General Category => Poll Center => Topic started by: biocentric on May 24, 2011, 03:56:39 PM
If you have had a skin prick test, what was the outcome????
(professionally done ones only)
(I havent had one yet)
Positive means: reaction, POIS? Well I voted positive. I had a reaction.
I think there'd be just about as much diverity in the methodology for the professional application of the skin prick test as there'd be in the non-professional ones.
I've seen several professional skin pricks done at very high dilutions, as compared to Dr. Waldinger's for instance.
yes positive = reaction
I was the one negative. It gave me POIS, but nothing visible on the skin, so the Dr. said negatory. I've never had anything visible on the skin, so this isn't a surprise.
Goes to show you what we're dealing with.
In my books it's MUCH more significant that it gives you POIS, but no skin reaction. The docs are so black and white. If an engineer acted like that I'd fire his boney butt!
It's like they follow a memorized checklist rather than use logic, knowledge and real understanding of the underlying systems.
Grrrr. grrrr...
When i have the semen on my skin longer than 30 minutes the skin of my forearm gets red. Did you try so?
When i have the semen on my skin longer than 30 minutes the skin of my forearm gets red. Did you try so?
Yes I also have this. This is a picture I took a few days ago. It's my hand:
Looks quite the same.
i think we all should do what vandemolen did and take a picture including our face so there is no questions. And whenever we go to doctor we have more evidence, every doctor i have gone to that cared a little wants to know if i react from just semen touching my skin, i have saved vandemolen picture for future doctors.
when you let the semen stay on your skin do you spread it around your hands do you let it stay in one spot.
i spread the semen to my whole forearm. It was very massive. I think we must find someone without POIS who will make the test too :)
Before POIS, sometimes when I masturbated, I would spread the result all over my abdomen, for lack of something present to clean it up. It would sort of absorb like a cream.
That never produced any bad results at all. That would be akin to someone without POIS doing the test you mention.
I haven't tried this now that I have POIS. I don't masturbate, I prefer to save if for wifey!
There is always some residue however, so I guess I could try spreading that on my hand or arm.
I'm sure that clean-ups must get some on my hands (although not much) but without any results.
I'll give it a try though "with whatever is left".
You must let it react where the skin more sensitive is. Adomen is not a good idea. I tried it with pre-cum. Little raction to precum.
i tried what vandemolen did and rubed the semen on my wrist but nothing happend.
rub it on your forearm. And wait 30 minutes.
i should have put this down, but i waited more than two hours, am not suprisd though because i did not react to pushpin allergy test
I went to Dr Goldmeier the 30th of august and got a POSITIVE intradermal reaction to my own semen !
On the Poll, I first voted for "negative" cause the test was negative the first time I did it (not done in the right conditions).
Is it possible I change from negative to Positive on the Poll? :) thank you !
Yes, you should be able to "Edit Poll". Let me know. I can, but I don't know if it is a restricted function. If you can;t change it let me know and I'll change it for you.
I had a positive intradermal as well.
I tried to change it but nothing worked ! ??? Yes Daveman, it would be kind you do it for me ! :)
I went to Dr Goldmeier the 30th of august and got a POSITIVE intradermal reaction to my own semen !
On the Poll, I first voted for "negative" cause the test was negative the first time I did it (not done in the right conditions).
Hi! What was it it the conditions that was different?
I tried to change it but nothing worked ! Yes Daveman, it would be kind you do it for me !
What was different : frozen semen VS fresh semen (10 minutes after an O)
Habibou, what is the second word on your arm "Saline" and "???" ?
So there are 3 kinds of test :
- pr1ck-test (short delay, IgE)
- intradermal (both)
- patch test (long delay, lymphocytes)
After a new test, even if my allergic reaction is not strong compared to yours, I think I'm positive. A lot of red spots appears on my forearm after rubbing semen :
(http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/3727/pois3jpeg.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/853/pois3jpeg.jpg/)
The photo is not very good but the other ones are worst .
Now, I can vote : POSITIVE and see the results.
Thanks Deloun.
Ahhrgg , I'm stupid , why I didn't listen Starsky and others earlier? Rubbing 2 or 3 minutes and several time is very important !
I'll take this test in a few months.
After a new test, even if my allergic reaction is not strong compared to yours, I think I'm positive. A lot of red spots appears on my forearm after rubbing semen :
(http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/3727/pois3jpeg.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/853/pois3jpeg.jpg/)
The photo is not very good but the other ones are worst .
Now, I can vote : POSITIVE and see the results.
Thanks Deloun.
Ahhrgg , I'm stupid , why I didn't listen Starsky and others earlier? Rubbing 2 or 3 minutes and several time is very important !
with, what i see if that is from just rubbing your skin an no puncturing of skin, you are going to get a big reaction to intradermal.
When you do intradermal they leave it under your for 15 mins to let body react fully.
If you could just get a doctor.
So you are agree I'm positive :) Only washing skin with soap and water (normal, not too much) and rubbing 2-3 minutes with semen. (I let semen became liquified during 1 hour).
Yes, maybe I will have a big reaction.
But let's clear a thing. What Victor do in the last video is not pr1ck-test but intradermis injection. It's supposed to be the strongest reaction with possible anaphylactic shock and then allergist made a dilution.
Pr1ck-test is less powerful. It's simply a drop on the skin and then allergist use a micro-needle. The penetration is only 1mm. There is no rish of anaphylactic shock here.
So, consiedering my reaction only with rubbing, pr1ck-test may be enough to prove my semen allergy. For other sufferers negative with rubbing and negative with pr1ck-test, intradermis is the best and last choice, except patch.
But as you said I"m very surprised to see the red spots appearing so quickly. I always consider myself as a "delayed case" because my symptoms come later than a lot sufferers. I think it will be "easy" to conivince a allergist to do the pr1ck-test. But for intradermis injection and then desensitization it will be more complicated.
I'll take this test in a few months.
Hi Pep,
I also live in Barcelona. Are you taking it in here?
if yes, coud you please tell me were?
if you want send me an email.
thank you very much
So you are agree I'm positive :) Only washing skin with soap and water (normal, not too much) and rubbing 2-3 minutes with semen. (I let semen became liquified during 1 hour).
Yes, maybe I will have a big reaction.
But let's clear a thing. What Victor do in the last video is not pr1ck-test but intradermis injection. It's supposed to be the strongest reaction with possible anaphylactic shock and then allergist made a dilution.
Pr1ck-test is less powerful. It's simply a drop on the skin and then allergist use a micro-needle. The penetration is only 1mm. There is no rish of anaphylactic shock here.
So, consiedering my reaction only with rubbing, pr1ck-test may be enough to prove my semen allergy. For other sufferers negative with rubbing and negative with pr1ck-test, intradermis is the best and last choice, except patch.
But as you said I"m very surprised to see the red spots appearing so quickly. I always consider myself as a "delayed case" because my symptoms come later than a lot sufferers. I think it will be "easy" to conivince a allergist to do the pr1ck-test. But for intradermis injection and then desensitization it will be more complicated.
definately intradermis shot is the best to do, i didnt reack to the skin prick test only to intradermal.
In my case i get mostly flue like symptoms,fatigue and brain fog, the sytmptoms that corellate to type iv symptoms and not type 1 reaction.
it should be hard to get intradermis neither it is also a conventional test.
Habibou, what is the second word on your arm "Saline" and "???" ?
So there are 3 kinds of test :
- pr1ck-test (short delay, IgE)
- intradermal (both)
- patch test (long delay, lymphocytes)
It was written semen or sperm :)
It was written semen or sperm :)
Thanks !
definately intradermis shot is the best to do, i didnt reack to the skin prick test only to intradermal.
In my case i get mostly flue like symptoms,fatigue and brain fog, the sytmptoms that corellate to type iv symptoms and not type 1 reaction.
it should be hard to get intradermis neither it is also a conventional test.
I agree intradermis is the best.
It's easy to test. The next week i will Propose to my Doctor but i think tat any interested allergist Waldinger items being read will know it done correctly.
When I know the site I mention you.
thanks :)
I had an "accident" this night (nocturnal emission). It didn't happen to me since sveral years. But I definitely had red areas caused by semen. But I will not post photos this time :)
edit april the 30th :
Red spots once again, after 15 minutes. Now i need to go to the allergist to do an official test.
when i get those i dont react but still got positive reaction test.
i might be reapeating myself but am just giving more evidence you will react to intradermal test.
Hey Guys,
I've started a related thread in the AutoImmune section. When you have a chance, will you please make a quick contribution?
I'm just worried about why our members are getting false negatives from these tests, and a little information about the circumstances of your test would help us determine why this is happening.
I have had positive skin reactions in a clinical setting from seminal dilutions of 1-80,000 up to 1-700 w/ resulting symptoms varying greatly. I have experienced systemic responses in all cases w/ a great amount of variation in intensity, yet my skin didn't react at the injection site until about 1-15,000 to 1-10,000. As dilutions have increased, so has my skin, neurological and flu-like reaction to them.
At this point in the experimental treatment I am debating moving forward w/ my desensitization treatment as I have seen new and increased neuropathy. In scaling back a recent dose of 1-700 to 1-000 I experienced immediate improvements. I had experienced minor improvements in the past (e.g. improvement in depressive symptoms) between the doses of 1-5000 and 1-2000 (there were extra doses between 5k and 2k), yet of recent of have only declined.
I have also rubbed my own undiluted semen on my arm multiple times (very primative :)) and found that I do break out in hives at the site.
I would warn against a skin prick test without the over-site of a doctor and I am not at all convinced of the benefits of a desensitization treatment at this point. For myself, I had to try to the treatment to see whether it is truly beneficial, yet the results are not outweighing benefits at this point and I may discontinue it altogether. It is your body and your choice to experiment w/ it if you choose to as I did and continue to do.
The bottom line is these tests are not truly indicative of POIS or not, yet in my experience they can have a very real positive and negative effect on your body in and out of the doctors office.
I repost my picture (better quality). After orgasm I put semen on forearm skin and take a photo 15 minutes later.
(http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/3727/pois3jpeg.th.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/a/img29/2898/pois3jpegctrst.jpg/)
Last 9 months, I remove semen just after ejaculation to try to reduce symptoms.
Last time i tried to put semen on skin I had no reaction.