Author Topic: Hypofunction of Thyroid Gland causes POIS  (Read 11142 times)


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Hypofunction of Thyroid Gland causes POIS
« on: March 13, 2013, 02:07:54 PM »
Hey Guys,

I suffered from POIS for several years. After an ejaculation I had physical and psychological symptoms for about four or five days. I got red, watery eyes, flu-like-symptoms, pimples on the back and problems in articulation, brain fog, couldn?t concentrate, bad memory, no motivation/depression. The symptoms got stronger from first hour on, a climax on the second day, till the symptoms ran out after four days.

Ten years ago my doc diagnosed a hypothyreose, this is a hypofunction of the thyroid gland. I took T4 (thyroxine) pills for the several years but not really consequentally?

Last year, I thought that there would be a connection between POIS and the hypothyreose, that?s why I did some experiments with the thyroxine dose after ejaculations, but I could not find a coherence.

Two weeks ago, my doc recomment me after a bloodtest to take some thyroxine again. This time I took the thyroxine pills consequentally. At first I didn?t feel good with the pills, I had an increased pulse but I decided to continue taking the pills. I only take a low dosage of 30?g, I take it before going to sleep.

My POIS symptoms are getting weaker and weaker. I think it was the hypofunction of the thyroid gland that caused the POIS symptoms. Now my thyroid values are not on the optimal level but are on the on the best way to get there.

I bought a book about the thyroid gland and I think that I can bring everything into a context, I don?t want to go into detail.
The thyroid gland produces continiuously the hormones T4 and T3 and injects them into the bloodstream. If the concentration of T4 and T3 is high enough, the thyroid gland has the possibility to store the overage into some follicles that are within the gland for times of big demand.

After an ejaculation there is a big demand of T4 and T3, maybe to produce sperm and to regenerate the brain (orgasm is a firework of feelings!). If you have now a dysfunction of your thyroid gland, the T4 and T3 concentration cannot be hold on normal level, maybe your thyroid gland or the T4 storage  is too small, this lead into an undersupply of some organs of T3 that causes the symptoms. This is the reason why the climax of symptoms is on the second day after ejaculation. Just compare your POIS symptoms with them of a hypothyreose.

Now I will go to an endocrinologist. I suggest that my hypofunction of the thyroid gland is caused by an autoimmune disease that fights against the thyroid gland, this is called Hashimoto Thyreoditis. The doctor can look for some antibodies that attack some hormones that control the thyroid. If it is ensured that you suffer from Hashimoto Thyreoditis, it is recommend to take selenium that reduces the autoimmune-reaction and of course to take thyroxine (T4) to support the thyroid gland.

At the moment, I take 30?g thyroxine before sleeping, and I take 50?g selenium in the morning. And I feel great, after an ejaculation as well.

As I already said it, I?m sure that I suffered from a hypofunction of the thyroid gland that caused the so called POIS symptoms.

I hope I can help you with that post. Sorry for my English. You can also ask me some questions in German.


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Re: Hypofunction of Thyroid Gland causes POIS
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 03:39:31 PM »
Very interesting "Saved". If it works for you that's great, and if it gives clues into POIS, even better.

I checked all my thyroid "Chemicals" recently and everything was normal, but they were routine tests and I couldn't say if the specifics you mention were measured.

Anyways, POIS exagerates current conditions, and it might be a matter of POIS complicating your thryroid which is weak and blossoming the POIS symptoms.

But whatever the reaction, 2 things are important: That youare getting better, and that this provides one more clue into the POIS mechanism.

Who knows where it could lead!
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Hypofunction of Thyroid Gland causes POIS
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 11:27:41 AM »
No one single laboratory test is 100% accurate in diagnosing all types of thyroid disease; however, a combination of two or more tests can usually detect even the slightest abnormality of thyroid function.

For example, a low T4 level could mean a diseased thyroid gland ~ OR ~ a non-functioning pituitary gland which is not stimulating the thyroid to produce T4. Since the pituitary gland would normally release TSH if the T4 is low, a high TSH level would confirm that the thyroid gland (not the pituitary gland) is responsible for the hypothyroidism.



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Re: Hypofunction of Thyroid Gland causes POIS
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2015, 11:43:31 AM »
Hi everyone

Besides getting inflammation in upper chest I am usually also confronted with irritation/pain in thyroid area. A few weeks ago after an O the pain was persisting longer than usual. My doc looked into my throat and noticed it to be more "reddish" in colour. He decided that I get an eco-thyroid as well as thyroid-scintigraphy done. Nothing found with eco-thyroid. With the thyroid-scintigraphy the specialist made one comment (translated): Global mild to moderate hypo capturing thyroid without apparent nodules. I've also had blood tests done several times over the last 2 years the results seemed mixed though having taken up to 100mcg/daily L-Thyroxine probably adds to the confusion. Although I might have to go back on it. Will have to chat with my endocrinologist about it.
My doc thinks we should try out taking blood test of my thyroid before and after O. Has anyone ever tried this out?

One trick that I found that somewhat relieves me from this irritation/pain is a throat spray called Plantspray from BOIRON. I think it’s a French product. It seems to be a homeopathy product.
Always talk to your doctor before trying out medication that I mention.