General Category => Poll Center => Topic started by: poised on April 02, 2011, 08:47:52 AM

Title: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: poised on April 02, 2011, 08:47:52 AM
Poll and discuss how long your POIS lasts and how quickly and gradually you restore.
Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: poised on April 02, 2011, 08:52:06 AM
As to me, I restore in 5-7 days up to 80-90%, but those 10-20% of symptoms left seem to be present for a very long time.
Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: Daveman on April 02, 2011, 09:28:27 AM
I can vary quite a bit.... sometimes 3 days, but not often. Usually  5 to 7, but I'm like you too, the joints can sometimes last 2 weeks.
Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: b_jim on April 04, 2011, 02:35:06 PM
Now : less than 24 hours with diet and low activity.
But 3-4 days before 2008.
Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: demografx on April 10, 2011, 02:14:22 PM
How do I vote?

BEFORE treatment, my symptoms lasted 4 days (30+ years)

AFTER treatment, my symptoms now last 0 - 24 hours max. (Last 2 years)
Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: Daveman on April 10, 2011, 04:36:45 PM
How do I vote?

BEFORE treatment, my symptoms lasted 4 days (30+ years)

AFTER treatment, my symptoms now last 0 - 24 hours max. (Last 2 years)

I guess you just did! :)

But I'd say that in treatment doesn't count for this poll.

Maybe that would be good for a "How effective is your treatment? Poll"

Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: hurray on April 22, 2011, 05:14:53 AM
I went for 1-2 days - this is with my Fenugreek treatment. Without, 4-5 days before I'm completely better.
Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: bruxe on May 17, 2011, 01:43:40 PM
for me it takes  3 weeks for a full recovery....
Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: Samir on June 16, 2011, 10:02:23 AM
It takes about 2 weeks for me to recover to 98%.  The remaining 2% takes a month to get back.

I don't feel any serious POIS effects until about day 2-3.  Then I can tell when my voice changes.

I've found that zinc supplements, as high as 250mg in a day, along with omega 3 supplements helps recovery.  Eating fresh sushi also helps, probably because of the high levels of fish oils.  But it doesn't reduce the recovery significantly.  Maybe just 3 days.  Eating these before POIS can stave off the intensity of the symptoms.  Personally, I think my body's testosterone levels or the use of it drops sharply.
Title: Re: POIS: how long it lasts
Post by: badgerstripe on January 03, 2012, 05:20:30 AM
i voted 3-4 days as that it how long it takes me to function reasonably well but its actually 5-7 days before i am pretty much 100% without symptoms so maybe 5-7 is a more accurate vote. In the last 3 weeks or so i have been experimenting with Niacin, its early days but it has improved my recovery period and once i had NO symtoms, seems to depend on the timing of taking the tablet and the existence of a flush.