POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS => Topic started by: olaf on April 27, 2020, 07:33:54 AM
Hi There,
I just want to share my personal experience with CBD-Oil and POIS.
Just a brief history in regards to my POIS: I have POIS for about 15 years with all the regular POIS symptoms:
severe headache and fatigue, brainfog, muscle/back ache, flu like symptoms, more emotional, last for 3-7 days.
I have tried all the "natural" remedies from: Niacin, Ginger, Fenugreek, Curcuma, Ginseng, Taurine in all sort of combinations but not much releave (0-10%)
Untill I was treated here in The Netherlands by Docter Waldinger who perscribed me Declofinac (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diclofenac) that I had to take 1,5-3 hours prior to ejaculation.
This releaved my POIS symptoms for about 80-90%. The biggest disadvantage is that you have to take it prior to, and it does not work taking it right after. And taking it daily was not advised.
Now my biggest and most succesfull discovery by accident is CBD-Oil. I had been using it to help me sleep better (more consistant & deeper). On that part it really works well for me. Next to that I started noticing that my POIS symptoms did not appear after ejaculation (by masterbation). Not only occasionally but also if I would ejaculate more then once in one day/night. Or even 4 nights in a row. I have been using it now for 3 months. I just take 2 drops (5% CBD) before I go to sleep and wake up feeling fine with no POIS symptoms.
Here is an article in the NY Times that describes what CBD Oil is.
Hope this will help for the people that are suffering from POIS!
Are you taking medical certified CBD or just from a regular store? Waldinger asked me if I wanted to try Diclofenac. Did not take it because I was testing for prostaglandins at that time.
CBD can keep the Th1/Th2 ratio in check and can interact with mast cells: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3318920/table/T1/
olaf, welcome to the forum!
Interesting that Dr Waldinger prescribed 'Dicloflenac'. In topical form, it helps acitinic keratosis. My POIS (which is well managed now) used to have significant skin symptoms, like exactly acitinic keratosis, urticaria, paleness, various growths on skin and under eyelids, and the best treatment I had found at the time was salicylic acid that treats acitinic keratosis quite well.
Olaf congrats. I do believe you, CBD oil is powerful (I have not used it though :). Endocannaboid system itself is VERY powerful (sorry I sound like Trump :)
But I think more importantly CBD also stabilizes mast-cells and mast-cell stabilizing substances have a very therapeutic effect on POIS. One of my several remedies has been Luteolin and Rutin, I make my own liposomes. Quantums stack I think is also comprised of mast-cell stabilizing compounds.
Are you taking medical certified CBD or just from a regular store? Waldinger asked me if I wanted to try Diclofenac. Did not take it because I was testing for prostaglandins at that time.
CBD can keep the Th1/Th2 ratio in check and can interact with mast cells: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3318920/table/T1/
I am taking CBD Oil from a regular health store.
I can also report that CBD oil relieves my POIS symptoms by a significant margin
which symptoms Mushnikk?
I can also report that CBD oil relieves my POIS symptoms by a significant margin
which symptoms Mushnikk?
I can also report that CBD oil relieves my POIS symptoms by a significant margin
Massive fatigue, irritability, brain fog, muscle ache.
Hello everyone! I believe I fall under the CBD Oil type or Niacin type in Quantum's "Chart of POIS types", and I was wondering if anyone can recommend me a specific CBD oil to try.
My chronic symptoms are: Dull pain on my upper back and especially in the occipital area (feels better with self-massage with a tennis ball), brain fog, anxious feeling, exercise intolerance, heat intolerance, occasional insomnia, and a problem with my stomach not being able to properly digest certain foods. I know POIS is the cause of my symptoms (one symptom causing another) but I believe I can improve many of my symptoms by improving my muscle issues with a combination of self-massage and a chiropractor.
My symptoms that become less severe after a few hours, days, weeks during abstinence period are: throbbing/pulsing head especially on the temple region, palpitations, and brain fog 80% reduction.
My medicine doctor recommended me CBD oil with no THC. Will CBD oil with no THC work for me? If you guys know any CBD oils and routines I can try I would love to know. I plan on visiting a marijuana store near my city soon. Thank you for your time!
Hi Kit,
I can share the CBD-oil that I am using, you can find it here:
I buy this in a regular health store here in The Netherlands. Not sure if they ship it outside of The Netherlands.
It does not contain THC and has 5% CBD in it.
I use it every day, 2 drops before I go to sleep. This helps me sleep much better. That is the main reason why I use this CBD-oil. So regardless if I do or don't ejaculate.
The positive side effect is that it also releaves me from my POIS symptoms better then anything that I have tried before.
Hope this info helps!
Hi olaf,
This information is definitely helpful! CBDsense.com sells the same CBD-oil and does international shipping!: https://www.cbdsense.com/product/jacob-hooy-cbd-oil-5-10ml/
If this is the CBD-oil that helped you, than I will try this one first. I will still visit my local shop to compare quality and price with your oil. Of course, I will maintain my healthy choices and habits and not rely solely on the oil.
Thank you for your reply!
It looks like currently, shipping is unavailable in the U.S. I'm assuming it's because of the virus.
So how big is a risk of infections and cancers during CBD oil use? Heard it has anti inflammatory and immunosupressant qualities. Can't be good in the long term, especially for those of us with neutropenia.
Cbd can kill antibiotics resistent bacteria.
thank you will give it a try