POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS => Topic started by: Bulls eye on February 09, 2012, 03:23:54 PM

Title: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on February 09, 2012, 03:23:54 PM
i cant seem to find niacin at all where i live , and i'll have to order it overseas and pay about 5 times what its worth in shipping an fees to the department of health to approve it , I've tried Inositol Hexanicotinate and doesnt seem like it helps , i only took it 3 hrs ago and on a full stomach i had an O about 2 days ago and am really going through a really tough pois  period

has anyone found why would it work ?
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Nightingale on February 09, 2012, 06:51:33 PM
I dunno, niacin doesn't work for me either  :(
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on February 09, 2012, 09:13:16 PM
I have a hard time getting it too.

For niacin to work, the rules are quite strict. Pure niacin works best. Inositol Hexanicotinate (is a no-flush kind and a modified formula) requires a lot more and I'm not even sure it will work, not the best to test with. I had to find somebody to "sneak the real niacin into the country". I HAD found a gelatine capsule of 300mg but it would be too hard to divide into smaller doses so I didn't try it.

Some say that niacinamide, which is also no-flush works fairly well, but you have to take about 1000 mg. Don't confuse it with this previous no-flush kind.

Pure niacin makes all the difference in the world. Taken after 5 hrs of fasting and one hour before orgasm. You should receive the flush to be sure you have taken enough, which should be around 100mg for most. This formula is very important. If you don't follow it, it probably won't work.
If  you do follow it, it should work very well. It is WELL WORTH THE EFFORT to give it the best try you can. I am basically POIS free now.

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on February 09, 2012, 11:03:09 PM
You have no idea how hard is it to get where i live , imagine i'm a pharmacist  who has friends all over chain and non chain pharmacies and couldnt even find one niacin jar in all thier databases
and even people who sneak imported medicine to the country which i deal with on weekly basis cant get it for me
i've asked a friend to get me some niacin he's abroad , he only found this type at 500 mg and i asked him to bring me 2 , http://www.slo-niacin.com/about-slo-niacin

has anyone tried it ?

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on February 10, 2012, 12:01:14 PM
At least that brand is actually nicotinic acid. The no-flush kinds have modified formulas and are not recommended to ease POIS.
But yours is a slow release and not a typical no-flush formula, and reduces the possibility of flushing.

To prevent POIS symptoms, a certain quantity of nicotinic acid has to be taken and actively in the bloodstream. Below that quantity it is not very effective.
Near that quantity it is somewhat effective and just over that quantity it is very effective.

The measure of "that quantity" is the flush. For some it may be more and others less, and this will also depend on the quantity of food that has beenn previously ingested. Ideal 3 to 5 hrs of fast is needed to get the flush (or receive the right quantity of niacin in the blood).

So the problem with this slo-niacin, is that it's designed to deliver niacin slowly, with the principal effect of reducing or preventing the flush. And if one were to take enough to produce flush, the flush would likely last an extended period.

Niacin when taken for longer periods seems to develop a threshold, which allows one to take MORE niacin before the flush is felt. So I'm not exactly sure what would happen if enough was taken to produce a flush. Would the body accommodate and be more resistent to the flush.

If it's all you have, then you have to try to make it work. Perhaps you can help us develop a working formula for that kind of niacin.

So the good part is, that it IS pure niacin and not some chemical derivative. The bad news is that it will be difficult to find a dosage that works for you.

I know niacin doesn't work for everyone, but the formula for having it be effective is so precise that I feel there are several among those for whom it doesn't work that have failed just because they aren't following the very strict protocol.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on February 21, 2012, 01:12:31 AM
so I got the slo-niacin 500mg , i took a tablet yesterday and as expected there was no flush which is primarily due to the controled release form , but 2 day i decided to take another tablet but i crushed it first to increase its dissolvance and hence uptake in the stomach and viola ;D ;D i was burning up intensely a mere 30 mins after my face was all red i even bled out an old gum wound , i decided to hold off experimenting till the weekend , too much work cant risk pois now  i'll split the crushed tablets in quarters may be even putting them in IR capsules i'll keep u posted
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Stef on February 21, 2012, 08:26:42 PM
so I got the slo-niacin 500mg , i took a tablet yesterday and as expected there was no flush which is primarily due to the controled release form , but 2 day i decided to take another tablet but i crushed it first to increase its dissolvance and hence uptake in the stomach and viola ;D ;D i was burning up intensely a mere 30 mins after my face was all red i even bled out an old gum wound , i decided to hold off experimenting till the weekend , too much work cant risk pois now  i'll split the crushed tablets in quarters may be even putting them in IR capsules i'll keep u posted

Hi Bull's Eye,

It might be quite dangerous to crush a slow-niacin pill.

The pill has a special additive that is meant to deliver the dosage slowly (a "polygel").  Crushing it will break apart that polygel and likely deliver much too high a dose -- and very quickly.  I think the fact that you bled from an old gum wound is an indication that you got much too much niacin, too fast.

Please reconsider trying this again, even in a smaller dosage.

It might be helpful to contact one of the reputable vitamin companies, as they often have international distributors (Solgar, Nature's Bounty, and Nature's Way are some examples of reputable vitamin suppliers).

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on February 23, 2012, 10:37:53 AM
 as soon as i got the flush i took diclofenac sachet to stop the excess PG secretion and calm things down but thanks for the concern  :) , I'll do that as I already stated i'll divide them to 4 smaller portions next time and let you know
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on February 23, 2012, 12:01:15 PM
so I got the slo-niacin 500mg , i took a tablet yesterday and as expected there was no flush which is primarily due to the controled release form , but 2 day i decided to take another tablet but i crushed it first to increase its dissolvance and hence uptake in the stomach and viola ;D ;D i was burning up intensely a mere 30 mins after my face was all red i even bled out an old gum wound , i decided to hold off experimenting till the weekend , too much work cant risk pois now  i'll split the crushed tablets in quarters may be even putting them in IR capsules i'll keep u posted

I think if you divide it in 4 you should be OK. That would give you 125mg.

I find that if I take the powdered form that comes in a capsule, as Nordnurse says, in direct powdered form it's faster and more potent.

Make your first tests with light food about 30 min before (a piece of bread) and try not to take more than 100mg. Start from there.

But could be a good solution for the member that can't get any other kind in his country.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on February 24, 2012, 12:38:27 PM
so I got the slo-niacin 500mg , i took a tablet yesterday and as expected there was no flush which is primarily due to the controled release form , but 2 day i decided to take another tablet but i crushed it first to increase its dissolvance and hence uptake in the stomach and viola ;D ;D i was burning up intensely a mere 30 mins after my face was all red i even bled out an old gum wound , i decided to hold off experimenting till the weekend , too much work cant risk pois now  i'll split the crushed tablets in quarters may be even putting them in IR capsules i'll keep u posted

I think if you divide it in 4 you should be OK. That would give you 125mg.

I find that if I take the powdered form that comes in a capsule, as Nordnurse says, in direct powdered form it's faster and more potent.

Make your first tests with light food about 30 min before (a piece of bread) and try not to take more than 100mg. Start from there.

But could be a good solution for the member that can't get any other kind in his country.

the thing is is that the polygel formula makes the powder stick together when water is added  and form a slow dissolving gel , which can preceiptate on the lining of the esophagus and the whole dose doeasnt reach the stomach at once , so a better solution is dissolving the powder in water by stirring and adding small portions every min or so then drinking the water at once
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on February 25, 2012, 06:57:05 AM
OK, can't be worse than taking powder from a capsule as I do sometimes.

When I take the powder (usually to top up if the 100mg doesn't quite make it) the reaction is about 5 min., quite quick.

If I take 50mg that way, most of it doesn't even reach the stomach. It dissolves and absorbs in the esophagus, but it is still effective.

So have you found a good dose yet?
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on February 25, 2012, 08:09:21 AM
the thing is if its in a gel form stuck in my mouth lining or the esophagus it has a much lower rate of dissolvance than in the stomach

i took a powdered 1/3 of the tablet had a noticeable flush in my arms but no facial flush what so ever , what do you think ?
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on February 25, 2012, 08:16:55 AM
in addition to my workload,  my nutritionist has currently  put me on a diet that would increase my metabolism , which requires eating every 3 hours , quite hard to scheduale a test for "O" on an empty stomach , so i'lm trying to find a higher conc. than the normal 100mg that would work on a somehow full stomach
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on February 25, 2012, 04:06:44 PM
But 3 hrs is good. You should be able to get a flush after 3 hrs. But you would have to eat soon afterwards (for your diet), although skipping a bit once a week shouldn't bother.

I'm not sure if eating too close to the flush afterwards can also affect the efficiency or not. It seems that one time I was flushing quite heavily and I eat a piece of bread to see if it would cut the flush short. It "seemed to", but it might have been close to peaking anyways.

About the flushing on the arms and not the face, I'm personally the other way around. Face first, and then if it is a little stronger it hits the arms and legs

But I think each one is different. I tend to have a pink face anyways (my hypertension medication).

I have had fairly good relief with even light flushes. Sometimes if I'm borderline flush (you can feel that it's there, but it doesn't actually make it) I still have relief. Maybe not as good, let's say 75% instead of 95%, and it extends out into day 2.

So any flush indication should be good, but if you get the flush in more than one location, better.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on March 04, 2012, 05:59:31 PM
damn , had an O about 8 hours ago after carefully following your niacin schedule and wow , significant improvement , no heavy cognitive symptoms , no sore joints a little exertion and tiredness but thats all fine 
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on March 04, 2012, 06:19:27 PM
damn , had an O about 8 hours ago after carefully following your niacin schedule and wow , significant improvement , no heavy cognitive symptoms , no sore joints a little exertion and tiredness but thats all fine 

YEAH!!! Great news!!
For me the good news even goes beyond that. Not only are the POIS symptoms severely reduced but they don't last more than 1 to 1 1/2 days. I find myself even forgetting that I have POIS on day 1!

Good for you!!

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on March 04, 2012, 06:46:03 PM
Oh boy that's  very exciting indeed , going through life with out the usual  set back of pois , i've tried several methods over the years none of them worked , i cant believe that i had an O 8 hours ago without the usual symptoms kicking in and i still have energy to do several things
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on March 04, 2012, 06:49:58 PM
normally when my pois kicks in  i have problems in maintaining a conversation with a friend , but i just had one about an hour ago not only i was able to go on  i was able to convince him with my point of view which is something that is impossible for me to do in the first days of pois.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on March 04, 2012, 07:16:14 PM
Very good news! I'm very happy for you, I know how it feels.

It´s like a miracle.

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: murray on March 04, 2012, 08:52:40 PM

I'm new to the group and just starting to process this whole POIS thing...

I was reading about the niacin "schedule" and wondering if that is two doses a day or just one.  And even the days you aren't planning an O, do you still take the niacin.

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on March 04, 2012, 09:31:19 PM
Hey and welcome to the group , great things are happening right now in pois treatments

what kind of pois symptoms do you suffer from ?

no there is no need to take it daily ,

for niacin to work do as follows

1) it works better on an  a somehow empty stomach so when you take niacin , for best results its better to be fasting for about 3-4 hours
2) you take 100mg for rapid acting niacin and make sure its nicotinic acid and not that flush free crap
3) wait for the flush it should kick in about 5-15 minutes , you'll feel warmth in your face like a mild sunburn
4) if no flush have another half a tablet
5) wait about 20 minutes after incidence of flush before having an orgasm

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Bulls eye on March 05, 2012, 07:50:38 AM
Day 1 after O , no POIS symptoms , usually on the 2nd day my joints tend to become more sore and cognitive symptoms hits hard, i tend to find difficulty recalling and usually i fail , but i'm actually doing very good now and today i'm studying for my board exam.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Observer on March 05, 2012, 09:03:13 AM
Oh boy that's  very exciting indeed , going through life with out the usual  set back of pois , i've tried several methods over the years none of them worked , i cant believe that i had an O 8 hours ago without the usual symptoms kicking in and i still have energy to do several things

Congratulations Bulls eye!

I know how do you feel.  I could not believe that i was not feeling miserable after the O. This is a life changing event and you will realize the difference in an amazing way. Keep us informed.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: b_jim on March 10, 2012, 02:48:58 PM
Congratulations Bulls eye

I like to hear good news like this and especially an improvement with flu-like symptoms (like joint sore) with B3. Hard to explain but that's very nice.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: b_jim on March 14, 2012, 02:23:17 PM
First test with 300mg od B3 (inotisol hexanicotinate).
It didn't improve my chillness symptoms just after ejaculation.
But I didn't have flu-like symptoms and my concentration is good.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on March 17, 2012, 05:43:41 AM
First test with 300mg od B3 (inotisol hexanicotinate).
It didn't improve my chillness symptoms just after ejaculation.
But I didn't have flu-like symptoms and my concentration is good.


Inotisol hexanicotinate is the least effective type of niacin for POIS that there is. That is the no flush type. So if you are getting at least a little help with it, then you should get much better results with the pure niacin. Nicotinic acid.

Please find the right kind and follow the instructions in the posts above to the letter. I'm sure you will find that this will help you  immensely.

I hate to see someone suffering when the solution is at their fingertips.

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: b_jim on March 18, 2012, 04:19:40 AM
Ok, I keep in mind this. If it's really the case it means the efficiency is not really the vitamin B3 itself but the flush caused. It's even more difficult for me to understand.

Starsky said :
POIS is some kind of enviromental sensitivity. Niacin is causing histamine to fill the mast cells, not a release. When they are full then you flush.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on March 18, 2012, 07:14:04 AM
Ok, I keep in mind this. If it's really the case it means the efficiency is not really the vitamin B3 itself but the flush caused. It's even more difficult for me to understand.

Starsky said :
POIS is some kind of enviromental sensitivity. Niacin is causing histamine to fill the mast cells, not a release. When they are full then you flush.

No, it's the reverse. It's ALL about the niacin. The Inotisol hexanicotinate that you take is a chemically modified version of niacin. I guess it was an attempt at reducing the flushing aspect while maintaining the niacin effect, but most doctors agree that the attempt failed. One of the most widely sought benefits of niacin is to reduce harmful colesterol, but this modified version of niacin doesn't even work well for that.

The flush is generally considered a side-effect of niacin. In the common usage, to reduce cholesterol, the flush is not required, in fact is is avoided, although not at all dangerous. Some say unpleasant, but many of us actually like it. It does come with a "mild sunburn" feeling, but also comes with other pleasant feelings, a sort of healthy invigorating feeling. Besides, once you have experienced the niacin relief of POIS, the flush is a VERY anticipated feeling, one that tells you you are protected again!

As Starsky indicates in his quote, the flush indicates "when you have reached the saturation point", when you have taken just the right amount. With the slow release or niacinimide, you don't get that indication. But it's only an indication. It is NOT the flush that gives you the POIS relief, it is the niacin, but the flush tells you that you have taken enough!

But don't try to understand it. It makes it all too complicated. You are losing precious time, suffering POIS when you don't have to, just because you want to understand.

But if the no flush kind is giving you even just a little relief, even just a very little, then I'm sure that if you follow the strict rules as noted above in this thread with REAL niacin, that you will find great relief. (And it's not necessary to understand why). Try it, find your relief, and THEN, with a clear and very relieved mind you can get to understand why.

1) 3 hrs. min fasting (food AND alcohol)
2) 100mg regular niacin
3) Wait about 15 minutes for flush
4) Wait another 15 or so to let the flush pass its peak

(if the flush doesn't come take another 75mg and wait 10 minutes more.)

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: b_jim on March 18, 2012, 09:05:32 AM
I'll try to make a good post and i will edit it several time.
It's difficult for me to understand all what you said and the point of view of Starsky.

No, it's the reverse. It's ALL about the niacin.
Ok, so the flush don't help with Pois. It's only the "sign" that mast cells are RELOADED as Starsky said. So vitamin B3 is the possible helper for Pois improvement. Why ? Nobody knows but B3 can be linked to :
- teststosterone and other sexual hormones synthesis
- histamines synthesis
- other neurotransmitters (Dopamine and serotonin with tryptophan pathway)
- insulin (important for me)

But first point, I don't know if the fact that mast cells are full of histamines is the improvement itself.
I forget the auto-immune or auto-allergy for the moment because I think it's not the good explanantion for my Pois.

Starsky said Niacin may help to reload mass cells. But maybe the important histamine for Pois symptoms is not histamine in mast cells but maybe the circulating histamine ( espcecially the histamine role in nervous system. ) About this, there is a disease called narcolepsy and the role of histamine in this disease is supposed. (french study (http://icoprem.univ-lyon1.fr/laboratoires.php?id=41&page=45&ids=4&Submit=%BB) : narcolepsy might be linked to a histamine deficiency).

On the Naked Scientist Forum GoingCrazy wrote me this :

How can you say that without ever taken any antihistamines?
It's very surprising how I have felt while taking claritin.  I don't know if it's the anti-histamine/vitamin C combination, but it seems to be working and I am still POIS free.

I didn't answer him because I didn't know what I can add. My mood was bad last week and sometimes I prefer to shut up. But I have thought it all these days.
So What I imagine about his :
Orgasm => Allergy to semen => Histamine release=> deficiency*
Orgasm===============> Histamine release=>deficiency*

*deficiency of what ? Niacine, histamines... ?

Allergy to semen is no needed to involve histamine release or what Starsky called "kind of enviromental sensitivity". Orgasm ITSELF may cause the release.

Look this page :
This woman is not necesserly allergic to semen. But orgasm disrupt something.
In these conditions, maybe GoingCrazy is right and it will be nice to test Claritin even if its improvement is not clear and dispite I don't believe allergy to sperm is the cause for me.

but most doctors agree that the attempt failed. One of the most widely sought benefits of niacin is to reduce harmful colesterol, but this modified version of niacin doesn't even work well for that.
Ok, I have understood you reasoning. If Inotisol hexanicotinate can't improve cholesterol like other forms, it proves this form is not well assimalated.  Have we found some studies about this ? (I didn't search on the forum, maybe I missed something).

I will read again the topcis about niacin.
Anyway before Inotisol hexanicotinate, the form I took was NICOTINAMIDE. I took 100-150 mg without flush and without real success, maybe cognitive improvement.

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on March 18, 2012, 01:41:16 PM
Perhaps the most relevant in what you say in your post is the following:

Ok, so the flush don't help with Pois. It's only the "sign" that mast cells are RELOADED as Starsky said. So vitamin B3 is the possible helper for Pois improvement. Why ? Nobody knows but B3 can be linked to :
- teststosterone and other sexual hormones synthesis
- histamines synthesis
- other neurotransmitters (Dopamine and serotonin with tryptophan pathway)
- insulin (important for me)

It seems like there's a limited supply of base materials to produce the histamines and neurotransmitters. If heavier histamine production is required, like after ejaculation, these base materials are used up and there's not enough left over to produce the other neurotransmitters or even testosterone, and so we feel like "crap" for a week until we can make up the shortfall. B3 bolsters the shortfall, and therefore allows our system to work like it's supposed to.

Niacinimide has shown to be effective as well, but doses of 500mg to 1000 mg are required. The problem with niacinimide, is that there is no "indicator" like the flush to say, "OK, you've taken the right amount". But, so far I haven't heard of anyone hear complain of "overdose". I don't know how much you would have to take to overdose.

If it's the flush that you are afraid of, don't worry about it, it really isn't all that bad. As I said, some of us have even gotten to like it. With 100mg of niacin, you can't really have a BAD flush. I've had one or two a little stronger, depending on conditions, but nothing to make you feel excessively uncomfortable.

The flush starts (after about 15 minutes) with a light prickly feeling then rapidly increases (within another 5 minutes) to this light sunburn feeling, and just when it is at it's peak, it starts dropping off and the more pleasant feelings start to enter. In about 10 more minutes, the most of it have passed.


If all goes well, it should be one of the most memorable moments you've had in a long time. THE FIRST TIME  YOU'VE HAD SEX WITHOUT MAJOR POIS IN A LONG TIME.

The good thing is that it is repeatable. Your POIS should be greatly reduced and very much shorter.

On day 1 I have parts of the day (usually later in the day) that are sort of POISy. On day 2 I might feel just a bit of POIS (very light) and that's it!

I am finding myself realizing, even on day 1 that I forgot that I had sex the day before. I forget that I should be having POIS.

Don't lose precious time. Be POIS free NOW.

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: tirasoft on May 14, 2012, 07:13:54 AM
Hello all users.
I have POIS for a long time.
I followed ocasionally the POIS info on internet.

Today I finnaly order some Niacimide 500 mg tablets because I am want to do something on it.

I am very ancious about using this drug, I will report online the effects.

I am from Romania, here nobody heard about POIS.
 I found the site after long searches on the net without knowing the term "POIS" . I was very happy to find that these strange feelings I am living with have a name and I am not alone , and also it have a (unknown yet) medical explanation. I couldnt find yet Relora to try it just someting named "Super Cortisol Support" wich contain 200mg of Relora. But it think Niacin (Niacimide) helps more (after I red some of topics)

See you.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on May 14, 2012, 08:32:09 AM
I'm glad that you found us, and am sure we should be able to help in some way, if not only as company among others who know how you feel!
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on May 14, 2012, 09:57:11 AM
I would like to reiterate how important it is to take niacin "in just the right way".

Yesterday I took niacin in the morning (as a prelude to orgasm of course) which I don't normally do because I prefer my orgasms at night to sleep off any undesirable effects in the first hours.

Normally as well I have noticed that niacin is "stronger" in the morning, most likely because one has not eaten for 8 hours at least before. So I took 100mg to start off. In the morning, or after a long fast, this is usually enough. But nothing. This may have been because I took 200 mg the night before and aborted "activity" because I didn't get a flush.

So I took another 100. Waited about 20 minutes, and still not much, maybe a light sense that niacin was in my system, but no flush. So another 75mg. Usually that's a lot for the morning after fasting, but I figured it was because of the 200 I had taken the night before.

So given I had a "slight tingle", and figuring that I had taken enough, "we started in". With the activity, the flush started to intensify. and during "the best part", I was "glowing like a virgin on her wedding night"! The flush lasted over an hour, but was principally AFTER the orgasm.

I was OK for about 4 hours, but then the POIS started to set in, took me quite a bit to get to sleep at night, feeling like crap and then bad dreams at night!!

But not too bad this morning. we'll have to see how it goes.

But, it's so important to wait till after the flush passes to get best effect. Even in this case, where the flush had begun before we started.

The last three sessions, I barely had a flush, maybe even less than what I had when I started last night, but the fact that "the flush had passed" in these previous session made a big difference.

It's hard to interrelate all the details. IF today I go most of the day and only feel a light passing of POIS in the evening, it will be like the last three sessions, ignoring the bad stuff yesterday which I would have otherwise "slept off". If my POIS is heavier today, it's because I should have waited for the flush to pass completely. I think anyways, that if I had let the flush pass, I wouldn't have felt as bad last night.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Nightingale on May 14, 2012, 07:09:46 PM
Normally as well I have noticed that niacin is "stronger" in the morning, most likely because one has not eaten for 8 hours at least before. So I took 100mg to start off. In the morning, or after a long fast, this is usually enough. But nothing. This may have been because I took 200 mg the night before and aborted "activity" because I didn't get a flush.

So I took another 100. Waited about 20 minutes, and still not much, maybe a light sense that niacin was in my system, but no flush. So another 75mg. Usually that's a lot for the morning after fasting, but I figured it was because of the 200 I had taken the night before.

So given I had a "slight tingle", and figuring that I had taken enough, "we started in". With the activity, the flush started to intensify. and during "the best part", I was "glowing like a virgin on her wedding night"! The flush lasted over an hour, but was principally AFTER the orgasm.

I was OK for about 4 hours, but then the POIS started to set in, took me quite a bit to get to sleep at night, feeling like crap and then bad dreams at night!!

These are my EXACT experiences with trying what you were trying.  Relief to know it's not an exclusive phenomenon.  I hate having to "abort" as it means not only will I not get relief that moment, I will have to be extra resilient to abstain longer for the niacin to work efficiently later.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on May 15, 2012, 11:09:10 AM
Normally as well I have noticed that niacin is "stronger" in the morning, most likely because one has not eaten for 8 hours at least before. So I took 100mg to start off. In the morning, or after a long fast, this is usually enough. But nothing. This may have been because I took 200 mg the night before and aborted "activity" because I didn't get a flush.

So I took another 100. Waited about 20 minutes, and still not much, maybe a light sense that niacin was in my system, but no flush. So another 75mg. Usually that's a lot for the morning after fasting, but I figured it was because of the 200 I had taken the night before.

So given I had a "slight tingle", and figuring that I had taken enough, "we started in". With the activity, the flush started to intensify. and during "the best part", I was "glowing like a virgin on her wedding night"! The flush lasted over an hour, but was principally AFTER the orgasm.

I was OK for about 4 hours, but then the POIS started to set in, took me quite a bit to get to sleep at night, feeling like crap and then bad dreams at night!!

These are my EXACT experiences with trying what you were trying.  Relief to know it's not an exclusive phenomenon.  I hate having to "abort" as it means not only will I not get relief that moment, I will have to be extra resilient to abstain longer for the niacin to work efficiently later.

Yesterday and today have been pretty "clean" as far as POIS goes, so here's how I interpret all of this.

In my first months with niacin, I seemed to need only near 100mg (with a good fast prior). Now that has gone up to about 250mg. In part I think it's because the niacin is getting old. I'm fairly sure it "gets stale easily".

I have to get a new batch to know for sure.

Secondly, I am noticing, that even though I don't get a full flush, as long as I take a reasonable amount (for me 250mg or so), it still works fairly well, perhaps 80% as efficient as a good flush. Even if I have a good flush, if I don't wait for the flush to pass the peak, it is also not as strong an effect. In my case, that meant the first day was heavier, but the POIS passed quickly, only had about 1 day of POIS.

So when I reported in my last post, I was in the first day and it was not all that great!!

It is a bummer to have to abort, and to do the fast! It's the worst part about niacin, but I wouldn't stop taking it for the world. It's still a LOT better than it used to be. I'm in day 2 and I can think, have drive and don't feel like crap!!

It really hasn't worked well for me taking it under the tongue, maybe a little faster, but I haven't been able to reduce the quantity or have better effects after eating.

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Ccconfucius on May 15, 2012, 02:55:41 PM
If its getting old it the pill loose its white color and start looking yellowish. That is what happend to mine and when i bought new one it looked white

Customs in chile dont stop pills do they, we can always hook you up from the US.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Nightingale on May 15, 2012, 09:30:26 PM
I have my doubts about niacin degraded that fast.  I just looked at my GNC bottle of niacin, and saw an 01/2015 "best by" date.  GNC always has the highest quality stuff.

I've also used niacin I left in bottles that I thought were empty and thus sat around a good while with their caps off.  I couldnt tell a difference.  I'm interested in hearing your results Daveman
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on May 16, 2012, 11:14:45 AM
If its getting old it the pill loose its white color and start looking yellowish. That is what happend to mine and when i bought new one it looked white

Customs in chile dont stop pills do they, we can always hook you up from the US.

Yeah, they are a little yellower. It's been several months now that I've had the same bottle.

I tried to import from a reputable supplier, but they wouldn't let it in. Bummer!
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on May 16, 2012, 11:22:58 AM
I have my doubts about niacin degraded that fast.  I just looked at my GNC bottle of niacin, and saw an 01/2015 "best by" date.  GNC always has the highest quality stuff.

I've also used niacin I left in bottles that I thought were empty and thus sat around a good while with their caps off.  I couldnt tell a difference.  I'm interested in hearing your results Daveman

I should check the expiry date, although it may not apply to POIS. We may need ultimate potency!

Basically it's still working, and even after this last one, where I didn't wait out the peak of the flush, I only had one day of medium POIS. It's just that I have to take 250 to 300mg now.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Observer on May 16, 2012, 03:56:06 PM
I have my doubts about niacin degraded that fast.  I just looked at my GNC bottle of niacin, and saw an 01/2015 "best by" date.  GNC always has the highest quality stuff.

I've also used niacin I left in bottles that I thought were empty and thus sat around a good while with their caps off.  I couldnt tell a difference.  I'm interested in hearing your results Daveman

I should check the expiry date, although it may not apply to POIS. We may need ultimate potency!

Basically it's still working, and even after this last one, where I didn't wait out the peak of the flush, I only had one day of medium POIS. It's just that I have to take 250 to 300mg now.

Hey Guys, don´t worry about that. It has happened to me before. I left open one bottle and the air entered; i used the niacin and the effect was not the same. Then, next week i used another new bottle, and ... excellent results!! It seems that they degraded so fast if you don´t close the bottle.
Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: Daveman on June 10, 2012, 09:39:43 AM
I had another session where I needed 400 mg of niacin. I had eaten before, maybe 1 1/2 before. So I took it under the tongue, 200 right away.

I felt it absorbing, got the jaw even a little prickly, but ot enough to say ot was a flush. So I took 100 more, waited a while and then anoher 100mg.

Still no flush. All in all, about an hour passed from taking the first niacin to when I realized I wasn't going to flush. But going on a hunch, I decided to"do it" anyways-

With the accelerated heart beat and energy expended during.... I began to feel the flush in my face a bit, and my wife said I was somewhat red.

Today NO POIS!

Puting all the pieces together, here's what I figure is happening.

The flush is a good indicator that you've had enough, "under certain conditions". But if you take a lot of niacin or are more sensitive because its early in the day or you haven't eaten, then the flush comes faster. If you have eaten or are tired or whatever, the flush delays or doesn't even come, and so it might not indicate very well if you are ready or not.

I have found, that if for some reason I don't get the flush, that 400 mg is always enough to prevent POIS, and that you must wait for at least an hour from when you first ingest the niacin.

Sometimes you can't take 400mg. so there, the flush is the measure (or even the restriction). If you get the flush, wait that hour from first taking the niacin though, that seems to be the important part.

Title: Re: not really sure if niacin works ?
Post by: chen1995 on June 15, 2012, 04:42:17 AM

 did you get the message I sent you?