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Lifestyle Diary and POIS Summaries / Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Last post by SchizoPIOS on Today at 03:39:21 PM »
Hmm yeh thats a reasonable dose, I was taking bigger dose (300mg), it was mostly fine until I mixed both willow bark and aspirin one day thats when I felt really bad.
But if it works for you keep doing it!
Hormonal Causes and Treatments / Re: Testosterone
« Last post by demografx on Today at 11:44:31 AM »

Experimentally, before my last POIS attack, I self-injected testosterone a day earlier than weekly schedule - - which was one day before POIS onset - - and recovered from POIS much sooner!

My POIS doctor said that the day after injecting is the peak of testosterone-blood concentration.

After ejaculation, the body sees a drop in testosterone, so my theory is that injecting-before-POIS offsets the damage.
Lifestyle Diary and POIS Summaries / Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Last post by demografx on Today at 10:59:08 AM »

…I would advise people to avoid aspirin…

I follow my (major university health system’s) cardiologist advice and have been taking 50mg aspirin daily - - for many years.

To quote Administrator Quantum’s profile signature:
“Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at
@Procegitor, indeed, it still seems part of the cyclical nature of my POIS: it's either suffering from POIS, either suffering from pleasureless orgasms. It's hard to say which is worse, but i think no POIS in the end is better. Relationshipwise, it limits as much as POIS does and my anxiety over the state of the world nowadays resembles POIS a lot, but there seems to be no link to orgasm.
It can be a bit gloom and doom alot of the time especially if your going through the motions after O.

Update on my POIS, success in reducing recovery time but no cure.

Recovery time reduced to between 7 and 14 days. Many moons ago was roughly 3 months.

I have changed my diet adding a few supplements, cucumin, bromelin and natokinnese.

The period leading up to the 7 days recovery are fecking horrendous mentally.

Hope everyone's doing okay in managing their day to day. Much love X
Lifestyle Diary and POIS Summaries / Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Last post by SchizoPIOS on December 04, 2024, 05:01:45 PM »
Hey guys, small update:

So first of all, I would advise people to avoid aspirin, it seems to help short term but causes more damage long term on the gastrointestinal system. I tried the natural form of aspirin willow bark and pine bark, they seem to cause less damage to the stomach, except one day I mixed both the natural and synthetic forms and now I am suffering from weird problems with my stomach, like it feels too cold after I eat and also feels like theres a lot of air in my stomach, although I have been eating a lot of bread these past 10 days which might be a partial cause, I have been avoiding bread at all costs for the past 4 years, I think it might be the yeast inside the bread thats causing damage, because if I eat a cereal bar without yeast in the ingredients I do not get bloated. Before I had the sensation of a burning stomach now its the opposite lol, although I will point out that now it feels like its affecting me mentally too, whereas before when it was burning I could function 'normally' mentally. So please, listen to all the websites online do not abuse aspirin because it really does cause stomach issues.
Bread bloats the sh*t out of me, my older brother who does not have POIS and is in good health also finds that bread bloats him tons too, this is weird considering we technically have the genetics of people that sustained themselves from bread (arabs/middle eastern/north african). I will buy some flat bread without yeast and see how I feel. But I've put on 2kgs in the past 10 days and my belly has gotten massive recently.

Secondly, I noticed releasing in the morning works way better (for me). I have to point out that I take antipsychotics before bed, and the effects are strongest in the morning, but even a few years ago when I lived at my uncle's and wasn't on meds I could release regularly in the mornings and function normally. I am usually not horny at all in the evenings, in the morning I have the strongest urges and actually back in April thats when I started masturbating at night for privacy issues etc... Obviously just listen to your body, but for me my libido peaks in the morning as soon as I wake up.

Thirdly, I feel like I don't exercise enough. I've set up an alarm tomorrow to go for a short run in the early evening. It feels like vigorous movement helps especially considering I barely move, even just jumping a couple of times seems to make me feel good, I will add that in summer that was the opposite, but now I always feel good after a long walk or some jumps or a run, in summer a short walk would make me feel completely exhausted, even just standing for more than 5 minutes.

Thats it for me, I might consider releasing regularly in the mornings again (what Ive been doing for the past 6 years), just so sex isn't on my mind all day and to ensure I don't release at night, I still get a bit of fatigue and muscle weakness but none of the extreme mental and congnitive effects. Idk where this thing of sex at night comes from, probably from as a kid when its the only time you can do it, but one of my favourite feelings Ive had in my life was waking up in the morning next to my ex-gf with morning wood and having morning sex. If I release in the mornings, I do not get the extreme light sensitivity and the need to be all alone and avoidant towards family and others, it just feels a lot more bareable.
Auto-Immune Causes and Treatments / Re: Prednisone / Steroids
« Last post by Quantum on December 04, 2024, 02:24:51 PM »
Hello, I also benefited by taking 5 mg 1 hour before ejaculation. You're there, what happened to you? Have you improved your condition?

Hi Andre,

How much improvement did you get ?

1 hour may be a bit too short for prednisolone to kick in. As you can see, a study has been made by Dr Reisman and he advised 2 hours. I think 2-3h is the best. Also, he advised 30 mg.
This was a great POIS clinical trial, even if a small one.  I would like to see more of those ! Thanks for remembering me about it, Physi.
« Last post by demografx on December 04, 2024, 12:48:47 PM »

Do you know whether they [our POIS researchers] will also do gene analysis?

Not this time, Aladin.
« Last post by demografx on December 04, 2024, 12:26:34 PM »

Dr. Nicole Prause, co-investigator of our
POIS Research Study got a chance to talk a little POIS in this podcast!

Please watch the above video to get a better idea of what’s coming soon with our upcoming, major
POIS Research Study!

« Last post by demografx on December 04, 2024, 12:26:04 PM »
This is an old post, but some of you
might not have seen it yet.


Quote from: demografx

“Hey Demo,

My name's Eric and I've been a member of the forum for a while now.  I only learned about the UNL [NORD] study recently and decided to investigate.  After learning of a few deficiencies as a result of limited funding (they weren't going to look into delayed onset symptoms and other autoimmune/inflammatory biomarkers) I decided to get in contact with them to see how much funding they would require to expand their study to cover the things I thought were important.

I asked them to give me numbers for how much they would need for the basic additions I requested along with any other ones they could think of for their "dream" study.  They came back to me with some ideas which I thought were good.

I and my family's foundation have decided to fully fund the "dream" study!  Before I gave them the go ahead, I had asked Quantum if he knew any medical researchers in the forum I could contact.  That's why I'd gotten in touch with him prior.  Thanks again Quantum! 

I also reached out to an autoimmune researcher friend of mine for suggested expansions to the study and she gave me a few that Tierney and Nicole hadn't thought of so those might be added too.

The study will be tracking more inflammatory biomarkers, including delayed onset people, adding research assistants, larger sample size, etc.  I've been asked not to share their hypotheses or the study proposal so I can't share those details.  Suffice it to say, the study should be more comprehensive than before and hopefully allow for some real progress.

I'm personally deeply motivated to increase visibility and research for POIS (since it's taken away a lot of joy from my life).  This study seems like a great start.

Thanks for all your hard work organizing this study!  The funding is almost the easy part, I think what you did was incredible.  Hope you keep up your good work!


Thank you, Eric!
Best wishes!
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