General Category => General POIS Discussions => Topic started by: mike_sweden on May 06, 2019, 07:00:14 AM
I think most of us have seen the YouTube clip where an American architect underwent castration and also took testosterone supplements and this cured his POIS
why did this work?
I think most of us have seen the YouTube clip where an American architect underwent castration and also took testosterone supplements and this cured his POIS
why did this work?
Hi Mike, 3 comments:
1- this member has not been active here since 2014 ( Animus) , so there is no way to know if it is still effective for him and that he is still POIS-free.
2- This member also had a painful mass on one if his testis, and this, I think was also one of his motivation for removal of the testes.
3- Many Poiscenter members had vasectomy, and it never helped or cured POIS for any of them. If the cause of POIS is an immune reaction, it seems that it would not depend on anything coming from the testes, because in this case, vasectomy should bring relief. Discussions among members here have made it clear that complete castration is not a solution for POIS, and bring major problems because of the hormonal role of the testes. Some members had, instead, though about removal of the prostate and/or Cowper glands, and or seminal glands, but again, absolutely no proof that any of this would help. So, since they are all irreversible procedures, they are not solutions for now. Anyway, I do not think any doctor would accept doing any of this, first, because they know nothing about POIS. Even if they know about POIS, they would refuse for ethical reasons, because those surgical procedures are not proven at all to be a solution for POIS....remember, Animus had a painful lump on a testes, so this justified the procedure, I think. Otherwise, I guess a surgeon would have problems with the ethical board of his hospital - it is not accepted to "try" new procedures out of a real, solid research context, and doing it just to "see what it would do". Before those procedure could be accepted, there should be some serious research, and some proofs found that there is something, for example, from the seminal gland, that we are fairly sure can cause POIS, in some cases that are possible to identify with a valid test... and we are nowhere near that yet in POIS research !
Hopefully, we have a POIS research coming later this year, funded by POIScenter !!! :)
Also, as a final note, keep in mind that it seems there are than one type of POIS, based on the empirical results members get from their POIS control methods. There is no one single method that works for every POIS sufferers, and what works for one may not work for the other, and can even worsen another member's POIS.
Thanks for clarification of the Animus story, Quantum
Also, as a final note, keep in mind there is more than one type of POIS, so what would work for one may not work for the other.
Even though this sounds perfectly reasonable, you still need proof for that other than empiric reasons; since we don't know what these types are.
You should've said that, there is a possibility of other types of POIS
Also, as a final note, keep in mind there is more than one type of POIS, so what would work for one may not work for the other.
Quantum, great and brilliant contribution you made to POIS Research.
We had zero attempt at any sophisticated POIS-typing until you developed it into a significantly mature concept!
Thanks for clarification of the Animus story, Quantum
In Animus' case, I wonder if sperm was the culprit?. It seems he removed the sperm component, and even more and still had POIS. Although he finally was able to stop POIS. So it may not matter if sperm IS the culprit.
However, even if we duplicate Animus's procedure, can we assure that POIS is eliminated?
A very good point you make valtak, is the similarity of his solution to a hysterectomy for women. And those are commonly exercised!
I wonder how much of the male ego is involved in the decisions?
If we can come to some consensus, I could open a an isolated workshop where we could dedicate to moving forward on this for male hysterectomy cases.
They practice vasectomies even on young people (although it IS reversible). However I think there could be new evidence arising that certain combinations of vasectomy/reversal can be dangerous.
Obviously, the "male hysterectomy" is more final, and should exercised very carefully.
I speculate that sperm is one of the contributing culprits- based on the observation that my POIS improved by a factor of 20% after I eliminated sperm production.
My POIS went away 100% after I eliminated all Semen production.
It has been over 2 years since the surgery, and holding steady. I can have an O, and completely forget about it the next day.
I think it would work on other people.
However, I don't know if it would be possible to retain the testicles, and remove the other organs, and get the same results.
I agree male hysterectomy should be exercised very carefully. It was life-threatening for me but that's a personal decision. If you can't function normally anymore, and the illness eclipses everything in your life- I think it's something to consider- even if you are younger.
Animus’ bolded emphasis mine - - Demo
For more history of “The Animus Solution”, here’s the thread:
The Learning Channel's (TLC) feature TV presentation on Animus’ POIS:
I have also contacted Daveman - - and Animus - - to see if either one can provide an update. Looking at Animus’ website (cannot share - - strictly confidential), he looks fully employed, productive, creative and content. I know...looks can be deceiving. But I’m not sure how much more I want to probe. He has expressed significant confidentiality concerns to me in the past. Possibly stemming from his TV exposure.
Also, as a final note, keep in mind there is more than one type of POIS, so what would work for one may not work for the other.
Even though this sounds perfectly reasonable, you still need proof for that other than empiric reasons; since we don't know what these types are.
You should've said that, there is a possibility of other types of POIS
Hi Nas,
I understand what you mean, so I have modified my post to the following :
"Also, as a final note, keep in mind that it seems there are than one type of POIS, based on the empirical results members get from their POIS control methods. There is no one single method that works for every POIS sufferers, and what works for one may not work for the other, and can even worsen another member's POIS."
My POIS Types Chart is indeed based on empirical results. Since we do not know the underlying mechanisms, it cannot be automatically stated there they have different biological causes. However, if, for example, niacin was effective for every POISer, it would suggest that it is the exact same biological pattern that is implied. The fact the some control methods works for a certain percentage, and not for others, and that some methods will be useful for only a few members, seems to point in the opposite direction, that some different biological mechanisms lead to similar symptoms. My chart reflect that idea by naming the different types by " POIS Type reponding to ..." which makes it clear that it is based on empirical results ( It was not like that at first, but a comment from another member made me refine my way of naming the different types in the chart).
In this particular case, castration, it is a very drastic procedure, and it is not clear, for the reasons I have stated in this thread, if another person going through this surgery would be relieved from POIS. It would be a huge disappointment and a source of deep frustration en regret if one would undergo that type of surgery, jsut to see that his POIS is still there. Even if a less drastic version was used, by leaving the testes, this would be a huge disappointment as well if not effective in eliminating POIS. That is why I wanted to make it clear that what works for one does not necessarily work for another, as we clearly see with all the POIS control methods we know about up to now. For example, if one member's POIS would come from a specific set of genetic mutations, or from an neurotransmitters problem in the brain, then castration would theorically have no effect.
Also, I heard some rumors that Animus is no longer 100% POIS-free. These are, of course, only rumors, and I do not think he will ever come back on this forum to clarify his situation. Like Demo has pointed out in this thread, he may already had too much media attention, and may not want any public attention anymore, including from this forum. But after 5 years of silence, we clearly miss the long term results of his surgical solution.
Text chat with Animus today!! It took me a loooong time to muster the bravery required to contact him!
Demo: Animus, very sorry if you feel this is intrusive. I’m Demo from the POIS forum. People are always asking about your health status. Is there any possibility of a “one-liner” update?
Best wishes!
Animus: Demo! So great to hear from you. Such an honor to hear that... I’m happy to say that my POIS troubles are well behind me now.
So thankful for that. I take a couple standard prostate reducing meds, and herbs now.
Demo: Oh my! Animus, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this!!!!
Demo: Can I post “Animus responded to me with the following”?
Animus: Yep. Absolutely
Animus: Yes, still really glad I had the surgeries, even though it was pretty crazy at the time. But dry ejaculation really did work for me.
Demo: I’m so glad you’re better!
Animus: Thank you. [prayer emoji]
Demo: I’m smiling!! No silly “lol”!! [big smiling emoji]
Animus: Haha. How are you? And things
Demo: [update on forum and POIS Research]
Animus: I see. Sad to hear that [probs with last Study]. I still wonder about the group from time to time. Excellent job on fundraising. Thank you for getting in touch. And wish you and the group much success.
Demo: THANK YOU!!!!!
Animus: Yes. Thank you! I hope to [visit] sometime soon. I will get in touch. Best, Animus.
[we exchanged mutual interest in getting together in the future]
...dry ejaculation really did work for me.
Interesting point to ponder: above summarizes in a nutshell Animus’ POIS cure.
That doesn’t mean we should all rush out and do male hysterectomy surgeries, but I think that Animus’ finally achieving dry ejaculation points to a possible cure pathway for many of us.
Animus’ POIS cure has been in place for 10 years. Certainly not a placebo effect! ;D
Thanks Demo, for this update !
At least, it confirms, that Animus is still POIS-free, and that dry ejaculation does work for him.
I wonder, however, about the "prostate reducing meds", since his prostate has been "shrunk" through surgery, using his own word. Maybe he wants the remaining tissues to stay as inactive as possible. I used to think that he had his prostate totally removed, with the rest, and I now see this is not the case. He had the testes, the Cowper glands and the seminal glands all removed, as I understand, and also a part of the prostate.
(P.S.: as Animus as clarified himself, his Cowper glands had not been removed - see his post down this thread)
Once again, the TV program video link on Animus’ POIS cure:
...dry ejaculation really did work for me.
Interesting point to ponder: above summarizes in a nutshell Animus’ POIS cure.
That doesn’t mean we should all rush out and do male hysterectomy surgery, but I think that Animus’ finally achieving dry ejaculation points to a possible cure pathway for many of us.
You are right, this has to be better understood before any decision could be made ( and before any doctors would accept doing this kind of procedure). For young men, in particular, who may want to have children one day, this would be a though choice to make. And doctors may be very reluctant, as I see them being reluctant to do hysterectomy or the equivalent to women who are in their late 30s or in their 40s, even if they have endometriosis problems, just in case they would want another child at any point in the future ( they prefer to postpone till they are 50 or near it, controlling bleeding and possible anemia in the meantime).
But, if some research finds WHY dry ejaculation can, in some cases, cure POIS...that would be great ! We could get the result without having the surgery, probably. If, for example, and like Animus supposes in his "Solution" thread you gave the link to in this thread ( https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=94.msg667#msg667 ), it is because a precious substance is depleted through replenishing semen after ejaculation, than supplementing this very substance appropriately should prevent POIS. This is only one hypothesis, but there is for sure a reason why, in his case, dry ejaculation did cure him of POIS.
Who knows, maybe research will find this reason, and, maybe, the link between this and other methods that have helped control POIS For example, what would be the link between Animus case, and the fact that GoingLessCrazy is POIS-free as long as he respects his strict diet ? Maybe there is an hidden link, that may be found one day. But we have to start somewhere, and the coming research will do just that :)
Quantum, you just triggered another thought: my TRT killed off my sperm count. And Animus I think said that alone led to a 20% improvement. Hmmmm, I’ll leave that possible correlation (with sperm, semen + dry ejaculation) to the more scientific-minded members here :)
For more history of “The Animus Solution”, here’s the POISCenter thread:
Dry ejaculation means it's spermless right? Cause I also know ejaculation means no semenal fluid at all.
Doctors would [might not] accept doing this kind of procedure.
Quantum, I think Animus flew to India to do the surgery.
$10,000 total cost in 2009. Certainly more today. But the old Animus thread also discusses
less expensive ways to do this.
We have to start somewhere, and the coming research will do just that :)
Quantum, thanks for the positive comment about our 2019-2020 research!
I hope the Research enthusiasm spreads to more forum members! :)
I passed along this thread to Dr. Lorenz and Dr. Prause, expressing hope that they take the Animus Solution seriously into their research design.
Exciting day!
This comment has been edited by me because people might interpreting it in a wrong way, which already happened. I'm glad Animus shared his experience with us.
Does Animus got other health issues prior to his POIS or beside his POIS? Perhaps this can tell us something about his POIS.
I think the cause of POIS might still be present despite being completely symptom free. There might be an underlying cause (which probably defines POIS) which let tissue interact with eachother.
I think there is a reaction happening between surface tissue in the genitourinary system and fluids from the cowper glands/seminal vesicle. In my mind he probably got rid of the symptoms because the fluid cannot reach that particular area of tissue anymore, while leaving the underlying cause of POIS alone (which is unknown).
The factor that let this interaction happen might still be present, meaning there could be an abnormality present even if he doesn't experience any symptoms anymore.
I think there is a reaction happening between surface tissue in the genitourinary system and fluids from the cowper glands/seminal vesicles . The body might be in an abnormal state that causes this interaction. He probably got rid of the symptoms because the fluid cannot reach that particular area of tissue anymore. I suspect his body is still in an abnormal state even if he doesn't experience any symptoms. I wouldn't be surprised when he tests positive for a POIS biomarker (when one is discovered).
Based on what are you saying that? I mean what made you reach this conclusion; other than just assuming auto-immunity?
Dry ejaculation means it's spermless right? Cause I also know ejaculation means no semenal fluid at all.
Just re-emphasizing this question
Based on what are you saying that? I mean what made you reach this conclusion; other than just assuming auto-immunity?
I'm not concluding, I'm speculating. Based on the fact I get POIS symptoms from release of pre-ejaculate.
I'm not concluding, I'm speculating. Based on the fact I get POIS symptoms from release of pre-ejaculate.
Ok, well can you explain further on your speculation?
I'm not concluding, I'm speculating. Based on the fact I get POIS symptoms from release of pre-ejaculate.
Ok, well can you explain further on your speculation?
He still got orgasms right? But no POIS symptoms. So does this mean orgasm isn't involved in POIS? Does this take arousal also out of the question? I get symptoms from my pre-ejaculate but this is always accompanied by arousal. Now when I hear his story, I assume he is still aroused during sexual activity but no POIS symptoms present. So this might take arousal out of the picture if you translate his problem to mine. So the trigger (but probably not the cause) must be ejaculatory/contact based. I think the trigger is a consequence of a cause, some kind of state where the body is in.
Thanks, Muon
He still got orgasms right? But no POIS symptoms. So does this mean orgasm isn't involved in POIS? Does this take arousal also out of the question? I get symptoms from my pre-ejaculate but this is always accompanied by arousal. Now when I hear his story, I assume he is still aroused during sexual activity but no POIS symptoms present. So this might take arousal out of the picture if you translate his problem to mine. So the trigger (but probably not the cause) must be ejaculatory/contact based. I think the trigger is a consequence of a cause, some kind of state where the body is in.
Yes, well, that's why I thought at first it's the prostatic fluid that is auto-immunogenic, I think we need inflammation test before and after arousal to see if prostate gets attacked when aroused. But since he removed his testicles - correct? - this might suggest that his case is auto-immunity towards sperms - or any other type of immune response we need anti-bodies proof for that.
So yes, orgasm is not involved ( in his case).
A really simple bio-marker would be anti-body for semen/sperms related to POIS, which hopefully the current research team shall tackle.
Thanks, Muon
No problem :D
Thank you Demo for touching with Animus. It’s interesting to hear that he feels good after all these years. Happy for the guy!
Thanks, Limejuice!
Dry ejaculation studied further as a POIS cure just *might* help us unlock some of the mysterious secrets of this scourge. At least for some POISers.
I might be wrong, but few things that we’ve explored here have gotten me this hopeful!
The more we have concrete facts about POIS the more we get closer to the truth. I'll be looking forward to what the research team thinks about this particular finding.
I think most of us have seen the YouTube clip where an American architect underwent castration and also took testosterone supplements and this cured his POIS
why did this work?
Hi everyone,
I heard the group was curious about a follow-up from my "Animus solution" haha. from 2009.
Demo, and Quantum, you guys are doing a great job on here. and I really like the quality of dialogue.
Thanks to Demo for making this happen!
I just re-watched that video from 10 years ago, and that date at the end with the girl, they told me to tell her everything about my illness... so it's a little embarrassing to watch that. Because I would not say things in the same manner again.!.. haha.
I think 10 years on, I am looking back, and I am truly grateful that my troubles are over.
To be honest, hearing from Demo this morning, really made my day. Because I realized what a huge Win this was in overcoming it... so it really made my day, that I could follow up with the community.
Hi everyone,
I heard the group was curious about a follow-up from my "Animus solution" haha. from 2009.
Demo, and Quantum, you guys are doing a great job on here. and I really like the quality of dialogue.
Thanks to Demo for making this happen!
I just re-watched that video from 10 years ago, and that date at the end with the girl, they told me to tell her everything about my illness... so it's a little embarrassing to watch that. Because I would not say things in the same manner again.!.. haha.
I think 10 years on, I am looking back, and I am truly grateful that my troubles are over.
To be honest, hearing from Demo this morning, really made my day. Because I realized what a huge Win this was in overcoming it... so it really made my day, that I could follow up with the community. POIS is like a brotherhood among us, that we all know.
Congratulations, I wish you the best and thank you for letting us know that the method worked for you.
Just a tiny question Animus, you only removed the testicles right?
I think Quantum summed up my background very well. Very accurately and scientifically.
I apologize, but won't be able to take part on this thread on a daily basis, as my business is very busy right now.
But briefly, Yes,
The surgeries removed both Testicles. Removed the Seminal Vesicles. Surgically reduced the Prostate, but left it in. Cowper's gland was also left in on recommendation of my Doctor. Because the amount of semen the Cowper's produces is very fractional, small.. and he felt it would be also good just to have some lubrication of the urethra.
I started on a weekly dose of Testosterone replacement. Because of many things, but mainly because one can get depressed, lose muscle mass, etc. when you are low T... And I also still wanted to have sex every now and then.
Other than that- I take Avodart to further reduce my Prostate.
I think I did a "pie-chart" once for the group, showing the different components of Semen
(which includes Sperm from the Testicles, and other ejaculatory fluids from the Seminal Vesicles, Prostate, Cowper's...
Now, this is a Pie chart that I made through my own research at the time... so please don't cite it as any official chart.!
Animus...you’re here!!!
Thank you Animus.
Unfortunately that doesn't let us pinpoint which part of the genitourinary tract is the auto-immunogenic substance producer. But overall it confirms the role of Ejaculation, rather than Orgasm, as the cause of your POIS.
Further investigation built on your finding can be fruitful to combat POIS.
To be honest, hearing from Demo this morning, really made my day.
Animus, it was most definitely mutual!
:) :)
Yes, I am actually wondering on your reply, there, Nas... because you reference the auto-immunologic theory, which was proposed first by Dr. Waldinger., I think? Yes, I'm familiar with that. I heard that theory has many problems though... so I would not assume it's the correct one!.. I know, I for one, never really felt right about that theory.
Because I have Allergies, and POIS never ever felt like an Allergy to me. Also his skin prick tests were inconclusive. ( no allergic reaction).
So to start- I'd reconsider that line of investigation.
My "Theory" I guess you could say...
was just very centered on fluid loss. I felt that the cause of POIS had to do with Semen loss. I found that it generally takes 7 days to reproduce the semen that is ejaculated during sex. And my POIS would last about 7 days.
I surmised that the body reaction to semen loss is to go into semen production again.. and it was perhaps the semen production that Threw my Body into a terrible state, into a sort of Shock, and Depletion of energy.
So I sought to totally eliminate Semen production, and achieve a dry-ejaculation. And that required the surgical removal of those organs. Now orgasm is just as sexually fulfilling, actually, but without the POIS after.
Demo, and Quantum, you guys are doing a great job on here. and I really like the quality of dialogue.
Thanks to Demo for making this happen!
Thank you so very much, Animus!
Your incredibly brave contributions to the community will be a major hallmark when The History Of POIS is finally written!
Very interesting theory Animus, never heard of it, might deserve an investigation.
So about your criticism of Waldinger's theory, you're 100% right, he needed to do more to have a concrete proof of auto-immunity, instead we only ended up with a theory with little facts.
Note however that auto-immunity is not allergy, these two are different.
Speaking of my case, auto-immunity strikes me as very likely, because of many facts about my POIS. One: Each time I have Ejaculation I get my whole groin region on fire, and my urethra becomes incredibly inflamed. Two: Dexamethasone; an immuno-supressant; is the only thing that helps me with relief from POIS. Based on these I think auto-immunity is highly likely.
Thanks again for your time Animus, glad we heard from you.
Yes, I thought you might say that. I also think Auto-immunity is also highly unlikely. Basically, an auto-immunity is when the body attacks it's own healthy cells.. And this is certainly not the case with POIS.
Demo, and Quantum, you guys are doing a great job on here. and I really like the quality of dialogue.
Thanks to Demo for making this happen!
Thank you so very much, Animus!
Your incredibly brave contributions to the community will be a major hallmark when The History Of POIS is finally written!
HAHA!! Well, we can only hope that History has a good ending!
And this is certainly not the case with POIS.
What makes you certain?
Animus - A Hero’s
Welcome Home!
Animus - A Hero’s
Welcome Home!
HAHA! Thanks Demo.
But seriously, thanks for mentioning my case to the Researchers. I'd be happy to participate in that. Also, let me know when you're doing fundraising again!
HAHA! Thanks Demo.
But seriously, thanks for mentioning my case to the Researchers. I'd be happy to participate in that. Also, let me know when you're doing fundraising again!
Very gracious of you to offer your time to the Researchers, Animus!
Fundraising won’t happen for a while. Till we see how the 2019-2020 Research goes.
Because I have Allergies
I'm not surprised by this. Sounds like some kind of atopy to me.
There are people who had some succes with desensitization. Those people report a decreased duration of their POIS symptoms.
Let's assume these people got the same condition as Animus. If you apply Animus his theory onto those patients then could desensitization accelerate sperm replenishment (shorter duration of symptoms)? Would a faster replenishment rate not make you sicker? Is it even possible that desensitization could affect sperm production (I'm no doctor) or does the sperm replenishment period stay constant? If it stays constant in desenz patients why would they got a reduction in duration while the same replenishment rate is present. I find this theory unlikely.
People who have done desenz could have tinkered with the state of their body, affecting the underlying cause of POIS unlike Animus who, in my opinion, made the POIS contact trigger impossible without affecting this underlying cause of POIS. I do think Animus still could be used in research projects.
I think most of us have seen the YouTube clip where an American architect underwent castration and also took testosterone supplements and this cured his POIS
why did this work?
Hi everyone,
I heard the group was curious about a follow-up from my "Animus solution" haha. from 2009.
Demo, and Quantum, you guys are doing a great job on here. and I really like the quality of dialogue.
Thanks to Demo for making this happen!
I just re-watched that video from 10 years ago, and that date at the end with the girl, they told me to tell her everything about my illness... so it's a little embarrassing to watch that. Because I would not say things in the same manner again.!.. haha.
I think 10 years on, I am looking back, and I am truly grateful that my troubles are over.
To be honest, hearing from Demo this morning, really made my day. Because I realized what a huge Win this was in overcoming it... so it really made my day, that I could follow up with the community.
Hi Animus,
I am glad to interact directly with you, for the first time :)
Thanks for your good words about Demo's work and my work here !
I am happy for you that you are still POIS-free. Your successful cure can be very useful in order to help understand POIS and how it can be cured or relieved. Thanks for coming back here and share your comments.
If you come back when you have time to, and read this, I would have a question for you. Before your surgery, at the time you had POIS, was there a delay between the time you had an ejaculation, and the onset of POIS symptoms ?
I ask this because, if the "replenishment" hypothesis you suggest is valid, POIS symptoms should slowly appear as the biological machinery gradually starts to create new semen, so POIS wouldn't manifest immediately after release. ( As you may have read, I suppose that there is more than one type of POIS. Again, in this hypothesis, it would appear so, because, even if most members do experience a delay before the manifestation of POIS symptoms, there are mentions of cases where brain fog, for example, starts seconds after ejaculation. Those particular cases with no delay, would not fit the replenishment hypothesis, I think. )
Dry ejaculation means it's spermless right? Cause I also know ejaculation means no semenal fluid at all.
Just re-emphasizing this question
Hi Nas,
Form Mayo Clinic: "Dry orgasm occurs when a man reaches sexual climax but doesn't release (ejaculate) semen from the penis — or releases very little semen. Semen is the thick, white fluid that carries sperm." https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/dry-orgasm/basics/definition/sym-20050906
So, there are the PC muscle contraction of the orgasmic reflex, but nothing or near nothing is released. In the case we are discussing, it is not because the semen has ended up in the urinary bladder ( which is a retrograde ejaculation), but it is because it has not been produced at all ( the glands producing it had been removed). So it is more than just no sperm, it is no semen, no or amlost no liquid at all.
[Animus,] your successful cure can be very useful in order to help understand POIS and how it can be cured or relieved. Thanks for coming back here and share your comments.
Since your return to this forum, more and more POISers will now see this “Animus [longterm] solution”, so I think that it will mean greatly
renewed hope for POIS-relief for hundreds, if not thousands of sufferers worldwide. Too many
POISers think that POIS is...hopeless. You proved them wrong!
Animus, you deserve a colorful ticker tape parade. Not just the black-and-white parade of yesterday.
How’s Wall Street? ;D
I think most of us have seen the YouTube clip where an American architect underwent castration and also took testosterone supplements and this cured his POIS
why did this work?
Hi everyone,
I heard the group was curious about a follow-up from my "Animus solution" haha. from 2009.
Demo, and Quantum, you guys are doing a great job on here. and I really like the quality of dialogue.
Thanks to Demo for making this happen!
I just re-watched that video from 10 years ago, and that date at the end with the girl, they told me to tell her everything about my illness... so it's a little embarrassing to watch that. Because I would not say things in the same manner again.!.. haha.
I think 10 years on, I am looking back, and I am truly grateful that my troubles are over.
To be honest, hearing from Demo this morning, really made my day. Because I realized what a huge Win this was in overcoming it... so it really made my day, that I could follow up with the community.
Hi Animus,
I am glad to interact directly with you, for the first time :)
Thanks for your good words about Demo's work and my work here !
I am happy for you that you are still POIS-free. Your successful cure can be very useful in order to help understand POIS and how it can be cured or relieved. Thanks for coming back here and share your comments.
If you come back when you have time to, and read this, I would have a question for you. Before your surgery, at the time you had POIS, was there a delay between the time you had an ejaculation, and the onset of POIS symptoms ?
I ask this because, if the "replenishment" hypothesis you suggest is valid, POIS symptoms should slowly appear as the biological machinery gradually starts to create new semen, so POIS wouldn't manifest immediately after release. ( As you may have read, I suppose that there is more than one type of POIS. Again, in this hypothesis, it would appear so, because, even if most members do experience a delay before the manifestation of POIS symptoms, there are mentions of cases where brain fog, for example, starts seconds after ejaculation. Those particular cases with no delay, would not fit the replenishment hypothesis, I think. )
Hi Quantum,
Thanks for the message, and it's a pleasure to meet you too. I'll check in here every so often. I think Demo got me hooked again!.. haha. POIS is a fascinating topic, and I know many are affected by it and can possibly benefit from the shared information.
Your question is quite interesting and I think brings up a brilliant and valid point. In fact, it brings up for me one of the quirky mysteries I experienced when I had POIS.
The delay of symptoms. When does the POIS appear after ejaculation: Right away? or Delayed...
And, I am actually very interested to explore that question. For me, it Varied. Sometimes I would get the POIS immediately. At those times I'd fall into an immediate deep slumber, and be out for days. Other times, curiously, I would feel nothing the moments after sex, but then... after 24 hours or so- the symptoms would appear strongly, and last again for a few days.
I think it's possible to link this to regeneration. So, one other important clue that I noticed to- just from my own empirical data. This would also happen to me several times, in the same way: I would feel no symptoms that evening, sleep fine, wake with energy...
but then "After eating a Meal", surprisingly, I'd get extremely tired. And the POIS onset would occur. triggered by the meal, it seemed. It didn't matter what I ate.
My hunch, or intuitive feeling, was that- once my body received the nourishment to go into sperm production again, it would trigger the spermatogenesis process, and I'd go into POIS.
I always felt this pause of symptoms was a great mystery... and didn't understand it. But I think the "Meal" clue helped me understand it a bit. I like to think of POIS as a sort of "Shock" that the body is going through while it copes with regeneration. As we know- the body often will delay it's shock reaction... until a moment when it can cope with it, perhaps? Perhaps you've been in a car accident... and the body knows it must still fight to continue. But then when you are in safety- you will really feel the pain of the incident somehow. The body has all sorts of mechanisms for coping with trauma. Mental and importantly- Physical.
I hope this is helpful, and doesn't add to confusion! thanks
[Animus,] your successful cure can be very useful in order to help understand POIS and how it can be cured or relieved. Thanks for coming back here and share your comments.
Since your return to this forum, more and more POISers will now see this “Animus [longterm] solution”, so I think that it will mean greatly
renewed hope for POIS-relief for hundreds, if not thousands of sufferers worldwide. Too many
POISers think that POIS is...hopeless. You proved them wrong!
Animus, you deserve a colorful ticker tape parade. Not just the black-and-white parade of yesterday.
How’s Wall Street? ;D
HAhaha. you're too much Demo! Thank you! it's really touching. Thank you for welcoming me back.
I think Demo got me hooked again!.. haha.
Then you must’ve received the one-week-only supply of narcotics from us ;D
Just to follow up on that Delay of Onset of POIS symptoms issue... which you brought up, Quantum...
One more thought. And this is about a solution, perhaps.
I think the body is "hardwired" for a few things, like:
Survival, Procreation, etc. We know procreation is a hard-wired instinct, haha!! whenever you see an attractive member of the opposite sex. But I think biologically, we are hardwired for certain things. Who exactly knows the mechanisms that cause that, I don't know. But the Scientific community I'm sure investigates it all the time.
So, perhaps, as alternative to Surgery. It would be possible to "Isolate" and "turn off" whatever is the hard-wired signal within our body's instruction manual... to basically stop Semen production. So, to Stop it On the Signal-End. Rather than just remove all the equipment.
Hi Animus, but... there is no logic in this theory if you asking me, abstinence onece in a moonth or once in two moonth and i still have a symptomes, sometime severe, sometime milder.
Question- Why they did remove part of your prostate? You still make prostate fluid or not?
Dry eyaculation?
As farr i can read, only coper glands is stayed in?
Hi Animus,
First of all thank you so much for sharing some of your time with us.
I saw your YouTube video. And some of the symptoms you are refering there remember me totally the same I am having since some time ago (but not since I began with POIS). Also, some other things you are telling now.... Like for instance, the onset time was not always the same for you....was exactly the same for me during my first years of POIS. I also suffered during 4 years or so, to being able to realize that maybe my Illness was POIS. Just because the onset time was different every time (especially in the early years). I also had to visit psychiatrist since no doctor found anything strange in the blood tests and I felt the terrible sensation of
incomprehension since nobody was able to help me.... One of the symptoms what most strikes me (from what you explained on your video) is the pain in the joints of the spinal cord. Because since some months I am also suffering them.
Human body is extremly complex, very probably more than POIS is. I think that we are all in agreement on that.
On October 2017, I had only 3 days after an O a a pericarditis... In the hospital where I was treated, they explained to me that a pericarditis is either caused by an infection or an autoimmune disease. They did me a lot of tests to find any infection. None was found.
A few days ago I had pain in the chest again, with the same pain that I ended up having pericarditis.
The cardiologist that I saw a week ago has explained to me that autoimmune diseases tend to affect serous inflammation. Because the serous tissues have much more presence of cells of the immune system than other tissues in the body. Examples of serous tissues are the pericardium, the peritoneum, the pleura (lungs). And this cardiologist told me that this chest pain I feel is very likely due to pleuritis....and this could extend to pericardium if not treated correctly. I also think that this pleural inflammation could be one of the reasons of feeling so strong palpitations also... Since lungs and heart are strongly related.
I strongly agree with Quantum when he says about there are different types of POIS. And that symptoms and remedies are not the same for all of us.
Curiously we have two types of immune systems one generic (and innate) and another adaptive (that is able to 'learn' and create new antibodies by means of some mechanism. That's why vaccines work and our adaptive immune system is able to overcome by itself some types of viruses infections...).
I have been abstinent since August 4th (9 months now). The first thing one might think is how is that possible? ... that is not POIS! Right?.... Well, as I said, POIS does not seems to manifest and work exactly the same for all of us. In my case, one year ago by accident (I mean without being intentional) I putted more pressure due in my testicular and perineal area when I was riding on a sled. There was no strong blow or bruise at all. I only had a varicocele in the testicles. that curiously I never had and they appeared when I started to suffer POIS. This varicocele (varicose veins in testicles) was one of POIS symptoms. In fact, when I was POIS free, this varicocele diminished or even disappeared altogether. And viceversa, when POIS was activated It became much more bigger.....
This riding on sled day... In a concrete moment I felt a strong prick (on the varicocele zone) like a kind of whiplash. For some strange reason from that day each time I putted some pressure on testicles or perineal area (just by sitting). POIS symptoms are triggered!!! Just by putting some pressure! I know it sounds amazing!.... But I know what my POIS symptoms where before that day.... And they were the same!
Moreover, since that day the problem was only for the testicular and perineal area when putting pressure.... nothing else was sensible to pressure.... since then I had to avoid sitting...Oddly enough!
But that is not all.... being in that difficult situation ... I had the last O I had (on last August 4th). After that last O..... Things became even worse.... The sensible area to pressure spreaded even more.... Now affecting also buttocks and lower back....
And even more.... after August 4th, I have not had an O anymore. But I had arousal moments.... And preseminal liquid (generated on cowper glands) made me also having worsening and as well burning/stinging sensation in every place precum liquid was in touch with (urethra and glans skin....). For me, with no doubt all these things are POIS related. Even if this is not exactly the same for all of us.
As Quantum says.... Many different types of POIS?
The adaptive immune system can work or attack (by mistake) something different from each one of us?
Who knows....
Animus.... Anyway, I'm very happy for you ... and that you have managed to get out of this horrible disease! and that you have also managed to get well from such a delicate surgery!
Like Demo says... You are our Hero!!!
And I sincerely hope that our research team will free us or bring us a little closer to the solution of this nightmare...
Sorry for extend myself so much.... But I wanted also to provide a bit of my vision of POIS....
Thank you Fernab, you're another valuable voice for the auto-immune theory.
fernab, thank you so much for elaborating. While “the jury is still out”
(there is considerable skepticism about the auto-immune theory, it is too early to rule out.
You are also doing a great job as Moderator!
Thank you Demo and Nas.
As I had said human body is extremly complex...
Until a serious investigation is conducted I believe that many things can be related to POIS. Of course the immune system. But what is the relationship between the immune system and the hormonal system? ... and with the nervous one?
Many Doctors lately are telling me that what I have is very likely autoinmune. But, also, a gastroenterologist told me about a case having Crohn's disease. And that this person in times of stress, for example facing difficult exams his Crohn disease became much worse. This was for giving me an example of some situations (of stress, directly linked to nervous system) that are able to afect indirectly the inmune system... Since even it is not completely known today. One of the posible causes for Crohn disease is also related to the inmune system.
Unfortunately, medicine does not know many things yet ...
So as long as nothing concrete is proven. All options are still valid. And therefore I believe that all the opinions must be respected, although they do not coincide with yours until there is nothing that discards it ...
Respect each other is fundamental I think.
Just to follow up on that Delay of Onset of POIS symptoms issue... which you brought up, Quantum...
One more thought. And this is about a solution, perhaps.
I think the body is "hardwired" for a few things, like:
Survival, Procreation, etc. We know procreation is a hard-wired instinct, haha!! whenever you see an attractive member of the opposite sex. But I think biologically, we are hardwired for certain things. Who exactly knows the mechanisms that cause that, I don't know. But the Scientific community I'm sure investigates it all the time.
So, perhaps, as alternative to Surgery. It would be possible to "Isolate" and "turn off" whatever is the hard-wired signal within our body's instruction manual... to basically stop Semen production. So, to Stop it On the Signal-End. Rather than just remove all the equipment.
Your post above leaves me...breathless!
I am so happy that you see a possible way forward *without* ‘removing all the equipment’ !!
I am so happy that you see a way forward *without* ‘removing the equipment’ ! !
Good point Demo!!! ;D
[Animus,] there is no logic in this theory if you asking me...
Who cares?
All of us want only...RESULTS!!
And Animus is showing us precisely that!
I am so happy that you see a way forward *without* ‘removing the equipment’ ! !
Good point Demo!!! ;D
Thank you, fernab! ;D
there is no logic in this theory if you asking me...
Who cares?
All of us want only...RESULTS! !
And Animus is showing us precisely that!
Well I think we can all agree on that :D . However, you should not worry Hopeoneday, because the results will come only after a meaningful scientific research has been carried out.
It's good to know about Animus!
However, you should not worry Hopeoneday, because the results will come only after a meaningful scientific research has been carried out.
I agree Observer!!
Thanks, Observer!
And sorry, HOD, if I over-reacted!
Guys, no wory, i am a wery tough guy.
I can udnerstant every reaction here on forum.
We must dicsuss here about pois,
eny information and discusion here is precious.
Do we hawe some odher choice?
Wise way of thinking HOD!
I agree that this Forum is very important for all of us.
HOD, I agree with fernab :)
Hi Animus,
First of all thank you so much for sharing some of your time with us.
I saw your YouTube video. And some of the symptoms you are refering there remember me totally the same I am having since some time ago (but not since I began with POIS). Also, some other things you are telling now.... Like for instance, the onset time was not always the same for you....was exactly the same for me during my first years of POIS. I also suffered during 4 years or so, to being able to realize that maybe my Illness was POIS. Just because the onset time was different every time (especially in the early years). I also had to visit psychiatrist since no doctor found anything strange in the blood tests and I felt the terrible sensation of
incomprehension since nobody was able to help me.... One of the symptoms what most strikes me (from what you explained on your video) is the pain in the joints of the spinal cord. Because since some months I am also suffering them.
Human body is extremly complex, very probably more than POIS is. I think that we are all in agreement on that.
On October 2017, I had only 3 days after an O a a pericarditis... In the hospital where I was treated, they explained to me that a pericarditis is either caused by an infection or an autoimmune disease. They did me a lot of tests to find any infection. None was found.
A few days ago I had pain in the chest again, with the same pain that I ended up having pericarditis.
The cardiologist that I saw a week ago has explained to me that autoimmune diseases tend to affect serous inflammation. Because the serous tissues have much more presence of cells of the immune system than other tissues in the body. Examples of serous tissues are the pericardium, the peritoneum, the pleura (lungs). And this cardiologist told me that this chest pain I feel is very likely due to pleuritis....and this could extend to pericardium if not treated correctly. I also think that this pleural inflammation could be one of the reasons of feeling so strong palpitations also... Since lungs and heart are strongly related.
I strongly agree with Quantum when he says about there are different types of POIS. And that symptoms and remedies are not the same for all of us.
Curiously we have two types of immune systems one generic (and innate) and another adaptive (that is able to 'learn' and create new antibodies by means of some mechanism. That's why vaccines work and our adaptive immune system is able to overcome by itself some types of viruses infections...).
I have been abstinent since August 4th (9 months now). The first thing one might think is how is that possible? ... that is not POIS! Right?.... Well, as I said, POIS does not seems to manifest and work exactly the same for all of us. In my case, one year ago by accident (I mean without being intentional) I putted more pressure due in my testicular and perineal area when I was riding on a sled. There was no strong blow or bruise at all. I only had a varicocele in the testicles. that curiously I never had and they appeared when I started to suffer POIS. This varicocele (varicose veins in testicles) was one of POIS symptoms. In fact, when I was POIS free, this varicocele diminished or even disappeared altogether. And viceversa, when POIS was activated It became much more bigger.....
This riding on sled day... In a concrete moment I felt a strong prick (on the varicocele zone) like a kind of whiplash. For some strange reason from that day each time I putted some pressure on testicles or perineal area (just by sitting). POIS symptoms are triggered!!! Just by putting some pressure! I know it sounds amazing!.... But I know what my POIS symptoms where before that day.... And they were the same!
Moreover, since that day the problem was only for the testicular and perineal area when putting pressure.... nothing else was sensible to pressure.... since then I had to avoid sitting...Oddly enough!
But that is not all.... being in that difficult situation ... I had the last O I had (on last August 4th). After that last O..... Things became even worse.... The sensible area to pressure spreaded even more.... Now affecting also buttocks and lower back....
And even more.... after August 4th, I have not had an O anymore. But I had arousal moments.... And preseminal liquid (generated on cowper glands) made me also having worsening and as well burning/stinging sensation in every place precum liquid was in touch with (urethra and glans skin....). For me, with no doubt all these things are POIS related. Even if this is not exactly the same for all of us.
As Quantum says.... Many different types of POIS?
The adaptive immune system can work or attack (by mistake) something different from each one of us?
Who knows....
Animus.... Anyway, I'm very happy for you ... and that you have managed to get out of this horrible disease! and that you have also managed to get well from such a delicate surgery!
Like Demo says... You are our Hero!!!
And I sincerely hope that our research team will free us or bring us a little closer to the solution of this nightmare...
Sorry for extend myself so much.... But I wanted also to provide a bit of my vision of POIS....
Hi Fernab!
It's a pleasure to meet you, and every one else on this forum too. I'm sorry if I didn't address the auto-immune theory with the due respect it deserves!... but you're right. And I also agree very much with Quantum that POIS varies in symptoms, etc. from person to person. That there could be different classes of the disease. I have a lot to learn as well regarding POIS.
As far as explaining the logic to my theory, Hopeoneday, I feel like the logic is laid out as well as I can.. but perhaps someone else can explain it to you better than I.
Fernab- I was very affected to hear that your symptoms were a lot like mine, regarding the Spinal Column, and the pain in the Testes. I hope you feel better, and congrats on staying abstinent for so long. That's an incredible accomplishment.
There is much to respond to in your post... But I want to focus on the variety of symptoms, and the variety of Diagnoses that we hear regarding the POIS, what causes it, and so forth.
I think it is important to state that often times a Chronic Illness, with repeated episodes over time, takes a great toll on the body. It really will wear you down. Sadly.
POIS will weaken the body, and can cause a lot of other maladies. I know when I went in for countless tests and saw countless doctors. The longer I had POIS, the more things started to go "wrong" in my body, to be honest.
The base POIS symptoms were always the same after sex. But progressively, I began to have many many other maladies too... which seemed to get worse over time.
I started losing my balance.
My eyesight started to worsen.
I would get colds and flues much more easily.
My digestion was very irregular, and poor.
My spine was in terrible pain.
I was getting depression.
My blood pressure went up, and heart became weaker.
I would start to sweat profusely when exercising.
There was just a lot of things... just to name a few.
And I think, each symptom on their own, can be diagnosed, and declared it's own problem... independently of what the "Root Cause" if you will, was.
So I agree with you fully! that the body is a complicated machine, haha. And it can be giving us some puzzling clues. Yes, I was actually admitted to a Mental Hospital, because my Doctor thought I was seriously Delusional, and imagining Symptoms, and problems that I didn't have. I spent 3 months at a psychiatric ward talking to Doctors who thought I was crazy. So-- you know, going through this was a tough experience, and I became rather dogged in my particular understanding and theory of the problem. Because there was so much doubt being thrown my way.
I would like to come back to a main point I made a couple times in the above thread: that I think POIS can be seen as an incident of Trauma, or Shock to the body.
When the body goes through a trauma, usually the weakest parts begin to fail. Which could possibly explain the wide variety and Diagnoses that people with the Disease have. But I think it's important to focus on the Common Shared Symptoms that define the disease for us all. I personally, don't think I had any immunity problems, other than being more susceptible to colds, flues. Perhaps other people had more serious immune issues as a result of the POIS.
I think most of us have seen the YouTube clip where an American architect underwent castration and also took testosterone supplements and this cured his POIS
why did this work?
mike_sweden, MANY, many thanks for starting this thread!
Animus, as always, your posts are enormously interesting and inspirational.
Just to follow up on that Delay of Onset of POIS symptoms issue... which you brought up, Quantum...
One more thought. And this is about a solution, perhaps.
I think the body is "hardwired" for a few things, like:
Survival, Procreation, etc. We know procreation is a hard-wired instinct, haha!! whenever you see an attractive member of the opposite sex. But I think biologically, we are hardwired for certain things. Who exactly knows the mechanisms that cause that, I don't know. But the Scientific community I'm sure investigates it all the time.
So, perhaps, as alternative to Surgery. It would be possible to "Isolate" and "turn off" whatever is the hard-wired signal within our body's instruction manual... to basically stop Semen production. So, to Stop it On the Signal-End. Rather than just remove all the equipment.
Your post above leaves me...breathless!
I am so happy that you see a possible way forward *without* ‘removing all the equipment’ !!
Thanks, Demo. That was kind of an a-ha moment for me just now too. To isolate the signal, rather than take out the "equipment"... wouldn't have happened without this discussion, and the great questions.
It was a really courageous and pioneering approach that Animus took. Thanks a lot Demo for taking all the efforts to give us an opportunity to hear from Animus after so many years.
I am curious if all of Animus' other health issues which are long-term effects of POIS he had like spinal pain, bad digestion, susceptibility to infections, mental health etc. went away after his surgery.
If these problems did go away, did these issues go away immediately after the surgery or did these go away gradually (and how long it took)?
Thank you very much.
Unfortunately that doesn't let us pinpoint which part of the genitourinary tract is the auto-immunogenic substance producer. But overall it confirms the role of Ejaculation, rather than Orgasm, as the cause of your POIS.
Nas, nice observation!
I think those POISER's with vasectomies may still be releasing a small amount of fluid from the prostate or seminal vesicles during an orgasm. It's just that the fluid does not contain sperm, but it seems that the fluid from one of these glands is enough to trigger POIS?
It was a really courageous and pioneering approach that Animus took. Thanks a lot Demo for taking all the efforts to give us an opportunity to hear from Animus after so many years...
Thank you, kingfisher!
It was a really courageous and pioneering approach that Animus took. Thanks a lot Demo for taking all the efforts to give us an opportunity to hear from Animus after so many years.
I am curious if all of Animus' other health issues which are long-term effects of POIS he had like spinal pain, bad digestion, susceptibility to infections, mental health etc. went away after his surgery.
If these problems did go away, did these issues go away immediately after the surgery or did these go away gradually (and how long it took)?
Thank you very much.
Good question kingfisher!
Hi Kingfisher,
Yes good question. About other maladies which happened.
I see a chiropractor every month now- and it’s been amazing for my back.
That’s really the only long term prob that stayed after Pois was gone. Fortunately, my overall health has greatly improved now. I haven’t gotten sick in years. Mental stuff- yes I take some antidepressants. But nothing too major. Certainly under control there.
But the back problems were fortunately fixed by chiropractic. My doc is good.
...after POIS was gone...
No words from me.
Just savoring yours!
10 long years!
:) :) :)
...after POIS was gone...
No words from me.
Just savoring yours!
10 long years!
:) :) :)
Yep. It's truly a blessing to be able to say POIS in the past tense. I would not have even noticed this 10 year anniversary had it not been for the Forum. So thank you! I remember when we started over at the Naked Scientists!
Animus, Yes!
Any forum Member here at POISCenter, who was also a forum Member at The Naked Scientists Forum/POIS thread - - is now, e.g., Animus! a Member of The
I’d like to compile a list of people who have been with us since pre-POISCenter days, i. e., since the earlier Naked Science Forum. That’s about 7+ years!
Please post your name below this post and I’ll add it here! (No special order)
• Animus
• demografx
• Daveman
• Observer
• certainlypois2
• b_jim
• Limejuice
• Defsync
• Vandemolen
• Gabin
• Bizzy
• hurray
• mellivora
• Starsky
• Habibou
• GoingLessCrazy
• Kurtosis
• B_Daniel
The OldTimer Reunion thread:
Animus, as you can see, you’ve been added.
Animus, as you can see, you’ve been added.
Thank you Demo! beep beep
Animus, as you can see, you’ve been added.
Thank you Demo! Beep, beep.
Hi Animus,
First of all thank you so much for sharing some of your time with us.
I saw your YouTube video. And some of the symptoms you are refering there remember me totally the same I am having since some time ago (but not since I began with POIS). Also, some other things you are telling now.... Like for instance, the onset time was not always the same for you....was exactly the same for me during my first years of POIS. I also suffered during 4 years or so, to being able to realize that maybe my Illness was POIS. Just because the onset time was different every time (especially in the early years). I also had to visit psychiatrist since no doctor found anything strange in the blood tests and I felt the terrible sensation of
incomprehension since nobody was able to help me.... One of the symptoms what most strikes me (from what you explained on your video) is the pain in the joints of the spinal cord. Because since some months I am also suffering them.
Human body is extremly complex, very probably more than POIS is. I think that we are all in agreement on that.
On October 2017, I had only 3 days after an O a a pericarditis... In the hospital where I was treated, they explained to me that a pericarditis is either caused by an infection or an autoimmune disease. They did me a lot of tests to find any infection. None was found.
A few days ago I had pain in the chest again, with the same pain that I ended up having pericarditis.
The cardiologist that I saw a week ago has explained to me that autoimmune diseases tend to affect serous inflammation. Because the serous tissues have much more presence of cells of the immune system than other tissues in the body. Examples of serous tissues are the pericardium, the peritoneum, the pleura (lungs). And this cardiologist told me that this chest pain I feel is very likely due to pleuritis....and this could extend to pericardium if not treated correctly. I also think that this pleural inflammation could be one of the reasons of feeling so strong palpitations also... Since lungs and heart are strongly related.
I strongly agree with Quantum when he says about there are different types of POIS. And that symptoms and remedies are not the same for all of us.
Curiously we have two types of immune systems one generic (and innate) and another adaptive (that is able to 'learn' and create new antibodies by means of some mechanism. That's why vaccines work and our adaptive immune system is able to overcome by itself some types of viruses infections...).
I have been abstinent since August 4th (9 months now). The first thing one might think is how is that possible? ... that is not POIS! Right?.... Well, as I said, POIS does not seems to manifest and work exactly the same for all of us. In my case, one year ago by accident (I mean without being intentional) I putted more pressure due in my testicular and perineal area when I was riding on a sled. There was no strong blow or bruise at all. I only had a varicocele in the testicles. that curiously I never had and they appeared when I started to suffer POIS. This varicocele (varicose veins in testicles) was one of POIS symptoms. In fact, when I was POIS free, this varicocele diminished or even disappeared altogether. And viceversa, when POIS was activated It became much more bigger.....
This riding on sled day... In a concrete moment I felt a strong prick (on the varicocele zone) like a kind of whiplash. For some strange reason from that day each time I putted some pressure on testicles or perineal area (just by sitting). POIS symptoms are triggered!!! Just by putting some pressure! I know it sounds amazing!.... But I know what my POIS symptoms where before that day.... And they were the same!
Moreover, since that day the problem was only for the testicular and perineal area when putting pressure.... nothing else was sensible to pressure.... since then I had to avoid sitting...Oddly enough!
But that is not all.... being in that difficult situation ... I had the last O I had (on last August 4th). After that last O..... Things became even worse.... The sensible area to pressure spreaded even more.... Now affecting also buttocks and lower back....
And even more.... after August 4th, I have not had an O anymore. But I had arousal moments.... And preseminal liquid (generated on cowper glands) made me also having worsening and as well burning/stinging sensation in every place precum liquid was in touch with (urethra and glans skin....). For me, with no doubt all these things are POIS related. Even if this is not exactly the same for all of us.
As Quantum says.... Many different types of POIS?
The adaptive immune system can work or attack (by mistake) something different from each one of us?
Who knows....
Animus.... Anyway, I'm very happy for you ... and that you have managed to get out of this horrible disease! and that you have also managed to get well from such a delicate surgery!
Like Demo says... You are our Hero!!!
And I sincerely hope that our research team will free us or bring us a little closer to the solution of this nightmare...
Sorry for extend myself so much.... But I wanted also to provide a bit of my vision of POIS....
Hi Fernab
I was reading about your experience and it is very similar to mine. Around two weeks ago i put too much pressure on the prenium/pelvic floor while sitting and felt a strong whiplash on my pelvic floor and back of head. This instantly gave me pois symptoms as if i had just orgasmed such as anxiety, low motivation, brain fog etc etc.
Ever since then each time i sit even for a few seconds and apply pressure on the pelvic floor/prenium i get instant pois and a whiplash effect to the back of my head and pelvic floor. It has been a terrible few weeks as i have had to avoid sitting down as it risks triggering pois.
I always thought pois was related to orgasm or sperm but this seems to prove my old theories wrong.
Just wondering what has been your approach to resolving this sitting down pois situation? Has it disappeared with time or is it permanent? What has been your ways of dealing with not sitting did you find what was causing it?
Hi James88,
Are you also in abstinence since long time ago (in my case since august 4th 2018) and continue having POIS symptoms without any O?
Hi James88,
Are you also in abstinence since long time ago (in my case since august 4th 2018) and continue having POIS symptoms without any O?
My pois symptoms disappear after 2-3 days if i don't sit and put pressure on my prenium. I have recently been taking prostate supplements and cayenne pepper as i believe my prenium is inflamed or infected (prostatits possibly) there has been some relief so hopefully this fixes it.
Just been a weird situation that hopefully can get fixed soon
Suppose then you are visiting a Dr to treat the infection in case it is...
In my case it's also due to an infection... I'm beeing treated by a Dr with antibiotics. I also hope this just a temporary situation. But seems it's going to take some time to recover in my case....
So have to be very patient...
which parts where removed during the castration, sorry for asking, can anyone explain to me please
...which parts where removed during the castration, sorry for asking, can anyone explain to me please
I sent the above to Animus. Here’s his reply:
”Dear Demo!
Thanks for forwarding that question.
I have pretty limited time right now, as I'm going into a major project at work.
I understand people are curious about why/ & How the surgeries worked.
And I do believe I have answered that question many times individually on the forum..! haha.
But I understand the value of discussion. Unfortunately I can't engage in the discussion board right now because of work. Although I'd love to explain it personally to everyone, I just cannot.
Here are just the objective points of what I did:
My surgeries were based on the:
Dry Ejaculation Theory. as solution to POIS.
I wanted to retain the ability to have erection and enjoy sex, have orgasm,
but dry ejaculation means no kids. No Semen comes out during ejaculation.
Semen is made by at least 3 organs. The Testicles. The Prostate. and the Seminal Vesicles... are the main ones. These three organs combine to create semen.
1. The Seminal Vesicles can be removed from the body without much side effects. As they only produce fluid for Semen. They are not important for any other bodily function.
2. The Testicles are responsible for making the live Sperm. They also have a very important male function outside of Sex- which is to produce Testosterone. Testosterone is very important for male health. Fortunately, one can take Testosterone replacement therapy. So that muscles, and energy can be maintained even if you remove the Testicles. So one can remove them, stop making Sperm, but still retain your masculine qualities.
3. The Prostate Gland. I did NOT remove my Prostate Gland. I minimized the size surgically with a TURP. I also take medicines & supplements daily to shrink it. The Prostate is a very critical part of the Urinary Tract, which helps to control the flow of the Bladder. Removing it may cause incontinence.
4. So just to note: "Castration" is only ONE Part of the Animus solution. Castration involves only the removal of the Testicles. The other 2 organs are *Just* as important. All three need to be addressed in order to achieve Dry Ejaculation. All 3 surgeries for me worked to End my POIS. Still to today. I can and do have sex 1-2x per week now, without missing a beat, and continue my work, social life. [emphasis mine - Demo]
Best of luck to you and the forum, Demo!
Please feel free to share this with the members. Thanks
Animus’ POIS symptoms (from his introductory post - approx. 2009)...I just wrote to him and asked him for his POIS symptoms for the Forum. This is a post he retrieved from his meticulous record-keeping. He has also volunteered his time to NORD’s POIS researchers.
I'm glad I found this discussion forum. I think I have POIS too, although I have a slightly different spin.
I've been through a lot in the last 5 years. I'm now 38 years old.
In January 2003, I bought and used a product called VigRX. VigRX are those "penis pills" that enlarge the penis and increase the amount and intensity of the ejaculation. It works by causing more blood to rush into the genitals during sexual excitement, and thereby slowly enlarging the penis over time because of the ballooning effect.
I found the product to be very effective. My penis increased in girth from about 3" to 5", although length was not affected. My testicles enlarged to about twice their original size, and the sac became more pendulous. I ejaculated twice as much semen, and the quality of semen was whiter, thicker and ribbon-like.
But it soon began to feel that this added intensity was becoming very taxing to my system and that I was undergoing some rather dramatic systemic changes because of it.
Most troubling to me was:
1. Extreme exhaustion after ejaculation lasting days. Feeling utter weakness and intense sleepiness. I sometimes needed to sleep 16 hours after ejaculating. It took me up to 7 days to recover from an ejaculation. during that time I was very weak.
2. Intense hunger and craving for protein, fats, and sweets. Weight gain. My food consumption increased a lot in the days after ejaculation. It felt like my body was trying to refuel from a complete drain of resources. And the overall fat gain felt like again a hedge against this total depletion. Having previously been a rather well-balanced physical specimen- enjoying good fitness and vigour- I became something of a "sex-machine"! It felt like all my body's resources were being diverted to the genitals, and to semen production. My genitals became turbo-charged while the rest of me withered away and I became grossly out of balance.
I could actually feel a higher level of activity and movement in my testicles. They would also tend to ache a lot.
3. dizziness. Inability to stand up alone with my eyes closed. I experienced a minor concussion one night when I fell over backward in the dark on the way to the bathroom. I could remain vertical and walk but I had to consciously keep correcting myself.
4. Hot flashes. Those are when the skin suddenly feels burning and feverish.
5. Increased perspiration. My shirts became soaked with sweat and the smell was much more pungent. Shirt armpits all got stained yellow.
6. Poor digestion. I began to have constant diarrhea instead of hard, healthy stool. Stomach grumbled a lot. I to this day haven't had good healthy stool since 2003.
7. Jitteriness. Shakiness, feeling of overstimulation. This went along with the weakness. I felt a certain instability in my chest, instead of being relaxed. This effected my work, my relationships, and my ability to think and relax.
8. Inability to exercise. Since taking VigRX I have not been able to run, bike, swim, lift weights, or do any aerobic activity. Exercise causes me to become extremely weak for the next few days. Also, it causes an intense stress to my body that is hard to recover from. I just don't have the internal resources to exert very much. My body seems to save all that for sexual activity now.
9. Compromised immune system. I began to catch colds much more easily, and catch flu. Generally much more sickly. I needed to go to the hospital emergency room a few times.
10. Lack of control over my libido. I would go through this cycle of intense sexual stimulation, where I would be compelled to masturbate or have sex. It felt out of my control.
11. Belligerence. My personality changed dramatically. I think this was caused by the increase in testicle size, and the increase in testosterone. Although, interestingly, I was still within the normal range for testosterone levels, and for testicle size. The normal range seems to be quite broad. But for my body it was too much. Increased testosterone also caused my hairline to recede quickly.
12. Back and joint pain. Feeling of deadness in my spine. development of an exaggerated curvature to my spine. Much neck problems. Pain and weakness in joints. I think this is also in common with the others who have posted here.
13. Mental deterioration. Mental fogginess. I forgot how to spell words, and often couldn't find words to express myself. My writing also changed and I began to switch letters.
14. Mental depression. In the days after ejaculation, I feel quite down and unable to socialize satisfactorally.
I've listed just the major symptoms, I think they match what others have felt with POIS. But unlike some of you, I've not had POIS since puberty. I developed a particularly strong version of it after taking VigRX- which caused in a way, a second puberty- or a second major growth/ development of the genitals.
My life turned dramatically for the worse after all this happened. I no longer felt I was able to function in the world or take care of myself. I came near to really ending my life. And I had to be hospitalized at a psychiatric ward.
Also, due to VigRX I developed an enlarged prostate- which causes incontinence. The size of the prostate is directly effected by how much testosterone is produced. Having enlared testicles causes enlargement of the prostate. Enlarged prostate can cause incontinence- and it did for me. I became unable to control my bowel movements. After my oriectomy, and the subsequent lessening of testosterone, it cured my incontinent urges. I'm also taking Flomax, a medicine to reduce the prostate- and that has worked quite well.
My understanding of the problem is that my sexual function became too demanding for my body. My body in it's normal state couldn't support the amount of sexual activity that became demanded of it. And all these symptoms were a result of my body's greater expenditure of semen. A lot of my problems were also caused by hormonal irregularity because of increased testicle size.
I reason that much of my problem is caused by the overproduction and overejaculation of semen. Or the production and ejaculation of semen beyond that which the body can comfortably tolerate. There could be something to the orgasmic chemical release as well. But I think the main cause is "overejaculation", and the cure for me is "dry ejaculation".
My solution was to remove the organs responsible for manufacturing semen. The first and easiest to remove are the testes.
I had a "bilateral oriectomy". This is the removal of both testicles. I experienced almost immediate relief after the surgery. I went on a lowered dose of testosterone, which cured the dizziness, and the rampant libido, and the shakiness in my chest. It also cured the intense food cravings after ejaculation, and it cured the belligerence. My hairline returned to normal. It lessened the recovery time from 7 days to 2-3 days currently.
I also started taking a high dose of Prozac to combat the mental depression and cognitive problems. That has helped me a lot also.
I still have the problems with exhaustion, back pain, diarrhea, inability to exercise, depression, and so on, after ejaculation. I have looked into what it would take to remove the other two organs which make semen. Ultimately, I think that "dry ejaculation" will solve much of the problem. My body has not returned to normal levels of semen production, and it it still overproducing and over-expending due to the VigRX.
The testes are responsible really only for the sperm in semen, which comprises very little of the volume. The majority of the seminal fluid is produced by the seminal vesicles and the prostate.
The next step for me, logically would be the removal the seminal vesicles, the cauterizing of the ejaculatory ducts, and perhaps the reduction of the prostate through a TURP. These would cause me dry ejaculation.
I've arranged for this operation, but put it on hold because no one is recommending it, and it is expensive and time-consuming, and involves going out of the country. All of which I'm not sure is worth it right now, not yet. But I keep the option open while I explore other options.
I'm curious what other people have done to effectively reduce their POIS symptoms.
I basically think castration avoid "something" to be loss in semen. Quite simply. My urologist think this theory is bad because if you don't have ejaculation, semen is progressively lost in urine.
I think he's wrong because I doubt 100% of semen ingredients are lost. Some of them can be recaptured and especially the "something" above.
I think this something could be quite simply the serotonin-like substance present in semen (serotonin, melatonin, thyrotropin releasing hormone).
And the vagus nerve
Thanks, b_jim.
b_jim, if you (and Animus) are correct, then my idea of the expulsion mechanism itself (regardless of wet or dry ‘ejection’) being a POIS culprit would be...wrong.
I basically think castration avoid "something" to be loss in semen...
b_jim, ever since you wrote this, I have been obsessively intrigued by your idea of “loss”!
What could possibly account for all the POIS body-mind ravaging misery just because the body has experienced the “loss” of a few seemingly harmless ingredients in semen???
Does anyone here think that the *ejection/expulsion mechanism* in ejaculation - a pretty powerful “bodily earthquake” in my opinion - might have something to do with POIS?
Yes Demo it definitely does, when I tried the trauma release exercise before O only my legs were shaking a lil bit. I then tried it after O and my legs, back and whole body are shaking super hard and uncontrollably. My back was slamming against the flaw while I was shaking/tremoring. Almost like I'm releasing a devil lol
“...releasing a devil” ;D
Does anyone here think that the *ejection/expulsion mechanism* in ejaculation - a pretty powerful “bodily earthquake” in my opinion - might have something to do with POIS?
For the brain, orgasm is an earthquake.
Female orgasm is supposed to be stronger but few women has Pois.
What could possibly account for all the POIS body-mind ravaging misery just because the body has experienced the “loss” of a few seemingly harmless ingredients in semen???
The ingredient in semen like serotonin and melatonin are in a sufficient amount to generate psychoactive for women who does not use condom.
Maybe the unbalance brain/body could explain the symptoms.
A loss in semen (ejaculation) AND IN THE SAME TIME an huge release in brain (orgasm).
And you can make a combination with catecholamaines which are present in semen and release durong orgasm too ;D
Does anyone here think that the *ejection/expulsion mechanism* in ejaculation - a pretty powerful “bodily earthquake” in my opinion - might have something to do with POIS?
For the brain, orgasm is an earthquake.
Female orgasm is supposed to be stronger but few women has Pois.
Thanks, b_jim!
Apparently, Animus still experiences “earthquakes” 2-3x/week but...NO POIS!
What could possibly account for all the POIS body-mind ravaging misery just because the body has experienced the “loss” of a few seemingly harmless ingredients in semen???
The ingredient in semen like serotonin and melatonin are in a sufficient amount to generate psychoactive for women who does not use condom.
Maybe the unbalance brain/body could explain the symptoms.
A loss in semen (ejaculation) AND IN THE SAME TIME an huge release in brain (orgasm).
And you can make a combination with catecholamaines which are present in semen and release durong orgasm too ;D
Suppose then you are visiting a Dr to treat the infection in case it is...
In my case it's also due to an infection... I'm beeing treated by a Dr with antibiotics. I also hope this just a temporary situation. But seems it's going to take some time to recover in my case....
So have to be very patient...
Hi Fernab thought id drop by and give you an update on how things are going
I was diagnosed with epididymitis as my right testicle was enlarged and swollen, and prescribed antibiotics for 1 week. The swelling has gone but i still get pain in the testicle which the doctor said will disappear within a fortnight hopefully. Epididymitis with POIS is a nightmare as there is leakage of semen when pressure is put on the testicles which is why i kept getting POIS symptoms when i was sitting down as it would force sperm out causing a reaction. I'm hoping once the pain disappears ill be able to sit down without fear of a leakage but from other peoples stories with epididymitis it can re occur and more then likely will never completely go away. Unfortunately it isn't looking good but hopefully we both can get our infections cured and return to living a normal pois life even though living with pois isnt normal it still beats this lol.
Hi James, I had this problem 4 years ago. My left testicle tripled its volume and became dark ;D After 3-4 weeks I have been cured. Do you take taurine ?
Hi James, I had this problem 4 years ago. My left testicle tripled its volume and became dark ;D After 3-4 weeks I have been cured. Do you take taurine ?
Hi b_jim glad to hear you were cured so quickly, mine has been a painful journey but hopefully things improve in the coming weeks as im trying ice to help with the pain. I don't take taurine, did it help you cure your epididymitis?
It's a good idea to fight inflammation with fresh water.
No, taurine didn't help. I didn't have the cause of my epididymitis . I suspected taurine abusing (in fact only 500mg a day) to be the cause of epididymitis . Because epididyme is rich in taurine.
[to John21]
...remember Animus? He’s back also, and he’s been
100% POIS-free for the last 10 years with his radical “male hysterectomy”. You can search the forum for the update.
Everyone: I’m not at all suggesting that we all go out and do risky/expensive surgery. But let’s try & see if we can learn from Animus’ experience!
[to John21]
...remember Animus? He’s back also, and he’s been
100% POIS-free for the last 10 years with his radical “male hysterectomy”. You can search the forum for the update.
Everyone: I’m not at all suggesting that we all go out and do risky/expensive surgery. But let’s try & see if we can learn from Animus’ experience!
I think people are still skeptical of how this worked out for him. Especially with the brain symptoms. All my medical friends have no explanation for it, so I don't really know what are we going to learn from this. Anyone has a good theory?
...people are still skeptical...
“People”? I know you’re skeptical. Who else is?
You have also posted skepticism to our NORD research team @ Twitter.
Bad idea! This is our team! Our friends! Let’s not de-motivate them before we’ve even begun!
Sorry everyone if I’m over-emotional, but we’ve gone to hell & back trying to find POIS researchers for 13 years!
I started on a weekly dose of Testosterone replacement. Because of many things, but mainly because one can get depressed, lose muscle mass, etc. when you are low T... And I also still wanted to have sex every now and then.
Other than that- I take Avodart to further reduce my Prostate.
When did Animus start taking these meds relative to the time of surgery?
I think people are still skeptical of how this worked out for him. Especially with the brain symptoms. All my medical friends have no explanation for it, so I don't really know what are we going to learn from this. Anyone has a good theory?
1) Hyperresponsive mast cells which are unable to get into contact with seminal fluid.
2) He avoids some unknown contact reaction this way between Seminal fluid/semen and tissue.
If mast cells are for some reason in a hyperresponsive state then he would likely have other symptoms present even if they are very light, these cells are everywhere and they could trigger to anything.
Thanks, Muon, for your constructive contribution.
When did Animus start taking these meds relative to the time of surgery?
Did Animus use antibiotics postoperatively by the way? Perhaps he had an infection which was removed together with the removed tissue? You could measure IL-8 in seminal plasma which could give you a potential indication of infection/inflammation.
Thanks, Muon, I emailed the above questions to Animus.
Thanks, Muon, I emailed the above questions to Animus.
Ok, thanks Demo.
...people are still skeptical...
“People”? I know you’re skeptical. Who else is?
I don't know man, people who spent their lives studying medicine. I can give you a tour of their opinions if you like.
Your MD/student friends? No thanks.
I’m more interested in active forum members! The real students.
“man” ;D ;D
And I’ll be happy to forward any apologies.
Your MD/student friends? No thanks.
I’m more interested in active forum members! The real students.
“man” ;D ;D
They also read the forum but they don't interact for some reason.
“For some reason” is exactly the basis of my skepticism. Armchair philosophers.
“For some reason” is exactly the basis of my skepticism. Armchair philosophers.
Wow, that's very disrespectful!
Look man, we can argue as we want but let's keep it within reasonable arguments, as I said, they do read posts in this forum.
I hold to my opinion.
I hold to my opinion.
What a sad opinion...
Look man...
Can you please try improving your street language?
Nas, keep your negativity to yourself. It really doesn’t help this forum.
Look man...
Can you please try improving your street language?
I hold to however I want to speak.
If you don’t stop the negativity, you will be placed on moderated posting. Your posts will be displayed only after mod review.
Maybe you’d be happier with your own forum. You seem very unhappy and/or skeptical
If you don’t stop the negativity, you will be placed on moderated posting. Your posts will be displayed only after mod review.
Look demo, you're taking stuff way too personally with me, and I'm not. I'm not the one who called medical professionals "armchair philosophers" I think that's actual negativity. Then you're trying to moderate the way I speak? Look man, if you want to ban me, it's up to you. You've wanted to ban me ever since we had our first disagreement. I frankly don't feel that I can contribute anything if I am always at check. You act very recklessly with your authority like a boss of a company rather than the administrator, or otherwise a leader. I have nothing to loose as a POISer. I've already lost so much. So know that your threats are not really threatening. I offered you in the past an agreement to stop profanity yet it not enough for you. I always have disagreements with my fellow POISers, but I nor they ever took anything personally! But you always do!! You're way too easily offended and easy on the trigger!. As I told you please, I don't appreciate the passive aggressiveness, if you don't appreciate me personally then please be a man and do something about it. Thanks.
Enough digression. Let’s all get back to the important stuff!
What I will try to do, is post a full explanation of my theory, what I did, how I think it worked, etc. for the forum - - on the “Animus solution" thread...in the next few days if possible..!
Thanks, Animus!
If you don’t stop the negativity, you will be placed on moderated posting. Your posts will be displayed only after mod review.
Look demo, you're taking stuff way too personally with me, and I'm not. I'm not the one who called medical professionals "armchair philosophers" I think that's actual negativity. Then you're trying to moderate the way I speak? Look man, if you want to ban me, it's up to you. You've wanted to ban me ever since we had our first disagreement. I frankly don't feel that I can contribute anything if I am always at check. You act very recklessly with your authority like a boss of a company rather than the administrator, or otherwise a leader. I have nothing to loose as a POISer. I've already lost so much. So know that your threats are not really threatening. I offered you in the past an agreement to stop profanity yet it not enough for you. I always have disagreements with my fellow POISers, but I nor they ever took anything personally! But you always do!! You're way too easily offended and easy on the trigger!. As I told you please, I don't appreciate the passive aggressiveness, if you don't appreciate me personally then please be a man and do something about it. Thanks.
your attitude is totally Unacceptable to this Forum in my opinion.
Demo has been a stellar moderator for over a decade on this site. He has kept communication civil and inviting for 100s of members. None of them have ever had the kind of problems you are having.
Demo has kept this forum going, and helped people share information, stories, remedies, and has kept a very open mind to all who come here. Demo also has been an incredible Liason to World-class institutions, researchers, such as NORD.
If you cannot find a way to get along with the Chief Moderator of this site, then it is totally your fault.
***Note— this post has been edited by the mods to remove the suggestion of Banning an offensive member. ***
[to John21]
...remember Animus? He’s back also, and he’s been
100% POIS-free for the last 10 years with his radical “male hysterectomy”. You can search the forum for the update.
Everyone: I’m not at all suggesting that we all go out and do risky/expensive surgery. But let’s try & see if we can learn from Animus’ experience!
I think people are still skeptical of how this worked out for him. Especially with the brain symptoms. All my medical friends have no explanation for it, so I don't really know what are we going to learn from this. Anyone has a good theory?
Who are you claiming to Speak for?... what "people"?
And who are your "medical friends"?
I am staying a member of this forum in order to help find a cure for POIS.
Why are you here?
If you're here to simply trash other people's years of experience and success...
then I think you're sorely mistaken, dude.
Because I went through many years of pain and agony to figure this thing out. I've defeated POIS for 10 years. I think we all can agree that I did have a very serious case of POIS. I even did a TV show to publicize and educate the illness.
And your off the cuff doubts and remarks to me are personally quite OFFENSIVE> OK?
So if you have any serious questions, THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ASK AS A GENTLEMAN, THEn please go ahead and ask them.
I am very short for time. I am very busy with my work. And honestly, I'd rather respond to friendly inquiries which are sincere. If not-- I basically don't have to be here, dude. I think it's a great credit to those moderators who keep in touch with older members, as Demo does, to see how they're doing.
Who are you claiming to Speak for?... what "people"?
And who are your "medical friends"?
I am staying a member of this forum in order to help find a cure for POIS.
Why are you here?
If you're here to simply trash other people's years of experience and success...
then I think you're sorely mistaken, dude.
Because I went through many years of pain and agony to figure this thing out. I've defeated POIS for 10 years. I think we all can agree that I did have a very serious case of POIS. I even did a TV show to publicize and educate the illness.
And your off the cuff doubts and remarks to me are personally quite OFFENSIVE> OK?
So if you have any serious questions, THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ASK AS A GENTLEMAN, THEn please go ahead and ask them.
I am very short for time. I am very busy with my work. And honestly, I'd rather respond to friendly inquiries which are sincere. If not-- I basically don't have to be here, dude. I think it's a great credit to those moderators who keep in touch with older members, as Demo does, to see how they're doing.
Hi Animus,
I feel there is some misunderstanding, here. If you look at the original post of this thread, mike_sweden was wondering, after seeing the video of your TV appearance, what is it, in all your surgeries, that helped with your POIS. There have been many debates about this during the five years you have been away from this forum. For those that have been here all along, it is clear that many members are trying to understand what, among all the surgeries you had, have been responsible for your POIS cure, so no wonder about Nas referring to "people" trying to understand what worked ( however, the use of the word "skeptical" by Nas may be misunderstood - see below). This is a totally legit question, as you may understand, because no member would just repeat all the exact procedures you went through.
When Nas has written that :
I think people are still skeptical of how this worked out for him. Especially with the brain symptoms. All my medical friends have no explanation for it, so I don't really know what are we going to learn from this. Anyone has a good theory?
I feel that the misleading use of the word "skeptical" is what makes you reacting to what Nas said. Nas may have chosen a better word, I agree, to convey his concerns and questions, but I think he only wanted to express that it is not clear which one, in all the procedures you had, helped cure your POIS , and why. However, it is clear to me that he, and the friends he discusses with, are not skeptical at all about your POIS cure. Your success is a fact, especially since you came back to confirm that you are still POIS-free, but no one knows, to date, how and why it worked.
Those are important questions. I remember commenting, in one of the previous threads about your success story, that, in your case, you had a (painful?) lump on one of your testes, so this may have been what prompt the choice of this specific surgery, but that no surgeon would accept to do it for anyone else if there was no obvious problem with those glands. We came to the conclusion in that discussion that removing the testes may not be necessary and may not be what worked, because some members went through vasectomy, and nothing changed for them, POIS-wise ( this includes myself - vasectomy did not help my POIS at all ). Moreover, as you surely have experienced yourself, removing the testes is a serious decision to make. So, members are glad to see you have no more POIS, and it bring some hope for others. But, pondering about if they would undergo themselves one or more surgical procedures, in a bid to cure their POIS, is a very serious question, with no clear answer.
Is it removing the prostate that did it? Or removing the Cowper glands? Or removing the seminal glands ? Or the testes, even if doubtful? Or any combination of 2 or 3 of these ? Is the fact that you take testosterone replacement therapy is a factor ? Many questions, no answers. So, before it is understood what really cured POIS in your case, it is clearly not possible to recommend any surgery to any POIS sufferer. I am sorry that you are not at ease with such debates, but considering your outstanding success, I think it is normal that your case attracts attention and stimulate such discussions. Those debates may not unfold in a way you appreciate, but we try to keep exchanges as polite and respectful as possible.
POIS is a rare syndrome, so let's try to get along, and solve this all together, as calmly and respectfully as possible.
Thanks for your understanding, and have a great Holiday Season !
Everyone: I’m not at all suggesting that we all go out and do risky/expensive surgery. But let’s try & see if we can learn from Animus’ experience!
Since I had a part in promoting Animus’ POIS success story recently, I thought this might fit in with Quantum’s post, with italics to emphasize once again that
I’m not promoting surgery for POIS! :)
Animus’ expensive surgery was as costly as a POIS Research Grant. So - once again - let’s all try and learn from it. I think the detailed questions about Animus’ procedures that were stimulated by Quantum and others are exactly what I was hoping for!
Thanks, everyone.
Who are you claiming to Speak for?... what "people"?
And who are your "medical friends"?
I am staying a member of this forum in order to help find a cure for POIS.
Why are you here?
If you're here to simply trash other people's years of experience and success...
then I think you're sorely mistaken, dude.
Because I went through many years of pain and agony to figure this thing out. I've defeated POIS for 10 years. I think we all can agree that I did have a very serious case of POIS. I even did a TV show to publicize and educate the illness.
And your off the cuff doubts and remarks to me are personally quite OFFENSIVE> OK?
So if you have any serious questions, THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ASK AS A GENTLEMAN, THEn please go ahead and ask them.
I am very short for time. I am very busy with my work. And honestly, I'd rather respond to friendly inquiries which are sincere. If not-- I basically don't have to be here, dude. I think it's a great credit to those moderators who keep in touch with older members, as Demo does, to see how they're doing.
Hi Animus,
I feel there is some misunderstanding, here. If you look at the original post of this thread, mike_sweden was wondering, after seeing the video of your TV appearance, what is it, in all your surgeries, that helped with your POIS. There have been many debates about this during the five years you have been away from this forum. For those that have been here all along, it is clear that many members are trying to understand what, among all the surgeries you had, have been responsible for your POIS cure, so no wonder about Nas referring to "people" trying to understand what worked ( however, the use of the word "skeptical" by Nas may be misunderstood - see below). This is a totally legit question, as you may understand, because no member would just repeat all the exact procedures you went through.
When Nas has written that :
I think people are still skeptical of how this worked out for him. Especially with the brain symptoms. All my medical friends have no explanation for it, so I don't really know what are we going to learn from this. Anyone has a good theory?
I feel that the misleading use of the word "skeptical" is what makes you reacting to what Nas said. Nas may have chosen a better word, I agree, to convey his concerns and questions, but I think he only wanted to express that it is not clear which one, in all the procedures you had, helped cure your POIS , and why. However, it is clear to me that he, and the friends he discusses with, are not skeptical at all about your POIS cure. Your success is a fact, especially since you came back to confirm that you are still POIS-free, but no one knows, to date, how and why it worked.
Those are important questions. I remember commenting, in one of the previous threads about your success story, that, in your case, you had a (painful?) lump on one of your testes, so this may have been what prompt the choice of this specific surgery, but that no surgeon would accept to do it for anyone else if there was no obvious problem with those glands. We came to the conclusion in that discussion that removing the testes may not be necessary and may not be what worked, because some members went through vasectomy, and nothing changed for them, POIS-wise ( this includes myself - vasectomy did not help my POIS at all ). Moreover, as you surely have experienced yourself, removing the testes is a serious decision to make. So, members are glad to see you have no more POIS, and it bring some hope for others. But, pondering about if they would undergo themselves one or more surgical procedures, in a bid to cure their POIS, is a very serious question, with no clear answer.
Is it removing the prostate that did it? Or removing the Cowper glands? Or removing the seminal glands ? Or the testes, even if doubtful? Or any combination of 2 or 3 of these ? Is the fact that you take testosterone replacement therapy is a factor ? Many questions, no answers. So, before it is understood what really cured POIS in your case, it is clearly not possible to recommend any surgery to any POIS sufferer. I am sorry that you are not at ease with such debates, but considering your outstanding success, I think it is normal that your case attracts attention and stimulate such discussions. Those debates may not unfold in a way you appreciate, but we try to keep exchanges as polite and respectful as possible.
POIS is a rare syndrome, so let's try to get along, and solve this all together, as calmly and respectfully as possible.
Thanks for your understanding, and have a great Holiday Season !
Dear Quantum,
thank you for your sincere and thoughtful questions...
I would like to give them the attention/ answer they deserve.! and cannot put the time in right now. but hope to in the next few days... I am happy to hear from you. and your questions are great. so I will try to post soon. thank you
best, Animus
Thank you again for your questions, and raising the level of this discussion, Quantum!
I have a lot of medical records, detailed health timelines, documentation of every procedure I went through... step by step. and I'll be happy to share that on the forum-- probably not all at once! because it's a lot, but over time... I'm happy to answer all the questions- no matter how the discussion turns out, or what the conclusions are.
Since this thread is primarily about Castration, why it worked...
I think the first point, which you kindly made, is the consensus that I did have POIS, a severe case of it. And that I no longer have POIS currently. Thank you for that. I suffered strongly from POIS through my 30s until I got the last surgery, and recovered. Hopefully our discussion will also be disseminated and parsed out more scientifically by interested health professionals/ researchers. I'm an architect. Perhaps they can shed more light on what actually worked in my case.
I went from suffering from severe POIS for up to 7 days post- orgasm/ ejaculation...
to currently being able to have orgasm 2 or 3 times per week, with no symptoms, no missed days at work. I have a small business, have my own apartment, and am happily employed in my work.
However, can't have kids now. I can still enjoy sex though and have a fulfilling relationship.
You asked which of the surgeries was responsible for eliminating the POIS.
All of them were responsible. I started small... saw improvements, and proceeded with caution over 3-4 years. I went with the theory that ---Semen Production-- is what causes POIS in our case. Orgasm/ ejaculation triggers Semen Production, regeneration. There is a Refactory period of up to 7 days after ejaculation... which essentially matches perfectly the period that I suffered from POIS.
My theory is basically that semen regeneration is responsible for all the symptoms... and the way to avoid semen regeneration is either to not have ejaculation, or eliminate the organs that produce semen, thereby making it impossible to produce it. (There could be other ways) That also leads to "dry ejaculation". I instinctively felt that my body was "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul" in effect while I was regenerating semen.
I had developed abnormally large and painful testicles... so my First surgery was to remove 1 testicle.
I had a huge improvement in symptoms and health immediately.
However, within about 3 months, the remaining testicle grew almost double it's size to compensate for the missing one. And I was back to square one.
Second surgery was to remove the second testicle. Much more complicated.
I have to say- that was a very hard thing to do, personally, emotionally- so I really understand that. I didn't want to change my sex, become more feminine, or have any desire to harm myself. However, I figured I was worse off with POIS, than I was without my testicles... so I decided to go for it.
The second surgery helped reduce my POIS again by about 30% or close to that. However, it also caused some problems, which took time to properly treat.
The problem was that I didn't produce Testosterone any more. So I needed to see a very good Endocrinologist, who could properly administer the right amount of Testosterone. Initially, I was given too much, 1ml per week, and became very jittery.. and a lot of other things. But after about a year, we found the right dose to be exactly .35mls per week- much lower. I have been on that dose now for almost a decade. I regularly give myself a shot of testosterone every week. Testosterone is a critical male hormone, as we all know, and without it, one can become depressed, weak, frail, lose muscle and other things...etc. Also you can't have an erection without it... which could possibly be worse than having POIS... depending.
After the Second surgery, and finding the right dose of Testosterone... I was finally able to start working again, and get my own apartment again. My POIS had been reduced significantly but still present. I still had POIS, but not quite as catastrophically. My condition still prevented me from having a relationship, and required me to schedule my Orgasm/ ejaculation on days when I knew I could take 2 days to recover. But it went down from 6-7 days to 2 days I'd say.
I stayed that way for a few years. Then I think it was in 2009, that I had the 3rd and 4th surgeries. I had to go to India for those. It was over $6,000 I think. none of it covered by insurance.
The 3rd and 4th surgeries were done a few days apart. First the Urologist did a TURP. I originally wanted to entirely remove my Prostate, but I researched it, and found it was risky, could lead to incontinence, lack of erection. So I opted for a TURP-- which is fairly non invasive, removal of a lot of the Prostate Tissue. But keeping it. The Prostate is one of the sex organs, and produces a component of Semen.
The other organs that make semen are the Seminal Vesicles, and the Cowper's gland. The Seminal Vesicles contribute probably the bulk of the Semen fluid. I had those removed. That is an unusual and invasive surgery because they are hidden behind the prostate. The Cowper's gland does not contribute much volume, and my Urologist recommended keeping it in, so I did.
So the danger of these operations is that it's possible to become incontinent, and or lose ability to have an erection. I did not have either of those things. I had a solid recovery... it took some time though, and definitely a few weeks before I was on my feet again. After recovering, I was able to have an erection again, and have an orgasm, however now it was Dry Ejaculation. No Semen came out. The feeling was pretty much exactly the same orgasm though.
I currently take medicine to control the size of my Prostate, to keep it from enlarging again. I find this is really important to follow up with. I take FLOMAX- a prescription from my local urologist. And I take SUPER BETA PROSTATE- which is and herbal supplement, quite powerful, actually effective also to reduce the Prostate.
whew! it's a lot.
I might take a little break from all this now. hope that helps. Thanks,
Thank you, Animus, for that *exhaustive*, detailed explanation! You have proved to me and countless others, that POIS *CAN* be defeated. Completely! Thank you.
Thanks, Animus, for having taken the time to describe the different steps you went through, with the timing and results on your POIS. This will help others to try and understand what may apply to POIS in general.
Your hypothesis of "no semen=no POIS" appears to have been true for you. My concern, however, is that, considering there seems to be more than just one type of POIS, this same hypothesis may not be true for all of POIS sufferers. For example, some members have POIS symptoms from pre-cum only, which is produced by the Cowper glands. You still have your Cowper glands, so I suppose you still have pre-cum ( sorry for sounding so invasive of your privacy !), and you have no POIS. So, as for anything POIS, nothing is clear and simple.
Thanks, Animus, for having taken the time to describe the different steps you went through, with the timing and results on your POIS. This will help others to try and understand what may apply to POIS in general.
Your hypothesis of "no semen=no POIS" appears to have been true for you. My concern, however, is that, considering there seems to be more than just one type of POIS, this same hypothesis may not be true for all of POIS sufferers. For example, some members have POIS symptoms from pre-cum only, which is produced by the Cowper glands. You still have your Cowper glands, so I suppose you still have pre-cum ( sorry for sounding so invasive of your privacy !), and you have no POIS. So, as for anything POIS, nothing is clear and simple.
You're welcom Quantum,
Yes, my Cowper's gland is still present. It is important to keeping the urethera lubricated. so in general not recommended to remove, or you could dry out your urethera and lead to other complications..?. it's contribution to semen is quite minimal. Yes, when I had POIS, I would also sometimes trigger the symptoms with just the pre-cum from the Cowper's. And yes, I still do have pre-cum now. However it does not trigger POIS anymore. Even after the surgeries, if I did have a lot of pre-cum, I would get some symptoms/ tiredness, but on a scale of 1-10 in POIS severity, it was maybe a 2. And gradually, over the years, that seems to have gone away also.
Animus, I really appreciate that you and Quantum have taken a more detailed look at your POIS and how we might learn from your great success to possibly help other POISers! I’m sure it must have been very emotionally demanding for you to run through all the surgeries undergone, so I thank you and wish you once again a very wonderful and restful Holiday season!
Once again...
The Learning Channel's (TLC) feature TV presentation on Animus’ POIS:
Everyone: I’m not at all suggesting that we all go out and do risky/expensive surgery. But let’s try & see if we can learn from Animus’ experience!
Since I had a part in promoting Animus’ POIS success story recently, I thought this might fit in with Quantum’s post, with italics to emphasize once again that
I’m not promoting surgery for POIS! :)
Animus’ expensive surgery was as costly as a POIS Research Grant. So - once again - let’s all try and learn from it. I think the detailed questions about Animus’ procedures that were stimulated by Quantum and others are exactly what I was hoping for!
Thanks, everyone.
Example of what I mean above: can we learn from Animus’ successful anti-POIS experience of
“dry ejaculation” (which Quantum rephrased as
“no semen = no POIS”) - -
in non-surgical terms?? Can meds produce that effect?
As Quantum points out, there are different POIS types. So, which type POIS might most possibly benefit from the “dry ejaculation” theory?
Everyone: I’m not at all suggesting that we all go out and do risky/expensive surgery. But let’s try & see if we can learn from Animus’ experience!
Since I had a part in promoting Animus’ POIS success story recently, I thought this might fit in with Quantum’s post, with italics to emphasize once again that
I’m not promoting surgery for POIS! :)
Animus’ expensive surgery was as costly as a POIS Research Grant. So - once again - let’s all try and learn from it. I think the detailed questions about Animus’ procedures that were stimulated by Quantum and others are exactly what I was hoping for!
Thanks, everyone.
Example of what I mean above: can we learn from Animus’ successful anti-POIS experience of
“dry ejaculation” (which Quantum rephrased as
“no semen = no POIS”) - -
in non-surgical terms?? Can meds produce that effect?
As Quantum points out, there are different POIS types. So, which type POIS might most possibly benefit from the “dry ejaculation” theory?
The Mast cell activation theory clearly fits this. The urinary tract is lined with extremely large number of mast cells. In pois sufferers this get activated by semen. No semen means no mast cell degranulation. Fits 100%
Animus, I really appreciate that you and Quantum have taken a more detailed look at your POIS and how we might learn from your great success to possibly help other POISers! I’m sure it must have been very emotionally demanding for you to run through all the surgeries undergone, so I thank you and wish you once again a very wonderful and restful Holiday season!
Thank you Demo. Wish you a Merry Christmas & happy holidays too! To you & everyone on the forum. Thank you
Animus is our "Ultimate Hero and Champion."
What Animus has done 10 years ago is like climbing Mount Everest or reaching Moon for the first time. I am not exaggerating. No one will have the thinking and courage that Animus had.
Even now we all struggle with, finding out the cause and cure for the debiliating disease.
But he somehow correctly figured out, what is causing his problem. Incredible isn't it to have done that some 10 years back.
Thanks a lot Animus on behalf of all the poiser's. Its a great lead and now others can learn from your experience without undergoing the enormous pains you've encountered in finding out the solution.
Biologics and new medicines are now discovered which may completely prevent the effect of semen on our urinary tract without undergoing castration. So in the next few years we will get a cure.
Thanks once again for your invaluable contribution to our cause.
Animus is our "Ultimate Hero and Champion."
What Animus has done 10 years ago is like climbing Mount Everest or reaching Moon for the first time. I am not exaggerating. No one will have the thinking and courage that Animus had.
Even now we all struggle with, finding out the cause and cure for the debiliating disease.
But he somehow correctly figured out, what is causing his problem. Incredible isn't it to have done that some 10 years back.
Thanks a lot Animus on behalf of all the poiser's. Its a great lead and now others can learn from your experience without undergoing the enormous pains you've encountered in finding out the solution.
Biologics and new medicines are now discovered which may completely prevent the effect of semen on our urinary tract without undergoing castration. So in the next few years we will get a cure.
Thanks once again for your invaluable contribution to our cause.
Thank you, aswinpras.
Animus is our "Ultimate Hero and Champion."
What Animus has done 10 years ago is like climbing Mount Everest or reaching Moon for the first time. I am not exaggerating. No one will have the thinking and courage that Animus had.
Even now we all struggle with, finding out the cause and cure for the debiliating disease.
But he somehow correctly figured out, what is causing his problem. Incredible isn't it to have done that some 10 years back.
Thanks a lot Animus on behalf of all the poiser's. Its a great lead and now others can learn from your experience without undergoing the enormous pains you've encountered in finding out the solution.
Biologics and new medicines are now discovered which may completely prevent the effect of semen on our urinary tract without undergoing castration. So in the next few years we will get a cure.
Thanks once again for your invaluable contribution to our cause.
Aswinpras, You are welcome, and Thank you for this... Certain things came together for me at that time, that allowed me to do it... We should not lose faith for an alternative. It's Possible, perhaps, to repeat the surgeries which I did, but risky, expensive, and I tried to emphasize that there are many opportunities for complications along the way of the Surgical Route, which could make the situation worse... It's a bit like an experimental procedure.
I think it's a good idea, now that we have the Scientific and Medical Assistance to do solid work on this, to wait to see what they can come up with.
But I think the theory that led me to do these surgeries... can possibly be used as a starting point of investigation. As a theoretical model. One which we know has a positive outcome. I guess the best case scenario, would be to find a drug which can be taken... which inhibits Semen Production. That would be my first guess. There are existing drugs, treatments out there which Inhibit Semen production, used to treat other illnesses. (radiation of the prostate, chemo drugs) if you google "inhibit semen production" that would be my starting point.
Thanks Demo!
Thanks again Animus!
aswinpras, you’re most welcome!
...I think the theory that led me to do these surgeries... can possibly be used as a starting point of investigation. As a theoretical model. One which we know has a positive outcome. I guess the best case scenario, would be to find a drug which can be taken... which inhibits Semen Production.
This is exactly the basis for my excitement!!
I can’t thank you enough, Animus, for your spectacular early “Mt Everest” courage and now, for many of us (not necessarily all!) to help us see a possible way out!!
...if you google "inhibit semen production" that would be my starting point.
The first thing that popped up for me:
Chemotherapy drugs will inhibit sperm production and other medications such as spironolactone, cimetidine, nifedipine, sulfasalazine, colchicine, and oral ketoconazole can also negatively impact male fertility. Sep 10, 2019
The Mast cell activation theory clearly fits this. The urinary tract is lined with extremely large number of mast cells. In pois sufferers this get activated by semen. No semen means no mast cell degranulation. Fits 100%
aswinpras, this was an eye-opener for me, thank you!
...if you google "inhibit semen production" that would be my starting point.
The first thing that popped up for me:
Chemotherapy drugs will inhibit sperm production and other medications such as spironolactone, cimetidine, nifedipine, sulfasalazine, colchicine, and oral ketoconazole can also negatively impact male fertility. Sep 10, 2019
Demo, This is GREAT!
Thank you for this. I think this is JUST the direction that POIS research can go in.
These drugs may work to inhibit semen production. So will radiation therapy. It is used commonly for the Prostate to treat cancer. It could be additionally used to treat the Testicles, and Seminal vesicles too.
This could be a very promising alternative to Surgery.
...if you google "inhibit semen production" that would be my starting point.
The first thing that popped up for me:
Chemotherapy drugs will inhibit sperm production and other medications such as spironolactone, cimetidine, nifedipine, sulfasalazine, colchicine, and oral ketoconazole can also negatively impact male fertility. Sep 10, 2019
I wonder how accurate that list is because cimetidine is Tagamet and that is an H2 antihistamine for acid reflux
The Mast cell activation theory clearly fits this. The urinary tract is lined with extremely large number of mast cells. In pois sufferers this get activated by semen. No semen means no mast cell degranulation. Fits 100%
When you say a statement like that it would be helpful to back it up with a link that backs it up. I have Dysautonomia and many people with Dysautonomia have Mast Cell Activation disorders, but it is not an exact science and it is extremely hard to get tested for it. I am in many mast cell groups and I have read many articles that Dr. Afrin wrote, he is the expert on the subject. Occasionally he will answer emails but before I would bother him with this I would want to know where you learned that information..?
I think most of us have seen the YouTube clip where an American architect underwent castration and also took testosterone supplements and this cured his POIS
why did this work?
What is interesting is I have a member in my Facebook group who claims to have had the castration and took testosterone after and he still have POIS. I think that Animus got lucky in a way because his sub type of POIS responded well to that but I think most of us won?t because I don?t think any one subtype is more than 33% of us.
Thank you again for your questions, and raising the level of this discussion, Quantum!
I have a lot of medical records, detailed health timelines, documentation of every procedure I went through... step by step. and I'll be happy to share that on the forum-- probably not all at once! because it's a lot, but over time... I'm happy to answer all the questions- no matter how the discussion turns out, or what the conclusions are.
Since this thread is primarily about Castration, why it worked...
I think the first point, which you kindly made, is the consensus that I did have POIS, a severe case of it. And that I no longer have POIS currently. Thank you for that. I suffered strongly from POIS through my 30s until I got the last surgery, and recovered. Hopefully our discussion will also be disseminated and parsed out more scientifically by interested health professionals/ researchers. I'm an architect. Perhaps they can shed more light on what actually worked in my case.
I went from suffering from severe POIS for up to 7 days post- orgasm/ ejaculation...
to currently being able to have orgasm 2 or 3 times per week, with no symptoms, no missed days at work. I have a small business, have my own apartment, and am happily employed in my work.
However, can't have kids now. I can still enjoy sex though and have a fulfilling relationship.
You asked which of the surgeries was responsible for eliminating the POIS.
All of them were responsible. I started small... saw improvements, and proceeded with caution over 3-4 years. I went with the theory that ---Semen Production-- is what causes POIS in our case. Orgasm/ ejaculation triggers Semen Production, regeneration. There is a Refactory period of up to 7 days after ejaculation... which essentially matches perfectly the period that I suffered from POIS.
My theory is basically that semen regeneration is responsible for all the symptoms... and the way to avoid semen regeneration is either to not have ejaculation, or eliminate the organs that produce semen, thereby making it impossible to produce it. (There could be other ways) That also leads to "dry ejaculation". I instinctively felt that my body was "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul" in effect while I was regenerating semen.
I had developed abnormally large and painful testicles... so my First surgery was to remove 1 testicle.
I had a huge improvement in symptoms and health immediately.
However, within about 3 months, the remaining testicle grew almost double it's size to compensate for the missing one. And I was back to square one.
Second surgery was to remove the second testicle. Much more complicated.
I have to say- that was a very hard thing to do, personally, emotionally- so I really understand that. I didn't want to change my sex, become more feminine, or have any desire to harm myself. However, I figured I was worse off with POIS, than I was without my testicles... so I decided to go for it.
The second surgery helped reduce my POIS again by about 30% or close to that. However, it also caused some problems, which took time to properly treat.
The problem was that I didn't produce Testosterone any more. So I needed to see a very good Endocrinologist, who could properly administer the right amount of Testosterone. Initially, I was given too much, 1ml per week, and became very jittery.. and a lot of other things. But after about a year, we found the right dose to be exactly .35mls per week- much lower. I have been on that dose now for almost a decade. I regularly give myself a shot of testosterone every week. Testosterone is a critical male hormone, as we all know, and without it, one can become depressed, weak, frail, lose muscle and other things...etc. Also you can't have an erection without it... which could possibly be worse than having POIS... depending.
After the Second surgery, and finding the right dose of Testosterone... I was finally able to start working again, and get my own apartment again. My POIS had been reduced significantly but still present. I still had POIS, but not quite as catastrophically. My condition still prevented me from having a relationship, and required me to schedule my Orgasm/ ejaculation on days when I knew I could take 2 days to recover. But it went down from 6-7 days to 2 days I'd say.
I stayed that way for a few years. Then I think it was in 2009, that I had the 3rd and 4th surgeries. I had to go to India for those. It was over $6,000 I think. none of it covered by insurance.
The 3rd and 4th surgeries were done a few days apart. First the Urologist did a TURP. I originally wanted to entirely remove my Prostate, but I researched it, and found it was risky, could lead to incontinence, lack of erection. So I opted for a TURP-- which is fairly non invasive, removal of a lot of the Prostate Tissue. But keeping it. The Prostate is one of the sex organs, and produces a component of Semen.
The other organs that make semen are the Seminal Vesicles, and the Cowper's gland. The Seminal Vesicles contribute probably the bulk of the Semen fluid. I had those removed. That is an unusual and invasive surgery because they are hidden behind the prostate. The Cowper's gland does not contribute much volume, and my Urologist recommended keeping it in, so I did.
So the danger of these operations is that it's possible to become incontinent, and or lose ability to have an erection. I did not have either of those things. I had a solid recovery... it took some time though, and definitely a few weeks before I was on my feet again. After recovering, I was able to have an erection again, and have an orgasm, however now it was Dry Ejaculation. No Semen came out. The feeling was pretty much exactly the same orgasm though.
I currently take medicine to control the size of my Prostate, to keep it from enlarging again. I find this is really important to follow up with. I take FLOMAX- a prescription from my local urologist. And I take SUPER BETA PROSTATE- which is and herbal supplement, quite powerful, actually effective also to reduce the Prostate.
whew! it's a lot.
I might take a little break from all this now. hope that helps. Thanks,
Amazing to finally see those details! Thanks. Only took you a decade to post about it lol but seriously better late than never! I sent you a private message too.
It?s really interesting you have enlarged testicles to begin with. Mine have never been enlarged, but I have always had terrible soreness in them and painful varicosels. Also there have been times after orgasm where it felt like there was a 20 lbs weight wrapped around them pulling them down and to stand on my feet would cause pain in my testicles like a hernia almost. Long before your video came out I dreamed about just snipping them off because of that. Eventually that soreness spread to my lower abdominals, both inner thighs and my lower back. I can relate to the Lower back pain. When I was a teenager I was a professional level athlete in multiple sports. One day I orgasmed and played tennis right after and I threw my back out completely. It felt liek I would be paralyzed in a fetus position, I could not straighten my back at all. After that my running days were over.
I think you should not count out the autoimmune theory in your cure. You mistakenly confuse Waldinger?s original Allergy Theory with his later Autoimmune theory. The Autoimmune theory is more like Celiac Disease. Semen in this case is like Gluten for Celiac. Since your semen stopped it?s like you removed the ?gluten?. Waldinger was unsure if it was the actual semen or a hormone or something else related. Perhaps it?s a chemical in the production of semen. That?s what I think should be researched
This whole "subtype" thing to me is irrelevant.
it's unproven. and I think it's sort of a product of endless online noodling...
honestly, I am yet to be convinced of any "subtypes".
However, I'm not going to dispute them on the forum.
plus--- it's more than simply castration.
As I took many pains to explain on the forum...
there are 3 organs which produce semen.
the testicles are only responsible for a small fraction of the volumen of semen.
the prostate, and seminal vesicles are also very significant.
I myself, did not cure my POIS solely through castration.
please share.
I think Quantum summed up my background very well. Very accurately and scientifically.
I apologize, but won't be able to take part on this thread on a daily basis, as my business is very busy right now.
But briefly, Yes,
The surgeries removed both Testicles. Removed the Seminal Vesicles. Surgically reduced the Prostate, but left it in. Cowper's gland was also left in on recommendation of my Doctor. Because the amount of semen the Cowper's produces is very fractional, small.. and he felt it would be also good just to have some lubrication of the urethra.
I started on a weekly dose of Testosterone replacement. Because of many things, but mainly because one can get depressed, lose muscle mass, etc. when you are low T... And I also still wanted to have sex every now and then.
Other than that- I take Avodart to further reduce my Prostate.
I think I did a "pie-chart" once for the group, showing the different components of Semen
(which includes Sperm from the Testicles, and other ejaculatory fluids from the Seminal Vesicles, Prostate, Cowper's...
Now, this is a Pie chart that I made through my own research at the time... so please don't cite it as any official chart.!
I found this ? The ejaculate is composed of secretions from various sources. Two-thirds of the ejaculate volume is contributed by the seminal vesicles, one-third is contributed by the prostate, up to 10% is derived from the testicle and epididymis, and a small component is derived from the bulbo-urethral glands.2?
You may find this interesting
The longitudinal effect of ejaculation on seminal vesicle fluid volume and whole-prostate ADC as measured on prostate MRI
The longitudinal effect of ejaculation on SV volume was demonstrated. Significant reductions in SV volume and whole-gland ADC were observed post-ejaculation, supporting a 3-day period of abstinence before prostate MRI.
Key Points
? Seminal vesicle volume significantly reduced 24 h post-ejaculation remaining reduced at day 2
? Seminal vesicle fluid volume significantly increased from day 1 to day 3 post-ejaculation
? There was a significant reduction in whole-gland prostate ADC values day 1 post-ejaculation
? 3-day abstinence from ejaculation is required to ensure maximal seminal vesicle distension
? Both seminal vesicle and prostate secretions are controlled by androgens, and, in the presence of low circulating testosterone, ejaculate volume is reduced?
I guess what we are looking for is called Hypospermia which means low semen volume.
This has a list of different meds that affect sperm and semen
Most of the medication do not affect the volume and they do it by causing harm
The Mast cell activation theory clearly fits this. The urinary tract is lined with extremely large number of mast cells. In pois sufferers this get activated by semen. No semen means no mast cell degranulation. Fits 100%
When you say a statement like that it would be helpful to back it up with a link that backs it up. I have Dysautonomia and many people with Dysautonomia have Mast Cell Activation disorders, but it is not an exact science and it is extremely hard to get tested for it. I am in many mast cell groups and I have read many articles that Dr. Afrin wrote, he is the expert on the subject. Occasionally he will answer emails but before I would bother him with this I would want to know where you learned that information..?
Here are some of the links about mast cells activated by semen. I will try to get some more recent research articles on this by next week.
My CFS specialist said that viruses like Epstein (mono) have an affinity for the sex glands. There are many common virus in this family. They also have an affinity for nerves.
Maybe there is viral release in semen and subsequent immune activation to control it. I always test as if I had recent mono. I explain to PCP docs that this is consistent with reactivation.
If viruses are causing a chronic infection of the male sexual organs and POIS episodes, removal may be working by removing a focal point.
Just a thought to consider.
I had developed abnormally large and painful testicles... so my First surgery was to remove 1 testicle.
I had a huge improvement in symptoms and health immediately.
However, within about 3 months, the remaining testicle grew almost double it's size to compensate for the missing one. And I was back to square one.
Second surgery was to remove the second testicle. Much more complicated.
I have to say- that was a very hard thing to do, personally, emotionally- so I really understand that. I didn't want to change my sex, become more feminine, or have any desire to harm myself. However, I figured I was worse off with POIS, than I was without my testicles... so I decided to go for it.
The second surgery helped reduce my POIS again by about 30% or close to that. However, it also caused some problems, which took time to properly treat.
The problem was that I didn't produce Testosterone any more. So I needed to see a very good Endocrinologist, who could properly administer the right amount of Testosterone. Initially, I was given too much, 1ml per week, and became very jittery.. and a lot of other things. But after about a year, we found the right dose to be exactly .35mls per week- much lower. I have been on that dose now for almost a decade. I regularly give myself a shot of testosterone every week. Testosterone is a critical male hormone, as we all know, and without it, one can become depressed, weak, frail, lose muscle and other things...etc. Also you can't have an erection without it... which could possibly be worse than having POIS... depending.
After the Second surgery, and finding the right dose of Testosterone... I was finally able to start working again, and get my own apartment again. My POIS had been reduced significantly but still present. I still had POIS, but not quite as catastrophically. My condition still prevented me from having a relationship, and required me to schedule my Orgasm/ ejaculation on days when I knew I could take 2 days to recover. But it went down from 6-7 days to 2 days I'd say.
I stayed that way for a few years. Then I think it was in 2009, that I had the 3rd and 4th surgeries. I had to go to India for those. It was over $6,000 I think. none of it covered by insurance.
The 3rd and 4th surgeries were done a few days apart. First the Urologist did a TURP. I originally wanted to entirely remove my Prostate, but I researched it, and found it was risky, could lead to incontinence, lack of erection. So I opted for a TURP-- which is fairly non invasive, removal of a lot of the Prostate Tissue. But keeping it. The Prostate is one of the sex organs, and produces a component of Semen.
The other organs that make semen are the Seminal Vesicles, and the Cowper's gland. The Seminal Vesicles contribute probably the bulk of the Semen fluid. I had those removed. That is an unusual and invasive surgery because they are hidden behind the prostate. The Cowper's gland does not contribute much volume, and my Urologist recommended keeping it in, so I did.
So the danger of these operations is that it's possible to become incontinent, and or lose ability to have an erection. I did not have either of those things. I had a solid recovery... it took some time though, and definitely a few weeks before I was on my feet again. After recovering, I was able to have an erection again, and have an orgasm, however now it was Dry Ejaculation. No Semen came out. The feeling was pretty much exactly the same orgasm though.
I currently take medicine to control the size of my Prostate, to keep it from enlarging again. I find this is really important to follow up with. I take FLOMAX- a prescription from my local urologist. And I take SUPER BETA PROSTATE- which is and herbal supplement, quite powerful, actually effective also to reduce the Prostate.
Hi Animus,
Again I am so happy you gave more details on everything and ever since I read it I have been thinking about it more and more. I do believe that your case provides clues and the more details we have the more clues we will end up with. I have some questions that may bring those clues out. I think one of the big things is that you still had POIS even though you removed both Testicles. Is all seminal fluid equal? I think not but I think that there are probably components of each organs fluids that are the same. And that might be where the answer lays. For example I believe that sperm is only produced in the testicles. So if you removed them and still had POIS sperm production/regeneration or sperm in general was not causing your symptoms. So in your case we can cross that off the list
1.?is the consensus that I did have POIS, a severe case of it.? It has been a long time since I watched the video but could you go into detail about all of your symptoms before you were symptom free? The more detail the better and if you could say if certain symptoms were more pronounced. Maybe rate them 1-10. And then rate them after each surgery. For example tiredness/sleepiness 10 before, after #1 testicle it was 7, after both testicles removed it was 6, after TURP and Seminal removal it was 3, after Prostate meds it was 0. Something like that. It may give us clues.
2.#1 Testicle removal. Did you ever get any specific explanation to why your testicles were enlarged? That isn?t a symptom I typically read on the forum or the Facebook group. I wonder if that gives a clue to why you had POIS.
3.You said ?I suffered strongly from POIS through my 30s..? Does that mean you got POIS for the first time in your 30s or you had it all your life through your 30s? I just want it to be clear. I think we will eventually find that there is a different subtype from the guys who have POIS from childhood compared to adult on-set POIS. So I think it is important to know which yours was.
4.?currently being able to have orgasm 2 or 3 times per week? Is that the limit? What happens if you have 7 orgasms per week? Just curious if you ever tried that and what happens. Personally I can have 2-3 in one night normally and that seems like a low amount in a week.
5.?The 3rd and 4th surgeries were done a few days apart? which was done 1st the TURP? I wish you can done them a little further apart to see the amount of improvement for a longer time for each. What was the amount of improvement on each surgery or could you not tell because they were so close together?
6.?to keep it from enlarging again? Did you have BPH or enlarged Prostate, sounds like you are implying that. If so which test showed it and how large enlarged was it? If you had BPH why could you not get the TURP in America since it is routine for BPH? This is interesting to me because I do think that my prostate becomes enlarged when I am aroused and then it?s possible it spasms during orgasm because I have a lot of soreness in that area sometimes more than others. But I never had it tested to see if it is enlarged regularly.
Lastly what is stands out is that the testicles make Testosterone and Testosterone increase production of semen. So in your case it also looks like we can cross off testosterone as a suspect because your body doesn?t regenerate it and injecting it doesn?t trigger your POIS. So Sperm and Testosterone are off your list of suspects.
I am going to research to find the chemical make up of semen from each of the organs in question. Then I may be able the come up with a shortened list of suspects. To be honest I?m not real convinced about your regeneration theory because you would still have to narrow it down to ?what about the regeneration? and that could still be a chemical thing. I will research into this a little more but for the most part all of the energy in the human body comes from Mitochondria. There is a disease called Mitochodrial disease that I am very familiar with, there are about 100 types of Mitochondrial diseases and POIS doesn?t exactly fit that mold, mainly because of the psychological and neurological symptoms. But basically there are so many variation of Mito disease because Mitochondria operate like a factory and there are many moving parts and different Mito disease have different ?part? problems. There is also something called Secondary Mitochondrial disease that happens when the mitochondria get injured by something like a drug toxicity. And that can affect one organ or the whole body. A lot of medications are Mito toxic in different way. So it?s possible that a chemical that has ill effects is causing some kind of secondary Mito toxic effect. Let?s just say it will be very very hard to get researchers into proving this. They tried to do that with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but failed. The better or easier thing to do is figure out the chemical trigger. Either something in the semen, something released during orgasm or some physical mechanism that then triggers a chemical release.
My CFS specialist said that viruses like Epstein (mono) have an affinity for the sex glands. There are many common virus in this family. They also have an affinity for nerves.
Maybe there is viral release in semen and subsequent immune activation to control it. I always test as if I had recent mono. I explain to PCP docs that this is consistent with reactivation.
If viruses are causing a chronic infection of the male sexual organs and POIS episodes, removal may be working by removing a focal point.
Just a thought to consider.
This is the best explanation of the Animus case I've heard so far. Thanks Mr Raba!
I think Quantum summed up my background very well. Very accurately and scientifically.
I apologize, but won't be able to take part on this thread on a daily basis, as my business is very busy right now.
But briefly, Yes,
The surgeries removed both Testicles. Removed the Seminal Vesicles. Surgically reduced the Prostate, but left it in. Cowper's gland was also left in on recommendation of my Doctor. Because the amount of semen the Cowper's produces is very fractional, small.. and he felt it would be also good just to have some lubrication of the urethra.
I started on a weekly dose of Testosterone replacement. Because of many things, but mainly because one can get depressed, lose muscle mass, etc. when you are low T... And I also still wanted to have sex every now and then.
Other than that- I take Avodart to further reduce my Prostate.
I think I did a "pie-chart" once for the group, showing the different components of Semen
(which includes Sperm from the Testicles, and other ejaculatory fluids from the Seminal Vesicles, Prostate, Cowper's...
Now, this is a Pie chart that I made through my own research at the time... so please don't cite it as any official chart.!
I found this ? The ejaculate is composed of secretions from various sources. Two-thirds of the ejaculate volume is contributed by the seminal vesicles, one-third is contributed by the prostate, up to 10% is derived from the testicle and epididymis, and a small component is derived from the bulbo-urethral glands.2?
You may find this interesting
The longitudinal effect of ejaculation on seminal vesicle fluid volume and whole-prostate ADC as measured on prostate MRI
The longitudinal effect of ejaculation on SV volume was demonstrated. Significant reductions in SV volume and whole-gland ADC were observed post-ejaculation, supporting a 3-day period of abstinence before prostate MRI.
Key Points
? Seminal vesicle volume significantly reduced 24 h post-ejaculation remaining reduced at day 2
? Seminal vesicle fluid volume significantly increased from day 1 to day 3 post-ejaculation
? There was a significant reduction in whole-gland prostate ADC values day 1 post-ejaculation
? 3-day abstinence from ejaculation is required to ensure maximal seminal vesicle distension
Very Valuable Information!! Great job.
Hello all!
Disaster, thank you for your inquiries, and your great start on the research!!. as a general note, I unfortunately have very limited time for the forum for the next 3 months, as our work projects are entering a very busy phase...
But I want to thank you for digging Deep! into the issues. I hope that your curiosity, and motivation, as well as all the other members posting on here.... will be well channeled and sustained toward the research goals. We all will have you to thank for it. We have a great opportunity now to make some progress. Hypospermia great job identifying that.
I'll try to answer the questions...
There are going to be many questions regarding my procedures, and the results- I totally understand... And there are going to be many theories too, subgroups, and possible subtypes, etc. alternate explanations.
But what I would like to start out by saying is that for our Best chances for a cure, I think we should focus on the Similarities, and not the Differences... And what we know has worked. We all have slightly different theories, and yes, I don't agree with everyone's theory here. I would like to address them all, (but I can't because of the time factor.)
Mast cells, Viruses, Allergies, etc. they all have one common thread: Semen. Whether the cause of POIS is Semen Production ( the Refactory Period), or the activation of Urinary Mast cells, or triggering of an Allergy, etc.... I followed the Theory of Semen Production (Refactory Period) as the Cause of POIS. And I had success.
But I did a risky, difficult, and experimental procedure -3 or 4 surgeries. Our goal, as I see it, is to develop a Safe Clinical Trial which members can undergo... as an alternative to repeat this surgical solution. The goal of my procedures was very simple: eliminate Semen Production. The method was removal of the organs. However there may be less invasive methods available... which have the possibility of being done in a clinical trial.
If I had the time, what I would do is investigate non-surgical ways of eliminating Semen Production... as the Straightest Path to a Cure.
Radiation of Prostate, Seminal Vesicles
perhaps partial surgery.
Chemical castration.
This is the direction I would put my energy, and encourage investigation. Each and Every one of these Procedures needs to be Hunted Down,.. completely understood and evaluated for it's potential use in a clinical trial!
as far as the Mast cell theory-
we know that having vasectomy does not end POIS. a vasectomy prevents semen from travelling through the Urethra during ejaculation, so it does not come in contact with the Mast cells. I think it redirects it into the bladder... so it would seem to me that the mast cell theory does not hold.
thanks & best luck.
I'll try to stay in touch as much as possible. And of course with the moderators too.
You are doing great work, Disaster, you're on the right track, I think. Thank you &
best regards,
as far as the Mast cell theory-
we know that having vasectomy does not end POIS. a vasectomy prevents semen from travelling through the Urethra during ejaculation, so it does not come in contact with the Mast cells. I think it redirects it into the bladder... so it would seem to me that the mast cell theory does not hold.
Vasectomy is blocking the vas deferens from carrying the sperm into urethra and not semen. So the mast cell activation by other components of semen is still possible after a vasectomy.
The Mast cell activation theory clearly fits this. The urinary tract is lined with extremely large number of mast cells. In pois sufferers this get activated by semen. No semen means no mast cell degranulation. Fits 100%
When you say a statement like that it would be helpful to back it up with a link that backs it up. I have Dysautonomia and many people with Dysautonomia have Mast Cell Activation disorders, but it is not an exact science and it is extremely hard to get tested for it. I am in many mast cell groups and I have read many articles that Dr. Afrin wrote, he is the expert on the subject. Occasionally he will answer emails but before I would bother him with this I would want to know where you learned that information..?
Here are some of the links about mast cells activated by semen. I will try to get some more recent research articles on this by next week.
Unfortunately these links are editorials from not reliable medical sources. I was hoping you had links to Pubmed studies or a reliable medical journal article. Something along those line. Unfortunately anyone can write anything on the internet and make it seem legit. I know a lot about Mast Cell disorder and I have spoken to Dr. Afrin, who is the expert on it. Mast cell activation symptoms are very different than POIS. Also I believe that Mast cell activation could be present on a small level but as a symptom not the cause. Kind of like a fever is a symptom of an infection and not the cause. Yes the fever happens and yes the fever causes symptoms but the infection is what causes the fever..
Hello all!
Disaster, thank you for your inquiries, and your great start on the research!!. as a general note, I unfortunately have very limited time for the forum for the next 3 months, as our work projects are entering a very busy phase...
But I want to thank you for digging Deep! into the issues. I hope that your curiosity, and motivation, as well as all the other members posting on here.... will be well channeled and sustained toward the research goals. We all will have you to thank for it. We have a great opportunity now to make some progress. Hypospermia great job identifying that.
If I had the time, what I would do is investigate non-surgical ways of eliminating Semen Production... as the Straightest Path to a Cure.
Radiation of Prostate, Seminal Vesicles
perhaps partial surgery.
Chemical castration.
This is the direction I would put my energy, and encourage investigation. Each and Every one of these Procedures needs to be Hunted Down,.. completely understood and evaluated for it's potential use in a clinical trial!
Animus, I appreciate all of those kind words! I know you are very busy so do not feel pressure to answer all of my 6 questions at one time. Answer whenever you have time and however many you have time to answer.
This post and research is now constantly on my mind. I had an idea to test the semen reduction volume. In theory BPH medications like the one you are taking reduces semen production/volume so I was thinking that if semen volume was a problem for us or any POIS guy the a trial on a BPH medication should show some reduction even if it’s 20%. Probably it is best tested on those of us who have longer lasting symptoms to measure reduction based on duration of symptoms.. for example if someone has 7 days of symptoms and they have 5-6 days after the BPH med then it is more obvious of a help then if someone has 1-2 days of symptoms. And maybe everyone could do this through their urologist and have the improvement documented..
Be careful with BPH medication. There are websites just like this one full of guys with Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS).
Be careful with BPH medication. There are websites just like this one full of guys with Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS).
Thank you for the heads up. Definitely need medical supervision and research any of the meds before taken. Perhaps we can find one with a lower Side effect rate...
Hello all!
Disaster, thank you for your inquiries, and your great start on the research!!. as a general note, I unfortunately have very limited time for the forum for the next 3 months, as our work projects are entering a very busy phase...
But I want to thank you for digging Deep! into the issues. I hope that your curiosity, and motivation, as well as all the other members posting on here.... will be well channeled and sustained toward the research goals. We all will have you to thank for it. We have a great opportunity now to make some progress. Hypospermia great job identifying that.
If I had the time, what I would do is investigate non-surgical ways of eliminating Semen Production... as the Straightest Path to a Cure.
Radiation of Prostate, Seminal Vesicles
perhaps partial surgery.
Chemical castration.
This is the direction I would put my energy, and encourage investigation. Each and Every one of these Procedures needs to be Hunted Down,.. completely understood and evaluated for it's potential use in a clinical trial!
Animus, I appreciate all of those kind words! I know you are very busy so do not feel pressure to answer all of my 6 questions at one time. Answer whenever you have time and however many you have time to answer.
This post and research is now constantly on my mind. I had an idea to test the semen reduction volume. In theory BPH medications like the one you are taking reduces semen production/volume so I was thinking that if semen volume was a problem for us or any POIS guy the a trial on a BPH medication should show some reduction even if it’s 20%. Probably it is best tested on those of us who have longer lasting symptoms to measure reduction based on duration of symptoms.. for example if someone has 7 days of symptoms and they have 5-6 days after the BPH med then it is more obvious of a help then if someone has 1-2 days of symptoms. And maybe everyone could do this through their urologist and have the improvement documented..
Yes, yes..
It's true BPH medication is the "low hanging fruit" here. in a way, this will inhibit the Prostate.. which will account for +/-30 percent of seminal fluid. So yes, that is a good way to start.
There is also the seminal vesicles. and the Testicles. Yes, . it would be useful to demonstrate the effects with 7 days POIS versus 3-4 days.
I use Super Beta Prostate. I find it quite powerful on the Prostate. It's available for about $18. per 60 pill bottle. I take 10 per day, versus the 2 recommended. that is what I have found to work for me... over many years of taking it.
What brand of Super Beta Prostate do you use? Looks like there are some knock off brands that also have the same name. I have to look closer into the chemical make up of each organs fluids. This may allow us to target one over the other for more precise effects and more beneficial results.
So far this is what I have:
Composition of Semen
Semen is a substance produced by the male reproductive organs. It is composed of spermatozoa (sperm) in a semi-viscous fluid. Structures within the male reproductive tract that are involved in the production of semen include:
* Testes and epididymis
* Prostate
* Seminal vesicles
* Bulbourethral gland
Semen is produced as a combination of secretions from the different regions of the male reproductive tract. Each fraction differs in chemical composition and function. The combination of these fractions during ejaculation results in the optimal environment for transporting sperm to the endocervical mucus in the female.
* Spermatozoa are produced in the testes. They mature in the epididymis. The testes also produce testosterone and inhibin.
* Fluid from the seminal vesicles accounts for approximately 70% of semen volume. The seminal vesicles are the source of fructose in semen. Fructose is used by the spermatozoa as an energy source.
* The prostate gland supplies about 20% of the volume of semen. Its fluids include acid phosphatase and proteolytic enzymes that lead to coagulation and subsequent liquefaction of semen. The prostate also contains most of the IgA found in semen.
* The bulbourethral gland produces mucoproteins that make up about 5% of the volume of semen.
Testicles-Produces Sperm, Testosterone and Inhibin
Epididymitis-Sperm Matures here
Seminal Vesicles-Fructose (energy for sperm)
Prostate-acid phosphatase and proteolytic enzymes (lead to coagulation and subsequent liquefaction of semen)
Bulbourethral gland/Cowper's Gland-Mucoprotein, high content of Immunoglobulin A and epithelial-derived glycoprotein
Hi Guys, just so this thread stays on the topic of Castration, I started a new Topic called Semen Volume Reduction
I did some tests.
In this tests i did expel only
small amount of semen, only tiny amount, then i stoped ejaculation
on purpose.
I did want to see, wil i get some pois like symptomes, like prostate pain,
legs jerks, legs weakness, inflamed eys...
Intresting, from only small amout of semen expelling , from that i get pain
in prostate, inflamed eys , legs jerks, weakness wich is less then from full eyaculation.
I hawe suspicios, i think that cascade
of symptomes starts from place when prostate ducts opened and when semen hit that area some sort of reaction happend(like inflamation).
( i do not get thouse symptomes
from prejaculate ).
I do not think I could control my semen amount like you did. I could imagine it causing more pain by staying in my penis especially when it is blocking my pee after. Also we don?t know it could be that POIS when the volume reaches the Urethra. so in your case the same volume is rushing through the Urethra it is just not exiting all the way through the penis by you reducing your ejaculation. Also it could be that one or more of these glands are over producing semen because as far as I know I never heard anyone saying they had their fluid volume measured. So if that is the case than it is possible that causes some spasms which trigger inflammation cascade, over reaction to from some nerves, ect.. That is why I have to do more research into how accurate ultrasound and MRI are for measuring semen fluid volume before ejaculation. Probably the best place to get it measured is a fertility clinic if they were willing to test it..
Yeah , this isnt forced stop when full ejaculation start, this is a go to the moment when first small muscule moves start an then i stopped on purpose
(then i sussces expell only drop of semen) .
Odher posibility is when semen from seminall vesicles hit prostate erea and then reaction happend, i do not thing that sperm can go to area of prostate from only tiniy amount of semen , that is one drop of semen(in those my tests).
But i think that reaction happend when prostate ducts open.
Prostate is known to hawe a wery strong barier, that is why prostatitis is
wery hard to treat.
Animus, I just thought of an important question that may give us more clues. I assume you had your prostate scanned before surgery. Have you ever had it scanned since? Or are there other tests like blood work that can determine the size of your prostate that you did before surgery, after surgery and years later? Lastly have you gone months without taking your prostate reduction supplement or BPH medication?
What I would like to ascertain is how sick you would be if your prostate grew back to pre-surgery size. As I said before it would have given us more clues if you have the TURP and SV maybe 1 year apart. I am wondering if the SV was the ultimate cure. The way to know if it is not is by you having symptoms still if your prostate enlarged again and it produced the same amount of semen. If you have never experimented with not taking the reduction meds then you may be taking it for no reason and can stop it. If symptoms return then we know for sure the prostate is as important a clue as the SV.
As I am gathering a Medical Think tank of sorts this information will be very useful. Plus one thing I am trying to wrap my brain around is that if Semen Volume is a cause/trigger then how did you get such a big reduction in symptoms because as you well know it doesn?t represent a amount of volume. It could be a threshold thing so I?m not convinced it?s not volume that is the problem. The more clues the better for any puzzle including medical ones.
Looking forward to your response :)
Thank you,
Animus, I just thought of an important question that may give us more clues. I assume you had your prostate scanned before surgery. Have you ever had it scanned since? Or are there other tests like blood work that can determine the size of your prostate that you did before surgery, after surgery and years later? Lastly have you gone months without taking your prostate reduction supplement or BPH medication?
What I would like to ascertain is how sick you would be if your prostate grew back to pre-surgery size. As I said before it would have given us more clues if you have the TURP and SV maybe 1 year apart. I am wondering if the SV was the ultimate cure. The way to know if it is not is by you having symptoms still if your prostate enlarged again and it produced the same amount of semen. If you have never experimented with not taking the reduction meds then you may be taking it for no reason and can stop it. If symptoms return then we know for sure the prostate is as important a clue as the SV.
As I am gathering a Medical Think tank of sorts this information will be very useful. Plus one thing I am trying to wrap my brain around is that if Semen Volume is a cause/trigger then how did you get such a big reduction in symptoms because as you well know it doesn?t represent a amount of volume. It could be a threshold thing so I?m not convinced it?s not volume that is the problem. The more clues the better for any puzzle including medical ones.
Looking forward to your response :)
Thank you,
Hi Disaster,
Those are great questions..! Happy to shed light on that. Good questions about the Prostate...
So, I did have mine scanned by a urologist early on. There are various methods to check the size of the Prostate.. the most common is simply the "finger through the anus" method.. Basically the doctor will feel the size there- it's very close to the anus.
Before my surgeries, I had it checked that way, and I also had it scanned.
The other way is to have the patient pee, and then do an ultrasound to see if there's any urine left in the bladder.
That's what I did, and they found a lot of remaining urine in my bladder-- indicating that it was indeed enlarged, and I wasn't able to empty the bladder fully...
I haven't had it checked in a couple years. But I can tell when it's enlarged because of the symptoms.
If it's enlarged, you'd have trouble holding your bladder- incontinence. You'll get up at night to pee. Or you'll have to rush to the bathroom often. I've gone as far as losing control of my bladder too-- and pissing in my pants! So that's an obvious sign.
Your second question is great too... yes. I have neglected to take my prostate meds over the years in a few instances. For one reason or another. And I've discovered the importance of staying on them.
If I go off my prostate meds, I will get incontinence. And it's a real pain. Even after a week without them, I will feel a marked change. 2 or more weeks would not be advisable at all for me.
So, additionally... if I go off my Prostate pills for a longer length of time, and I ejaculate, I do notice that there is more fluid in the Ejaculation, and Yes, I will feel some mild POIS Symptoms, such as feeling very tired for a day, or getting a little depressed and antisocial...
So those are great questions, Disaster. I currently take Avodart (Dutasteride) daily, and also an herbal supplement called Super Beta Prostate. I'm pretty vigilant about keeping the regimen, because it's an easy way to ward off any problems for me. When I'm taking them, I have no incontinence, and no POIS symptoms, and everything is fine. My prostate reacts fairly quickly to the medicine, and will improve within a matter of Days.
And additionally, I do think it is a seminal volume issue. And I doubt/ am not sure whether it is a single organ... ( testes, seminal vesicles, prostate) which is responsible for POIS, but rather all three. That is my thought.
Because I can honestly say that I had a Major improvement after the Castration (only the testicles). It was significant, but not 100%
Hope that helps.
best regards,
Thanks, Animus & Disaster!
Animus, did you experience any stress or were you in a stressful situation just prior to your development of POIS symptoms?
Animus, did you experience any stress or were you in a stressful situation just prior to your development of POIS symptoms?
(Emailed to Animus)
Once again...
The Learning Channel's (TLC) feature TV presentation on
Animus’ 100% POIS cure:
Animus, did you experience any stress or were you in a stressful situation just prior to your development of POIS symptoms?
Hi Muon,
Great question... thank you for asking. Short answer: YES. Lots of stress at the time when I developed POIS.
I was stressed out with life in New York City, and wanting to leave. Also intense physical stress I think. What really triggered it for me, was when I took some herbal "male enhancement pills". They were designed to give more powerful erections, and more volume ejaculations. They also caused my testicles to grow twice their size, seriously. They had a very bad effect on me for some reason.
So, as to your question, I don't know if you mean physical or mental stress. But at the time, I certainly had both.
Did you have a period of stress too during onset of POIS?
best regards,
Thanks, Animus!
Did you have a period of stress too during onset of POIS?
Not during onset no. I always had food sensitivities though. I experienced some stress when POIS symptoms began to snowball, 4/5 years later after onset, but probably as a consequence of POIS. Also I did a lot of physical activity, as in sports, on a daily basis during the period that POIS began to snowball.
(Emailed Muon reply to Animus)
Once again...
The Learning Channel's (TLC) feature TV presentation on
Animus’ 100% POIS cure:
...if you google "inhibit semen production" that would be my starting point.
The first thing that popped up for me:
Chemotherapy drugs will inhibit sperm production and other medications such as spironolactone, cimetidine, nifedipine, sulfasalazine, colchicine, and oral ketoconazole can also negatively impact male fertility. Sep 10, 2019
Demo, This is GREAT!
Thank you for this. I think this is JUST the direction that POIS research can go in.
These drugs may work to inhibit semen production. So will radiation therapy. It is used commonly for the Prostate to treat cancer. It could be additionally used to treat the Testicles, and Seminal vesicles too.
This could be a very promising alternative to Surgery.
So...the end goal here is to approach a pharmaceutical manufacturer to sponsor a Clinical Trial for POIS, as I have tried to do with my Androderm-brand testosterone manufacturer (Allergan Pharmaceuticals) in the past.
I plan on continuing my search for the “right” company that produces a semen inhibiting drug, such as the above, e.g., chemotherapy.
The model for all this is Animus’ “dry ejaculation” success for 10 years that has defeated his POIS symptoms.
I encourage anyone else interested here at the forum - - or outside readers - - to help find the “right” drug company to approach for a Clinical Trial!
I like your logic and direction with this! Also, pharmaceutical companies have funds and the experience to sponsor research and clinical trials, and the upside for creating a sperm-free drug for not only POIS but birth control is a huge opportunity.
I like your logic and direction with this! Also, drug companies have funds to sponsor expensive research , and the upside for creating a sperm-free drug for not only POIS but birth control is a huge opportunity for a pharmaceutical company.
Thank you, Limejuice!
...In theory BPH medications like the one you are taking reduces semen production/volume so I was thinking that if semen volume was a problem for us or any POIS guy the a trial on a BPH medication should show some reduction even if it’s 20%. Probably it is best tested on those of us who have longer lasting symptoms to measure reduction based on duration of symptoms.. for example if someone has 7 days of symptoms and they have 5-6 days after the BPH med then it is more obvious of a help then if someone has 1-2 days of symptoms. And maybe everyone could do this through their urologist and have the improvement documented..
I had taken a BPH medication (dutasteride + tamsulosin) for prostate enlargement for almost a year. It did not help my POIS problem for the duration I was taking the drug. I am not saying it is not worth a try, but it did not help in my case.
Also the drug gave me a side effect of retrograde ejaculation just a few weeks after starting the drug. The urologist told me it was expected (the BPH drugs loosen the bladder neck). I felt I had reduced volume too but there was no way I could know it for sure as the ejaculate was going back into the bladder. I got back to normal ejaculations after stopping the drug.
Anyone trying it out for long-term use should become aware of the side effects. Please do not try it without the recommendation of a competent doctor as some of it's side effects can be permanent.
From whatever little I know, Tamsulosin will help urine flow by easing the compression pressure around the bladder neck, while dutasteride is the one that acts directly on the prostate.
kingfisher, thanks for that input!
...if you google "inhibit semen production" that would be my starting point.
The first thing that popped up for me:
Chemotherapy drugs will inhibit sperm production and other medications such as spironolactone, cimetidine, nifedipine, sulfasalazine, colchicine, and oral ketoconazole can also negatively impact male fertility. Sep 10, 2019
Demo, This is GREAT!
Thank you for this. I think this is JUST the direction that POIS research can go in.
These drugs may work to inhibit semen production. So will radiation therapy. It is used commonly for the Prostate to treat cancer. It could be additionally used to treat the Testicles, and Seminal vesicles too.
This could be a very promising alternative to Surgery.
So...the end goal here is to approach a pharmaceutical manufacturer to sponsor a Clinical Trial for POIS, as I have tried to do with my Androderm-brand testosterone manufacturer (Allergan Pharmaceuticals) in the past.
I plan on continuing my search for the “right” company that produces a semen inhibiting drug, such as the above, e.g., chemotherapy.
The model for all this is Animus’ “dry ejaculation” success for 10 years that has defeated his POIS symptoms.
I encourage anyone else interested here at the forum - - or outside readers - - to help find the “right” drug company to approach for a Clinical Trial!
Thank you for your encouragement along these lines...!
Yes, I agree, that a clinical trial should be an "End Goal" of the research.
There are many ways to skin a cat. as they say. But This was the theory that cured it for me.
Dry Ejaculation, and Zero Semen production...
It is shutting down the semen production system. Taking out surgically, or somehow inhibiting the 3 main organs that produce semen was my goal, while still being able to have sex- dry ejaculation.
However, in retrospect, I see how drastic my solution is... At the time, it was my mission- and I would not take No for an answer. (Sometimes, you don't have a decade or more to wait until the research catches up with the problem... by then, much of your life can be ruined by POIS.) I think we all feel the pressure to do something. I feel very lucky that I overcame POIS, regained my ability to work, socialize, move forward with my dreams, and enjoy life again.
I hope we can somehow glean some kind of data, or knowledge from my case history... I'm aware that it requires quite a few "leaps". My solution also goes AGAINST, or contradicts medical advice. I'm aware of that. No doctor wants to be held responsible for "radical, or invasive" experimental treatment.
So it should be noted, that at NO POINT in my procedures, was my life every in jeopardy. The worst outcomes of my procedures were not life threatening. The danger was incontinence, and inability to have an erection.
Thank you for your encouragement along these lines...!
I encourage ANYONE to think of Animus’
dry ejaculation success and how we might
‘reverse-engineer’ that concept without undergoing Animus’ drastic but utmost courageous AND SUCCESSFUL approach of radical surgery.
Perhaps we can think of experimental-but-safe ways to do this even before a Clinical Trial, which might take years to achieve.
Please NOTE: the above is only my opinion. I realize there are many paths to POIS success, and I encourage you all to follow your good instincts as to what might best work for you. In the absence of hard, clinical evidence.
Animus, did you experience any stress or were you in a stressful situation just prior to your development of POIS symptoms?
Hi Muon,
Great question... thank you for asking. Short answer: YES. Lots of stress at the time when I developed POIS.
I was stressed out with life in New York City, and wanting to leave. Also intense physical stress I think. What really triggered it for me, was when I took some herbal "male enhancement pills". They were designed to give more powerful erections, and more volume ejaculations. They also caused my testicles to grow twice their size, seriously. They had a very bad effect on me for some reason.
So, as to your question, I don't know if you mean physical or mental stress. But at the time, I certainly had both.
Dr. Theoharides:
" Therefore, any type of stress by definition is likely to stimulate the mast cells directly or make them more responsive either to new triggers or whatever triggers a patient might have had to begin with."
"We published a paper a long time ago that stress meaning CRH we add CRH to human mast cells they become much more responsive to Mercury, for instance, okay. And this is an area that just not being discussed, that the mast cells must have some threshold that is being reset. Because I have so many patients who basically say, "Something happened, and all of a sudden I'm allergic or I respond to everything" Ref (https://youtu.be/37GtfXOP8dw?t=765)
Stress ---> could made his genitourinary mast cells responsive to constituents of semen.
They also caused my testicles to grow twice their size, seriously. They had a very bad effect on me for some reason.
Could be swelling and could be a sign of mast cell activation (MRGPRX2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MRGPRX2) is a key player in drug hypersensitivities), plus it may be an additional trigger to stress (on top of his true allergies which are IgE mediated triggers):
"Combination of triggers is more important than individual ones as they can lower the stimulation threshold of mast cells and 'prime' them for additional triggers." Ref (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7003574/)
Castration prevents direct contact between the constituents of semen and the primed mast cells of the genitourinary system.
Another one cured , no sperm no pois, "semen do not induce pois in
this poiser".
Where, any new paper?
Here, i did forget put link : https://www.reddit.com/r/POIS/comments/jtpcpp/bilateral_orchiectomy_for_pois_update/
He put there doctor name...
Man that guy is so screwed if for some reason he couldn't get access to Testosterone to inject. I hope he stockpiles years worth of it. A global pandemic or economic collapse and he would be in a world of hurt. At least regular testosterone users would eventually have some resumption of their endogenous testosterone after stopping injections. He doesn't have that ability at all now.
Animus complained about pain in his spine. I wonder whether Substance P (SP) and/or Nerve growth factor (NGF) were elevated in his cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Hey guys, been over a year since I was active on this topic. As some of you know, I have other illnesses that are very disabling for me. I do believe they are related to POIS, but anyway that is why I have not been active I have been too ill.
Lately I have been thinking more about the prostate. I am convinced 100% that is is the main culprit in my POIS symptoms. I do not know what % it affects all my symptoms, possibly 50%. Basically what happens is that when my penis is fully erect I feel my prostate pressing against my rectum. What it feels like is like a balloon inflating. It does not hurt at all, in fact if I run the perineum where it is pressing against it feels pleasurable. Also I can feel both the sides of my bladder inflate at the same time and this creates bad gas pockets. I am blaming the postage because like I said I feel it the most, but it entirely could be a pelvic muscle pushing it into my rectum just as easily. After I orgasm, everything is numb my rectum, my lower spine, my inner thighs, my testicles and my lower gut. Even my brain feels numb. After Orgasm all my veins bulge and dilate. Hard to walk to go pee because the veins in my feet are so dilated it?s hard to walk on them. About 24-48 hours later the numbness dissipates and the soreness sets in along with the agitation. I have to put hot compresses on everything for hours and that usually helps me pass some trapped gas and loose the muscles and inflammation. While I know the prostate is involved I can?t know for sure unless I test it with a rectal ultrasound while aroused. Can find a doctor that would do that testing. Also because the numb/soreness affects my testicles and inner thighs, which are not in contact with my prostate, I think my veins are implicated as well. Even don?t get the pain that prostatitis guys have where they can?t sit without it hurting. It?s more like if you over worked out way too hard at the gym and those muscles are sore for days pr weeks. I just sorta implicate the prostate because I feel like it?s inflating and stretching those pelvic muscles. I should mention that I have felt the prostate during orgasm and it basically spasms extremely hard and erratically. Lastly I should mention that sometimes if I masturbate for hours without orgasm and then don?t orgasm I will have some symptoms, but I will have no cognitive symptoms, no vein dilation and soreness won?t be as bad maybe 35% as bad. So probably that spasm is involved with making it all worse.
I will just add that even though I am extremely disable and most of my illnesses are diagnosed I still believe that my type of POIS is to blame for it all. But I do not find anyone in the facebook group or on the forum with hardly any of my symptoms (the ones not directly from POIS, listed above). Occasionally I will find 1 person with 1 of them.. So I don?t know if I am just an extreme case or if my POIS is not related to them and maybe I think that because POIS symptoms just add to my other ones. Cheers
Your second question is great too... yes. I have neglected to take my prostate meds over the years in a few instances. For one reason or another. And I've discovered the importance of staying on them.
If I go off my prostate meds, I will get incontinence. And it's a real pain. Even after a week without them, I will feel a marked change. 2 or more weeks would not be advisable at all for me.
So, additionally... if I go off my Prostate pills for a longer length of time, and I ejaculate, I do notice that there is more fluid in the Ejaculation, and Yes, I will feel some mild POIS Symptoms, such as feeling very tired for a day, or getting a little depressed and antisocial...
So those are great questions, Disaster. I currently take Avodart (Dutasteride) daily, and also an herbal supplement called Super Beta Prostate. I'm pretty vigilant about keeping the regimen, because it's an easy way to ward off any problems for me. When I'm taking them, I have no incontinence, and no POIS symptoms, and everything is fine. My prostate reacts fairly quickly to the medicine, and will improve within a matter of Days.
Hi Animus,
Thank you for those answers, sorry it has taken me so long to follow up. I have been really ill and just concentrating on surviving. But I have thought of some follow ups now.
You said you got your prostate examined and tested early on. Did you try any prostate supplements or medications for BPH before your surgeries? If so did they help and to what extent? If they did, why didn?t you try the prostate reduction surgery first? Also did you try some supplements separately instead of taking the multi-supplement prostate pills. For example Saw Palmetto?
I believe that maybe it is all three organs that are involved mainly because I have soreness in both my testicles and perineum/rectum area by the prostate. Another possibility besides semen volume could be the muscle tissue or vasculature of the organs. Maybe they share the same connections and errors. Or one organ like the prostate spasms or releases a chemical and that somehow affects the other organs. What gave me the ideas for vasculature is that there is actually a procedure they have to shrink the prostate by taking a catheter into the blood supply of the prostate and draining it to shrink it. With the muscle idea basically my testicles can get really tight when I am aroused and also pelvic pain physical therapist swear that most pelvic pain comes from tight pelvic muscles (not sure I buy that completely). Just saying it?s possible the organs are linked in other ways.
I have been thinking about your semen volume idea a lot lately and the part I can?t figure out is why our demand for production is different than any health guy?s production? You said that you felt it was the production that took away from the rest of our body, like it needed more resources. But then the question still goes to why us. Some guys have it from their 1st orgasm (like me) and some guys get a later onset. What was inherent the ones born with it and what changed in the guys who got it later in life? Also in my case I first had it around 12 years old and it slowly progressed and got worse. So if it was semen volume needs, why did it bother me more over time? These are questions we should think about. It could still come back to something like a chemical we are missing cause the organs to need to work over time to produce and compensate to get regular sperm production.
Hi Animus,
Thank you for those answers, sorry it has taken me so long to follow up. I have been really ill and just concentrating on surviving. But I have thought of some follow ups now.
You said you got your prostate examined and tested early on. Did you try any prostate supplements or medications for BPH before your surgeries? If so did they help and to what extent? If they did, why didn?t you try the prostate reduction surgery first? Also did you try some supplements separately instead of taking the multi-supplement prostate pills. For example Saw Palmetto?
I believe that maybe it is all three organs that are involved
Agreed. I agree that it's all three organs, prostate, testicles, and seminal vesicles.
All 3 produce semen fluid.
mainly because I have soreness in both my testicles and perineum/rectum area by the prostate. Another possibility besides semen volume could be the muscle tissue or vasculature of the organs. Maybe they share the same connections and errors. Or one organ like the prostate spasms or releases a chemical and that somehow affects the other organs. What gave me the ideas for vasculature is that there is actually a procedure they have to shrink the prostate by taking a catheter into the blood supply of the prostate and draining it to shrink it. With the muscle idea basically my testicles can get really tight when I am aroused and also pelvic pain physical therapist swear that most pelvic pain comes from tight pelvic muscles (not sure I buy that completely). Just saying it?s possible the organs are linked in other ways.
I had spine joint pain a lot too.
I have been thinking about your semen volume idea a lot lately and the part I can?t figure out is why our demand for production is different than any health guy?s production? You said that you felt it was the production that took away from the rest of our body, like it needed more resources. But then the question still goes to why us. Some guys have it from their 1st orgasm (like me) and some guys get a later onset. What was inherent the ones born with it and what changed in the guys who got it later in life? Also in my case I first had it around 12 years old and it slowly progressed and got worse. So if it was semen volume needs, why did it bother me more over time? These are questions we should think about. It could still come back to something like a chemical we are missing cause the organs to need to work over time to produce and compensate to get regular sperm production.
There are many things that point to the culprit being semen regeneration.
Becoming aroused, also stimulates semen generation.
The "refractory period"- the recovery period after sex is about 7 days. and the average length of POIS is about 7 days too. It's the same period during which the body is replenishing it's semen reserve.
I was cured of POIS once I removed the testicles, removed the seminal vesicles, and shrank my prostate with a TURP, and meds. I do not produce ANY seminal Fluids at all now. Only the Cowper's gland remains to lubricate my urethra. Sometimes I get a drop from that during orgasm. I have "dry ejaculation" otherwise. Full erections, great sex, full ejaculation and orgasm, with no fluid, and no POIS.
It's not Semen Volume. It's Semen Production. I believe we POISers have a illness when it comes to producing the semen fluid.
There are all kinds of Human Illnesses in which People just cannot generate some necessary fluids the body needs. Hormones, or whatever... It's a physical deficiency. And there are many many diseases like that, where the body simply cannot produce something it needs. Anemia- failure to produce blood cells.... Anhidrosis- failure to produce sweat... Hypopituitarism- failure to produce growth hormones... an on and on. Many of these illnesses we Do Not know WHY that is. But we know how to treat it anyway.
So... this is sort of the big picture theory of where I'm coming from. The rest is smaller details, and variations.
FWIW, my first theory in 2007 at this forum:
POIS = sluggish semen regeneration
There are many things that point to the culprit being semen regeneration.
Becoming aroused, also stimulates semen generation.
The "refractory period"- the recovery period after sex is about 7 days. and the average length of POIS is about 7 days too. It's the same period during which the body is replenishing it's semen reserve.
I would need to see more research about that. I don?t imagine there are serious studies accounting for length of time. And so in my case I used to only get sick a day after O and that slowly progressed over time. Now I am sick for 3-5 weeks. So if we follow that logic that illness length= of refractory period, then my refractory period went from 1 day to 5 weeks now? I?m 43, what will it be if I make it to 63, 4 months? I would have to then see evidence of refractory period extending to great lengths with aging or what about my regeneration makes it legthen?
I was cured of POIS once I removed the testicles, removed the seminal vesicles, and shrank my prostate with a TURP, and meds. I do not produce ANY seminal Fluids at all now. Only the Cowper's gland remains to lubricate my urethra. Sometimes I get a drop from that during orgasm. I have "dry ejaculation" otherwise. Full erections, great sex, full ejaculation and orgasm, with no fluid, and no POIS.
[color= red]
To me this only proves that these organs were affected by POIS and yes attributed to symptoms. It could be that all 3 organs are involved with triggering a signal in the body to release a chemical. Each to different extents. For example what is involved in producing semen in each organ? Did you know that a person can have their whole pancreas surgically removed and then immediately become diabetic, but that if they then implant the islets of the pancreas into the liver then the liver with produce insulin hormones? So yes we look at the whole pancreas as the producer of Insulin but in actuality it is the islet cells. So are there cells that produce the sperm and those cells just happen to be present in each organ? To me the most interesting organ in your cure is the prostate because you still have it and you shrunk it and keep it shrunk with meds and supplements. Again here it is not easy to say if the reduction in volume stops a trigger or does the reduction in volume stops the regeneration. What if the regeneration energy or activity is the same even though volume is reduced? I think fertility researcher would be the best to consult about that. I would doubt it has been well researched because no one is thinking about it yet. I say this so that we look at every aspect and possibility.
It's not Semen Volume. It's Semen Production. I believe we POISers have a illness when it comes to producing the semen fluid.
There are all kinds of Human Illnesses in which People just cannot generate some necessary fluids the body needs. Hormones, or whatever... It's a physical deficiency. And there are many many diseases like that, where the body simply cannot produce something it needs. Anemia- failure to produce blood cells.... Anhidrosis- failure to produce sweat... Hypopituitarism- failure to produce growth hormones... an on and on. Many of these illnesses we Do Not know WHY that is. But we know how to treat it anyway.
Yes, but in this case that does equate because we are still all producing semen volume. Not as if our semen volume was reduced as in a deficiency. Nothing is reduced. If anything regeneration problems were better be compared to a Mitochondrial Disease. Mitochondrial energy is produced like a factory. So they take muscle biopsies and they can tell if there is a problem with a specific function in the factory. There can be many many types and still almost all Mitochondrial Disease share from similarities or similar symptoms like muscle fatigue. But each sub type has some major differences.
Also I am very familiar with each symptoms you mentioned above Anemia, anhidrosis and hypothyroidism. Even though they may seem like diseases they are really symptoms caused by underlying disease. Medicine might label some as Idiopathic, which basically means they can?t find a cause, so then they might even call it ?primary? but really it?s just that Medicine is the ?Idio? here and has not advanced enough to detect a cause. Even though it seems it?s happening in isolated incidence it is really not. And this is usually the cause for ?Syndromes? the symptoms are so variable to and usually the causes are just as varied. I will give a good example, I have Dysautonomia and virtually every disease type can cause it. Chairi Malformation, which affects the spine, every autoimmune disease (Sjogren?s Syndrome and Type 1 diabetes which is autoimmune both have the most cases so far), any infectious disease whether acute or chronic. There is also a specific type of autoimmune dysautonomia called Autoimmune Autonomic Gangliopathy/AAG where there synapse between and connecting autonomic nerves is being blocked by an antibody), and Genetic disorders (the two most are Mitochondrial disease and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome/EDS. Both are completely unrelated. EDS causes elasticity in connective tissue and Mito disease has to do with energy production especially in the muscle). Basically all of these disease affect the autonomic nervous system in some way not yet explained by modern medicine.
I?m saying these details to illustrate that even if we had knew it had to do with all 3 organs and some aspect of the semen, whether volume, productions, ect.. we would still have to explain why. Why does it happen? Why does it progress or go away? What makes up the regenerations in each organ, are they the same type of cells? Why would regeneration have anything to do with cognitive symptoms? If it is the regeneration and not the volume, could we speed up the regeneration and help it to function better (When I was younger about 17-18 years old I discovered a supplement called Qi Male Chi made by a company called Chinese Medicinals. When I used to after Orgasm I felt like I could Orgasm again sooner. Some times as many as 7x within 2 hours. I don?t remember everything that was in it and I can?t find any info online about it. I think it had Dong quai in it but I could be wrong because it was over 25 years ago. I think I stopped using it because there was a warning that came out that Dong Quai could cause heart attacks or something like that. I could wrong and it just had it in the formula but it was another herb that caused the heart attacks because I don?t see any warning for that now. Would be amazing if someone found info about that supplement somewhere.
Now in support to your hypothesis (which I hope you understand that I still think is a strong possibility at being correct, but that in science it?s important to challenge) after orgasm we reduce the volume. The more we orgasm the greater the reduction. So that would point to it not being a reduction in volume that helps and points to the regeneration process starting. But I wonder still would the regeneration need to be stronger or worse the more times someone ejaculates. Myself and others have realized that from time to time the more we orgasm in a night the less our symptoms might be. For me that is not consistent. For me I have realized that if I orgasm in the morning and then abstain my symptoms do seem to be lessened. There is just still a lot of variables around production expenditures..
I didn't have to explain anything beyond what I did already. It's certainly possibly to get very deep into specialized intricate questions... but that doesn't solve the problem for me.
Lots of medical cures have been discovered without fully understanding causality, or where it's understood later.
I was able to isolate the cause for my POIS, and implement an effective solution. It took me years to do it in various stages of surgeries, and it wasn't cheap either...
But I don't want to assume the role of laboratory researcher here. My theory is very basic, and plain-spoken. My solution is also very very simple, and effective. Of course it can be refined to a greater degree...
PS. I think you're on to some interesting things, Disaster.. so far all your self observations sound classic POIS to me, and your questions are valid. I shared many of the same issues you have.
Animus, thank you greatly for your historical POIS pioneering work! When the book on POIS is finally written, you’ll be a major figure.
I didn't have to explain anything beyond what I did already. It's certainly possibly to get very deep into specialized intricate questions... but that doesn't solve the problem for me.
Lots of medical cures have been discovered without fully understanding causality, or where it's understood later.
I was able to isolate the cause for my POIS, and implement an effective solution. It took me years to do it in various stages of surgeries, and it wasn't cheap either...
But I don't want to assume the role of laboratory researcher here. My theory is very basic, and plain-spoken. My solution is also very very simple, and effective. Of course it can be refined to a greater degree...
I understand, but to me your surgeries proved without a doubt that all 3 organs are involved not just just one. The medication and supplements helps to prove that a reduction in the prostate helps, but this is not as concrete of a proof in which way it helps. Why do you think that you need the supplement if you have medication to reduce it? Why isn?t the supplement enough. With the prostate that was surgically reduced why wasn?t the surgery enough? Could there be other elements to the medication or the supplements besides reduction.
As you said multiple times, the surgery is an expensive and very invasive solution. Also because the forum has been able to unearth seemingly multiple sub-types, it is difficult to know if the surgery would help everyone. For example some have been greatly helped by testosterone therapy. Would surgery make that worse? Maybe not but maybe. So I do think we need a 100% greater target if we hope to avoid surgery.
Looking at other people?s experiments over the years, to me I see most people being helped with vasodilation before orgasm. So if regeneration is the issue, how is that helping? I don?t see anything wrong with members experimenting with regeneration and semen volume reduction if we could find doctors whiling to prescribe and monitor us. In Dysautonomia we have such a doctor. Dysautonomia is basically a Peripheral Nervous system disease so if should fall under neurology but it can affect heart rate and blood pressure so this Cardiologist got involved with it (his daughter has it) and he basically sees hundreds of patients and virtually tested dozens of off label medications for it. Literally no other doctor in the world tested so many different meds and treatments of dysautonomia patients. So we really just need a few of these doctors. I tried to contact a few but the ones somewhat interested have their own theories on what causes POIS and I didn?t find that they were open for such experiments. It would help if we could have an animal model but there isn?t a way to do that yet since we have no tests to ensure a mouse would have POIS..
I understand, but to me your surgeries proved without a doubt that all 3 organs are involved not just just one. The medication and supplements helps to prove that a reduction in the prostate helps, but this is not as concrete of a proof in which way it helps. Why do you think that you need the supplement if you have medication to reduce it? Why isn?t the supplement enough. With the prostate that was surgically reduced why wasn?t the surgery enough? Could there be other elements to the medication or the supplements besides reduction.
As you said multiple times, the surgery is an expensive and very invasive solution. Also because the forum has been able to unearth seemingly multiple sub-types, it is difficult to know if the surgery would help everyone. For example some have been greatly helped by testosterone therapy. Would surgery make that worse? Maybe not but maybe. So I do think we need a 100% greater target if we hope to avoid surgery.
Looking at other people?s experiments over the years, to me I see most people being helped with vasodilation before orgasm. So if regeneration is the issue, how is that helping? I don?t see anything wrong with members experimenting with regeneration and semen volume reduction if we could find doctors whiling to prescribe and monitor us. In Dysautonomia we have such a doctor. Dysautonomia is basically a Peripheral Nervous system disease so if should fall under neurology but it can affect heart rate and blood pressure so this Cardiologist got involved with it (his daughter has it) and he basically sees hundreds of patients and virtually tested dozens of off label medications for it. Literally no other doctor in the world tested so many different meds and treatments of dysautonomia patients. So we really just need a few of these doctors. I tried to contact a few but the ones somewhat interested have their own theories on what causes POIS and I didn?t find that they were open for such experiments. It would help if we could have an animal model but there isn?t a way to do that yet since we have no tests to ensure a mouse would have POIS..
I'm excited that you are in agreement about the 3 organs contributing to POIS. That is a major point I was trying to communicate, and it's very gratifying to hear that you agree...
Thank you again for reviving this thread. I'll always respond to enquiries here.
The Surgeries actually were not that expensive, now that I think of it in the scheme of things.
They cost about the price of a cheap used car!.,.. and if you consider the lifetime benefits I've received as a result, it's practically nothing. I think I spent a total of $5,000-7,000 on the surgeries. And that's incredibly cheap considering medical costs these days.
So I don't think COST is the major barrier, really... What is really really important is to go about it properly, with patience, and with trusted consultation, to Minimize any RISKS, and never rush. I took 3-4 years chipping away at this process, and took baby steps all along the way.
I think for those who are really suffering Debilitating life threatening POIS symptoms, and really are looking at an end to their lives, careers, relationships, and happiness as they know it.... surgery may be a really good alternative. It might just give you a Second Lease on Life, as it did for me. Now, I've never said that before on this site, because we're not supposed to endorse any invasive medical solutions, that are "unapproved"... but I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that: I Promise, I will do everything I can to help anyone interested in pursuing the same course of action that I took 10 years ago.
I took copious notes, and documented my journey, and still have all my records, (mostly) and medical contacts. All of them. Most importantly, I Know the Dangers, Pitfalls, and RISKS to WATCH OUT FOR. And they do exist. The surgeries need to be done in a particular order, and also not all at once. Very very important.
Just let me know, and I can send you more info as to how to go about doing it...
The medication and supplements helps to prove that a reduction in the prostate helps, but this is not as concrete of a proof in which way it helps. Why do you think that you need the supplement if you have medication to reduce it? Why isn?t the supplement enough. With the prostate that was surgically reduced why wasn?t the surgery enough? Could there be other elements to the medication or the supplements besides reduction.
To answer this question:
It's actually very simple:
It's too risky to remove the entire prostate. So the smart alternative is to make it smaller, and minimise it as much as possible.
I researched options, and found that the TURP is a very common procedure used to treat an enlarged Prostate gland. What it does is it keeps the Prostate intact, and simply removes some of the tissue of it. It's all done through the urethrea, so it's non -invasive and very safe. Keeping the Prostate is very important- because the Prostate also Regulates Urine Flow. And without it, you risk Incontinence.
re. the supplements, Prostate meds:
Medications can only do a fraction of what the surgery does... a TURP physically removes tissue, whereas the meds mostly relax the tissue. Also, a Prostate naturally GROWS over time. So the meds are a counter to that growth. The goal is Zero Ejaculation. Dry Ejaculation.
Hi guys, here is one exepmple of desparate man:
Generally I'd advise this:
Separate the Oriechtomy from the TURP, and the Seminal vesicle removal.
Oriectomy is the "Castration" part of it- removing the testicles.
Here are some things to consider.
1. You can bank your semen.
2. If you already have children, and not planning on having more.
3. You can fully maintain your Testosterone levels for the rest of your life with TRT.
I do a weekly self-injection.
4. This operation can be done locally, in the USA, in a clinic setting. There are doctors who do this for people to Sex-change. I found one in Philadelphia, who did exactly that. He was a respected Urologist. You can walk out of the clinic the same day. I think it cost me $2,000.
5. Very important to MEASURE your T Levels Before you do any surgery. Find out what your baseline Testosterone is.
6. After surgery, you will need Testosterone-replacement Therapy. (TRT). IT IS CRITICAL that you get used to this, and find your baseline T again. With an EndoCrinologist. Testosterone is very important. After my Surgery I went on the wrong dose of T, and it really messed with me for a while. I end up taking now less than HALF of what I was initially prescribed. And it works GREAT.
Once you have adjusted to this, you can go on to the second and Third operation.
7. I think the main question to ask yourself is: What is more important to my quality of life?
Would I like a chance at a normal, healthy life, and POIS free future? Or would I rather keep my testicles?
I have no judgment either way. And I was in no way seeking to diminish MYSELF as a MAN. In fact, the experience has vastly strengthened me as a man. I am more self reliant, strong, happy, and capable than was before. Sure, I don't like the feeling of not having balls there. But they do make prosthetics, if you really want to go that route. Honestly, after a while, you really don't think about it. I have NO REGRETS.
Hi Animus, but question is , is it nessesery removing testicles at all?
Even turp too, because ,someone do not hawe enlarged prostate, like me for exemple...
For exemple, i did some science tests on myself:
When i hawe full prostate from sexual arousal,
i did successfuly ("eyaculate") prostate fluid
(semen) by masaging and no sperm from testicles,
and i do not hawe 2% pois from this.
Another exemple, as i did read in past , Daveman
claims that he got pois form vasectomy.
On other hand, several poiser did vasectomy and
pois is still there...
Further, i did seweral science test on me ,
after long period of absitnence, 3-5-6 moonths.
I did high viusal sexual arousal on purpose.
15min long, 30min long , no mastrubation,
no eyaculation.
That give me 50% pois-and last 2-3 days..
eyaculation on that, pois will be 100%.
Hi Animus, but question is , is it nessesery removing testicles at all?
Even turp too, because ,someone do not hawe enlarged prostate, like me for exemple...
For exemple, i did some science tests on myself:
When i hawe full prostate from sexual arousal,
i did successfuly ("eyaculate") prostate fluid
(semen) by masaging and no sperm from testicles,
and i do not hawe 2% pois from this.
Another exemple, as i did read in past , Daveman
claims that he got pois form vasectomy.
On other hand, several poiser did vasectomy and
pois is still there...
Further, i did seweral science test on me ,
after long period of absitnence, 3-5-6 moonths.
I did high viusal sexual arousal on purpose.
15min long, 30min long , no mastrubation,
no eyaculation.
That give me 50% pois-and last 2-3 days..
eyaculation on that, pois will be 100%.
Hi Hopeoneday,
Thanks... I can't really answer your question.
All I can do is offer help to those who are seeking this method.
I simply cannot hope to field all the questions regarding this from 100s of people on the forum. I don't deny the validity of your questions.
You have to decide for yourself, I am not going to convince you.
All I can offer is my experience, methodology, and guidance.
Dont wory Animus, thanks, you are pure gold here , with yours pois exemples
and solution.
You are writing clearly about yours case ,
and you do not convince enyone here ,
you are yust helping from yours expirience.
Me , trying to thing logicly and do practical science on the mater...
And i tryng to save some mans ball..testicles here ;D ;D
Dont wory Animus, thanks, you are pure gold here , with yours pois exemples
and solution.
You are writing clearly about yours case ,
and you do not convince enyone here ,
you are yust helping from yours expirience.
Me , trying to thing logicly and do practical science on the mater...
And i tryng to save some mans ball..testicles here ;D ;D
;D ;D
Incredible conversation!
Thank you, gentlemen.
I remember the herb that made me stop the Qi Male Chi supplements it was actually Ma Huang. At the time there were reports of heart attacks on it. Not sure how this contributed to my quick rebound in the formula. Wish I had the whole formula to look up each herb it may provide cluses
The Surgeries actually were not that expensive, now that I think of it in the scheme of things.
They cost about the price of a cheap used car!.,.. and if you consider the lifetime benefits I've received as a result, it's practically nothing. I think I spent a total of $5,000-7,000 on the surgeries. And that's incredibly cheap considering medical costs these days.
Does that include travel and room and board? I don?t know if everyone is able to travel to the countries you did in order to have the surgeries. So besides a cost barrier there may be a travel barrier.
I think for those who are really suffering Debilitating life threatening POIS symptoms, and really are looking at an end to their lives, careers, relationships, and happiness as they know it.... surgery may be a really good alternative. It might just give you a Second Lease on Life, as it did for me. Now, I've never said that before on this site, because we're not supposed to endorse any invasive medical solutions, that are "unapproved"... but I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that: I Promise, I will do everything I can to help anyone interested in pursuing the same course of action that I took 10 years ago.
I took copious notes, and documented my journey, and still have all my records, (mostly) and medical contacts. All of them. Most importantly, I Know the Dangers, Pitfalls, and RISKS to WATCH OUT FOR. And they do exist. The surgeries need to be done in a particular order, and also not all at once. Very very important.
I think it goes without saying that you endorse it because you say it worked. But the problem is you are only one case study.
Can you explain why you think the surgeries need to done in a particular order because I don?t see the need for that based on the story you have told us so far. As we ask more question we find out more details. For example before recently I never heard you mention your enlarged prostate. And you still have not explained why you sid not operate on that first or if it was enlarged why do to another country to have the TURP? In most countries is a guy have BPH/enlarged prostate and medication does not reduce it enough then they can get the surgery covered by insurance. So maybe guy could get that checked out first and do that surgery 1st to see how much it helps. They should see a reduction in POIS if your theory is correct.
The Surgeries actually were not that expensive, now that I think of it in the scheme of things.
They cost about the price of a cheap used car!.,.. and if you consider the lifetime benefits I've received as a result, it's practically nothing. I think I spent a total of $5,000-7,000 on the surgeries. And that's incredibly cheap considering medical costs these days.
Does that include travel and room and board? I don?t know if everyone is able to travel to the countries you did in order to have the surgeries. So besides a cost barrier there may be a travel barrier.
I think for those who are really suffering Debilitating life threatening POIS symptoms, and really are looking at an end to their lives, careers, relationships, and happiness as they know it.... surgery may be a really good alternative. It might just give you a Second Lease on Life, as it did for me. Now, I've never said that before on this site, because we're not supposed to endorse any invasive medical solutions, that are "unapproved"... but I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that: I Promise, I will do everything I can to help anyone interested in pursuing the same course of action that I took 10 years ago.
I took copious notes, and documented my journey, and still have all my records, (mostly) and medical contacts. All of them. Most importantly, I Know the Dangers, Pitfalls, and RISKS to WATCH OUT FOR. And they do exist. The surgeries need to be done in a particular order, and also not all at once. Very very important.
I think it goes without saying that you endorse it because you say it worked. But the problem is you are only one case study.
Can you explain why you think the surgeries need to done in a particular order because I don?t see the need for that based on the story you have told us so far. As we ask more question we find out more details. For example before recently I never heard you mention your enlarged prostate. And you still have not explained why you sid not operate on that first or if it was enlarged why do to another country to have the TURP? In most countries is a guy have BPH/enlarged prostate and medication does not reduce it enough then they can get the surgery covered by insurance. So maybe guy could get that checked out first and do that surgery 1st to see how much it helps. They should see a reduction in POIS if your theory is correct.
Both are very good points Disaster.
Including airfare. Long story, which I can fill in later. But $7000 total cost (10 years ago). Naturally out of pocket, no insurance would pay for this.
And yes, you’re right about the Prostate- it can be checked first. And yes I had mine checked and it was enlarged.
I guess what I meant to say is don’t do everything at once. Space them out- and give time for recovery. Especially if one does the oriechtomy- because you will need about 3 months to transition to artificial hormone therapy.
So I think it’s a very good idea to work on the prostate first… either by meds, or by turp or both. Because that will I think show improvements, and it is the least invasive procedure. And if there is an improvements, then further investigate the seminal vesicles and testicle operations.
Or, if there is a way to disable the sperm production by the testicles Without removing them, that’s even much more desireable… and somehow you can retain your own testosterone production. I haven’t researched into that. Essentially- the aim is to totally inhibit any Semen production. Vasectomies don’t inhibit semen production, as far as I know they simply redirect the semen out the bladder.
The Surgeries actually were not that expensive, now that I think of it in the scheme of things.
They cost about the price of a cheap used car!.,.. and if you consider the lifetime benefits I've received as a result, it's practically nothing. I think I spent a total of $5,000-7,000 on the surgeries. And that's incredibly cheap considering medical costs these days.
Does that include travel and room and board? I don?t know if everyone is able to travel to the countries you did in order to have the surgeries. So besides a cost barrier there may be a travel barrier.
I think for those who are really suffering Debilitating life threatening POIS symptoms, and really are looking at an end to their lives, careers, relationships, and happiness as they know it.... surgery may be a really good alternative. It might just give you a Second Lease on Life, as it did for me. Now, I've never said that before on this site, because we're not supposed to endorse any invasive medical solutions, that are "unapproved"... but I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that: I Promise, I will do everything I can to help anyone interested in pursuing the same course of action that I took 10 years ago.
I took copious notes, and documented my journey, and still have all my records, (mostly) and medical contacts. All of them. Most importantly, I Know the Dangers, Pitfalls, and RISKS to WATCH OUT FOR. And they do exist. The surgeries need to be done in a particular order, and also not all at once. Very very important.
I think it goes without saying that you endorse it because you say it worked. But the problem is you are only one case study.
Can you explain why you think the surgeries need to done in a particular order because I don?t see the need for that based on the story you have told us so far. As we ask more question we find out more details. For example before recently I never heard you mention your enlarged prostate. And you still have not explained why you sid not operate on that first or if it was enlarged why do to another country to have the TURP? In most countries is a guy have BPH/enlarged prostate and medication does not reduce it enough then they can get the surgery covered by insurance. So maybe guy could get that checked out first and do that surgery 1st to see how much it helps. They should see a reduction in POIS if your theory is correct.
Both are very good points Disaster.
Including airfare. Long story, which I can fill in later. But $7000 total cost (10 years ago). Naturally out of pocket, no insurance would pay for this.
And yes, you’re right about the Prostate- it can be checked first. And yes I had mine checked and it was enlarged.
I guess what I meant to say is don’t do everything at once. Space them out- and give time for recovery. Especially if one does the oriechtomy- because you will need about 3 months to transition to artificial hormone therapy.
So I think it’s a very good idea to work on the prostate first… either by meds, or by turp or both. Because that will I think show improvements, and it is the least invasive procedure. And if there is an improvements, then further investigate the seminal vesicles and testicle operations.
Or, if there is a way to disable the sperm production by the testicles Without removing them, that’s even much more desireable… and somehow you can retain your own testosterone production. I haven’t researched into that. Essentially- the aim is to totally inhibit any Semen production. Vasectomies don’t inhibit semen production, as far as I know they simply redirect the semen out the bladder.
Not sure if you saw but I created a poll to see if anyone on the forum ever got checked for an Enlarged Prostate/BPH and if so if they have it was it treated. So far very little response. It?s frustrating because we have maybe 1,000 active members between here and the facebook group, but not many are that active to see every post. Maybe I will start registering people in the facebook group to send out group emails that people may respond to better.
What really triggered it for me, was when I took some herbal "male enhancement pills". They were designed to give more powerful erections, and more volume ejaculations. They also caused my testicles to grow twice their size, seriously. They had a very bad effect on me for some reason.
Do you remember the exact brand of these pills?
Guys, Semen has large amounts of prostaglandins. These substances have a strong effect on the inflammatory process. Both increasing and ceasing. Could it be that they are creating the reaction?
Thanks for the information!
Guys, Semen has large amounts of prostaglandins. These substances have a strong effect on the inflammatory process. Both increasing and ceasing. Could it be that they are creating the reaction?
In contemplating the topic of castration, one must delve into its historical context and psychological implications. Castration, historically used as a means of punishment or control, has been perceived as effective due to its physiological impact on hormone levels, particularly testosterone. By reducing testosterone production, castration diminishes aggressive behaviors and sexual impulses, leading to a perceived decrease in deviant or criminal acts. However, the ethical implications and long-term psychological effects of such a drastic intervention cannot be overlooked.To explore this further, I recommend delving into the intricacies of this topic on https://essaypro.com/buy-personal-statement, where diverse perspectives are explored through insightful essays and discussions.
Thanks for the information!