General Category => Poll Center => Topic started by: Egordon on March 19, 2012, 09:05:55 PM
I only ask because I'm highly allergic (to animals, most plants, a few medications, some foods... got allergy shots as a kid, etc.) and was wondering if others have the same problem? I don't know anything about immunology but if we all have very sensitive/allergic immune systems that might indicate something.
I've never had any allergies in my whole life, but after POIS began I think I may have become slightly celiac as I now get bloated after eating too much white bread.
Just hayfever and dust for me, thankfully I'm not allergic to my pets, but I'm sure they're allergic to me :P
I've never had any allergies in my whole life, but after POIS began I think I may have become slightly celiac as I now get bloated after eating too much white bread.
i think i get same thing. am not allergic to anything but my mom allergic to pollen and possibly mold in carpet.
Just hayfever and dust for me, thankfully I'm not allergic to my pets, but I'm sure they're allergic to me :P
I am allergic to acarus, cats, dogs, pollen(not too much), and kiwifruit...and after my skin showed reaction to my own semen-well, some component-, i suppose that i should add it to this already large list.
Allergies to Gluten, Mould and Fungus
I am allergic to dust, perfume, pollen, peaches and cigarette smoke.
I'm allergic to zero, zilch. Just orgasm supposedly
Gluten, mould & dairy.
not allergic to anything but dont know if i should believe this gluten/milk sensistivity been talked about.
not allergic to anything but dont know if i should believe this gluten/milk sensistivity been talked about.
What do you mean? Mine is confirmed by a gastroenterologist. I can't speak for anyone else but this isn't exactly a broad sample and therefore it's probable we'll have some statistical anomalies (like higher probability of allergies) when compared with the general population.
Honey, mosquito bite, antibiotic, and MSG.
(Those I know of so far.)
not allergic to anything but dont know if i should believe this gluten/milk sensistivity been talked about.
What do you mean? Mine is confirmed by a gastroenterologist. I can't speak for anyone else but this isn't exactly a broad sample and therefore it's probable we'll have some statistical anomalies (like higher probability of allergies) when compared with the general population.
am not talking about you or the forum , am talking about internet. Those websites that claim there is alot of gluten/milk sensistivity. That also say cow milk is not for human beings and can be detremental because we dont digest the protein.
They are taking something that affects a few and applying to general population because of a couple of papers.
All that said i want visit a gastroenterologist just to make sure digestive system is okay. I dont think i have any problems but with this constant pois i am very clueless.
What made you go to gastroenterologist and what did you ask to be tested for.
not allergic to anything but dont know if i should believe this gluten/milk sensistivity been talked about.
What do you mean? Mine is confirmed by a gastroenterologist. I can't speak for anyone else but this isn't exactly a broad sample and therefore it's probable we'll have some statistical anomalies (like higher probability of allergies) when compared with the general population.
am not talking about you or the forum , am talking about internet. Those websites that claim there is alot of gluten/milk sensistivity. That also say cow milk is not for human beings and can be detremental because we dont digest the protein.
They are taking something that affects a few and applying to general population because of a couple of papers.
All that said i want visit a gastroenterologist just to make sure digestive system is okay. I dont think i have any problems but with this constant pois i am very clueless.
What made you go to gastroenterologist and what did you ask to be tested for.
Sounds reasonable. Sorry I thought you were suggesting something else :)
I went to the gastroenterologist because bad POIS was accompanied by stomach problems including cramps, pains and erratic stools (diarrhoea sometimes and constipation a few days later). The gastroenterologist said I had the symptoms of coeliac disease, evidence of allergic reaction in my gut and flattened vili. However, several diet changes (monitored by him) didn't reduce the symptoms by much so I reckoned that if there was an allergic reaction, it was some underlying illness that was triggering sensitivity to dairy and gluten. I'm not sure these illnesses exist by themselves but need something to trigger them.
For the guys who have hay fever (pollen): how is your condition when you are at day 1 of POIS. When there are a lot of pollen in the air (during springtime). I am in POIS state for more than 4 months. And now the hay fever is killing me. I think that is because I destroyed my DAO with antibiotics. Now I have a lot of histamine in my body. So when I breathe in some pollen there is a lot of histamine for the attack. In the years before it only took a half of an allergy pill to control my hay fever. Now I sneeze all day even when taking 2 allergy pills. I am afraid that only prednison will help me to block the overload of histamine.
This all sounds like atopy to me:
Thanks. I do have an acne kind that looks like keratosis pilaris. It appears after a big histamine flush or when I have severe hay fever. Since the weather improved (since ten days agos) I can not go outside. I will ask my doctor if it is atopy. I also have black dots on my calves, looks like hair spots. But I have this for a few years now. Now it only looks a bit bigger. The dots do not give me pain or is not itchy.
The question is why we are more prone to develop hypersensitivity reactions.
The question is why we are more prone to develop hypersensitivity reactions.
This is more of a question of why auto-immunity happens.
The question is why we are more prone to develop hypersensitivity reactions.
My theory for my case: I think there is more histamine in my body or/and I became more intolerant to histamine. I am abstaining for 4 months now. But now there is more histamine in my body I think my POIS will be very bad. I think in my case after sex the histamine in my body rises. In the first day of POIS I have chills in my legs. Because I also had pain and stabs in the penis area I thought it was UTI or prostatitis. In some cases they found something in the urine that proves an UTI, but in some cases they could not find anything. It does not mean that there is no prostatis. But when I look back I think sometimes it was just the overload of histamine in my body. And I made it worse by taking antibiotics. I really took a lot of antibiotics. I have low IGm, so that could explain the prostatis, and they give healthy IGm-patients antibiotics to avoid infections that are not there yet. I think in my case POIS could be a hypersensitivity. It could be for semen, seminical fluid or something else.
Since 5 years I do not had a runny nose. Maybe because of desens and because my tonsils were removed. But the runny nose is back and it has never been so bad as now.
Maybe you explained before, but how do you now feel about your desens?
Desens brought my symptoms down and less days of symptoms. In the last period of desens I got more UTI and prostate infections. Is it because of desens? Or was it because thanks to desens I was able to have more sexual activity, from once a month to 3 or 4 times a month. I do not know. Because of those infections I used a lot of antibiotics and that destroyed my DAO and now I have a histamine problem. Again, did desens played a role? Or maybe my histamine would be even higher without desens? I do not know. There are no signals that other desens patients had the same problems as I did. Because I experimented a lot, under supervision of my POIS doctor. I tried CBD. First with big succes, but later I got allergic to CBD. And I tried Clomid, that made my histamine problem even bigger. I felt I had to take some risks to reduce my POIS. Again, under supervision of my doctor. I would never try risky things like taking Clomid without my doctor’s approval.
Thank you.
''Our studies suggest that mononuclear cells from atopic subjects have abnormalities both in AA metabolism and the regulation of its release, supporting the hypothesis that allergic individuals exhibit disordered cellular immunoregulation and enhanced inflammatory responses.''
Dysregulation of arachidonic acid release and metabolism by atopic mononuclear cells (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2222.1989.tb02341.x)
This could tie into nanna's threads about AA.
Do you guys have a parent who smoked when you were a baby? I read that when an unborn baby has a parent, mother or father, who smokes has a higher chance to develop an allergy. In case ot the father: when he smokes near the mother. A few POIS-patients have an allergy like hay fever. My father used to smoke everywhere in the house. Different times back then. Now he only smokes outside.
Do you guys have a parent who smoked when you were a baby?
Do you guys have a parent who smoked when you were a baby?
Do you guys have a parent who smoked when you were a baby?
Do you guys have a parent who smoked when you were a baby?
No, but I'm allergic to many things during pois :
Cigarettes smoke
Yolk eggs
Cigarette smoke and perfume are not allergies. It is a sensitivity. I also can not stand smoke and perfume. But that is also out of POIS. The same for lactose. Cigarette and perfume are worse for me, because it involves the nose, eyes and throat. Lactose only makes my bowels restless and irritated.