POIS Life Style => Lifestyle Diary and POIS Summaries => Topic started by: LegatoMan on April 11, 2014, 10:54:08 AM

Title: What's your ejaculation frequency?
Post by: LegatoMan on April 11, 2014, 10:54:08 AM
This is a huge topic for me; I sometimes obsess too much about when I'm "allowed" to have the next orgasm... but I guess we POISers all do. There are so many factors at play... the amount of libido that makes you horny in the first place, the feeling that you "deserve" release, guilt about giving in to momentary pleasure, fear of the consequences, the frustration of having POIS... They all combine to make my ejaculatory frequency pretty erratic, to be honest. There are stretches of super-human discipline, (14 days) interchanged by bouts of childish rebellion against that same discipline, where not only libido, but also frustration takes over and I stop caring about the side-effects (2 -3 days). Of course, it's ALWAYS worse than I convince myself beforehand. It's like I momentarily "forget" all the bad symptoms of POIS, but once I've ejaculated, it all comes rushing back in.

However, the last time I ejaculated, an interesting thing happened. I tried to consciously eliminate any feeling of guilt. I decided to try rewarding myself for having the orgasm, rather than punishing myself. I accepted the fact that I wouldn't be up to much in the next couple of days, and immediately post-orgasm I made sure everything was in order for my own comfort... like I was the consierge at a fine hotel ensuring the comfort of a highly esteemed guest. I ate chocolate, listened to music, and did easy, light, relaxing things such as drawing. I have to say, it made a big difference in the post-O guilt, which I believe is highly destructive. Despite my strong disagreement with the notion that POIS is rooted in psychological causes, we can make it worse by having negative psychological thought patterns that eat away at us. With so much misunderstanding and negativity coming from OTHER people towards us people with POIS, we need to be that much kinder to ourselves, to even stand a chance.

Now, my questions to you:

1) How long do you typically leave yourself until having another orgasm?

2) How long do you think you SHOULD leave yourself, and yet you don't?

3) How have your treatment efforts (Niacin, TRT) affected your ejaculatory rhythm? Are you enjoying daily sex now, or has your time with POIS hardened your discipline so much that you still maintain abstinence for 7 days or more?

Thanks for reading,

Title: Re: What's your ejaculation frequency?
Post by: Daveman on April 11, 2014, 11:16:02 AM
I'm glad you could fin a bit of piece in your approach.

I liked the idea.

I use niacin and my POIS is much much less, at times non-existant.

And for that reason I really don't have any pre-sex anxiety, nor do I prepare for afterwards, but sometimes, it would be good if I could, becasue no treatment is really 100% all of the time. (YET)

My biggest problem is lack of spontaneity. For my remedy to work, it has to be followed to a "T" which requires fasting or waiting an hour and letting the flush pass etc. I miss waking up at 3 AM and turning over and getting my wife all excited, or doing it on the kitchen counter while in the middle of preparing a romantic meal or doing it two days in a row for no reason in particular!!

I have come to terms with my POIS, and when for some reason I haven't followed the regimine exactly and the protection is at half mast, I prepare for what is to come and recognize the symptoms and try to push on through.

I don't know about you all, but, as much as we know what the symptoms are, when we are in POIS, we still wonder, Am I sick? Is it the weather? Did I catch the flue? Is it something I ate? You really have to remind yourself, your brain-fogged head.... you have POIS you fool!!

Title: Re: What's your ejaculation frequency?
Post by: Samir on July 07, 2014, 07:14:23 AM
1) How long do you typically leave yourself until having another orgasm?

2) How long do you think you SHOULD leave yourself, and yet you don't?

3) How have your treatment efforts (Niacin, TRT) affected your ejaculatory rhythm? Are you enjoying daily sex now, or has your time with POIS hardened your discipline so much that you still maintain abstinence for 7 days or more?

Thanks for reading,

1.  As long as possible to avoid the symptoms.  As of right now it has been at least two weeks.
2. I shouldn't want sex AT ALL.  But I am human with a great drive.
3. It hasn't.  I still try to avoid the symptoms in the first place.