POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS => Topic started by: doxepin on December 20, 2016, 01:43:26 PM

Title: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: doxepin on December 20, 2016, 01:43:26 PM
After having tried magnitude of supplements that I read about on this forum and in other places I finally found something that really works. The miracle drug is doxepin. It is an old tricyclic antidepressant that has one property that really help my case of pois - it is very anti-inflamatory. It makes brain fog after fapping much less severe and it goes away much quicker than before. Before using doxepin I had terrible brainfog that took about a week to disappear. I could not learn, read a book or even watch a movie. Now with doxepin brainfog clears in like maybe one day and is much less severe.
I'm a masturbation addict. I do it many times a day, almost everyday. The reason why I think I get a brainfog is persistent overstimulation of my brain with very long and intense masturbation sessions which at times make me feel like I'm drugged, very intense pleasure. My brain is probably also more sensitive than the average. Sometimes even one intense masturbation session can result in severe brain fog and concentration problems and when I do it multiple times per day I feel like a zombie, completely drained and exhausted. I get brain fog even without ejaculation. I tried masturbating without ejaculation for a few days and I still experienced it.
I'm still trying to give up fapping addiction but it is extremely difficult to me. I gave up alcohol, I gave up smoking, but this habit is in completely different league in terms of difficulty to quit. So while I cannot say doxepin solved my main problem it definitely made living with it much more bearable.
Try it if you can get it, maybe for some of you it will work like it did for me.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: Quantum on December 22, 2016, 06:28:56 PM
Hi Doxepin,

Thanks for sharing.   This doxepin medication often cause drowsiness - did you have any side effects with it ?

Good luck with your addiction problem.   With determination and patience, you will find a way to overcome it.

Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: Nas on December 22, 2016, 07:47:19 PM
Good news.
Fapping addiction is not really an addiction, but rather an emotional reliefe methoid. Try to find other intersteing activities that can make your life more interesting and that might help lowering your libido.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: doxepin on December 23, 2016, 07:56:07 AM
Thanks for sharing.   This doxepin medication often cause drowsiness - did you have any side effects with it ?
It causes drowsiness but it diminishes over time when you get used to the drug. You need to gradually increase your dose until you reach your optimal dose. At some point I even tried taking 150mg everynight but it was too much for me, I was sleepy all the time and it wouldn't go away. Now I take 75mg before sleep and it is much better.

Excessive masturbation also gives me erectile dysfunction but doxepin doesn't help with that unfortunately. The truth is 10 days of abstinence and I get spontaneous erections and morning wood back again, brain fog goes away and I generally feel much better but as I said it is very hard to abstain that long. I made it that far (10-14 days) only a few times in my life.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: Quantum on December 23, 2016, 09:39:53 AM
Good news.
Fapping addiction is not really an addiction, but rather an emotional reliefe methoid. Try to find other intersteing activities that can make your life more interesting and that might help lowering your libido.

Interesting input, Nas.

I have noted that NE often comes after there has been some emotional challenge.  Masturbation, obviously, can serve the same emotional relief goal.  This means that a better management of our emotion leads to less NE and less impulse to masturbate.

Once again, yoga, meditation and psychotherapy prove that they are important parts of my POIS relief method.

I wish everyone quality time with loved ones, during this Holiday Season.  Like Nas says, making your life more interesting and your human relation more positive are part of an overall control method too !
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: Quantum on December 23, 2016, 09:47:15 AM
Thanks for sharing.   This doxepin medication often cause drowsiness - did you have any side effects with it ?
It causes drowsiness but it diminishes over time when you get used to the drug. You need to gradually increase your dose until you reach your optimal dose. At some point I even tried taking 150mg everynight but it was too much for me, I was sleepy all the time and it wouldn't go away. Now I take 75mg before sleep and it is much better.

Excessive masturbation also gives me erectile dysfunction but doxepin doesn't help with that unfortunately. The truth is 10 days of abstinence and I get spontaneous erections and morning wood back again, brain fog goes away and I generally feel much better but as I said it is very hard to abstain that long. I made it that far (10-14 days) only a few times in my life.

Hi, Doxepin,

I am sure you had problems with 150mg - it is the maximum daily dose for doxepin.  Even 10mg or 25mg can cause drowsiness.

I want other members to be aware that doxepin is on prescription only, and need medical supervision.

I wish you success, doxepin, in developing an abstinence method for 2017  :)   As Nas have underlined, emotional management is a key !

Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: certainlypois2 on December 25, 2016, 02:21:49 PM
doxepin, do you have any sort of parental filter, i have found if there is easy access to porn i will always give in and ejaculate almost every day but if there is isn't an easy access i can go about once every three weeks before i need relief.
I have parental control on all my internet devices and have the password in a pobox about 45 mins away from where i live.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: doxepin on December 25, 2016, 03:22:30 PM
In my case the problem is not porn but masturbation itself. I can do it without porn with same effect. There are tons of hot pictures on sites like instagram or I can get them using google image search option. No parental filter will block that. The other issue with parental filters is that they really slow down internet browsing and I don't like that.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: certainlypois2 on December 27, 2016, 06:32:57 PM
You are not giving parental filters enough credit, they are very powerful now.
You can block all those sites, force most search engines and youtube  searches to be kid safe.
You can block sites with key words and have a ton of category you can pick from to block.
I have imgur and all those picture sharing sites blocked.
I don't have any problems with speed I stream,torrent and download simultaneously all the time.
If you  can masturbate without any visual stimulation then they definitely wont help.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: FloppyBanana on January 04, 2017, 04:46:32 PM

Doxepin has anticholergenic properties. Perhaps people who benefit from doxepin would benefit Mytelase, Neostigmine, Mestinon. Although caution should be taken when mixing doxepin with the latter! Ask you Doctor for advice.

Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: FloppyBanana on January 08, 2017, 11:47:53 AM
Hi Doxepin,

How long have you been taking Doxepin? Do you take every day or only when you shoot?

Thanks Floppy B
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: romies on January 08, 2017, 01:54:04 PM
For other people who are reading this, in addition to FloppyBanana's suggestion, the cholinesterase inhibitor effect can also be done with Huperzine-A or Galantamine, both available as supplements in the US. Don't stack them with Doxepin though.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: doxepin on January 11, 2017, 01:55:25 PM
How long have you been taking Doxepin? Do you take every day or only when you shoot?
I take it everyday. It was prescribed by a doctor for depression. I doesn't really work for depression though. It did work at first but stopped after short time as any other antidepressant I tried. They either don't work at all or stop working after some time.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: Nas on January 11, 2017, 02:51:58 PM
But it still works right ?
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: doxepin on January 14, 2017, 06:04:51 PM
Yes, it still works but only for brainfog not for depression.
I wonder if it will work for my allergy in the spring because doxepin has also potent antihistamine properties.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: Nas on January 17, 2017, 07:59:53 PM
Do you need to take it daily or can it be used before orgasm ?
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: doxepin on January 24, 2017, 10:27:23 AM
I take it daily. As I said it was prescribed for depression not for brainfog.
I don't think it can be used only before orgasm as larger dose will simply knock you down if you are not used to it.
Even very small doses like 3mg or 6mg are very sedative at first. I doubt that such small doses will help with brainfog.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: FloppyBanana on January 24, 2017, 04:29:01 PM
Yes, it still works but only for brainfog not for depression.
I wonder if it will work for my allergy in the spring because doxepin has also potent antihistamine properties.

I use Benadryl which an anthistamine after shooting. It definitely helps. I expect this aspect of Doxepin could help POIS as well.
Doxepin workings in quite a fews ways. I would like try it at 10mg and see if helps. Some doctors prescribe it for insomnia.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: staypositive on January 29, 2017, 06:48:11 AM
Alright. I'Ve used this for over 2 weeks now and I gotta say that it doesnt help at all.

50mg daily first week then 100mg. It let me sleep easier tho. Have difficulties with sleep atm, because of exams.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: Quantum on January 29, 2017, 12:08:57 PM
Alright. I'Ve used this for over 2 weeks now and I gotta say that it doesnt help at all.

50mg daily first week then 100mg. It let me sleep easier tho. Have difficulties with sleep atm, because of exams.

Hi, Staypositive,

I assume you have been taking 50mg to 100mg of Benadryl (diphenhydramine), not of doxepin, and that you were referring to FB post, not Doxepin's posts.    100mg of doxepin is a very high dosage, so I wanted to clarify that it was not what you were referring to.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: staypositive on January 29, 2017, 05:13:23 PM
It actually is Doxepin.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: Quantum on January 29, 2017, 05:17:50 PM
It actually is Doxepin.

Thanks for the precision, Staypositive, it wasn't clear in your first post.  It is still important, however, to know that 50mg to 100mg are not starting dosage, if anyone would decide to give doxepin a try, without medical supervision, which is really not advised.  It is prescription only, but we all know that through internet, many drugs can be bought without script, so safety is important.

Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: staypositive on January 29, 2017, 05:35:42 PM
I didn't got it through an illegal source tho. I've been diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago, well there were some behaviours I didn't notice myself. Like my Friend told me I'm always moving, never standing still. Even in the university lectures. That was something that actually surprised me, I usually pay attention to the prof and lecture and try not to disturb anyone. I got curious and checked online and apparently it was ADHD. Was really funny... it was like I was reading my life when I looked up the symptoms.

Luckily Ritalin gave me a huge boost, that much, that I didnt notice the Symptoms of my POIS anymore. Maybe I should've mentioned that.
I could think clearly, I did not even have physical symptoms anymore. And I double checked that, had lots of O's and no symptoms.

Attending uni, working besides it and many other responsibilities put me on a lot of stress. I don't know if the weather is also responsible. At this time of the year I always feel a bit down as far as I remember. But I was really, really down and strangely depressed for no apparent reason?!?! It was really hard to tell, whether it was because of the stress, the weather or maybe because of POIS.

That was before I took Ritalin. Ritalin helped a lot, which vanished when I got a lot of stress again. Ritalin and stress put me in a situation where I had real trouble to get to sleep.
And because of the depression and sleeping difficulties, I asked whether it is ok if I get Doxepin described. He told me to start with 25mg.

Maybe I can continue tomorrow, but I have currently a lot of exams going on. Will see.
Title: Re: My pois remedy - DOXEPIN
Post by: doxepin on February 01, 2017, 07:11:19 PM
I'm sorry to hear doxepin didn't work for you. It worked for me pretty well but its effect wears out over time. I'm still taking 75mg and it doesn't work as good as it was when I started taking it :-\
I don't want to increase the dose because it makes me really drowsy if I take more. I wonder if cycling it would help.