Hello everyone.
I'm male and in my twenties. I have this struggle since puberty, so that makes it about 15 years. I have flu like symptopms, fatique etc. on a physical level and also asperger like symptoms really when I have a pois episode that usually last a week.
Looking back, luckily I picked up 2 things subconciously when I was younger that helped me a lot:
1. Exercise in the morning helps me. 2. Eggs for breakfast help me.
I didn't do that every day as I didn't fully make the connection or I was too tired in the first few days, but often I did and it helped me get out of an pois episode quicker.
In my 20's I learned about pois and was so taken a back that I'm not the only one who experiences this issue after orgasm. In the beginning with the little money I had I started buying one supplement every other month but focused more on eating healthy i.e. buying healthy foods when I moved out.
I tried zink. Also bought niacin (in the form of tablets with flush effect) for the first time. But those did not help. Actually zink might have helped to shorten it by a day or two. But no major progress.
Then I learned that I also get pois symptoms after having intercourse. This was a major upset. This makes me question, for the first time, if I will get married. I mean in the long term. If I could even sustain that lifestyle or if there are women out there whose lifestyle would match mine. As I need to live super disciplined, eat very healthy, ideally have only healthy foods outside and also in my house too, also prefer not to have streaming services like netflix etc. as I want to minimize the probabilty of getting nocturnal emissions etc. I must say I love most healthy foods anyways so that's alright with me. But I can get tempted to indulge and distract myself especially after a pois episode starts, so I make sure to not have any sugary or processed foods in my fridge to be frank with you.
So when I saw that pois was hindering me from getting to a better stage in my life, I went to a couple specialists but eventually I gave it up as I had no time or energy left and just focused on doing research myself whenever I could, and so I read up also a bit on here.
I have tried a lot of supplements in these couple years.
The supplement that helped me the most physically is a testosterone booster. I had no means to buy it since a year but it contains tribulus terrestris. Also l-arginine and other components.
Mentally the best thing I can take is L-Theanine . This helps to calm down the anxiety, especially in social environments and helps to be able to speak more clearly. Unfortunately it's not like a magic pill, one still gets into embarrassing moments when one does not remember names of people, let's say etc. So it helps more for yourself to feel calm, especially in the first couple days I would say.
Curcuma tea works really well to clear up the acne. Sometimes I'm suprised how well it works, how after a couple days my skin is shining. So I'm really happy to find something inexpensive that helps my skin. Curcuma might also help in other ways, i.e. mood etc. Also I have of course tried niacin in powder form with a flush effect (although it is not sold here unfortunately, so it's expensive to get it). It helped me primarily with acne. And also eased the depression given I took it in a fasted state.
I also regularly take a b-vitamin complex, multivitamins and magnesium. I have been drinking a energy drink with taurine but recently bought a taurine supplement instead. So I'm testing that. Also I've been taking ginseng, perhaps that's why I have been able to retain most of my muscle mass even though I was ill lately.
All in all, I'm in a better position that I was years ago. I'm finding more a more solutions. At the same time I have many questions. Be it regarding the science behind it or why a certain supplement is said to be good for us. Also interested to talk with you and hear how you all tackle some issues. From relationships, lifestyle choices like abstinence, to doing well in a job.