Author Topic: diet(eggs) and tadalafil  (Read 5261 times)


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diet(eggs) and tadalafil
« on: October 15, 2016, 07:43:03 PM »
Hello everyone,
 I have been following the naked scientist thread for past few of years. I believe i first noticed something was wrong when i was 15 . and then a few years later while i started high school and working i realised after an o I I wouldn't want to leave my home as i felt that i couldn't conduct my self normal. I was slower,weak, brain fog , it felt like couldn't focus and there was strain for me to even to simple tasks.My speech was affected i would forget words, I confidence dropped and this would last 3 to 4 days.The past few years have been a blur for me,i became a serious alcoholic i found little bit of relief in alcohol as it seemed to reduce my symptoms the next day.I also got into chain smoking , and tried a few things on the forum ,like niacin with seemed help a little with brain fog but i still felt drained. I am now 26 and have cut out alcohol and smoking and started eating 4 to 6  eggs almost everyday sometimes i miss a day or two , zinc, vitamin D,vitamin B12,Gym  a few times a month and  washing my face with super cold water. Now for some strange reason My pois lasts for 1 day with the same severe symptoms. Im not sure why my pois lasts only a day now but i believe our diets are important and how i improved a I have also tried medication  depression medication like cymbalta which also helped with the brain fog but still my body symptoms are still present. I dont take any cymbalta medication anymore because i just felt I still felt off while taking it. However, now i  see that cialis or tadalafil seems to reduce the symptoms the most out of anything i tried.

thanks everyone for everything you have done here on poiscenter and the nakedscientis forum.


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Re: diet(eggs) and tadalafil
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2016, 09:43:45 AM »
Hi Wolf and welcome to the forum!

Thanks for having taken the time to register and share your experience.

For how log have you been eating eggs regularly?

and for how long have you been using tadalafil ( Cialis) for POIS relief ? 

Does it relieve all of your symptoms, or some more than others? 

How would you rate the level of relief of your symptoms, in % , with tadalafil ?

The reason I ask all these questions is to get as more valuable data as possible on what, exactly, is helping in POIS, on what symptoms, and how much relief can be expected.

At least another member, Daveman,  is having good relief with sildenafil (Viagra) which is from the same drug class than tadalafil ( they are PDE5 inhibitors ).  Daveman uses it in conjunction with niacin, and get 90 to 100 % relief, I think, with this combination.

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Re: diet(eggs) and tadalafil
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2016, 10:31:51 AM »
hi Quantum,
I have been eating a lot of eggs every morning regularly for over a year now to get more protein into my body. As for tadalafil, a doctor told me to try it and  prescribed it to me two months ago and i would say that it has reduced my pois by 60-70% (mostly on my brain fog ,concentration and social anxiety) as for my physical symptoms i feel it reduces them by around 50%.


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Re: diet(eggs) and tadalafil
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2016, 11:18:40 AM »
Hi guys
I eat only eggs for POIS. Mostly 2 or 1 eggs a day. I think raising cholesterol in the body by egg consumption will help with POIS. I have been eating eggs for 1 year 10 months. I have made significant progress.I will post my progress soon under the topic "eggs for pois"


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Re: diet(eggs) and tadalafil
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2020, 12:21:05 AM »
Wolf, do you continue to see a good response from tadalafil? Or did it stop working and is not effective any longer?

Maybe the inhibition of the enzyme arginase by tadalafil is the reason why it worked for you.