Overview of all of Our Members' Experiences with Fenugreek
--Good Results--
hurray: "fenugreek is supposed to lower blood sugar, and it is the one thing that has helped me the most."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=258.msg3314#msg3314"I've been taking Fenugreek for a couple of years to alleviate my POIS symptoms. In fact, I take it every day, since it has a positive effect on my "charisma" - leaves me feeling more sociable/less introverted. I always have an extra dosage before an anticipated O, and again after the O. I took capsules for a long time - now I mix my own since it's a lot cheaper and just as effective. One thing I have noticed - Fenugreek works a lot better on a full stomach than an empty stomach."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=27.msg375#msg375He was the first of our members to think of trying fenugreek: "Synthetic oxytocin is difficult to obtain and administer, so I thought I'd give Fenugreek a try, which is praised for its oxytocin-like properties"
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg200321#msg200321Vincent M: I've been taking fenugreek+garlic/tea nearly every day for more than a year now with occasional week long or so breaks. It has been a reliable method to decrease all of my physical and cognitive pois symptoms. It works better for me when taken an hour or two before orgasm, but I usually take it in the morning and/or afternoon because it tends to keep me awake too long otherwise. Like Observer, I've noticed it decreased the intensity and pleasure of some of my orgasms, however I only experienced this a few times when I first began taking it with the Solaray brand. It might reduce my appetite and libido slightly, but I can't tell if it is just giving me more self control over those urges. Fenugreek+green tea gives me more energy and relieves physical symptoms more than fenugreek+garlic for me.
Daniel: "The last eight weeks I had orgasms 99% free of symptoms...This winter I took vitamine B pills (B1, B6 and B12). Every day one for 3 weeks...These pills made me feel much better, I felt much more clear in my head. Additionally, I took every day one fenugreek capsule. After 3 weeks I quited with the vitamine B (you can get an overdose of B6, so I thought to take care with this) and I also quited with the fenugreek. I did not get orgasms in this period, simply because I had so much work to do at my job, I could not afford to have one. Then, after one or one and half week I started vitamine B again, every week 2 or 3 pills. So every second day. Some weeks after that I addionally started my fenugreek again. I now take two capsules every morning after my breakfast. I was following this for about 4 or 5 weeks."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=346.msg4279#msg4279"I am still doing very well with the fenugreek and B vitamines[About a month later]. After orgasm, no POIS. Sometimes I am a little bit tired but that is not a big problem. The great thing is that the severe brainfog which I normally had, is totally gone. As I still have some other health problems (stiff muscles, quickly tired and some others)"
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=346.msg4522#msg4522Observer: Fenugreek + garlic reliably improved his pois symptoms for at least a month. It worked for him whether taken before or after orgasm. Noted decreased intensity and pleasure of orgasms.
"I can say with 100% certainty that it is not a placebo effect in my case. I want to share with you what happened to me yesterday. I ate at the dinner soy meat or vege meat plus a big salad. Then i took two capsules of Fenugreek. I had an orgasm on the night(1-2 hours after) due to sexual intercourse, but it was a weak orgasm( maybe 10% of intensity? of normal ones). I woke up on the morning with NO POIS(normal sleep 7 hours). POIS has not appeared during the day, except with 10-20% when i drank sugar drinks plus junk food at lunch and it dissappeared in less than 2 hours. I didnĀ“t take more fenugreek after the O. and i feel incredibly well. I am thinking that the combination of big amount of quality food/good diet without junk food plus 2 Fenugreek capsules(fenugreek works better with full stomach)"
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=27.msg1006#msg1006"I tend to have both, maybe cognitive are more stronger than flu-like symptoms. Fenugreek seems to help with both( i feel like more energized without any cognitive symptoms, certainly not flu-like symptoms), and garlic helps with cognitive symptoms (brain-fog) but the snoozing/tiredness remains in some way."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=27.msg111#msg111GDRTW: "I have started taking zinc and magnesuim supplements and they have helped me without a doubt. Like I have mentioned before my biggest problem is burning eyes."
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg409210#msg409210 06/19/2013 These things helped him: Huperzine A, Feenugreek with a good dose of green tea before and after O, Liquid B-12, Monster Khaos Energy Drink (the best of the energy drinks I have tried. Strong doses of B2, B3, B6, B12 and taurine with a good dose of caffeine in as well. This one fixed a lot of my brain fog as well), Zinc + Magnesium, Coffee (slightly), Sleep (the best cure), B3 Niacin (not sure how helpful this is).
Prancer: "yes, the fenugreek tea decreases my symptoms. I think the visceral experience (so relaxing/warm) plays a big role, but it's probably also from the fenugreek itself (ps: I also have the fenugreek 610mg capsules and I take them once in a while too)"
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg412147#msg412147"I drink fenugreek tea and I love it! I'm a very big tea fan (hot and cold), and you gave me the idea so thank you! I think I would drink that even without POIS!"
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=468.msg6303#msg6303berhune: "I remained on the prowl for further remedies. Fenugreek and garlic were those for me. Now, in addition to the niacin, I take fenugreek and garlic capsules before O, and after at any point when I might feel that vague, fuzzy, sink-into-your-chair-and-never-get-up feeling, and, although I never swear, I have to now: by God it works! I've been productive with almost all of my time ever since..."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1052.msg9529#msg9529Limejuice: "I experiemented with the doses and periods of fenugreek. My normal schedule is take two an hour before and POIS is virtually gone. This time I tried taking one a half hour before. After orgasm I could tell immediately that POIS was back in full force. I got 3 hours sleep, can't remember anything, and brain fog up the wazzu. I also feel pressure in my head but that could be from lack of sleep - either way it's unpleasant."
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg208770#msg208770?I've used fenugreek for 2 weeks with continued success. I almost feel POIS free around the clock now! What I'm beginning to experience are mild sustained headaches like light pressure that I believe is from the fenugreek. I stopped taking the herb for a day and the headaches disappeared. Going forward I'll only take fenugreek before orgasm.?
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg207614#msg207614The vitamin shoppe fenugreek did not reduce 'O' intensity or symptoms. The Solgar Fenugreek worked. Brand is important.
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg204675#msg204675Bulls eye: "when i use fenugreek and garlic which are hypoglycemic it also decreases my pois , but what they have in common and nictonic acid doesnt is that both garlic and fenugreek have thier positive effect wether taken before or after orgasm , while niacin only works before and it increases blood sugar so it must work in a completely different mechanism"
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=174.msg4342#msg4342"Fenugreek + Garlic does work !! it pulls me from severe POIS to what its like at 3 - 4 days after O , not complete recovery but it sure helps"
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=27.msg1759#msg1759Samir: "I've found fenugreek is quite effective. Maybe because it's traditionally used in Indian cooking and my parents are Indian, but it's the most effective thing I've found. Combining it with the other things that work like zinc, spinach, garlic, fish oil, and krill oil, I can recover much quicker than ever before."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=64.msg2766#msg2766cornelius: "They weren't a cure, but the Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto had noticeable effects during a month on/ month off trial. In particular, my girlfriend could always tell when I'd forgotten to take my daily Fenugreek from my ability to focus, and the month where I ran out of Saw Palmetto without noticing (while waiting for a new shipment), more or less everything that I'd been managing to hold together fell apart.* I tried everything in the POIS handbook that way, and those two were the only ones that seemed to help."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=245.msg3306#msg3306Dav Says one 495mg cap taken about 15min after orgasm has decreased his fatigue, stiff muscles, and flu-like symptoms. "The 3rd and 4th times, I also took 1 garlic cap after, but I don't know whether it made a difference or not. I also haven't tried the fenugreek in combination with green tea. Fenugreek has not diminished the intensity of my orgasms so far, and the results have been consistent over 3 weeks. I still try not to ejaculate too often (I keep it to once/week)"
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1057.msg11435#msg11435storygeekz: "I say the most helpful thing for me is to take 3-5 cloves of garlic after O. Then do the same for the meal after O. Take garlic during the meal. After digesting the meal, I jog for a bit to circulate garlic in my body. I completely heal the next day. The same day I feel 60% healed. Before I used to have agonizing brain fog for 4 days and it would dissaper after the 7th day. I'm so glad I came across your guy's suggestion of taking raw garlic. I never tried garlic supplements. Taking fenugreek with garlic makes healing better."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=27.msg3415#msg3415tatvamasi: Said taking fenugreek for 10 days reduced his eye burning and brainfog after one orgasm.
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg372487#msg3724870002ppdnuos: "In conclusion, the efficacy of F&G[Fenugreek&Garlic] in wiping off POIS is 2/7 (or 29%) based on the fact that my POIS session, without treatments, lasts precisely for 7 days.
I'm wondering if the efficacy could be incremented by increasing the F&G dosage per day.""Took 2 times F&G (I started mixing fenugreek with green tea powder into a cup of hot water, and drank another cup of coffee separately) at a six-hour interval. Fenugreek seemed to be absorbed better with green tea."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=27.msg4680#msg4680Guthrie: "I took 6 Solgar fenugreek capsules 2.5 hours before release. For the previous few releases, I had taken 3 capsules. During the day on Thursday, I felt better than I did the previous few times. The brain fog was still decreased, and in addition, there was even less mental, physical, and emotional sluggishness. It still wasn't a 'complete cure', but it seems that the doubled-dosage had a positive effect."
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg214232#msg214232martin88: "Fenugreek was more effective (30% improvement for POIS), but with inconsistent results. Appetite was increased a lot on it, and sexual frequency was increased which I don't like."
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg300268#msg300268afghan666: "fenugreek+ginseng+sulbutiamine+gingko biloba+optimen tabs hav an enormous improvement in pois and i am O ing daily.the only thing am concerned is whether fenugreek's effect will last or if i might build up some sort of tolerance.

http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg345074#msg345074From pm on 6/9/2013: "fenugreek cures me physically and menally 70-90% for a period of 15-19 days.10-15 seeds cure me 80% but i get back aches and pains which i suspect is because of kidneys or adrenal glands somehow.the more seeds ii ingest the better."
John21: "I have personally been helped by an anti-inflammatory diet, and fenugreek has also helped."[unsure of trial duration]
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg392691#msg392691digitalmac: "I've had success with taking Fenugreek after seeing it recommended here. Normally my recovery period is 4-5 days. But taking Fenugreek an hour before orgasm cuts that time in half. Taking it *after* orgasm doesn't seem to have any effect. I've been taking two capsules of the Solgar brand Fenugreek."[unsure of trial duration]
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg220970#msg220970Chewbacca: "What has helped me with POIS induced social anxiety is fenugreek." [unsure of trial duration]
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg208203#msg208203Lodewijkp: "for some reason niacin, fenugreek, cannabis and theanine improves my health and relieves like 40 % of these symptoms ( physical ones but not mental ones )."[unsure of trial duration]
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=796.msg7274#msg7274Eugen: "Fenugreek has helped me." [unsure of trial duration]
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=934.msg9435#msg9435curedone2013: "Previously after ejaculation, within 1/2 hour I would start feeling brain fog, really tired, sore eyes, complete lack of focus/retention of anything new, general sickness, complete lack of sex drive, muscle weakness, and soreness in my joints which increased for about 2 days and then would begin to subside and I would feel normal again after about 6 days." "I recently started drinking olive oil, increased the amount of fat in my diet, and take fenugreek and I noticed that I would feel a LOT better."
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg413233#msg413233Staystrong: "I also take Fenugreek to reduce the intensity of my orgasms which seems to help with the pressure in my head."
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg238274#msg238274omen: "i tried fenugreek while in pois....it helps,but makes me aggressive..."[unsure of trial duration]
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=27.msg1699#msg1699Said he has fenugreek in his daily meals(lives in India):
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=22.msg3172#msg3172Vanker: "I have tried fenugreek before and after an orgasm. It eliminated my social anxiety. And my brain fog had been greatly reduced. my physical symptoms also reduced. It's also made me more sociable. I also noticed if I take it after an orgasm I sleep very soundly. It also help me alot during POIS. I have read Hurray posts on the NakedScientistForum and this forum and my symptoms is very similar to Hurray. Like very dry skin and extremely straw hair. The most awful symptoms for me is my cognitive symptoms."
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=27.msg19119#msg19119Other results continued into post below