resveratrol will work for anyone who has photophobia as a symptom, but if anyone finds otherwise don’t hesitate to report about it.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: mike_sweden on March 12, 2022, 02:23:36 PM
I have already posted about this, but I think it deserves further emphasis. Anyone with photophobia should really try resveratrol. Just take one 250 mg capsule before going to sleep and in the morning you will see the difference.
Photophobia is a general symptom for me. I have it every morning when I get up to a lesser or greater degree and it takes a few minutes to get accustomed even to internal light. Of course it gets worse again when I go out and there is sunshine or snow.
I took my last capsules while I was infected with omicron and every morning the photophobia was absent. It also worked earlier when I was testing it. It felt amazing when I set out to work and did not feel like a vampire exposed to the Sun.
I am quite sure that resveratrol will work for anyone who has photophobia as a symptom, but if anyone finds otherwise don’t hesitate to report about it.

I suffer from photofobia.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: mike_sweden on March 12, 2022, 02:34:48 PM
My eyesight deteriorated fast when i started masturbating as a young child
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Progecitor on March 13, 2022, 11:50:45 AM
My eyesight deteriorated fast when i started masturbating as a young child

My eyesight also deteriorated most rapidly in my early teens after starting masturbation. It is still getting worse year by year, but fortunately the process is slower nowadays. I wanted to try resveratrol many years ago, but it was too expensive for me at those times. There were also times when I drank quite an amount of red wine, which only made my problems worse, so I actually thought that resveratrol can’t be that good a thing. Of course red wine has many other compounds (e.g. alcohol, sulphites), which are not necessarily good. Also considering the amount found in wine one would need to drink 25-50 liters to get the same amount that can be found in supplements.

I also found a rather comprehensive study about the benefits of resveratrol on ocular diseases. Unfortunately photophobia was not specifically mentioned, but it is probably part of the picture.
The study also highlights some other supplements that may be used in combination with resveratrol for additional benefit.

Resveratrol (RSV) in combination with nicotinamide (niacinamide) exhibits strong effects; it was shown that RSV (10 or 30 mg/kg/day) was not able to prevent the onset of diabetic cataract, but significantly delayed its progression compared to the control group.
Another clinical trial performed in the USA in octogenarians also showed that oral administration of Longevinex®, which is a combination of RSV with quercetin, ferulic acid together with vitamin D3 and a cooper/iron/calcium binding molecule called IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate), could improve retinal structure and visual function as well as reduce neovascularization.


Also be sure to report about it if you decide to try resveratrol!
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Hopeoneday on March 13, 2022, 07:24:50 PM
Nope, i hawe eyesight like an eagle.

20 years eyes inflamation from pois, konjuctivitis, visuall migreins
(aura migreins).

You guys masturbate to much , you will all go blind  ;D
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Progecitor on May 01, 2022, 09:40:26 AM
I have realized that resveratrol alone may be not enough to achieve the anti-photophobic effect. Thus I can only really recommend the specific product that worked:
Swanson Resveratrol 250 mg (Polygonum cuspidatum root extract)
I suspect a synergy of resveratrol and emodin, but it has yet to be confirmed.
Title: Re: Visual problems?
Post by: Progecitor on March 30, 2024, 05:27:04 AM
I have realized that resveratrol alone may be not enough to achieve the anti-photophobic effect. Thus I can only really recommend the specific product that worked:
Swanson Resveratrol 250 mg (Polygonum cuspidatum root extract)
I suspect a synergy of resveratrol and emodin, but it has yet to be confirmed.

Unfortunately resveratrol no longer provides a particular benefit. I have been taking it daily of varying brands for the past half year. I only take one dose before bedtime, but I haven’t tried a greater dosage as my current strategy involves taking a lot of things in small amounts. However I found something else that could be trialed against photophobia.
I have noticed that taking aspirin (Aspirin Protect 100 mg per pill) before going to bed can help a lot with photophobia in the morning. The only problem is that it stops working after about two days. I had this experience recently, but about half a year ago the same happened, though I can’t tell the exact number of days it helped then. Clearly I lose my ability to respond to aspirin very fast, even if I take daily two pills, but after some time the effectiveness returns. At the moment I can only say that this is less than half a year and more observation would be needed to determine it more properly. Considering this aspirin may be not used practically, but I believe it could still help us through some critical occasions especially if used sparingly.
Another thing I suspect to decrease photophobia is coffee. Actually the morning coffee may not alleviate depression, but rather slightly improves photophobia and hence my subconscious addiction. I often noticed in the past, that when in the mornings I simply couldn’t look at the brightness of the monitor the morning coffee would soon provide a slight relief that would be just enough to make me able to. If I tried to withhold coffee this acclimatization would usually take more time.