POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS => Topic started by: Hopeoneday on June 11, 2019, 09:37:15 AM
A small floating ball around the testicles (a small ball with a diameter of about 3.5mm, held by the arterie, causes pain when pressed).
Very difficult to find in skortum,
cork in scortum.
With all the other symptoms, I have testicular pains 2-4 days while i am
in worst pois.
And it seems to me that this ball is particularly painful at that time.
Something like a lymph node.
Doyou hawe it?
A varicocele? I believe I have one of those, I had a period where I had stabbing pain in my left testicle that made it difficult to walk and they did an ultrasound and I think they found a varicocele but I don;t think that was the cause of the pain.
I have an unrelated question. Are you lactose intolerant?
Tissue becomes thickened within my scrotum yes. Not sure what it is.
Varicocele it seems to be different:
This small ball 3-3.5mm, it looks like(imagine baloon on rope),
wery difcult to spot , it floating freely around my right
testicle hanging on "rope" , wery painfull when you put fingers presure on it.
I did seen this alien on 3D ultrasound and ask doc what,s this?
The answser was- I dont know.
I think that this is definitly a lymph node swolen.
When i practice apstinence and some of my antiinflamatory regimen, a dont get this swolen lymph node.
I exame my testicle yesterdy , no pain , no this node.
So we guys who hawe painfull testicles after eyaculation, we could hawe swolen lymph nodes after eyaculation in scortum.
I invate you gys to examine yoursef,
it is not easy to find , do soft exam of yours scortum an try to find samll painfull nodule!
Varicoceles are certainly there (mostly around the left one). Thats all I feel.
No, i think that this isn,t varicoceles in my case, only one small painfull node.
I think that it is a lymph node.
See in pitcure about varicoceles post wehere are they.
Yep, small painfull lymph node apered back after eyaculation afer more than
a month of abstinence. :)
It didn been there , after long period of apstinence.
We will see in future.
Lymph node is smaller more then doublle in four days apstinence , an no painfull eny more.
Almost disapired.
So we could hawe here some physsical prove for imune reaction. :)
Me and Bluesbrother had low phosphate at one point in time.
I you ask me , lymph nodes do not swole yust llike that, it is usualy
from infection, alergy... and offen near infected gland organ etc...
This man NS in link tested negative to semen alergy, so why lymh node
swell in pois??? Hidden infection, hidden alergy, hidden toxin a do not know
whot else could be.
Posible something hidden(toxin infection) triger MCAS then...
THIS IS PHYSICAL PROOF that something is goin on.
This man NS in link tested negative to semen alergy, so why lymh node swell in pois???
All have been tested for allergy type 1 but have they been tested for type IV? No. Enlarged lymph nodes can also happen in type IV.
Edit: I once had an enlarged left testicle at the end of my teenage years, prior to POIS diagnosis, scan revealed benign thickening.
See, vacicoceles is on vesicles who suplay testicles with blod, i do not hawe
varicoceles, i hawe swolen lyph node in scortum in pois not on testicle or epididymitis wehere sperm is. This isnt spermatochele. Spermahocele is on epididymitis.
No, it is painful small node when i " cach him " floating aroun testicle on
one wessel like . It loks like big sperm , i did so it on 3d ultrasound.
I can do exam again on 3d ultrasound and post here for science.
i thin it is wery inportant for poisers.
This wolud be PHYSICAL proof finaly :)
Muon, where your post gone, i talk to my self ;D pffff
Muon, where your post gone, i talk to my self ;D pffff
The left side of my scrotum feels like a bag of worms sometimes in POIS but that is not what you meant I think.
No, i didn,t meant that, it is painfull lymph node.
No, i didn,t meant that, it is painfull lymph node.
MCA in lymph node?
When i do a lot of ejaculation in a short period, i get pain on my neck, close to the side. It is not sore throat because when i swallow it doesn't hurt. It only hurts when i touch my neck. The pain last a few days. I have always suspected that is my lymph node hurting.
If i use antihistamine and nsaid together it takes much fewer ejaculation to get the same pain. This has always swayed me towards Nanna's theory. I think he said the body releases all those inflammatory chemicals during orgasm to fight a dormant infection that is trying to spread.
Cortisol is the body's number one countermeasure for inflammation. Anti-inflammatory cortisol is not the enemy, it's the body's own "cure"! Poisers first overproduce cortisol because it is needed to handle the dangerous inflammation, er else we would die! Noone can live more than a day without cortisol. During the period that cortisol is beeing overproduced there will also be side effects of hight cortisol (excess sebum production, dry skin and acne, increased number of dopamin receptors) but not as much side effects as when cortisol in beeing underproduced, which it inevitable will be after a long time of POIS: The adrenals get exhausted and run out of their important temporary cortisol storage that is needed after orgasm.
Psychological Complaints of Cortisol Deficiency (Particularly frequent and intense in stressful conditions)
Flu-like fatigue
Outbursts of nervousness, anger, fear
Lack of punch
Use of intensely negative words: horrible, terrible, dramatic, disaster, the end of the world, etc.
Poor resistance to stress
Intense dislike of stress
Irritability, aggressiveness, even meanness
Try to avoid stressful situations, jobs, partner
Accusations, meanness toward others
Physical Complaints of Cortisol Deficiency (Particularly frequent and intense in stressful conditions)
Fatigue-like fatigue with the desire to lie down
Deformed joints
Tensed muscles
Allergies: skin, nose-ear-throat with reddish coloration of inflamed zones, asthma, food allergies
Intolerance to medications
Palpitations, especially in stressful conditions
Frequent infections: Sore throat, red eyes, ear pain, flu, etc.
Excessive sweating in armpits, on hand palms, and on foot soles
Reduced appetite
Localized pains in structures that are put under pressure, such as the eyes, abdomen, joints, tendons, and muscles
Weight loss in people caused by a low appetite
So we risk to run low of this important homone and when cortisol is low, alla other hormones are too because of the "cortisol steal" (https://briewieselman.com/adrenal-fatigue-part-4-the-cortisol-steal-or-how-increased-stress-creates-female-hormone-imbalance/) , including testosterone that is suppose to rebuild the damaged tissues. There's no more raw materials left to make hormones when cortisol is low - cortisol takes it all! So we have to lower inflammation and eat food that contains cholesterol, proteins and good fat - the raw materials for all hormones (and get off cholesterol lowering statins drugs). When the body can produce enought cortisol it continues to produce the other hormones as well.
People who are stressed and burned out don't need less cortisol, they need more cortisol. Thats why they become well when they get cortisol supplements. It's the stress that is the cause, not the cortisol. However, when the stress is gone the side effects of hight cortisol are also gone so stopping stress has double benefits. And it's the same for poisers. Lower stress and the cortisol stores will start to build up again.
But if the intestines are compomised because of long term inflammation we have to heal them first and build up a good flora, or else we cant utiilize the food and nutrition. Thats why it is so important that you check the status of your gut. Do a SIBO test and get on a SIBO protocol!
Source: Cortisol Deficiency: Frequent, Life-Impairing, and How to Give Patients Their Lives Back By Correcting It (https://www.townsendletter.com/article/cortisol-deficiency-frequent-life-impairing-and-how-to-give-patients-their-lives-back-by-correcting-it/)
Thats why it is so important that you check the status of your gut. Do a SIBO test and get on a SIBO protocol!
Yes people want to do SIBO testing but many doctors do not cooperate. I have asked the GP for a lactulose test and he never heard of such test.