POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS => Topic started by: lw on April 14, 2019, 01:27:20 PM
I was suffering from pois for a long time and have been diagnosed with IBS. I been treating it last 4 months and significantly improved my symptoms.
Symptoms included
- Lose of weight.
After orgasm:
- Bloating and constipation.
- Depression and inability be social.
- Brain fog
What I would suggest is checking with gastroenterologist.
How I treated pois:
- low FODMAP diet.
- Yoga and stress control.
- I also took antidepresants but I it didn't help me much.
- Probiotics (Necessary!)
- Get enough sleep!
- Work out.
But most of all, I repeat, you should check with gastroenterologist!
You will see changes yourself.
Good Luck!
If only curing POIS was that simple.
Yup, that's what I think too now ;D
Trust me I was on the edge of suicide.
I think for most of the cases, it's IBS.
That's why diet helped Going Less Crazy
or Yoga others, or some thought it was just in our heads.
IBS is connected to stress (which is "cured" by yoga) and Gut flora.
I have read 'Leaky Gut' theories on this forum but IBS is more close to symptoms of pois.
Stress sounds like a cortisol issue. Maybe the reason why testosterone works for some is that it reduces cortisol levels? Interesting theory.
Yes. That’s interesting, Nas.
What I would suggest is checking with gastroenterologist.
Hi Iw.
So yours gastro... recomended yoga , probiotics and lowfodmap , or???
Stress sounds like a cortisol issue. Maybe the reason why testosterone works for some is that it reduces cortisol levels? Interesting theory.
Thats exactly what I was thinking the last couple of days, I am almost certain that my cortisol levels are high from this lifestyle so TRT would probably ease that but I will try some other cortisol reducing methods soon.
What I would suggest is checking with gastroenterologist.
Hi Iw.
So yours gastro... recomended yoga , probiotics and lowfodmap , or???
For gut flora he suggested lowfodmap and probiotics
For stress and anxiety(He told me that IBS is called "gut neuroisis") he suggested antidepresants and checking with therapists, which I didn't do sadly.
If I had gone to the therapist, I would have cured my POIS (which turned out to be IBS) faster.
Stress messes with your gut, and yoga is one of the best things which you can do to reduce it.
Here are some yoga videos I suggest watching and doing yourself.
IBS explains bloating sounds in your stomach after orgasm too.
I am sure that for most of the cases it's IBS. You can check it yourself:
After orgasm check your stomach and if your gut feels hardened or if eating garlic/onion causes brain fog (not necessarily) than IBS is very likely.
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs/symptoms/ Here is some info about it.
I forgot to mention constant feeling of tiredness and lack of energy which is also symptom of both IBS and POIS and it's what gave some members of the forum "Adrenaline fatigue" idea.
For others I've heard "Sibo theory" which is also partly correct. When there is imbalance in your gut, it's likely that you will have 'bad bacterias' in your gut. Probiotics will solve that problem.
I'm pretty sure I know how to cure pois. I could have started calling myself a doctor, create pseudo-cure-your-pois-website and gain profit, but I'm telling you it's just IBS and it's perfectly manageable :)
Are you aware how many people on the planet have ibs? How many people are under constant stress?
Only one orgasm after 20 days of abstinence, cut me to half, cut me into the pelvis, can hardly stand on my feet from weakness, my face is changing, my breath lowers, I get heavy migraine, the nervous system barely holds my body standing, so much weakens.
I've been drinking probiotics for a year, many species tried.
light exercise stretching and yoga I do my whole life.
Concerning the topic of Cortisol, I'm doing a 600mg Ketoconazole trial. Ketoconazole is used as an anti-androgen for cushings syndrome and prostate cancer. This way cortisol is physiologically inhibited. Ketoconazole is also interesting because it's an anti-fungal medication. So it is also a trial for the Candida theory. Regarding the testosterone theory, it's also inserting because if it made me worst then it can also confirm the testosterone involvement in my case.
Will update you soon.
This is wery good idea to test. I did allways want to try antifungals, because my cronic sinuses problems,
so there is always actiwe inflamation, alergic to fungals i supose,
also elevated cortisol could be sign that body is constant under inflamation.
Both IBS and POIS are disorders related to immune system dysfunction. Moreover regarding IBS many studies have confirmed it as a low-grade inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. So it's not a surprise that whatever helps IBS helps POIS as well. And vice-versa too.
I also have problems with my gut. In my case, some antibodies against gluten are raising on my body since I began with POIS. Antibodies against gluten. But not all the usual for a celiac desease. Indeed gastroenterologists confirmed me I am not celiac but my inmune system has developed sensitivity to gluten. So I am doing a free gluten diet. But It is true that although I have improved, I keep noticing problems in my gut.... Maybe this FODMAP diet is better than just gluten free diet. But I need to find a professional who knows about it....
Alright so I tried ketoconazole for 3 days in a row. Today I tried an 800mg does. Overall it did not help with anything and it made me really low in energy. It's not going to be evidence that cortisol is not involved but it's promising so far.
I am doing a free gluten diet. But It is true that although I have improved, I keep noticing problems in my gut.... Maybe this FODMAP diet is better than just gluten free diet. But I need to find a professional who knows about it....
This is so relatable. I also started with gluten free diet without noticing any difference. Go full FODMAP (But diet solely won't cure you).
For anxiety and stress, I repeat, yoga is the best choice. I have no idea about cortisol thing, I never took any pills for that.
I am doing a free gluten diet. But It is true that although I have improved, I keep noticing problems in my gut.... Maybe this FODMAP diet is better than just gluten free diet. But I need to find a professional who knows about it....
This is so relatable. I also started with gluten free diet without noticing any difference. Go full FODMAP (But diet solely won't cure you).
For anxiety and stress, I repeat, yoga is the best choice. I have no idea about cortisol thing, I never took any pills for that.
Thanks, lw and fernab!
I was suffering from pois for a long time and have been diagnosed with IBS. I been treating it last 4 months and significantly improved my symptoms.
Symptoms included
- Lose of weight.
After orgasm:
- Bloating and constipation.
- Depression and inability be social.
- Brain fog
What I would suggest is checking with gastroenterologist.
How I treated pois:
- low FODMAP diet.
- Yoga and stress control.
- I also took antidepresants but I it didn't help me much.
- Probiotics (Necessary!)
- Get enough sleep!
- Work out.
But most of all, I repeat, you should check with gastroenterologist!
You will see changes yourself.
Good Luck!
If your POIS ( Autoimmune ) is related to gut than change your diet ( eliminates anything that hurt your gut) the POIS symptoms will subside.. but will come back if you introduce those stuff back.. that?s not cure.. am I wrong??
Guys it makes total sense, why are you all stary eyed shocked ::) :o "Stress" is the culprit, we know that, you all should know that. Stress, combined with environmental factors, combined with your biological predilections (genetics) is what auto-immune diseases are. Stress is the "trigger". That is how we developed POIS. Now everyone has a different appetite for tolerating stress before we succumb to an auto-immune illness. 'lw' has cured his stress through yoga, I believe it. 'lw' through his very nic demonstrates that he is not very complex (good trait), I mean how simple a nic can be than just 'lw'?, and guess what taking yoga, fixed his chronic stress, which fixed his gut, and that fixed his POIS. That makes sense. Now for me, I'm overly complicated person, you put me in yoga or you put in the mouth of a shark (or whale) it aint gonna budge my stress, and I guess for most of you :)
I am doing a free gluten diet. But It is true that although I have improved, I keep noticing problems in my gut.... Maybe this FODMAP diet is better than just gluten free diet. But I need to find a professional who knows about it....
This is so relatable. I also started with gluten free diet without noticing any difference. Go full FODMAP (But diet solely won't cure you).
For anxiety and stress, I repeat, yoga is the best choice. I have no idea about cortisol thing, I never took any pills for that.
Stress is the "trigger". That is how we developed POIS.
You think stress causes POIS? Interesting.
Stress is the "trigger". That is how we developed POIS.
You think stress causes POIS? Interesting.
I agree. Stress is main reason for IBS. No matter how hard you work, try to be mindful, meditate, do yoga, socialize, hug more, stay away from internet (even if you work as a programmer, including myself). I would suggest also keeping a diary to control your cognitive life.
One thing that interests me is - have you had problems with gaining weight recently? Please respond :)
There are some questions I would like to ask members of this forum, what do you suggest, where and how should I do that?
I was suffering from pois for a long time and have been diagnosed with IBS. I been treating it last 4 months and significantly improved my symptoms.
Symptoms included
- Lose of weight.
After orgasm:
- Bloating and constipation.
- Depression and inability be social.
- Brain fog
What I would suggest is checking with gastroenterologist.
How I treated pois:
- low FODMAP diet.
- Yoga and stress control.
- I also took antidepresants but I it didn't help me much.
- Probiotics (Necessary!)
- Get enough sleep!
- Work out.
But most of all, I repeat, you should check with gastroenterologist!
You will see changes yourself.
Good Luck!
If your POIS ( Autoimmune ) is related to gut than change your diet ( eliminates anything that hurt your gut) the POIS symptoms will subside.. but will come back if you introduce those stuff back.. that?s not cure.. am I wrong??
Yes you are. After you gut is healed (which will take some time) you can reintroduce your food confidently. Symptoms will be vanished. That's how IBS is treated.
Yup, that's what I think too now ;D
Trust me I was on the edge of suicide.
I think for most of the cases, it's IBS.
That's why diet helped Going Less Crazy
or Yoga others, or some thought it was just in our heads.
IBS is connected to stress (which is "cured" by yoga) and Gut flora.
I have read 'Leaky Gut' theories on this forum but IBS is more close to symptoms of pois.
I just posted a similar cure I found a week ago using Apple Cider Vinegar along with Coconut Oil. Like you I pretty much gave up hope of ever getting my health back but I'm still in shock how radical the change has been for me. I had chronic IBS-C and I used Psyllium Husk daily with marginal relief and now bam..no more bloat and a big change in my bowel habits too.
Yup, that's what I think too now ;D
Trust me I was on the edge of suicide.
I think for most of the cases, it's IBS.
That's why diet helped Going Less Crazy
or Yoga others, or some thought it was just in our heads.
IBS is connected to stress (which is "cured" by yoga) and Gut flora.
I have read 'Leaky Gut' theories on this forum but IBS is more close to symptoms of pois.
I just posted a similar cure I found a week ago using Apple Cider Vinegar along with Coconut Oil. Like you I pretty much gave up hope of ever getting my health back but I'm still in shock how radical the change has been for me. I had chronic IBS-C and I used Psyllium Husk daily with marginal relief and now bam..no more bloat and a big change in my bowel habits too.
Very nice to hear that you've found a cure. Congrats!!
Can you explain about your acv ,coconut oil treatment method. Like how many times you had them daily, before food or after food etc. It will be very helpful for many of our members. Also unlike medicines these are actually good for our overall health also.
I started by taking 2 tablespoons of coconut oil one Friday morning. I noticed the following day that it caused an odd kind of bowel movement, soft oddly shaped. I then started feeling the herxheimer effect. Luckily I read that I can expect to feel off if I was indeed overrun with bacteria. That whole weekend I felt severe flu-like symptoms. Body aches, fatigue, ringing in my ears, no sinus symptoms though. I then decided to get hold of some more natural antimicrobial concoctions. I downed a tablespoon of ACV before having a light lunch on the Sunday. Shortly after taking that I felt the worst I've felt in years. Felt like I was gonna convulse and have a panic attack. It was hard, but I managed to drink some water and started feeling better. I then DRASTICALLY started feeling better by the evening. Felt mental clarity of the scope I haven't felt in 7 years. Didn't sleep much that night though but from the research I did it can happen as your body is dealing with its new microbiome(sleep is still a bit of a problem to this day).
Come Monday I noticed a feeling of calm and vitality and this was when I experimented to see what my POIS symptoms are like. They were GONE. Same thing on Tuesday.
This all happened not long ago and I'm still using Coconut Oil, ACV and I introduced Origanum Oil,Garlic Oil too. I don't get such a strong herx effect no more, but I still get spouts of inflammation attacks. I used to rely solely on Pharmaceuticals for any ailments and a year back I would grab a NSAID to deal with the inflammation. I gave it all up and went all naturelle. Turmeric is as good of an anti-inflammatory as any decent pill I've tried before. The plan is to keep on doing this for about 2 months and then lessen the amounts of antimicrobials I'm taking, then only I'll introduce some Probiotics to my diet.
Is this still working for you? Most treatments initially work for a month and then wear off. How long has this cure been for and is it as effective as it was at your peak?
joelawerence, excellent point.
We’ve all seen the “placebo effect” take place with POIS treatments!
Is this still working for you? Most treatments initially work for a month and then wear off. How long has this cure been for and is it as effective as it was at your peak?
If you're asking me, yes it still works and symptoms have been reduced even more.
One thing I would like to point out is you have to stop worrying about anything, ease yourself, calm your mind. This will ease your harden gut and it'll stop producing toxics.
I should also add an apple vinegar to the list of cures.
It basically removes bad microbes from your gut and improves your fungus nerves.
I'm 100% cured.
I will write about it someday.
Only problem is no one is listening to me ;D
I should clarify that you'll need to stay away from vinegar
Here's a quick tip to find out if you can be cured with similar cure like me.
Eat only boiled potato/meat for 3 days.
Than buy and start drinking "Aloe Vera Juice for IBS"
And do IBS yoga.
If that helps you with your symptoms than I know the cure. You have the similar story :)
Three Things:
Stay away from porn for your whole life. Masturbate once in a week and and use only imagination
Go to bed early and stay away from computer/phone before sleep
Start exercising
Also you guys really need to see a therapist cause It's deeply connected with Anxiety/Depression
(But don't worry it will be cured)
And here comes the MAIN CURE
you need antibiotic therapy for removing bad microbes.
Also you need to fix your gut.
I managed to cure my shit in Third World Country, it might be easier in yours
And last, be grateful for life, everything will be alright :)
P.S. Here's my discord
Find me and ask questions.
Reminds me of MCAS patients where some of them only have to avoid stress triggers.
What antibiotic did you use?
I'm working hard on my gut with the help of a FODMAP-Therapist. I have been diagnosed with SIBO.
I didn't just take antibiotics - It would blow my gut. I was on heavy medication-filled diet, taking more than 15-types of pills. - Antibiotics, Probiotics, pills for protecting gut, liver,
Ferments, Bismuth subcitrate, esomeprazole etc.
For anxiety and depression which I suspect all of you guys have I would recommend:
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy: David D. Burns
I have one question for you guys.
Do you fart a lot?
I'm serious. IBS and gut anxiety is connected to farting. I felt IBS symptoms when by gut was filled with gas.
:) Not alot, but the smell is really bad if I eat alot. I'm on a stage in my SIBO plan now where I supplement with probiotics. Are you bloating and does your belly sound like hollow if you clap it with your hands? Then there is probably air in the small intestine that does not get out. And the gas is produces by bad bacteria.
Hi there,
low fodmap seems to work for me too.
My background
22yo and pretty stressful last 10y at least with a gaslighting/bullying brother and high academic pressure. Physically speaking I was also long term sleep deprived. Similar to most I think POIS fully developed at least during puberty, with symptoms mainly cognitive (depression, anxiety, brain fog). Physically, periods of hair loss are well correlated with O's. Im balding with 22yo even though I am currently stress-free, work out and sleep pretty normally for the last couple months.
Unsuccessfully tried many supplements here on this forum, but only ginger made a big difference.
My theory
Someone here hit home describing POIS as O causing "tryptophan breakdown". While many here overthink the process down to a nuclear level, the main thing to understand is the following: tryptophan -> serotonin -> melatonin
Basically, my stress-damaged gut tolerates less stress (which O's are to some extent) and with every O tryptophan is not digested properly/destroyed in mythe gut. See these links:
With missing tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin aren't produced properly leading to depression and sleep troubles. You also can't just take tryptophan supplements because it's broken down again/"eliminated" in your body with every O.
Why am I so sure of the theory and of this in general? Just take collagen. (Collagen is popular with "leaky gut" people even though the science behind it is lacking) Nevertheless, collagen is used in science to clinically simulate depression (its effect on the brain). How? Well, collagen/gelating causes tryptophan depletion(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15084421/). Having taken collagen once, the immediate effects/impact on my body/brain felt EXACTLY like POIS, like if I had just had an O (which I hadn't for 2 weeks though)... Got depressed, anxious and foggy again with bad sleep.
My FODMAP experience
After ginger, the gut-relation seemed pretty prominent so I started no/low FODMAP diet for 6 weeks (week 5 now) just for fun and the change is tremendous (with ups and downs though normally). I am doing a strict elimination diet basically just eating eggs, meat, fish, greens, carrots, and paprika (rarely ginger) disallowing for any other foods diluting the diets effects (nuts, fruit).
POIS is 99% gone which is insane because no single suggested treatment on this forum apparently eliminated mental effects completely except for IBS-related treatments as far as I know. Additionally, my previous "clinical depression" is gone completely as well. And the best health indicator for physical effects: Hair loss, is also gone. This change got rid of my brain fog finally (even non-POIS related) and the overall adjustment is relatively minor (diet).
Intresting, keto diet is bad for me.
Hi there,
low fodmap seems to work for me too.
My background
22yo and pretty stressful last 10y at least with a gaslighting/bullying brother and high academic pressure. Physically speaking I was also long term sleep deprived. Similar to most I think POIS fully developed at least during puberty, with symptoms mainly cognitive (depression, anxiety, brain fog). Physically, periods of hair loss are well correlated with O's. Im balding with 22yo even though I am currently stress-free, work out and sleep pretty normally for the last couple months.
Unsuccessfully tried many supplements here on this forum, but only ginger made a big difference.
My theory
Someone here hit home describing POIS as O causing "tryptophan breakdown". While many here overthink the process down to a nuclear level, the main thing to understand is the following: tryptophan -> serotonin -> melatonin
Basically, my stress-damaged gut tolerates less stress (which O's are to some extent) and with every O tryptophan is not digested properly/destroyed in mythe gut. See these links:
With missing tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin aren't produced properly leading to depression and sleep troubles. You also can't just take tryptophan supplements because it's broken down again/"eliminated" in your body with every O.
Why am I so sure of the theory and of this in general? Just take collagen. (Collagen is popular with "leaky gut" people even though the science behind it is lacking) Nevertheless, collagen is used in science to clinically simulate depression (its effect on the brain). How? Well, collagen/gelating causes tryptophan depletion(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15084421/). Having taken collagen once, the immediate effects/impact on my body/brain felt EXACTLY like POIS, like if I had just had an O (which I hadn't for 2 weeks though)... Got depressed, anxious and foggy again with bad sleep.
My FODMAP experience
After ginger, the gut-relation seemed pretty prominent so I started no/low FODMAP diet for 6 weeks (week 5 now) just for fun and the change is tremendous (with ups and downs though normally). I am doing a strict elimination diet basically just eating eggs, meat, fish, greens, carrots, and paprika (rarely ginger) disallowing for any other foods diluting the diets effects (nuts, fruit).
POIS is 99% gone which is insane because no single suggested treatment on this forum apparently eliminated mental effects completely except for IBS-related treatments as far as I know. Additionally, my previous "clinical depression" is gone completely as well. And the best health indicator for physical effects: Hair loss, is also gone. This change got rid of my brain fog finally (even non-POIS related) and the overall adjustment is relatively minor (diet).
So, you basically are doing a low-carb-high-fat (ketogenic) diet?
Hi there,
low fodmap seems to work for me too.
My background
22yo and pretty stressful last 10y at least with a gaslighting/bullying brother and high academic pressure. Physically speaking I was also long term sleep deprived. Similar to most I think POIS fully developed at least during puberty, with symptoms mainly cognitive (depression, anxiety, brain fog). Physically, periods of hair loss are well correlated with O's. Im balding with 22yo even though I am currently stress-free, work out and sleep pretty normally for the last couple months.
Unsuccessfully tried many supplements here on this forum, but only ginger made a big difference.
My theory
Someone here hit home describing POIS as O causing "tryptophan breakdown". While many here overthink the process down to a nuclear level, the main thing to understand is the following: tryptophan -> serotonin -> melatonin
Basically, my stress-damaged gut tolerates less stress (which O's are to some extent) and with every O tryptophan is not digested properly/destroyed in mythe gut. See these links:
http://www.balancedgrub.com/constipation-motility/slow-gut-and-unhappy-you (http://www.balancedgrub.com/constipation-motility/slow-gut-and-unhappy-you)
http://whole9life.com/2014/11/food-mood-fodmaps/ (http://whole9life.com/2014/11/food-mood-fodmaps/)
With missing tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin aren't produced properly leading to depression and sleep troubles. You also can't just take tryptophan supplements because it's broken down again/"eliminated" in your body with every O.
Why am I so sure of the theory and of this in general? Just take collagen. (Collagen is popular with "leaky gut" people even though the science behind it is lacking) Nevertheless, collagen is used in science to clinically simulate depression (its effect on the brain). How? Well, collagen/gelating causes tryptophan depletion(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15084421/ (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15084421/)). Having taken collagen once, the immediate effects/impact on my body/brain felt EXACTLY like POIS, like if I had just had an O (which I hadn't for 2 weeks though)... Got depressed, anxious and foggy again with bad sleep.
My FODMAP experience
After ginger, the gut-relation seemed pretty prominent so I started no/low FODMAP diet for 6 weeks (week 5 now) just for fun and the change is tremendous (with ups and downs though normally). I am doing a strict elimination diet basically just eating eggs, meat, fish, greens, carrots, and paprika (rarely ginger) disallowing for any other foods diluting the diets effects (nuts, fruit).
POIS is 99% gone which is insane because no single suggested treatment on this forum apparently eliminated mental effects completely except for IBS-related treatments as far as I know. Additionally, my previous "clinical depression" is gone completely as well. And the best health indicator for physical effects: Hair loss, is also gone. This change got rid of my brain fog finally (even non-POIS related) and the overall adjustment is relatively minor (diet).
Hi Kid, thanks for sharing. Let me know in a couple of months if you are still POIS-free ( or almost POIS-free), I would like to add your diet in the diet section of my chart of POIS Types ( at https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448 ). It would be interesting to underline that you had POIS-like symptoms when taking collagen, which could be a hint to predict if someone else could benefit or not from this diet.
I'm happy for you kid, good luck!
Another question, I'm deadly serious:
Did you guys worry about things in early years after you orgasmed? Like "I smell bad, I'm bad dirty wanker" etc. Did you suffer from humiliations?
I think there are connections.
You guys need to treat stress and anxiety and heal your gut. That worked for me
Oh and also, Wim Hof works pretty well!
POIS is 99% gone which is insane because no single suggested treatment on this forum apparently eliminated mental effects completely except for IBS-related treatments as far as I know. Additionally, my previous "clinical depression" is gone completely as well. And the best health indicator for physical effects: Hair loss, is also gone. This change got rid of my brain fog finally (even non-POIS related) and the overall adjustment is relatively minor (diet).
May I ask if you had bad physical symptoms (like bone pain when weaking up on next day, strong tiredness some hours later, ...) too?
If you go into re-introduction phase of FODMAP, can you pinpoint the problem to one of the specific letters of "FODMAP"?
I'm curious about what antibiotics you took, lw?
Yes sir,
I was tired and in strong pain for 5 days streak. I spoke differently and I couldn't feel things. Life was just a dream, bad, grey dream and I know how you feel.
I'm strongly sure it's anxiety + bad bacterias that stored trauma in the gut.
You need to clean from bacteria and treat your mental health.
For me, before I started healing my gut different things worked:
Fenugreek as it increases testosterone and lowers cortisol.
Poetry and spirituality because it helps with stress.
Anti-Histamines because most of medicaments have additional pain-easer that relieves the pain.
I don't think there are that many kinds of POIS as I have seen in many threads. Most of them are stress+ anxiety + bad bacteria.
I did experience neck pain after orgasm and I think it's related to vagus nerve. That nerve was mostly excited because of bacterial imbalance.
I took many kinds of antibiotics, rifaximin didn't work for me. I think the best one was amoxicillin.
But it must be decided by doctor.
Don't stress, and check in with gastroenterologist .
Cold shower and cold water onto stomach and genitals and neck might ease your symptoms.
Yes sir,
I was tired and in strong pain for 5 days streak. I spoke differently and I couldn't feel things. Life was just a dream, bad, grey dream and I know how you feel.
I'm strongly sure it's anxiety + bad bacterias that stored trauma in the gut.
You need to clean from bacteria and treat your mental health.
For me, before I started healing my gut different things worked:
Fenugreek as it increases testosterone and lowers cortisol.
Poetry and spirituality because it helps with stress.
Anti-Histamines because most of medicaments have additional pain-easer that relieves the pain.
I don't think there are that many kinds of POIS as I have seen in many threads. Most of them are stress+ anxiety + bad bacteria.
I did experience neck pain after orgasm and I think it's related to vagus nerve. That nerve was mostly excited because of bacterial imbalance.
I took many kinds of antibiotics, rifaximin didn't work for me. I think the best one was amoxicillin.
But it must be decided by doctor.
Don't stress, and check in with gastroenterologist .
Amoxicilin cured POIS for the John21
And this guy said Amoxicillin plus Penicillin helped him https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2007.msg17459#msg17459 so thats three people who have gotten better with Amoxicillin. More of us should try it, I will order some myself next time I do an order from one of these foreign pharmacies.
I asked my POIS dr around two years ago for Amoxicillin when I had seen one of these posts and he wouldn't prescribe it as apparently its too strong and would wipe out my gut bacteria...
please report back to us!
I don't think taking only amoxycilin is a good idea.
I repeat:
You need to heal your gut and also reduce stress!
I think you all might have some kind of neurosis which is upsetting your gut. That was certainly case for me
I don't think taking only amoxycilin is a good idea.
I repeat:
You need to heal your gut and also reduce stress!
I think you all might have some kind of neurosis which is upsetting your gut. That was certainly case for me
Did your POIS disappear afterwards?
I don't think taking only amoxycilin is a good idea.
I repeat:
You need to heal your gut and also reduce stress!
I think you all might have some kind of neurosis which is upsetting your gut. That was certainly case for me
Yes I agree with you I think for most people in here its not as simple as taking one magic pill to cure everything, especially those who have had POIS for much longer. A complementary therapy is also needed such as: a limbic system retraining programme: DNRS or Gupta, physiotherapy exercises to correct the spine, neck and pelvis, either The perrin technique or Alexander technique, daily meditation practice and Yin yoga.
I don't think taking only amoxycilin is a good idea.
Antibacterial Activity of Magnolol and Honokiol in Combination with Antibiotics (https://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO200003041288227.page)
I don't think taking only amoxycilin is a good idea.
I repeat:
You need to heal your gut and also reduce stress!
I think you all might have some kind of neurosis which is upsetting your gut. That was certainly case for me
Did your POIS disappear afterwards?
It last for 2 hours currently.
Went from 5 days streak of hell to this. I think now it's case of psychiatrists cause I have some kind of PTSD on orgasm.
Hi guys,
sorry to post again. Like probably many "cures", my diet didn't heal me completely (shocker) but still (1) eased symptoms substantially (still >50%) - would recommend including all fruits and veggies to make it sustainable longterm (2) made me much more aware of where the problems are coming from.
So, while I would say this diet makes it possible to have a normal life with POIS, what seems to be the problem for me is psychologically; I never thought all this chemical talk makes sense anyway. In my opinion, O's are not even the big problem but, as often mentioned on this forum, we get rises in adrenaline and cortisol etc when O'ing.
Psychologically speaking, and I really think you should ponder whether this makes sense for you personally as well, I have so-called Amygdala hijacks upon arousal/masturbating/porn/O (completely unrelated to which type), basically a "typical flashback" that triggers and puts me into a "emotional flashback", which lasts several (<5) days. Background being because of my very stressful and abused childhood I (very) often turned to masturbate in order to exit this miserable reality and get a serotonin push. Now I think that this childhood trauma attached itself to my O's and brings back all this trauma with flashbacks everytime I O.
By accident I have been meditating and doing the Wim Hoff method a lot, which apparently give you more control over these Amygdala escalations and that's also why I have been improving lately. If I am right at all, the key to healing from these Amygdala hijacks is neuroplasticity, which is also the core of the DNRS program btw.
So besides Wim Hof & meditating, playing piano, juggling, "Dual N Back"-app, sudokus, reading, quizzes and similar (all tasks that increase neuroplasticity), all really increased my mental clarity and helped my gain more control over my psychological symptoms (amygdala basically).
As I am aging (23yo) POIS symptoms increasingly deteriorate my body, and I really think all these physical problems (pain, spasms etc. ) many Poisers describe here on the forum will be part of the package for me and everyone else here down the road as well.
Long story short:
Still recommend the low fodmap diet, reversed a lot of physical POIS effects, but I think Amygdala hijacks are causing symptoms for me not O's, because I basically get half a stroke upon arousal from adrenaline, cortisol etc which stresses the body and puts my brain into a coma for a few days ("emotional flashback").
Would really like to hear your feedback about this and whether you maybe also had "traumas" somewhere in your life that triggered POIS as you know it.
Hi guys,
sorry to post again. Like probably many "cures", my diet didn't heal me completely (shocker) but still (1) eased symptoms substantially (still >50%) - would recommend including all fruits and veggies to make it sustainable longterm (2) made me much more aware of where the problems are coming from.
So, while I would say this diet makes it possible to have a normal life with POIS, what seems to be the problem for me is psychologically; I never thought all this chemical talk makes sense anyway. In my opinion, O's are not even the big problem but, as often mentioned on this forum, we get rises in adrenaline and cortisol etc when O'ing.
Psychologically speaking, and I really think you should ponder whether this makes sense for you personally as well, I have so-called Amygdala hijacks upon arousal/masturbating/porn/O (completely unrelated to which type), basically a "typical flashback" that triggers and puts me into a "emotional flashback", which lasts several (<5) days. Background being because of my very stressful and abused childhood I (very) often turned to masturbate in order to exit this miserable reality and get a serotonin push. Now I think that this childhood trauma attached itself to my O's and brings back all this trauma with flashbacks everytime I O.
By accident I have been meditating and doing the Wim Hoff method a lot, which apparently give you more control over these Amygdala escalations and that's also why I have been improving lately. If I am right at all, the key to healing from these Amygdala hijacks is neuroplasticity, which is also the core of the DNRS program btw.
So besides Wim Hof & meditating, playing piano, juggling, "Dual N Back"-app, sudokus, reading, quizzes and similar (all tasks that increase neuroplasticity), all really increased my mental clarity and helped my gain more control over my psychological symptoms (amygdala basically).
As I am aging (23yo) POIS symptoms increasingly deteriorate my body, and I really think all these physical problems (pain, spasms etc. ) many Poisers describe here on the forum will be part of the package for me and everyone else here down the road as well.
Long story short:
Still recommend the low fodmap diet, reversed a lot of physical POIS effects, but I think Amygdala hijacks are causing symptoms for me not O's, because I basically get half a stroke upon arousal from adrenaline, cortisol etc which stresses the body and puts my brain into a coma for a few days ("emotional flashback").
Would really like to hear your feedback about this and whether you maybe also had "traumas" somewhere in your life that triggered POIS as you know it.
Hello kid,
still it's a good to hear that you're improving. Yes I agree I also think that POIS is triggered by trauma and it upsets guts.
Emotional traumas connected with Orgasm this must be investigated more.
CBT also helped me a lot I, must admit.
Good Luck!
Also, Has anyone observed effect of PLACEBO on pois?
I mean I have seen many cases of "cures" that work at start but stop working afterwords.
Is is possible that POIS is largely psychological? This is what I've been thinking lately. (Healing gut still necessary)
Dunno if anyone reads this but Wim Hoffing before and after eating and orgasm diminishes symptoms greatly.
Yes sir,
I was tired and in strong pain for 5 days streak. I spoke differently and I couldn't feel things. Life was just a dream, bad, grey dream and I know how you feel.
I'm strongly sure it's anxiety + bad bacterias that stored trauma in the gut.
You need to clean from bacteria and treat your mental health.
For me, before I started healing my gut different things worked:
Fenugreek as it increases testosterone and lowers cortisol.
Poetry and spirituality because it helps with stress.
Anti-Histamines because most of medicaments have additional pain-easer that relieves the pain.
I don't think there are that many kinds of POIS as I have seen in many threads. Most of them are stress+ anxiety + bad bacteria.
I did experience neck pain after orgasm and I think it's related to vagus nerve. That nerve was mostly excited because of bacterial imbalance.
I took many kinds of antibiotics, rifaximin didn't work for me. I think the best one was amoxicillin.
But it must be decided by doctor.
Don't stress, and check in with gastroenterologist .
Amoxicilin cured POIS for the John21
This is incorrect. I took Azithromycin. Also as a reminder, there is no hard proof that taking this antibiotic was the cause of my POIS being eliminated.
Congrats, John!
Buteyko breathing is also very helpful.
Wim Hof + Buteyko is gold combo for pois anxiety
Buteyko breathing is also very helpful.
Wim Hof + Buteyko is gold combo for pois anxiety
I wonder if increasing the CO2 sensitivity could treat the POIS completely the idea is that by practicing Buteyko whole body cells are more oxygenated due to better CO2 sensitivity and this in turn improves immunity functioning, hormonal functioning, brain functioning, neurological functioning, metabolical functioning, digestion functioning, reproductive functioning, etc.
Third day of using Rexepi Combi.
Mood elevated, social anxieties gone.
I strongly advice checking in with Psychiatrists!
I've come to the conclusion that pois can be cured consulting Psychiatrist and Gastroenterologist.
A little question btw: do you have OCD like symptoms? or Maniac episodes?
Y'all need Psychiatrist
Y'all need Psychiatrist
Is there any evidence about POIS being a psychological thing? How do you explain that when I was sick with a cold POIS disappeared completely? What about other POISers having it disappear while being sick? And why many cured POIS with antibiotics and probiotics?
I've also noticed that when I'm sick, some of my POIS and CFS symptoms actually improve. When my fever and illness recedes, the symptoms intensify.
And to answer - I have no OCD symptoms, no manic episodes (I assume you meant manic and not maniac), etc. If you found something that works for you - whether it's physiological or psychiatric - that's fantastic. It's a bit dangerous to assume if something works for you, that you have solved POIS for everyone else - and POIS might be 20 different disorders with similar symptoms.
Y'all need [a] Psychiatrist
I strongly advice [sic] checking in with Psychiatrists!
In the 14 years of this forum’s existence, with multiple tens of thousands of forum posts, the conclusion of both POISers and researchers has been *overwhelmingly* a firm rejection of this psychiatric suggestion. And most often the conclusion of clueless doctors who are simply stumped by POIS symptoms (not taught in Medical School) and can only think of recommending psychiatry, due to a lack of knowledge and imagination.
But I do understand your sentiment, lw. Many of us (including me) have spent countless hours in psychotherapy/psychiatry to no avail. Thanks for your contributions.
I've also noticed that when I'm sick, some of my POIS and CFS symptoms actually improve. When my fever and illness recedes, the symptoms intensify.
And to answer - I have no OCD symptoms, no manic episodes (I assume you meant manic and not maniac), etc. If you found something that works for you - whether it's physiological or psychiatric - that's fantastic. It's a bit dangerous to assume if something works for you, that you have solved POIS for everyone else - and POIS might be 20 different disorders with similar symptoms.
Same for me my POIS improved when I was sick with a cold and as it got healed the POIS reappeared instantly however during that time I had 2 orgasms and 1 nocturnal emission and I literally had none of that mental speed slowdown and other cognitive symptoms like the brain fog I felt very fast in terms of thinking, reaction times, reflexes etc. meanwhile all other times except that one time I do not ever recall being POIS free and having as much mental clarity as I did back then.
"sometimes harder to look in eyes"
Hello Journey, It doesn't matter what caused pois, don't you see that low confidence is 100% psychological? Even if you had some kind of strange parasite and no testosterone the fact that you can't look in people's eyes is only psychological.
"sometimes harder to look in eyes"
Hello Journey, It doesn't matter what caused pois, don't you see that low confidence is 100% psychological? Even if you had some kind of strange parasite and no testosterone the fact that you can't look in people's eyes is only psychological.
Actually you are completely wrong, trouble with eye contact is one of the main symptoms of autism, many people in this group have aspergers or display autistic symptoms. The autism could be from mast cell issues or oxidative stress.
Autism is also treated by Psychiatrists.
Autism is also treated by Psychiatrists.
A lot of us feel worse on antidepressants or react badly to them, a lot of us have been to psychiatrists including myself with no improvement at all. I think you're on your high horse right now because you've started a new antidepressant a few days ago.
Antidepressants are a trap; you get stuck on them and then you get to a point where you don't know if you feel worse on them or worse if you stop taking them. But I've tried lots of them and I definitely feel much better when I'm off them
lw, I'm gonna assume you're not trolling here.
I've had POIS for 20+ years. At least half my life so far. I've been through a vast range of emotional and psychological states during those years, including a period of depression, during which I took Cipralex. I've also had long periods of happiness and contentment. POIS was present all the way regardless of my overall state of mind.
Additionally, like a lot of other people here, I get cognitive problems as part of my symptom set after triggers such as orgasms and exercise. These include OCD and autism-like symptoms like aversion to eye contact, diminished social skills and noise sensitivity.
Now, imagine going to a psychiatrist and saying: "Hey, I'm autistic and I have OCD, but only some days. Other days I feel normal and function perfectly well." That is way out of scope for them AFAIK, if they even believe you.
Another thing to consider: A lot of people are having aftereffects of Covid-19 that resemble POIS. Would you recommend those people go to a psychiatrist as well?
IMO this is clearly a complex multi-system issue with no easy answers, especially as each case is different. However lw, if you're having success with a psychiatric approach, I'm genuinely happy for you and wish you continued success.
lw, I'm gonna assume you're not trolling here.
Now, imagine going to a psychiatrist and saying: "Hey, I'm autistic and I have OCD, but only some days. Other days I feel normal and function perfectly well." That is way out of scope for them AFAIK, if they even believe you.
Another thing to consider: A lot of people are having aftereffects of Covid-19 that resemble POIS. Would you recommend those people go to a psychiatrist as well?
IMO this is clearly a complex multi-system issue with no easy answers, especially as each case is different. However lw, if you're having success with a psychiatric approach, I'm genuinely happy for you and wish you continued success.
Thank you, wish you all the best sir.
Well, OCD/Traumas can be triggered by many unusual things and orgasm can be one of them. I assure you a psychiatrist won't be amazed by much.
I'm not saying that POISers are imagining things. Far from it! but whole brain fog and anxiety affair can be managed by Psychiartic intervention.
Regards, lw
but whole brain fog and anxiety affair can be managed by Psychiartic intervention.
Please don't generalize that something that helped for you works for everyone. ;)
Example: Only yesterday someone posted that his brain fog is from onion FODMAP.
Just google for "probiotic brain fog".
This can be cured by psychiatric intervention, right? The psychiatrist will tell you to not eat onion, that's what Freud and SSRIs are about (sarcasm)
After one day of dropping onions and garlic and only eating low fodmap amounts of certain foods I see a massive reduction in brain fog, social anxiety and autistic symptoms, its like it sorted out a neurotransmitter imbalance and now music is much more enjoyable for me also. I was eating a whole cooked onion with every meal before this diet.
Hi folks,
just wanted to update you a little bit. Mid-January I thought "how much worse can it get" and just started taking 20g Collagen daily. Now two weeks in I miraculously O'd every second day the past week and actually feel very normal. Like no anxiety and depression, no brain fog, normal energy levels and overall I feel pretty normal. With collagen the science doesn't really prove benefits from it but anecdotal evidence of people whom it helped is all over the internet.
The day after O I go grocery shopping or for a run just because I feel like it and not because I have to force myself to do it anymore. Can study and talk very normally all day long. Only the POIS-induced hair loss weirdly hasn't slowed down. Can make normal eye contact now and anyone I encounter doesn't seem to notice a problem with me anymore.
I will continue to take it and keep you posted in another month and long-term when I have stopped taking it. Maybe someone else has taken it for a couple weeks or wants to try it?
Before I took it EMDR really took the depression and flashbacks away as well but now I stopped doing EMDR, Wim Hof and meditating altogether because I feel pretty normal.
just started taking 20g Collagen daily. Now two weeks in I miraculously O'd every second day the past week and actually feel very normal. Like no anxiety and depression, no brain fog, normal energy levels and overall I feel pretty normal.
I thought it gave you symptoms? Is the amount correct 20g? What product did you buy and what type(s) of collagen does it contain?
It did and the first week (of 2 now) were pretty POISy - non-stop brain fog, no energy and the vivid-to-nightmarish dreams. But a) my hair loss stopped shortly and b) I've read online that it should be taken 4-6 weeks for it to work. Recommended daily amount is probably 10-15g.
This one
You should probably research it yourself beforehand as well
Types 1,2,3
The main ingredient is Glycine which is a NMDA receptor co-agonist. Glutamic acid ---> glutamate which is an NMDA agonist. Other receptors can be involved as well like AMPA and Kainate receptors. You can test this by taking Guaifenisine (Does anyone know how to get this? Let me know). If you react bad to it then it may be the glycine/NMDA interaction that plays a role in your POIS. The diagram below puts glycine in the NMDA antagonism box, I'm confused.
If you search the forum for "amino acids" or "eggs", you see people having helped by that.
One of my annoying problems is (in POIS) that waking up on next day I have pain everywhere. Did you have this symptom and was it fixed by collagen?
Been eating eggs regularly for breakfast, they dont seem to make a difference
No, sorry. Minimal headaches and joint-clicking only but they went away with collagen. With respect to your age, and as I mentioned before, I would expect more physical pain down the road for myself as well in 5-10y maybe. Physically, dark rings under the eyes and facial changes are gone now though
It did and the first week (of 2 now) were pretty POISy - non-stop brain fog, no energy and the vivid-to-nightmarish dreams. But a) my hair loss stopped shortly and b) I've read online that it should be taken 4-6 weeks for it to work. Recommended daily amount is probably 10-15g.
This one
You should probably research it yourself beforehand as well
Types 1,2,3
I tried collagen a few years ago but it was also giving me brain fog and messing up my speech especially so I never took for longer than a day, maybe I should revisit it...
I tried collagen a few years ago but it was also giving me brain fog and messing up my speech especially so I never took for longer than a day, maybe I should revisit it...
Yeah I tried 5g of collagen tonight and it still gives me bad brain fog and also rashes on my thumbs (not sure if mast cell or viral) , I get this unique rash a lot when I react to other stuff as well. Not sure if I could handle two weeks of this collagen but maybe its worth it if you say you're cured.
I do remember when I tried Sarcosine (a byproduct in glycine synthesis) also gave me a similar fog but I stopped that due to prostate cancer risks from sarcosine.
L lysine also gives really bad brain fog also on the day I take it however the day after taking I do remember I was feeling much better in the brain than before I took it.
I tried glucosamine sulfate recently to try and rebuild the bladder tissue and it also gives me brain fog.......
Also had an occasional but minor rash. I still feel like the fact that collagen gives similar symptoms to POIS makes it very interesting.
Honestly, you get brain fog anyway with POIS, why not have it one last time. And that's why I take such a big dose every day in order to get through the brain fog phase quicker.
Would be cool if anyone else could try it out for a couple weeks as well and has the same experience.
Also had an occasional but minor rash. I still feel like the fact that collagen gives similar symptoms to POIS makes it very interesting.
Honestly, you get brain fog anyway with POIS, why not have it one last time. And that's why I take such a big dose every day in order to get through the brain fog phase quicker.
Would be cool if anyone else could try it out for a couple weeks as well and has the same experience.
I found out now collagen has high histamine and also it can convert into oxalates so thats probably were the problem lies. I read someones experience on the mold toxicity fb group with it and they said they took for three weeks and it was the worst flare they've ever had and it set them back a year in progress. So after how long specifically did you start feeling good from it?
I do abstain from ejaculation a lot so I'm not constantly in POIS state and I have things I need to get done in my life.
Fair enough
7-10 days
Fair enough
7-10 days
Ok thanks I might try it out need to have a think about it
I did wake up today feeling hangover it must have been from collagen, same thing happened to me when I tried l glutamine.
kid_, thanks for your report on collagen. I think I'll give it a try when my schedule allows. (In case of bad brain fog.)
Colagen can play role in gluthation incriese, gut repair to, Kid i think you could hawe benefit from NAC to...(glycine, n achetyl-cysteine)
Yeah I tried 5g of collagen tonight [...]
While your experience sounds like something happening immediately, I want to make a general comment:
If I take something after 18:00, I very often get problems from it in the next morning.
E.g. headache, pain in the body.
My theory is this is related to either bacterial fermentation or some things not detoxed properly by the body (no metabolism in night and no movement/drinking) (e.g. uric acid from protein or dead bacteria or whatever)
So when taking a new supplement or food, I always try to have it in mornings instead.
My theory is this is related to either bacterial fermentation or some things not detoxed properly by the body (no metabolism in night and no movement/drinking) (e.g. uric acid from protein or dead bacteria or whatever)
So when taking a new supplement or food, I always try to have it in mornings instead.
Interesting, I still haven't recovered from the collagen even nearly a day later I will not take more atm because I have important things I need to do like my tax return which when I'm feeling normal I already feel overwhelmed by.
I have a few different types of brain fog that have a different feeling for each
for example :
Brain feels inflamed/ painful in the morning/ infection feeling in the brain this is oxidative stress for me : Sulforaphane with wasabi, NAC, arginine get rid of it for me
Then I have a more neurological brain fog feeling doesn't feel infected - this is from POIS, showers, high gi foods
Then excess histamine brain fog from high histamine foods, collagen this brain fog feeling is pretty similar if not the same to the neurological pois brain fog, i guess shower is histamine tbh.
I have a few different types of brain fog that have a different feeling for each
for example :
Those all sound relevant :-)
What I can add for myself personally I think is a "Depleted neurotransmitters" brainfog where taking Tyrosine, Choline, TMG, ..., good fats/protein help.
(That's where my association with eggs and amino acids came from in my post above)
What I also find interesting is when "forced daytime sleep" (demografx's words) helps. Just a powernap in afternoon for 10-20 minutes on the day after makes me feel like a different (better) person. What can the body do where such a short time nap helps!?
Healing? Like a beaten up automobile, where you give it a little break, and it helps.
What can the body do where such a short time nap helps!?
I don't want to generalize anything but I think reading this
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplification_(psychology) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplification_(psychology))
might help some people on this forum.
I'm not saying that POIS is psychological. BUT it has some psychological connections (many poisers have ocd for example).
I think psychological help can support people with any chronic illness - and plenty of non-chronic illnesses. I'm very glad it was helpful for you.
That said, like many people I think you have a bias based on your own experience. This is why medicine is not practiced with n=1. We see things through our own lenses. I have no history of OCD, mental or emotional trauma, shame, etc. Most of my problems (POIS and other ones) occurred after a serious infection acquired overseas.
I've seen people push the same narrative for the myriad of people suffering from long Covid. Maybe it's somatic? This is common - when medicine doesn't understand something, they prefer to call it somatic rather than idiopathic.
I do appreciate that you said it may help 'some' people on this forum, as that is undoubtedly true.
I am not basing my presumtion on n=1
you can check yourself that OCD is pretty common with poisers
My pois is completely gone. The drug I used was REXEPI COMBI which is local drug I think. It's not antidepressant, It's mainly used on Anxiety/PTSD/OCD etc.
I strongly advice checking in with Psychiatrist. POIS is real, and it can be cured.
Good Luck :)
My pois is completely gone. The drug I used was REXEPI COMBI which is local drug I think. It's not antidepressant, It's mainly used on Anxiety/PTSD/OCD etc.
I strongly advice checking in with Psychiatrist. POIS is real, and it can be cured.
Good Luck :)
Fluoxetine (Rexepi Combi) is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
Olanzapine (Rexepi Combi) is an antipsychotic medication. These drugs affect chemicals in the brain.
Rexepi Combi is a combination medicine used to treat depression caused by bipolar disorder (manic depression). Rexepi Combi is also used to treat depression after at least 2 other medications have been tried without successful treatment of symptoms.
Rexepi Combi may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.
More: https://www.ndrugs.com/?s=rexepi%20combi
Antipsychotic...What dose did you use and when did it start taking effect?
Your name is on this list: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3551.0
Should I add Rexepi to it or replace it?
25 mg. In one month. Before starting Rexepi I fixed my gut and I was on antibiotics. That might have also helped.
Before starting Rexepi I fixed my gut and I was on antibiotics. That might have also helped.
That might have been the major measure.
simethicones also help with symptoms
Not diagnosed still but for me it now was MCAS 99%. Used quercentin/vit c/galangal for a week (with meals) and noticed some improvements. Just went to the pharmacy and bought antihistamines and after an O I am just as sharp as if nothing happened. I am literally studying right now on 6h of sleep after a hot shower etc. and two pizzas. Things that without the AH certainly would have ruined more than just today.
Used loratadine. If you don't know that you don't have MCAS and don't have a AH history, just go and buy antihistamines for a couple bucks. I didn't know this simple solution could literally save my life.
Not diagnosed still but for me it now was MCAS 99%. Used quercentin/vit c/galangal for a week (with meals) and noticed some improvements. Just went to the pharmacy and bought antihistamines and after an O I am just as sharp as if nothing happened. I am literally studying right now on 6h of sleep after a hot shower etc. and two pizzas. Things that without the AH certainly would have ruined more than just today.
Used loratadine. If you don't know that you don't have MCAS and don't have a AH history, just go and buy antihistamines for a couple bucks. I didn't know this simple solution could literally save my life.
I thought you said the collagen cured you already?
As long as I took the daily collagen POIS was reduced 90%. But the hair loss sped up significantly and I was slightly depressed
Stress (high levels of cortisol) destroy collagen whereever it is found in the body: in the skins dermis, in the lining of your gut, the cartillage in your joints, your neck, your back, your bone - many of the places where POISers experience problems. Collagen supplements can aid in healing the gut (https://draxe.com/nutrition/what-is-collagen/) which teoretically gives hughe improvements for POISers. I dont see why collagen is the cause of your hairloss in your case. Maybe it just coincided with the supplemantation of collagen.
Male hair loss is caused by heavy physical stress in combination with heritage and sedimentary lifestyle (about 40 % of all POISers are "desktop-based" engineers, according to a poll here), bad sleep, high sugar intake and other things that ruins the hormonal balance and masculinism. Its not the testosterone that cause hair loss, its rather the lack of blood and oxygen supply to the hair follicles and wrong pH balance in the skin dermis which accelerates the conversion from testosterine to DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
By the way, POIS cannot "be cured" by taking a regulary "pill" because of simple logic:
1. If your taking a pill regulary to be free from symptoms, your not cured, are you!?
2. If the cause has something to do with things like stress, sedimenray lifestyle, bad sleep or lack of excercise, a pill cant "cure" any of that (unless it makes you a zombie).
Relax, destress, yoga, mindfulness, meditation blah blah blah...
Improve sleep (go to bed earlier, wake up earlier, get sunshine in the morning, excercise, no computer/screen work late, lower lights in home at evening ...)
Eat collagen, boneboroth, glutamine
Go for a paleo diet
Stay away from sugar
Supplement with vitamin C,A,D,E,B-complex, iron, zink and magnesium + an all-inclusive vitamin/mineral pill.
Keep your mother-in-law at a healthy distance. ;D
One thing I started recently is developing a strong morning routine and it makes a huge difference to my days. I did have to spend money and see a life coach to develop this routine but because I made this investment in myself it gave me an incentive to take it seriously and do it everyday.
Heres what I do:
Leave phone on other side of room to where you're sleeping
Wake up at 7-45
Drink two big glasses of water
10 minutes of mediation deep breathing with grounding pillow under low back and grounding band on leg - these make the mediation effects 10x more stronger
Read 10 minutes of a book preferably "The greatest salesman in the world" this teaches you discipline as you have to read the same chapter in this specific book for a month until you can go to the next chapter. I'm gonna get this book soon.
Then I do 10 minutes of affirmations or limbic system retraining exercises
Then I stretch and do anterior pelvic tilt exercises on top of that for 15 mins
Then I do 20 pull ups and push ups
Then I do skipping for 5 minutes
Now I've achieved more things in one hour than most people do in their whole days and I've still got the whole day ahead of me. And I'm feeling much better than I normally would if I hadn't done any morning routine. I've tried doing these things separately throughout the day before and it has no where near the same effect as doing them all in one hour in the morning. The most successful people in the world all have strong morning routines.
You can edit this routine with other things that help you specifically but try and not make it too long or complicated and make sure it fits into an hour - one hour 30 mins so it's not too hard to follow every day.
Don't go on your phone you wake up it puts your brain into a high stress state and it's also easy to spend a few hours in bed on your phone and then you are not in a productive mood for the whole day and it gets wasted. Avoid your phone while doing this routine just only use it for timers and your alarm.
It's easy to get set back by POIS or other reactions and stop doing the routine happened to me last week for five days but there is just a massive difference in my days and how I am functioning when I am on this routine compared to when I'm doing nothing. So even if you aren't feeling great still keep at the routine as it's essential for success and feeling better. Some days will be worse than others but you just have to try your hardest to stay disciplined and follow the routine every morning.
Grounding equipment (pillow and band) has made a massive difference to my sleep and just general wellbeing, you feel it instantly when you put on the grounding band around you wrist or leg. Grounding balances the charge of electron-deficient free radicals (lowers them) and improves circulation and inflammation. Before using the grounding equipment I found it hard to wake up and get out of bed at 9-10am and felt really bad and brain foggy, now I wake up at 7-45 naturally and feel much less brain fog in the mornings. It sounds a bit crazy but its something you need to try first to see how well it works before you judge, I've tried things like vagus nerve stimulators, tdcs and they are no where near as effective as this grounding equipment. There has been some scientific studies that show it does have benefits. I tried grounding in my garden before but it didn't have the same effects as these products do.
https://www.groundology.co.uk/about-grounding I bought my stuff from here.
Not diagnosed still but for me it now was MCAS 99%. Used quercentin/vit c/galangal for a week (with meals) and noticed some improvements. Just went to the pharmacy and bought antihistamines and after an O I am just as sharp as if nothing happened. I am literally studying right now on 6h of sleep after a hot shower etc. and two pizzas. Things that without the AH certainly would have ruined more than just today.
Used loratadine. If you don't know that you don't have MCAS and don't have a AH history, just go and buy antihistamines for a couple bucks. I didn't know this simple solution could literally save my life.
Does your loratadine contains pseudoephedrine?
I strongly recommend taking cold showers before going to sleep.
"and two pizzas". Those times are gone. If I eat ony half a pizza I get horrible POIS symptoms and bloating for days. POIS is definitly a gut issue for me. Most certain it caused by bad "pizza"- bacteria that feast on starchy foods. As long as my gut is calmed and not bloated the POIS symptoms are lower or almost gone. It's a battle to keep it that way. I have to use oregano oil, garlic pills, gut cleansing pills, bonebroth, L-glutamine, coconut oil, billberry. Additionally I have to take walks 2-4 times a day (improve gut movements) and not eat after 18:00 (regenerating the gut). After O the gut is specifically sensitive and only accepting fluent foods. That has made me loose 10 kg in weight and its very hard to gain it back.
I think POIS is connected with some kind of deep stress and being unable to sleep properly. I wonder if research about this has been done - Quality of sleep by poisers
I agree, getting enough sleep is super important for hormonal health and long term sleeping issues can ruin the hormonal balance. For me keeping a strict going to bed rutine is crucial for the sleep quality. Also:
Getting light/sun
Getting exercise, walking
Not watching TV/Computer/phone 1 hour before sleep. calm down the brain
Not going to bed after 11 pm. According to Chinese medicine the liver detoxes itself between 11 pm and 2 am. If you'r awake that time, poisons are beeing concentrated and are still in the blood system the following day.
Cool bedroom
C-vitamin (acid neutral) before going to bed
I strongly advice doing cold showers before going to sleep. EVERY DAY, that's important.
That will reduce pois symptoms greatly.
I may have to point out that galangal is actually called Kaempferia galanga and not without a reason. The compound called kaempferol that I so highly praise can be found in the rhizomes in high concentration.
Kaempferia galanga, commonly known as kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger, cutcherry, or resurrection lily, is a monocotyledonous plant in the ginger family, and one of four plants called galangal.
As I pointed out in my research thread kaempferol and quercetin probably has a synergestic effect.
Actually I have found out about galangal in this article and it also contains other interesting information such as chocolate having a FAAH inhibitor property due to N-linoleoylethanolamide and N-oleoylethanolamide.
"sometimes harder to look in eyes"
Hello Journey, It doesn't matter what caused pois, don't you see that low confidence is 100% psychological? Even if you had some kind of strange parasite and no testosterone the fact that you can't look in people's eyes is only psychological.
I agree with you with a bunch of things, specifically IBS. A lot of your symptoms describe what I go through to an uncanny level.
But I 100% disagree that it?s psychological. I believe that consciousness and confidence is mostly biochemical. There has been so many occasions in which I felt great confidence and intense motivation to work on something for long periods of time without a need to mediate or anything.
I have a heart math HRV device that I use in conjunction with deep breathing a lot, it helps reach a noticeable zen state when I?m depressed and my thoughts are scrambled. But it never made a huge improvement to the point That I?m able to become socially fluid, or be able to do something ballsy, or even to look at people in the eye, or actually finish a project.
I have tried so many times to get connected with my body and my breath to try to wither the shit storms but the effects were always minimal at best. I even went to expensive Tony Robbins events and tried a bunch of electronic shit in his seminars including something called nucalm which hijacks the breath to a snail to reduce cortisol, that?s besides the daily wim hof method or the hot yoga, or also the Healy device. Their effects were noticeable but they never stuck. But when I took the dark chocolate, avoided masterbation, fasted for a period of time. My whole person changes radically and effortlessly to the point where I?m actually able to become a social butterfly, I reach such a manic state that I literally unable to recognize my self anymore.
There are anicdoes of people doing some sort of neural retraining using an expensive course that teaches you how to meditate to alter your Vegas nerve. I believe this works only when the body is at a good homeostasis level.I don?t believe the POIS state is a good homeostasis level to be able to alter the body with the mind, thus it requires some sort of biochemical intervention first to reach homeostasis. Once one is away from the POIS state or any kind of crap induced biochemical state, then yes the yoga and meditation will work.
As long as I took the daily collagen POIS was reduced 90%. But the hair loss sped up significantly and I was slightly depressed
I think you follow a paleo diet. Have you tried reducing your salt intake to a dramatic level? Once I reduced my salt intake dramatically about for 3 days till my food tasted bland, my hair Loss stopped dramatically.
I also was doing a vegan diet at the time, but I believe that had nothing to do with it. It was only the reduction in salt that fixed the hair loss.
Grounding equipment (pillow and band) has made a massive difference to my sleep and just general wellbeing, you feel it instantly when you put on the grounding band around you wrist or leg. Grounding balances the charge of electron-deficient free radicals (lowers them) and improves circulation and inflammation. Before using the grounding equipment I found it hard to wake up and get out of bed at 9-10am and felt really bad and brain foggy, now I wake up at 7-45 naturally and feel much less brain fog in the mornings. It sounds a bit crazy but its something you need to try first to see how well it works before you judge, I've tried things like vagus nerve stimulators, tdcs and they are no where near as effective as this grounding equipment. There has been some scientific studies that show it does have benefits. I tried grounding in my garden before but it didn't have the same effects as these products do.
https://www.groundology.co.uk/about-grounding I bought my stuff from here.
For some reason grounding either outside in the forest or plugged into the grounding cable constantly gives me instant insomnia. It definitely affects my body some how yet It?s currently negative.
Btw, did you know you can plug in a small copper wire to the soul of your shoes and now your constantly grounded when outside ! Your welcome ;D
"sometimes harder to look in eyes"
Hello Journey, It doesn't matter what caused pois, don't you see that low confidence is 100% psychological? Even if you had some kind of strange parasite and no testosterone the fact that you can't look in people's eyes is only psychological.
I agree with you with a bunch of things, specifically IBS. A lot of your symptoms describe what I go through to an uncanny level.
But I 100% disagree that it?s psychological. I believe that consciousness and confidence is mostly biochemical. There has been so many occasions in which I felt great confidence and intense motivation to work on something for long periods of time without a need to mediate or anything.
I have a heart math HRV device that I use in conjunction with deep breathing a lot, it helps reach a noticeable zen state when I?m depressed and my thoughts are scrambled. But it never made a huge improvement to the point That I?m able to become socially fluid, or be able to do something ballsy, or even to look at people in the eye, or actually finish a project.
I have tried so many times to get connected with my body and my breath to try to wither the shit storms but the effects were always minimal at best. I even went to expensive Tony Robbins events and tried a bunch of electronic shit in his seminars including something called nucalm which hijacks the breath to a snail to reduce cortisol, that?s besides the daily wim hof method or the hot yoga, or also the Healy device. Their effects were noticeable but they never stuck. But when I took the dark chocolate, avoided masterbation, fasted for a period of time. My whole person changes radically and effortlessly to the point where I?m actually able to become a social butterfly, I reach such a manic state that I literally unable to recognize my self anymore.
There are anicdoes of people doing some sort of neural retraining using an expensive course that teaches you how to meditate to alter your Vegas nerve. I believe this works only when the body is at a good homeostasis level.I don?t believe the POIS state is a good homeostasis level to be able to alter the body with the mind, thus it requires some sort of biochemical intervention first to reach homeostasis. Once one is away from the POIS state or any kind of crap induced biochemical state, then yes the yoga and meditation will work.
Isn't psychological the health of the mind? So chemical imbalances can fall into that category?
"sometimes harder to look in eyes"
Isn't psychological the health of the mind? So chemical imbalances can fall into that category?
True. I confused words. What I meant is psychological as in mental. As in the consensus tries to treat the problem mentally by learning discipline through activities such as yoga and meditation. The biochemical aspect of it only goes as far as an ssri.
This causes one to learn how to cope with the condition but not cure it. I hope I make more sense now :D
I also strongly recommend meditation!
See Headspace Guide to Meditation on Netflix
As long as I took the daily collagen POIS was reduced 90%. But the hair loss sped up significantly and I was slightly depressed
I think you follow a paleo diet. Have you tried reducing your salt intake to a dramatic level? Once I reduced my salt intake dramatically about for 3 days till my food tasted bland, my hair Loss stopped dramatically.
I also was doing a vegan diet at the time, but I believe that had nothing to do with it. It was only the reduction in salt that fixed the hair loss.
You could be lacking Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium and your Sodium intake unrevealed those problems
my psychiatrist removed rexepi combi and prescribed:
venlaxor 75mg
and Zolafren 5mg
I've started taking 1/4 doses each.
I've never felt so happy and healthy before. I hope this will continue after removing drugs from my life.
POIS lasts for 1 hour than happiness and clear mind returns.
You could be lacking Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium and your Sodium intake unrevealed those problems
Taurine might be an idea aswell since it helps regulate those. I am currently experimenting with higher doses of it (around 4g). Lower doses showed no effect whatsoever, even if i would take up to 5g split across the day but those high doses seem to kick me out of the majority of my POIS-symptoms within 15 minutes...i will keep you updated once i get reliable results. Another interesting sideeffect is that my digestion massively improves because of it...probably because taurine boosts the production of bile.
As long as I took the daily collagen POIS was reduced 90%. But the hair loss sped up significantly and I was slightly depressed
I think you follow a paleo diet. Have you tried reducing your salt intake to a dramatic level? Once I reduced my salt intake dramatically about for 3 days till my food tasted bland, my hair Loss stopped dramatically.
I also was doing a vegan diet at the time, but I believe that had nothing to do with it. It was only the reduction in salt that fixed the hair loss.
You could be lacking Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium and your Sodium intake unrevealed those problems
Thanks for the tipp! Tried it for a week without effect though. By accident tried Cassava flour/tortillas and they quite remarkably split my nightly hairfall into half/thirds if anyone is interested. Maybe because of the resistant starch?
In general: I might not be able to eat 2 pizzas and have an O without feeling bad, but I am on the right and compounded antihistamines now and with proper dieting and discipline I can have an O every ~2 weeks, when my baseline histamine levels have settled again, without problems.
Apparantly my MCAS is genetic and it's pretty obvious to me that my father has it as well when I watch his reactions to alcohol or sunlight...
I no longer have POIS. Food pois is also disappearing.
Only problem I have is sleep problems.
Even slightest lack of sleep makes me dizzy and nervous but this will also go away I think.
Here is my guide:
First I went to gastroenterologist who diagnosed me with IBS, gastritis and colitis. He proscribed me many-many types of medications more than 20 I think.
I still had my POIS and food POIS. After sixth visit he told me I needed to go to Neurologist.
Instead I went to psychiatrist.
I started with Rexepi Combi for 2 months. I still had POIS but anxiety was diminishing.
Also I was doing Wim Hof breaths in the morning and cold showers before sleep.
After Rexepi Combi my psychiatrist proscribed Zolafren and Venlaxor.
I think Venlaxor is what worked the most.
In one month he changed Zolafren with Eglonil. My mood improved, my cognitive abilities started to restore.
I still need some improvements but life's beginning to feel great again.
If anyone has questions please feel free to ask
My story:
I think some of you might benefit from listening my story.
I've always been nervous and anxious child. I've been bullied at school. My parents used to argue with each other.
I didn't have active lifestyle and mostly I enjoyed reading books and playing video games.
After I discovered masturbation I couldn't stop. I fapped everyday, two and three times but wasn't much of a problem. Yes my mood would change but it was normal, until I started masturbation before sleep.
I would get nervous that I wouldn't get enough sleep. I always had sleep issues. When I got wet dreams sometimes I wouldn't change my underpants and once I went in school with sperm in my pants. I was worried that I would stink and I've been made fun of.
Than I was dating a cute girl and before date I would get NE. I was becoming more and more angry and nervous and I think that developed into POIS.
The day this girl told me she was leaving me became one of the worst day in terms of POIS. From 1 day of pois it went into 5 days of POIS.
Please if you have a similar story, tell me :)
Good luck all, I really hope you'll do well.
Write me for any questions as my POIS has disappeared. I still have depression-like symptoms and general fatigue but It'll be cured too I hope.
Glad you found something that worked for you.
I do think there are many different types and causes of POIS. None of that really rings true for me personally. Pretty successful at school, a bit of a perfectionist but not a vert anxious person. I don't think I was ever obsessed with masturbation like that. Never experienced NE. Symptoms came on gradually over a period of many years - maybe a decade. Other issues with fatigue as well, but no depression.
Possibly these stories can help people as there may be something pharmaceutical that is helping, or possibly it's just learning how to cope (through mindfulness, medication, etc) with various mental and emotional triggers.
I hope it helps some other people, but I don't think it's a solution for everyone. The various protocols to trigger immune function (nanna1, etc) have given me the best results so far, but I think there's more to develop there.
Hmmm 4 people said their POIS got cured from Amoxcillin, Copied from Phoenixrising forum on how to lower glutamate levels from amoxicillin:
(3) This third approach is more experimental, but high brain levels of glutamate can also be caused by a down-regulation of the activity of the GLT-1 glutamate transporter, which is responsible for removing most (90%) of the excess glutamate from the brain.
Indeed, one study found that as activated microglia start pumping out glutamate into the brain, unexpectedly, glutamate transporter functioning is simultaneously down-regulated, which only further exacerbates the glutamate build up in the brain. 1
So if the aim is to reduce brain glutamate levels, it may be a good strategy to ramp up the glutamate transporters, which pump glutamate out of the extracellular spaces of the brain.
To boost glutamate transporter function, the antibiotic amoxicillin at a dose of 2000 mg twice daily is very effective. Amoxicillin can increase glutamate transporter expression by over 500% in a matter of days — see this post about amoxicillin and glutamate uptake for more details.
A list of glutamate transporter boosters is given here.
I found amoxicillin 2000 mg twice daily had a noticeable calming effect on the mind, though it takes two or three days before these calming effects manifest (because it takes a little while for amoxicillin to increase the number of glutamate transporters in your brain).
The glutamate transporter boosting effects of beta-lactam antibiotics such as amoxicillin and ceftriaxone are being investigated for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and alcohol dependence, both of which involve glutamate. 1 2
Crying after orgasm somehow improves condition. It's odd
Crying after orgasm somehow improves condition. It's odd
Interesting. Similar to my POIS when accompanied before or after by emotional overreactions, especially high anxiety.
High anxiety or rather high stress has reduced my symptoms occasionally aswell now that you mention it...
I no longer have pois. I went from 5 day hell to this.
Best recommendation I would give is:
start with
1) Antibiotic course + Probiotics + Simethicones
2) Antidepressants + noradrenaline inhibitors (VENLAXOR was it for me)
3) Wim Hof breathing every morning three rounds.
Cold Shower at night.
4) Expressing emotions.
Good Luck.
Screaming, crying and expressing sadness and frustration definitely reduces symptoms.
Can anyone confirm?
Its quite impossible for me to be able to articulate how i feel during brain fog
Screaming, crying and expressing sadness and frustration definitely reduces symptoms.
Can anyone confirm?
I'm currently doing Wim Hof and sometimes spontaneously cry a little bit while doing the horse stance. Not sure if it helps, but it feels really good.
Screaming, crying and expressing sadness and frustration definitely reduces symptoms.
Can anyone confirm?
I'm currently doing Wim Hof and sometimes spontaneously cry a little bit while doing the horse stance. Not sure if it helps, but it feels really good.
Could you tell us further what your Wim Hof routine includes?
Ideally, let's keep the Wim Hof discussion in the dedicated thread: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3214.0
Could you tell us further what your Wim Hof routine includes?
Of course, posted my routine in the Wim Hof thread (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3214.0). :)
Screaming, crying and expressing sadness and frustration definitely reduces symptoms.
Can anyone confirm?
i would think so to
i have so much frustration built up its insane
Breathing like it's panic attack also helps. It's weird but I'm starting to think POIS is kind of emotions not expressed, mostly anxiety and sadness.
Breathing like it's panic attack also helps. It's weird but I'm starting to think POIS is kind of emotions not expressed, mostly anxiety and sadness.
Yeah sure, ideas like these help us a lot... come on, man. After all the times when doctors have dismissed us thinking we were crazy hypocondriacs with psychological issues, after how hard we've fought to be taken seriously, now you say this? POIS is not psychological in any way. I've almost died from it, with a 104F (40C) fever. Crying and taking psychiatric drugs stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, it doesn't prove that our issue is psychological in any way. I can't believe anybody would believe that it is.
By the way, breathing like you said (diaphragmatic breathing) stimulates the vagus nerve, which is what I personally think is malfunctioning in us. Same with the Wim Hof method. And the vagus nerve has a feedback loop with gut bacteria, which could be why you improved so much with your treatment.
Depends on what you mean by "psychological issues", thats a broad expression with a unfair negative sound . Every people on earth probably have "psychological issues" more or less and we should not dismiss the idea that one kind of those "issues" could be more common in POISers then others. When science start to dismiss cause/effect ideas its often reaching a dead end (for example school medicine). Personally long term stress has been a major factor that has coexisted as long as I had POIS and could very well be the releasing factor for me. Stress hits on us diffrently depending on diffrent psychological traits. We are borned diffrent - "Some are like water, some are like the heat. Some are a melody and some are the beat".
I'm a sensitive and empathic individual and the youngest sibling. There is science supporting that people like that are more prone to stress then others. Thats not "issues" - thats the natural composition of traits that balances and enriches the interactions between humans. Further more there is no negative valuation in having "psychological issues", its only a initial position and we all have diffrent initial positions. After the result of a IQ-poll here some made the hypothesis that POIS'ers are generally more intelligent then others and with intelligence comes understanding of more risk factors and thus potentially more stress. Or it could just be that intelligent persons just spend more time at the computers/books. But that sedentary lifestyle might also have influence of our social life and cause "psychological issues" - a term that conventional medicine tend to use for people in a wrongful manner.
I can confirm that stress may be if it is certainly not a very likely factor. I discovered my POIS a few months ago, a few weeks after I got an inflamed thyroid and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after one nasty Atrioventricular block! No heart problems, thankfully. I have checked three times in the last 5 months and I have another appointment scheduled in a few days (as I have some chest discomfort that comes and goes from time to time)
Recently I have come to be diagnosed with IBS, too. I don't know if it was there since day one, but it explains a little of the argument you're trying to make. Ejaculations are the worst for, especially if space between them is 7-10 days. NEs leave symptoms but are not as nasty as an M.
3 months ago I found that prolactin level is higher than normal; my testosterone level is in the mid-range.
I can say that stress and anxiety had a good part of it as for the few months before my first problem were full of mixed emotions due to academic issues. I was so angry, and so hopeless!
Depends on what you mean by "psychological issues", thats a broad expression with a unfair negative sound . Every people on earth probably have "psychological issues" more or less and we should not dismiss the idea that one kind of those "issues" could be more common in POISers then others. When science start to dismiss cause/effect ideas its often reaching a dead end (for example school medicine). Personally long term stress has been a major factor that has coexisted as long as I had POIS and could very well be the releasing factor for me. Stress hits on us diffrently depending on diffrent psychological traits. We are borned diffrent - "Some are like water, some are like the heat. Some are a melody and some are the beat".
I'm a sensitive and empathic individual and the youngest sibling. There is science supporting that people like that are more prone to stress then others. Thats not "issues" - thats the natural composition of traits that balances and enriches the interactions between humans. Further more there is no negative valuation in having "psychological issues", its only a initial position and we all have diffrent initial positions. After the result of a IQ-poll here some made the hypothesis that POIS'ers are generally more intelligent then others and with intelligence comes understanding of more risk factors and thus potentially more stress. Or it could just be that intelligent persons just spend more time at the computers/books. But that sedentary lifestyle might also have influence of our social life and cause "psychological issues" - a term that conventional medicine tend to use for people in a wrongful manner.
Yes, I agree with this. What irks me a bit is when people suggest that POIS is entirely psychological, or a consequence of some process in our minds. I know that stress affects me (and most of us) negatively, and that we all have unreleased emotions and bad experiences at some point, but there has to be some physical reason behind what is happening to us. Hundreds of thousands of people live in terrible conditions in the world, under heavy stress, in the middle of wars, enduring abuse... and we don't see them developing POIS. Sure, stress isn't good for anybody and they might develop lasting trauma from their experiences (or at least the most sensitive and empathetic of them, like you said), but POIS looks like a very specific set of symptoms that isn't common at all, at least as far as we know.
If the vagus nerve is malfunctioning as I believe, it could fail to regulate our bodies' response to stress, and lead to excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous system or an uncontrolled release of stress hormones, thus making normal stress more damaging to us than it is to normal people. Just an idea. Personally, stress doesn't hurt me too much, but fear does. I think that the key for it to be damaging is the adrenaline response. I'll expand a bit on this on my thread when I'm done with the exams I have next week (a good source of stress! ;D).
Neurosal before bed made my sleep so much better. I feel healthy.
This med might be the answer for POIS. I'll keep you in touch
just FYI (as you've read I have MCAS):
Vagus nerve and gut connection is precisely the way sexual activity damages my body because of MCAS. Every O my vagus nerve gets excited and damages my gut just like normal stress would. MCAS people also have exercise intolerance more or less btw...
Via MCAS treatment I have made (for me) significant progress with minimizing POIS hangover (from 4 days of debilitating brain fog ap to 1,5 days of light fatigue/tiredness). Besides normal MCAS lifestyle the main "medicine" that works for me is Cromolyn Sodium and high doses chamomile. Maybe test if chamomile tea makes you feel better? These chamomile supplements work the best:
This guy's posts need to be taken into consideration I think. Especially toe massage stuff, it works for me
toe massage feels oddly good. Just tried it now.
Very interesting hint.
How did you find it?
Hello friends
I ate two tablespoons of garlic oil tonight and I think I feel better than before
My Psychiatrist prescribed melatonin for me. I sleep so good, wake up relaxed, stress is gone.
As stress is was an important factor for my pois I hugely recommend taking it.
My POIS is gone and I think I can help some of this forum's members.
I have been prescribed Fluoxetine for diagnosed POIS. Was there any advantage for any of the users with the drug ?
I have been prescribed Fluoxetine for diagnosed POIS. Was there any advantage for any of the users with the drug ?
It helped my depression, but nothing else.
I’m not a doctor, but I am extremely skeptical of a fluoxetine-Rx for POIS.
Physicians are often all-too-eager to write off POIS as ‘just another psychological problem’.
My Psychiatrist prescribed melatonin for me. I sleep so good, wake up relaxed, stress is gone.
As stress is was an important factor for my pois I hugely recommend taking it.
My POIS is gone and I think I can help some of this forum's members.
Melatonin has helped me with
• jet lag
• better sleep
But it did nothing for my POIS.
And I hope it continues to help your POIS, lw!
One thing I want to suggest all members is that take it slow.
When masturbating do it slow, very slow.
When having intercourse, don't hurry try to last longer.
Longer I last, less POIS I experience
I'm also working of eliminating Helicobacter pylori.
"Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) is a type of bacteria. These germs can enter your body and live in your digestive tract. After many years, they can cause sores, called ulcers, in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. For some people, an infection can lead to stomach cancer"
Please check, you might also have it. Work on getting rid of it :) good luck
I'm also working on eliminating Helicobacter pylori.
lw, I thought I would die - - from a severe diverticulitis attack - - which as you probably know is an inflammation of the intestines. Major emergency surgery saved me, with a removal of 10% of my colon.
Okay I'll repeat again:
Here is how I reduce my POIS attack.
Simethicones - You can get it anywhere.
Wim Hof Breath
Toe massage, yoga for better digestion.
Also, remove stress from your life! Read about Buddhism, yoga, schedule your life.
Take it slow (don't rush through sex). Remove porn from your life
I beat this (though I still have problems with digestion and stress).
You can beat it too.
Good Luck
P.S. I don't understand why I receive so little responses, I want to share my experience and help you. I know there are people who had similar symptoms and causes like me
lw, I thought I would die - - from a severe diverticulitis attack - - which as you probably know is an inflammation of the intestines. Major emergency surgery saved me, with a removal of 10% of my colon.
How is your digestion working now?
lw, I thought I would die - - from a severe diverticulitis attack - - which as you probably know is an inflammation of the intestines. Major emergency surgery saved me, with a removal of 10% of my colon.
How is your digestion working now?
Perfectly. Thanks for asking.
lw, I thought I would die - - from a severe diverticulitis attack - - which as you probably know is an inflammation of the intestines. Major emergency surgery saved me, with a removal of 10% of my colon.
How is your digestion working now?
Perfectly. Thanks for asking.
Mind if I ask: do you have excessive gas in intestines? Do you feel knot in stomach? Do you feel bloated after orgasm?
Or do you have some kind of sense of stress and guilt about orgasm that you should be doing work and now with POIS you are good for nothing?Wish you good and fulfilling life
"and two pizzas". Those times are gone. If I eat ony half a pizza I get horrible POIS symptoms and bloating for days. POIS is definitly a gut issue for me. Most certain it caused by bad "pizza"- bacteria that feast on starchy foods. As long as my gut is calmed and not bloated the POIS symptoms are lower or almost gone. It's a battle to keep it that way. I have to use oregano oil, garlic pills, gut cleansing pills, bonebroth, L-glutamine, coconut oil, billberry. Additionally I have to take walks 2-4 times a day (improve gut movements) and not eat after 18:00 (regenerating the gut). After O the gut is specifically sensitive and only accepting fluent foods. That has made me loose 10 kg in weight and its very hard to gain it back.
Yeah i could never eat a pizza.
I suspect that some of these problems comes from a compromised pancreas. I have six of seven symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/310292#symptoms) and a CT scan indicated this too. The doctor prescribed me Creon for this (Creon is simply three common enzymes: amylas, lipas, proteas).
Check out my new pancreas poll here (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=4092.msg43446#msg43446)!
I'm convinced that it's just Gas in my intestines that makes me dizzy and different person.
I know it sounds insane.
Now, what causes the Gas is another question.
Well the only thing I know that is causing gas in the intestine is bacteria, and they produce either methane or hydrogen. And since it's not normal to have very much gas, you might simply have the wrong bacteria flora, at the wrong place. What make them do this? Well the only thing I know is either wrong diet (sugar/starch) or too little stomach acid/bile/enzyme production. Whats the main cause? Low stommach acid is normally caused by stress. Damaged organs could have many causes: poisining, injuries, auto inflammatory conditions, alcohole consumption, perhaps POIS inflammation etcetera. The problem with identifying a damages organ is that the doctors normally check only one or two blood markers, but an organ produces dozens of important substances and if the organ is only partly damaged the markers could still be normal, but other substances could be low, but they never test those.
Well the only thing I know that is causing gas in the intestine is bacteria, and they produce either methane or hydrogen. And since it's not normal to have very much gas, you might simply have the wrong bacteria flora, at the wrong place. What make them do this? Well the only thing I know is either wrong diet (sugar/starch) or too little stomach acid/bile/enzyme production. Whats the main cause? Low stommach acid is normally caused by stress. Damaged organs could have many causes: poisining, injuries, auto inflammatory conditions, alcohole consumption, perhaps POIS inflammation etcetera. The problem with identifuing a damages organ is that the doctors normally check only one or two blood markers, but an organ produces dozens of important substances and if the organ is only partly damaged the markers could still be normal, but other substances could be low, but they never test those.
Do you suffer from intense gas also sir?
Sure do! There's no energy crises in my home! Haha.. I think I get most gas by apples and other fruits. Probably a FODMAP issue here but I also have signs that my pancreas is not working correctly during pois (not enought enzyme production). So I've just start taking Creone on prescription.
I'm leaving this forum.
In the search for the truth about my condition and POIS, I've finally concluded that
POIS is mind-body disease. It's a trauma, intense stress experience and irritation that is magnified by the thoughts that POIS is some kind of rare physiological disease and there is no cure.
In fact there is.
It is stress stored in my body
there are plenty of ways to relieve it:
https://www.tmswiki.org/w/index.php?page=The_Tension_Myositis_Syndrome_Wiki. is the best way to start
And yes, everything that you experience should be discussed with Psychiatrists.
SIBO theory is still hyped on this forum because after the trauma is reenacted our stomach gets irritated and we experience intense gas.
Another reason why many cures are found and gone is that cures have Placebo effect which itself reaffirm the reason that it is Mind-Body Nervous disease.
There are many, many very clever people on this forum but they simply can't be convinced that what they have has been known to medicine for decades and even centuries.
Dr Sarno has many theories why TMS happen. For me it was perfectionism mostly (I have noticed many perfectionist people on this forum).
Dig into it but what I suggest more is to consult Psychiatrist/Psychotherapists.
I don't care about IT WAS JUST MY POIS and YOUR POIS is different from it. Honestly, from what I?ve gathered most forum members experience similar symptoms and were relieved by similar treatments
Good Luck
Many sufferers will benefit from this book
nervous illness, neurotic, mental disorder, sensitive nervous system, anxiety.
When you are in POIS state, try to magnify the feeling, feel the fear wholly.
For me POIS is just the trauma triggered by orgasm. Now I'm convinced.
Hi lw, wery "simple" solution for you, souround your self
with numerus trauma experts, they will fix you trauma
with medicines and psychiatrics sesions.
Result-pois fixed! Wery easy!
Hi lw, wery "simple" solution for you, souround your self
with numerus trauma experts, they will fix you trauma
with medicines and psychiatrics sesions.
Result-pois fixed! Wery easy!
I hope you are not trying to be cynical here. I strongly believe that great amount of cases of POIS have very similar cause. I'm trying to help those individuals.
I have suffered through it and I still have mild symptoms. I've fluctuated between many theories and I was very impatient to examine if they were correct.
Now that I'm starting to learn how to control my thoughts (and I think unconscious thoughts are one that have most impact) I'm feeling much more free and happy to alive.
POIS days were full of angst, fear. The fear of I'll say something dumb. Something is wrong with me and I'm incapable of being human and etc. I searched so many theories like a madman, I didn't trust doctors because I thought POIS was something new and unknown for the medicine.
There is one think to help to check if your POIS is similar to mine.
Does reading good poetry clear your mind?
If that's so than I think I can help you to find a way.
Also if massaging your toes gently helps with your POISyour case is similar to me
Peace. I love each and everyone of you. There is no one quite like you who can understand how much I suffered past my six years.
Good Luck.
One thing that was also stressing me was that when I was (and sometimes still am) in POIS state. I'd start stressing that:
"I've got so many things to do. There is no time to be in POIS state, without energy or any clear mind"
But the plot twist is the stress was magnifying the POIS so more I stressed to get out of POIS, worse it became.
Stress mgnifaying eny ilness, this sis science proved.
So, i agree with you that acute strees and acute trauma
can couse illnes, maybe pois in yours case.
As you can see, pois induce stress( at my case), and
when i am complitly out of pois, i can endure eny stress induced
on thiss planet earth.
The only solution for this problem to try to slove is to dr experts , pshychiatrics sesion , medicines then see the results...
I'm going to start Neurofeedback therapy. Also I need to regulate my sleep cycle (go to sleep at 12) and check my D vitamin levels
I'd 2 neurofeedback sessions so far so good. I'm feeling much better and alive.
I still want to reinforce the idea that POIS is strongly connected to mental disorders. (it can be cured)
It took me 4 years to realize that.
I think all of the POISers must be meditating at least 15 minutes a day
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lCuuC3-oTN6X9H72BxPiR1H6wl6gyTLU/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lCuuC3-oTN6X9H72BxPiR1H6wl6gyTLU/view?usp=sharing)
Here is my brain scan. Anxiety and Depression is apparent on it
My POIS is gone and it will never come back. It was just deranged mental state. I think most of members of this forum would benefit from checking with psychiatrist. Check you brain waves. I'm sorry to have posted many wrong "Cures".
It is anxiety which has psychosomatic connections with gut. Some of the members might experience pain in the neck, strained gut, restlessness. Some of you might have difficulties digesting food (high fiber food).
In just 5 sessions I'm much better.
My POIS is gone and it will never come back. It was just deranged mental state. I think most of members of this forum would benefit from checking with psychiatrist. Check you brain waves. I'm sorry to have posted many wrong "Cures".
It is anxiety which has psychosomatic connections with gut. Some of the members might experience pain in the neck, strained gut, restlessness. Some of you might have difficulties digesting food (high fiber food).
In just 5 sessions I'm much better.
how did you do that?
When I'm in pois state my brain is radiating beta/delta waves. With Neurofeedback I'm teaching my brain to be in alpha state
With Neurofeedback I'm teaching my brain to be in alpha state
Chapter 8.1: https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5710/2/2/13/htm
My POIS is gone and it will never come back. It was just deranged mental state. I think most of members of this forum would benefit from checking with psychiatrist. Check you brain waves. I'm sorry to have posted many wrong "Cures".
It is anxiety which has psychosomatic connections with gut. Some of the members might experience pain in the neck, strained gut, restlessness. Some of you might have difficulties digesting food (high fiber food).
In just 5 sessions I'm much better.
Hi lw,
I am glad that you have found some relief to your POIS :)
Is your neurofeedback treatment prescribed by your psychiatrist ?
Keep us updated on your progress, and if you stay POIS free for a some months !
My POIS is gone and it will never come back. It was just deranged mental state. I think most of members of this forum would benefit from checking with psychiatrist. Check you brain waves. I'm sorry to have posted many wrong "Cures".
It is anxiety which has psychosomatic connections with gut. Some of the members might experience pain in the neck, strained gut, restlessness. Some of you might have difficulties digesting food (high fiber food).
In just 5 sessions I'm much better.
Hi lw,
I am glad that you have found some relief to your POIS :)
Is your neurofeedback treatment prescribed by your psychiatrist ?
Keep us updated on your progress, and if you stay POIS free for a some months !
Thanks Quantum. Yes it was prescribed by psychiatrist.
One thing I forgot to mention is that I've started also taking D3 pill since I gad very low concentration of it (6).
Sixth neurofeedback session yesterday , Life's changing into fresh thing, full of delicate surprises. Only thing that concerns me is will I able to maintain this condition for the remaining life.
I was very productive and clever person before POIS. Than little by little I got stressed and nervous and I sensed I couldn't maintain my mental clarity.
I still considered myself a clever guy. That's why I decided to search for the cure myself. It was a wrong choice. I couldn't believe that mental problems would happen to me, I was very peaceful minded guy.
Now I'm absolutely sure that it was Trauma+Neurosis. Gut issues is neurosis too, though it seems like Candida, SIBO. Whatever you call.
It also seemed like immuno issue, yes. Antihistamines help because they contain antispasm medicine. It relieves gut issues.
I was very productive and clever person before POIS. Than little by little I got stressed and nervous and I sensed I couldn't maintain my mental clarity.
I still considered myself a clever guy. That's why I decided to search for the cure myself. It was a wrong choice. I couldn't believe that mental problems would happen to me, I was very peaceful minded guy.
Now I'm absolutely sure that it was Trauma+Neurosis. Gut issues is neurosis too, though it seems like Candida, SIBO. Whatever you call.
It also seemed like immuno issue, yes. Antihistamines help because they contain antispasm medicine. It relieves gut issues.
That must be why so many people here have our lives completely destroyed because of exercise intolerance caused by POIS. I hope you notice the irony. Yeah, now it turns out we're neurotic. I also hope you realize how easy it is to believe psychiatrists and take the easy way out by taking psychiatric drugs and accepting their treatments, but of course, it turns out you can only do this of you're lucky enough to have mild symptoms or to not have experienced a worsening yet. I don't know if you're aware that it was a neuropsychiatrist who gave our disease a name and said it wasn't psychological or psychiatric. But of course, the first random psychiatrist you met must be so wise that they can contradict science telling you that a disease formally recognized by the NORD is all in your mind. Yeah, of course.
I suppose that my 40C fever, swollen lymph nodes and C-reactive protein through the roof are caused by my neurosis. I also suppose that my recognized disability caused by POIS, that includes severe muscle shaking and exercise intolerance, and that has left me looking like a cripple at 26 years old, is all in my head and due to anxiety or neurosis. Same with the fact that me, a pianist who dedicated half her life to music, missing out on so many other life experiences because I wanted to become a good musician, because I loved music more than I will ever love anything else, now have such severe POIS-induced permanent exercise intolerance symptoms that I can't play at all and had to abandon my career. Go tell me that I'm neurotic and that a psychiatrist will fix me. You have no idea of what severe POIS is like.
I have no words to describe my opinion about your posts here, at least none that will be allowed in this forum. But I do hope you realize how lost and far from the truth you are now, and how damaging and offensive your opinions can be.
I won't engage in any discussion about this here. I didn't come to this forum to antagonize people, and I didn't ever think I would have to post this. But I have as much right to say it as you do to call us all neurotic and mentally ill.
Good luck, man, I hope you find health and can enjoy a good life. Some of us can't.
Swollen lymph nodes never have been a symptom for me. But you must realize that POIS is an umbrella term and it's madness to to think that there isn't different causes and different disease.
But what I'm sure if is that there is type of POIS which though seems like a physical issue is work of mind and nerves. It doesn't mean it is imagination, far from it, feeling is real, tenseness is real but it's psychosomatic thing. It was case for me, I'd 5 day POIS, confusion, depression and now I'm fine and healthy.
I don't think I'll be able to help you but I have capacity to help many similar sufferers.
Good luck too you. I'm sorry for your troubles and sufferings. May you find the cure someday soon
I was very productive and clever person before POIS. Than little by little I got stressed and nervous and I sensed I couldn't maintain my mental clarity.
I still considered myself a clever guy. That's why I decided to search for the cure myself. It was a wrong choice. I couldn't believe that mental problems would happen to me, I was very peaceful minded guy.
Now I'm absolutely sure that it was Trauma+Neurosis. Gut issues is neurosis too, though it seems like Candida, SIBO. Whatever you call.
It also seemed like immuno issue, yes. Antihistamines help because they contain antispasm medicine. It relieves gut issues.
That must be why so many people here have our lives completely destroyed because of exercise intolerance caused by POIS. I hope you notice the irony. Yeah, now it turns out we're neurotic. I also hope you realize how easy it is to believe psychiatrists and take the easy way out by taking psychiatric drugs and accepting their treatments, but of course, it turns out you can only do this of you're lucky enough to have mild symptoms or to not have experienced a worsening yet. I don't know if you're aware that it was a neuropsychiatrist who gave our disease a name and said it wasn't psychological or psychiatric. But of course, the first random psychiatrist you met must be so wise that they can contradict science telling you that a disease formally recognized by the NORD is all in your mind. Yeah, of course.
I suppose that my 40C fever, swollen lymph nodes and C-reactive protein through the roof are caused by my neurosis. I also suppose that my recognized disability caused by POIS, that includes severe muscle shaking and exercise intolerance, and that has left me looking like a cripple at 26 years old, is all in my head and due to anxiety or neurosis. Same with the fact that me, a pianist who dedicated half her life to music, missing out on so many other life experiences because I wanted to become a good musician, because I loved music more than I will ever love anything else, now have such severe POIS-induced permanent exercise intolerance symptoms that I can't play at all and had to abandon my career. Go tell me that I'm neurotic and that a psychiatrist will fix me. You have no idea of what severe POIS is like.
I have no words to describe my opinion about your posts here, at least none that will be allowed in this forum. But I do hope you realize how lost and far from the truth you are now, and how damaging and offensive your opinions can be.
I won't engage in any discussion about this here. I didn't come to this forum to antagonize people, and I didn't ever think I would have to post this. But I have as much right to say it as you do to call us all neurotic and mentally ill.
Good luck, man, I hope you find health and can enjoy a good life. Some of us can't.
What she said!
I just wish people would stop coming up with all kinds of nonsensical "theories" and would start reading and learning. This is really not a place for psychosomatic nosense. You can get that served to you in any doctor's office. There wouldn't even be any need for this forum if it was true..
This is really not a place for psychosomatic nosense.
There wouldn't even be any need for this forum if it was true.
You can get that served to you in any doctor's office.
Cursed, thank you!
This is exactly the kind of silly minority/novice debate that has been going on here since the forum(s) began in February, 2007 - - 15 years ago! Just ask any of the oldtimers (including me) :)
These questions for Ironfeather should be moved to her thread in my opinion (admins?).
I vote for moving them too, but I suppose it's something only admins can do, right? I'm working on updating my thread right now with more info. If any admin sees this and moves the messages, they can delete this one. Thanks!
EDIT: Done https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3765.msg44449#msg44449 (Berlin1984)
oh yeah i forgot I already mentioned MCAS to you...
well.. good luck then haha
oh yeah i forgot I already mentioned MCAS to you...
well.. good luck then haha
No, no worries, I think Muon only meant we shouldn't clutter lw's thread with questions and info about me. A moderator already moved our conversation to my thread, so let's continue there (Thank you, Berlin1984!). I'll reply to your last questions in my thread :)
Can someone tell me where to start? Should I consult a Psychiatrist or Endocrinologist?
Can someone tell me where to start? Should I consult a Psychiatrist or Endocrinologist?
kakaw, I started and after 11 years I’m still seeing an Endocrinologist.
I have received no help whatsoever from Psychiatry
But I’m only one person out of 1,300 members here! All sorts of medical/therapeutic, even surgical combinations.
Quantum may have some ideas about his POIS chart for you.
Can someone tell me where to start? Should I consult a Psychiatrist or Endocrinologist?
kakaw, I started and after 11 years I’m still seeing an Endocrinologist.
I have received no help whatsoever from Psychiatry
But I’m only one person out of 1,300 members here! All sorts of medical/therapeutic, even surgical combinations.
Quantum may have some ideas about his POIS chart for you.
Hi kakaw,
did you take a look at the list of methods found by members, that can relieve their symptoms ? See at https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448 .
Some are quite easy and safe to try, like the one with niacin, or the one with garlic and fenugreek. See the chart for details.
Hi kakaw,
did you take a look at the list of methods found by members, that can relieve their symptoms ? See at https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448 .
Some are quite easy and safe to try, like the one with niacin, or the one with garlic and fenugreek. See the chart for details.
Yeah I took a look. But I have a combination of symptoms related to Gastro and some mental symptoms. I consulted an Endocrinologist who cleared me for Testosterone levels and they were good. I want to rule out SIBO and IBS maybe ?
Can POIS be triggered by that ? My NE/Wet dream gave me burning eyes and back pains.
My pain is not psychosomatic I think?
Please guide me...I am 18M and depressed already
One question for my dear POISers. I believe you must experience very severe hangover symptoms after drinking. Is it true?
I've personally never suffered from bad hangovers unless I really overdid it (which I only did in my younger days). I do notice that my HRV goes down the day after drinking so I generally avoid it, but I usually feel physically fine. Not at all the same as POIS or even my exercise intolerance.
I don't think anyone on this forum takes my writings seriously nor believes me but still I'll update you.
Two major things happened:
I finished my neurofeedback therapy and my anxiety/confused thinking levels have been declined. In regards to POIS I have discovered that even my 1 day POIS is less severe. Sometimes in POIS I still feel that I have energy sucked out of me. POIS is much awful when I masturbate and the worst If I masturbate before sleep - second day is lost in ashes.
second thing: I had 10 days of intense drinking episode. After that my gut transformed into trash machine. I had to visit gastroenterologist who prescribed 3 months of in-and-out antibiotics and removing lactose from my diet.
My life is getting better and I wish you all forum members healthy and happy life <3
One thing I forgot to mention. Antibiotics have been prescribed because of SIBO :)
Sometimes in POIS I still feel that I have energy sucked out of me.
I can very much relate to this!
I know the POIS is different but I still find this picture funny
For me POIS is just the trauma triggered by orgasm. Now I'm convinced.
Hi @lw I have been following the thread and am intrigued by your statement around trauma being the trigger for symptoms. I have been suffering with POIS that seems to last as long as 14 days after sex. I have spent the past 3 years abstaining from any sexual experiences, and have been successful despite a handful of sexual encounters. The problem I have is that my general mood/well-being seems to have deteriorated while abstaining.
I recently discovered that I have candida and have been doing what I can to clean out my gut. However I begun to notice numerous signs that POIS symptoms just might be linked to trauma that has been stored within the body. I can totally understand how the majority of sufferers cannot begin to see the correlation between physical symptoms and emotional/mental well-being (even though the two are intricately linked). I have found after spending a lot of time committing to therapies that promote emotional and mental well-being I have seen SOME improvements.
Would you mind elaborating more on what you have discovered/experienced around trauma and POIS symptoms. Would you say your POIS symptoms have disappeared due to addressing your emotional and mental wellbeing? Did your POIS threshold gradually decrease down to 1 day or was there an overnight decrease in lagging symptoms.
Just like mentor I have candida symptoms and Nystatin makes me feel better.
One thing I started recently is developing a strong morning routine and it makes a huge difference to my days. I did have to spend money and see a life coach to develop this routine but because I made this investment in myself it gave me an incentive to take it seriously and do it everyday.
Heres what I do:
Leave phone on other side of room to where you're sleeping
Wake up at 7-45
Drink two big glasses of water
10 minutes of mediation deep breathing with grounding pillow under low back and grounding band on leg - these make the mediation effects 10x more stronger
Read 10 minutes of a book preferably "The greatest salesman in the world" this teaches you discipline as you have to read the same chapter in this specific book for a month until you can go to the next chapter. I'm gonna get this book soon.
Then I do 10 minutes of affirmations or limbic system retraining exercises
Then I stretch and do anterior pelvic tilt exercises on top of that for 15 mins
Then I do 20 pull ups and push ups
Then I do skipping for 5 minutes
Do you notice a difference in your mood and anxiety after doing pull ups? To me they help a lot. Best thing is they're free in good weather, we have free public pull up bars everywhere in parks here. :)
Okay here's what changed:
I'm currently on month 2 in my diet that Gastroenterologist prescribed my SIBO. It's basically in and out ofr Probiotic-Antibiotic cycle.
I also changed my sleep schedule and I'm trying to go to sleep no past 12 AM. I'm using some drugs to have deep sleep.
I jeezed 3 times today and I experience only slight discomfort.
from 5 day POIS to this feels like a blessing.
One thing that my gastroenterologist told me and might be also worth mentioning: I'm emotional person and I exaggerate every experience with my nerves.
Wish You Best guys. I hope you will get better soonl I truly do. I know how awful it is.
Guys if anyone cares to let's be friends on social media. I'd love to get to know you
Guys if anyone cares to let's be friends on social media. I'd love to get to know you
Very nice idea, lw!
If interested, should forum members get in touch with you by PM (Private Message)?
Yes it's fine to me.
One thing I'd like to add to my case is:
When I have stressful episodes in my life POIS flare up again. I feel very cold and shallow in my brain and my creativity deminishes greatly.
Stress is major component for my POIS I guess - deep worry that I'm unproductive and boring always clouds my mind.
Since I have POIS in control - I can fully understand reasons behind it I'd love to help others. I'll try to write comprehensive and coherent journey that I've had since 2016.
Wish you best of luck.
since I have stopped eating dairy I feel much better. I have Lactose Intolerance. I didn't pay attention to how much impact it had on my gut micro-flora.
Great to hear.
I also had interesting experiences with dairy, but maybe more from the protein part not from the lactose..
These days I only drink goat milk and I feel very good from it, no digestion issues and no pimples.
Also raw(!) cow milk is fine, pasteurized is not fine.
Internet is full of articles of A1 milk vs A2 milk.
(I don't have issues with aged cheeses, they don't contain lactose anymore and the protein is modified, AFAIK)
Yea, but i think lactose is more in your head condition, then
meaning more psychological isue...
Sibo alsou, antibiotics and probiotics wont help there..
It is all psychological... ;)
Yea, but i think lactose is more in your head condition, then
meaning more psychological isue...
Sibo alsou, antibiotics and probiotics wont help there..
It is all psychological... ;)
I have no idea what you are talking about sir. Please be more precise.
Yea, but i think lactose is more in your head condition, then
meaning more psychological isue...
Sibo alsou, antibiotics and probiotics wont help there..
It is all psychological... ;)
lactose intolerance is not a mental problem, its an actual digestion problem.
i suffer from severe lactose intolerance, and its without any doubt not a mental problem
Yes. I agree, I have maintained the position for a while that POIS was only psychological, which from my new perspective is partially true. For me, at least, psychological nervousness played a significant role. Other factors include: Stress, bad digestion, SIBO, lactose intolerance, shame and guilt from POIS, bad sleep quality (especially during POIS)
I think it likely has different causes. My sleep is pretty good (especially during COVID), I don't have any shame or guilt from POIS as sex or masturbation is healthy (I have the same symptoms from both) and I'm a pretty sex positive person, no lactose intolerance I believe although I don't eat a ton of dairy, not particularly stressed other than about some health issues, digestion only gets really bad during a POIS period, etc.
We're all quite different, so I think we're unlikely to find a single cause.
For everyone suffering from Lactose Intolerance please take care of it!
I would advise POISers to take a simple breath test to detect it
Hello! Can you tell me, please, you does not have any symptoms now? Describe your condition more, please.
I'd like to add two things:
1) If I orgasm before precum is released I still experience 1 day POIS. But if I have long masturbation/sex POIS doesn't happen anymore.
2) It's essential to go to bed no longer than 1 AM and wake up no later than 10 AM
I know the POIS is different but I still find this picture funny
We should use POIS memes, spread them around NoFap Semen Retention groups, this way more would learn of it as memes are easy to pass on
There are psychological elements in POIS. Watch this. Desperation plays a big role in it.
I'm fine guys. Wish you all the best.
My POIS is gone but I still experience mild symptoms when eating junkies. But really for me, It's only TMS.
I don't know how but I got sick with ambition and greed. This made me an awful human, full of anxiety. Terrible, Terrible anxiety in every second that I was being unproductive. I got ungrateful for my friends and family and basically, I got lost.
Dear fellow humans, I wish you all to be healthy in your mind and body. I know you can beat this.
I don't know how but I got sick with ambition and greed. This made me an awful human, full of anxiety. Terrible, Terrible anxiety in every second that I was being unproductive. I got ungrateful for my friends and family and basically, I got lost.
Dear fellow humans, I wish you all to be healthy in your mind and body. I know you can beat this.
Ambition and greed create stress and anxiety. On the contrary, kindness and compassion, for self and others, slow aging and lowers inflammation in the body: https://drdavidhamilton.com/3-ways-that-being-kind-can-slow-ageing/
Since I have aligned myself as much as possible with kindness, compassion, and gratitude, my health is better, and of course, my relations with others too :) This includes, of course, self-compassion ( see more info on that at https://self-compassion.org/ - there are also exercise and guided practice, on this excellent website dy Dr Kristin Neff, who have been studying self-compassion for over 20 years)
I don't know how but I got sick with ambition and greed. This made me an awful human, full of anxiety. Terrible, Terrible anxiety in every second that I was being unproductive. I got ungrateful for my friends and family and basically, I got lost.
Dear fellow humans, I wish you all to be healthy in your mind and body. I know you can beat this.
Ambition and greed create stress and anxiety. On the contrary, kindness and compassion, for self and others, slow aging and lowers inflammation in the body: https://drdavidhamilton.com/3-ways-that-being-kind-can-slow-ageing/
Since I have aligned myself as much as possible with kindness, compassion, and gratitude, my health is better, and of course, my relations with others too :) This includes, of course, self-compassion ( see more info on that at https://self-compassion.org/ - there are also exercise and guided practice, on this excellent website dy Dr Kristin Neff, who have been studying self-compassion for over 20 years)
I can testify that Quantum’s approach helped me!
I don't know how but I got sick with ambition and greed. This made me an awful human, full of anxiety. Terrible, Terrible anxiety in every second that I was being unproductive. I got ungrateful for my friends and family and basically, I got lost.
Dear fellow humans, I wish you all to be healthy in your mind and body. I know you can beat this.
Ambition and greed create stress and anxiety. On the contrary, kindness and compassion, for self and others, slow aging and lowers inflammation in the body: https://drdavidhamilton.com/3-ways-that-being-kind-can-slow-ageing/ (https://drdavidhamilton.com/3-ways-that-being-kind-can-slow-ageing/)
Since I have aligned myself as much as possible with kindness, compassion, and gratitude, my health is better, and of course, my relations with others too :) This includes, of course, self-compassion ( see more info on that at https://self-compassion.org/ (https://self-compassion.org/) - there are also exercise and guided practice, on this excellent website dy Dr Kristin Neff, who have been studying self-compassion for over 20 years)
I can testify that Quantum’s approach helped me!
I am glad it did, Demo !
Here are my additional tips for POISers:
a) never orgasm in hostile/chaotic place. Schedule orgasm (masturbation, sex) where you will feel relaxed and stressless afterwards with loving people
b) take some time. When masturbating do it for 15 minutes, slow very slow. Same goes for sex. You can go faster after 15 minutes
c) work out, eat healthy food. yoga is also good.
d) Contemplate on shame and guilt and if you feel any try to work on it. Try to live a life where sex doesnt produce guilt.
e) be here NOW. Don't schedule things in distant future. Only do things under your nose. (To avoid stress)
f) Do what you love only. Focus on spiritual life (I recommend Krishnamurti, Alan Watts, Henry Miller and etc)
Good Luck. I'm feeling better bros. I've had rough years beacause of POIS. Good Luck. I know you can beat this
g) take some Aspirin if POIS still happens. Do Wim Hof breathing
h) Avoid negative self-talk like - I'm weak. they're going to find out, I am stupid and etc.
Ii Trust yourself. If you're addicted to Porn work on addiction. Avoid PORN it messes with your brain
j) Work on your self-image. Try to love yourself.
k) Try not to stay in bed in the morning. Try to relax before sleep to increase the quality
l) don't be afraid to express your emotions. I've mentioned avoiding negative self-talk but sometimes even those things must be expressed. try to express everything you feel in diary. Self-loathing had big part for me in POIS
m) talk to yourself always. Assure ourself. It's okay to have sex. it's okay to masturbate. TALK YOURSELF VERBALLY.
n) [fellatio is] safest for me. Because it's slow and you are not in control to ejaculate quickly.
o) more you think about it the more real it gets.
p) trust your feelings. Trust your thoughts. They matter, they are true. Always validate your thoughts and don't fight them
q) Relax instead of fighting
r) if you feel sad feel sad. If you feel guilty about sex feel guilty. Never hide your thoughts from you. Every thought is normal.
s) If you experience psychological stress, low self-esteem, or anxiety try to work on it.
t) paradoxical intentions. try to act the opposite of what you would normally do. Not only in POIS but in life. That will help you to get rid of habits and unnecessary thoughts.
u) stop caring about what others think about you. it's okay to be disliked. Suggested books: No more mr nice guy. Courage to be disliked. Viktor Frankl Paradoxical intention. Read about Gestalt also.
v) POIS is a message. Listen to it. it tells you something. For me, it was - You wasted time. You did the unbearable, wrong thing and you must suffer. You have so many important things to do but now you are incapable of doing it.
I just acknowledged it was a distorted, scared worldview from my anxious teen years
w) be aware. Always try to stay aware of what's happening. Stay present. Strive for Satori
x) Masturbate without porn. Learn more about your organism.
y) Don't try to change your nature. Don't try to change your being. It'll make everything worse. Just see it as it is.
z) Your mind has bigger power over the body than you can imagine.
Yes, if you trip on why you shouldnt do this and shouldnt do that, when those things ur bound to do again, when you eventually do those things, you feel guilty, and too much guilt leads to depression and anxiety
I suggest reading this book
and talking to your POIS symptoms in the way Fritz Perls used to
Here's a little transcript of the encounter that I had with myself (and my symptoms). It reduces POIS symptoms greatly.
I believe you all should do similar things. Read more about gestalt please
This is translated version so there are some problems with it.
lw: I'm jerking off, what's the problem? What's the problem that I beat off on Porn last night?
Tense in my organism: You have work to do today. what else are you doing? That's all you did.
lw: I can't stand thinking always about the future. I can be in the present and do whatever I want. It really encourages you to think about the future. I will look to the future!
Weak lw: I'm a terrible person! You are a terrible person. You are people pleaser. You drive your ass to the elders and try to please everyone. Why do you want to please them?
strong lw: You are the one who wants to please because you are afraid of them! Do you think they will understand that you have masturbated? Do you think they will say that he is a weak person? I am not afraid of them. You are the person who is afraid of being found out and judged.
Weak lw: I'm scared lw and I'm scared of everyone. I say the word to appear wise. To show that I am human. I am weak and afraid of everyone.
lw: I'm not afraid of anyone. I love myself and I don't care what others think of me. Strangers to me are people like me. people and my way is my way. I speak when I think I need to speak.
Weak lw You must overcome weakness.
Weak lw: But I won't let myself.
Head: I don't give lw the right to think and be his true self because the true self is a moving pervert and so he can't find a place in society. The name will be bad if he is a pervert, then he will be called a bully and no one will love him.
lw: Moving is not something you can call a perversion. No one will call me a pervert because I do what I do behind closed doors. I have the right to interact with people and I have the right to be friends with people and have them love me and the fact that I jerk off doesn't stop me at all.
POIS - I've hit you now and you're weak because I'm a cruel disease that slows down and makes a person lazy
lw: You don't exist. you are a lie You don't exist, I invented you to wrap my fears inside. I'm lazy, not you. You don't exist, your existence is the reason I don't do anything. To watch UFC, to sit at home and read and be in this same cycle. asleep.
POIS is a profound psychiatric condition:
Not accepting myself.
Being divided.
Afraid of others' opinions.
Not staying in the present
PERFECTIONISM had a big role in disturbing my mental health.
Shame. Shame. Shame.
You guys must investigate how much shame is rooted in POIS.
I'm ready to get into polemics with anybody about the nature of POIS.
Shame. Shame. Shame.
You guys must investigate how much shame is rooted in POIS.
I'm ready to get into polemics with anybody about the nature of POIS.
my problems have nothing to do with shame
Shame. Shame. Shame.
You guys must investigate how much shame is rooted in POIS.
I'm ready to get into polemics with anybody about the nature of POIS.
Shame might be a factor in your POIS but don't project it onto others.
Shame. Shame. Shame.
You guys must investigate how much shame is rooted in POIS.
I'm ready to get into polemics with anybody about the nature of POIS.
Shame might be a factor in your POIS but don't project it onto others.
It’s usually more helpful to express opinions as personal rather than generalized (for example, in lw’s post):
[Shame seems to be] “rooted in my POIS”.
[Shame seems to be] “rooted in POIS”.
Shame. Shame. Shame.
You guys must investigate how much shame is rooted in POIS.
I'm ready to get into polemics with anybody about the nature of POIS.
Shame might be a factor in your POIS but don't project it onto others.
It’s usually more helpful to express opinions as personal rather than generalized (for example, in lw’s post):
[Shame seems to be] “rooted in my POIS”.
[Shame seems to be] “rooted in POIS”.
I agree. I must have written the root of my POIS. But if POIS is so individual, what's the point of finding a general cause?
If not, then there must be people like me who have severe psychological distress which manifests itself in physical symptoms. I believe these types of people are plenty and I'm writing for them. The POIS which drains so much energy, brings anxiety and extreme stress - springs from trauma/shame, and must be fixed with the help of a professional.
I can't speak for everyone but I believe every POISer must check in with a mental health professional and find out if there are psychosomatic reasons like me. If there is, a tremendous relief can be achieved.
I must reiterate how much psychological work I had to do to remove POIS: It wasn't like I told myself
"sex is okay", "masturbation is ok" and things magically cured themselves.
I had to talk to myself. I had to sense that deep down I always thought I did something wrong. I had to concentrate on how much I hated myself because of my lack of control. And still, after some time I would try again to check if there were any improvements.
I had to discover what POIS state told me - You will ruin yourself, you'll get laughed at, you'll be unproductive etc.
I was so stressed that it basically felt like some kind of bad drug - a dizzy state, being very very anxious etc.
The book that most helped me was Gestalt Therapy Verbatim by Perls but I think modern Psychotherapy has better tools.
I don't care you guys believe me or not. I had tried so many so-called cures in the past and they had similar effects that were described here: Garlic, Apple Vinegar, Antihistamines, Gargling, Diet, and Antibiotics. Everything helped me a little bit but for their reasons, I will explain later (Tips: Psychosomatic stress on guts)
I understand that some POIS might have different cause but I truly believe that had similar cause as some of you and so you must listen
Many months since I started Psychotherapy
I didn't know I could improve on my POIS. Now it feels like heaven (after I ejaculate) for hours. Then I go back to normal functioning.
Many months since I started Psychotherapy
I didn't know I could improve on my POIS. Now it feels like heaven (after I ejaculate) for hours. Then I go back to normal functioning.
If I understand you well , you are POIS-free, now ?
Let me know when it will have been for more than 3 months, I would like to had you in the psychotherapy/sex therapy section of my POIS types Chart and their Relief Methods ( I already have one case similar yo yours, in it ) .
Congratulations for your good results !
Many months since I started Psychotherapy
I didn't know I could improve on my POIS. Now it feels like heaven (after I ejaculate) for hours. Then I go back to normal functioning.
If I understand you well , you are POIS-free, now ?
Let me know when it will have been for more than 3 months, I would like to had you in the psychotherapy/sex therapy section of my POIS types Chart and their Relief Methods ( I already have one case similar yo yours, in it ) .
Congratulations for your good results !
It's been more than 3 months. I feel fine ;D
From 5 days of hell to this is unbelievable. I wish I could help you all
Many months since I started Psychotherapy
I didn't know I could improve on my POIS. Now it feels like heaven (after I ejaculate) for hours. Then I go back to normal functioning.
If I understand you well , you are POIS-free, now ?
Let me know when it will have been for more than 3 months, I would like to had you in the psychotherapy/sex therapy section of my POIS types Chart and their Relief Methods ( I already have one case similar yo yours, in it ) .
Congratulations for your good results !
It's been more than 3 months. I feel fine ;D
From 5 days of hell to this is unbelievable. I wish I could help you all
I added you today as a reference member in the Psychotherapy/Sexotherapy section - see #12 in my POIS Types Chart and Their Relieving Methods, at https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448
I don't visit this forum anymore. I hope some members have found relief from the hell.
I was intensly nervous guy with traumas. I still have them ofc. My POIS was manifestation of the problems. I still believe there are members of the forum and the number of them is plenty, who have suffer from similar reasons as me. I had gut problems, vagus nerve stimulation also helped me, massaging foot helped me, yoga and alcohol helped me.
One thing I'd suggest is trying microdosing therapy (lion's mane). I remember there was a guy who was doing Coke (of course it would "help" him).
Wish you luck
Read about peoples who get badly damaged from lions mane suplements.
I was also cured with this diet: "fodmap". I followed it for two months, without sugar, beans and a bunch of other things... Surprisingly, a considerable amount of symptoms disappeared.
I also treated my anxiety with herbal remedies based on passiflora incarnata.
And I never, ever masturbate without a gel for financing.
However, I still don't feel like I'm 100% cured, because I think that everything we're doing and think is the cure, are actually just problems that were triggered over time with the onset of pois.
Pois has an origin, I have theories, but I lack the help to prove it.
Robson, share with us yours theories..
the desire to get rid of fear brings more fear.
Please remember that
Hello, I still feel like i'm one of the few who managed to cure POIS. I agree there are many desperate people here who might not be cured from my recipe.
Relax, Relax, Relax. Go slow. Relax. And be aware of your dark side. Be aware of morality incorporated into you about sex. Be aware of fears.
It's been a while. I still believe I've completely figured out POIS -I really do. There were still times when it came back during periods of nervousness, and I'm practically certain it's a nervous system disorder linked to anxiety and a specific stress response. I'm also convinced that POIS is intensified when a person orgasms while under stress.
I genuinely want to help you all, even those who don?t believe me. I?ve endured five brutal days of POIS.
Congratulations on finding a cure for your pois. That must feel great!
It would be great if you could summarise your history, what your pois systems were, any interesting medical results/diagnoses, the steps you took to get rid of pois, what your treatment was and how you are doing today?